136 episodes

Jaeho Guild Guild leader Kim Woo-jae rejected the guard’s offer.

Even so, it was so blatant that I doubted that it was a government trap investigation.



The Jaeho Guild seems to be yawning all the way while hunting and seems not to be interested in his job at all.

When I remember the camera I brought with me, I only shoot a few meaningless scenes.

A watchman who literally shows the end of a lazy civil servant.

“what do you think about it?”

At Kim Woo-jae’s words, the deputy chief shook his head and said.

“I do not know either.”

“Did you know?”

Kim Woo-jae, who ordered the deputy guild leader to investigate the guards.

“I saw you know. But there was nothing special about it. He’s just such a widespread and widespread hunter. So I secretly contacted Jungin Development… .”

“Jeong-in development? What?”

Development of Jung-in, who has the most information about Hunter.

Since the entire city of Dangjin Dungeon is under the influence of Jeongin development, a hunter who has gone through Dangjin at least once cannot be unaware of Jeongin development.

Everything from eating and sleeping to buying and selling, from life to hunting, was in the hands of Jeongin Development.

“He was just an ordinary hunter.”

“Hey, that’s a bummer.”

Kim Woo-jae pondered for a moment.

“Apart from whether the watchman is reliable or not, how about the proposal itself?”

“Are you fine.”

Like the top guild, the Jaeho Guild generates nearly 30 billion won in sales per month in Busan Dungeon.

If the weighted tax promoted by the current government is introduced, the added tax will be enormous.

But what if you could buy a watchman to make government surveillance meaningless and pick up only those benefits?

It’s not bad.

“Uh… .”

Kim Woo-jae, who was staring intently at the guard, said.

“For now, continue the investigation and attach a guild member to that guard.”

“after that?”

“Buy some drinks, eat them, and then tell them to float around. Are you serious?”

* * *

“Hey!! kill!!”

A watchman who hums happily while drinking liquor.

And the guild member of the Jaeho Guild, who looked at such a watchman, thought.

‘What a bastard… .’

I was familiar with it and knew it.

The actual situation of hunters who applied for national positions.

But I hope it will be like this

Even though it was the first time he had a drink with himself, the watchdog, he accepted it at once and enjoyed it so naturally.

No matter how lax the public officials may be, this is too far-fetched.

The behavior of the guards with no will to maintain dignity.

“Heh heh, good good.”

The guard said, stroking the thigh of the girl sitting next to him.

“Are you from Busan?”


“I have some romance with a woman in Busan, but can I call you oppa once?”

It’s really stupidity itself.

The guild member looked at such a watchman and thought.

‘Let’s not rush it yet. It could all be acting.’

The guild member said, recalling the words of the deputy guild chief who said that he might be a guard picked and picked by the government to put the Jaeho guild into the surveillance network.

“Do you like it?”

“I like it! It’s great to be on a business trip like this. There was a lot of snow around the office, so it was very frustrating. kick kick. Ah, pretty ones. I have something to talk to you, so can you go out for a moment?”

As the girls went out of the room, the watchman poured the liquor into a glass and said:

“You haven’t decided yet?”

“What do you mean?”

“I live without thinking, but I am not stupid. That’s why you’re suspicious, right? Well, I understand. It would be hard to believe all at once.”

A watchman who understood the purpose of the guild member.

“I can’t show this by turning it inside out. Why don’t you just trust and try trading?”

“It’s not as simple as it sounds.”

“Hmm, I’m really happy if I get a lot of money.”

I’ve heard it, but it looks like the dondok has really risen.

‘Now they say that the national salary is similar to that of ordinary hunters… .’

Even a low-level hunter would earn at least 2,000 or more per month.

In other words, as long as you don’t get greedy, there’s no problem with being greedy.

‘Why are you so greedy for money?’

However, a guild member suddenly noticed fruit snacks.

‘… Come to think of it, you didn’t even touch the snacks?’

The guards only drink alcohol from start to finish, but do not touch the snacks.

And the same goes for the guild members themselves.

If the guards didn’t touch the fruit snacks for the same reason as the guild members… .

‘Shall we float?’

It’s a little risky, but there’s no more reliable verification method than this.

The guild member pointed to the fruit and said.

“Do you not eat fruit?”

“It doesn’t suit my taste.”

“… That’s funny. That’s why I’m not even touching it.”

The guard stopped at the words of the guild member and said.

“Come to think of it… uh? Perhaps.”

Said the watchman, pretending to drop his finger on the fruit with a look of interest.


Sugar was one of many slang words used by snow-white powder addicts.


The watchman was a snow white powder addict.

He is also a severe addict like himself that he does not even touch food that has not been powdered.

Hue is the goat

Guild members are now somewhat relieved.

But you also need to check for sure.

“Do you need it?”

Then the watchman said with his eyes shining.

“That’s nagging to say the least!”

* * *

The guards all proposed a deal to the guild leaders in their own way, and finally the results started to come out one by one.

“The Jaeho Guild has finally passed.”

The Jaeho Guild, who continued to watch the liver, eventually made a deal with the guards attached to them.

I heard that they had a snow white powder party with the guild members, but they are from the snow white fruit organization.

Anyway, thanks to you, we made the transaction easier.

Of course, he shows a certain level of vigilance, such as confiscating the camera and having his back from the guild and boss when attacking the boss.

Of course, the information obtained in that way will be in my hands, not the government.

“I hope the President will be satisfied with this.”

Even if there is no income through the watcher, do you suspect the watcher first or the guilds first?

Of course, the latter comes first.

You would think that the guilds were thoroughly hiding it.

Of course, that will lead to suspicions about the watchman over time, and a watcher replacement card may come out… .

I said raising the corners of my lips.

“It was already too late by then.”

Starting with the hunter I put in, all the national hunters are dyed black little by little.

In the end, all hunters will become a rotten organization drunk on money or power.

From then on, the white pill is invalid.

If you change the guard, that guy is that guy.

If the front-line guards look like this, there is no point in introducing Kim Kang-gyun’s regulatory policy.

Fortunately, thanks to the Kim Woong and Han Moo guilds that I pushed in, I can somehow maintain it, but anyway, it’s just the last oxygen respirator left in the state job.

Then I got a phone call from me.

– I brought it.

“A checkpoint?”

– None.

A large-scale smuggling finally succeeded after the watchdog system was introduced.

At first, the government tried to introduce a guard system only for the Busan dungeon, but I intervened and changed the direction to attach a guard to all guilds I wanted.

Thus, the Snow White Fruit Organization has now succeeded in smuggling in earnest on a large-scale.

“How much is the sheep?”

– It is about 30 times the usual amount. Just put it in your bag and take it with you. haha.

Although the production efficiency increased through the mass production of supplies, there was a limit to the amount of smuggling, which was always disappointing.

“Good. All right.”

So I hung up the phone.

“There will be no problem with the supply of snow white fruit.”

Quantity is no longer an issue.

All you have to do is sell it like crazy and put it back together.

The production was overwhelming enough to even consider exports.

Of course, direct export can be dangerous, so export should be done indirectly.

“By the way, if this happens, the sap supply will be insufficient, not the snow white fruit.”

A sap that forcibly raises the vitality of cactus monsters and makes them produce fruit.

The problem is that this sap only comes from the Busan dungeon, but with the exception of the mass production of snow white fruit, it has no value, so everyone was ignoring it.

“Hmm… .”

After thinking for a moment, I opened my eyes and said.

“Wait, the market is now complete.”

A fully ripened and established black market.

With the firm leash of snow-white fruit in my hand, the merchant can never disobey my instructions.

“Should I buy sap through the black market? Or is it all illegal items?”

It is to create a trading list and unit price only for the black market, not the bright market.

A market where illegal torture mushroom spore powder is traded and the sap is expensive.

By the way, the guards are all attached to the top guilds, so it’s perfect for checkpoints.

When various illegal items are traded at high prices, the guilds will also take them and sell them on the black market, and if the black market becomes the main trading partner of the guilds, there is really nothing to fear now.

taken from noblemt l

My goal is to open up the black market, which had been operated by my own monopoly, to the world, and to attract a variety of customers and products to become a real market.

“Okay, shall we move?”

* * *

The guilds who bribed the guards all had the same thoughts.

Tax cuts and at the same time free from government surveillance.

The significance of the guard’s existence was just that.

Annoying but helpful.

And it was the same for Kim Woo-jae of the Jae-ho Guild.

Since the guard is a severe snow-white powder addict, it doesn’t seem like the government’s purgatory, so it was Kim Woo-jae’s idea to give him some money and get some benefits.

“Are you buying rotten tree sap at 4 million won per kg at the Dangjin Black Market?!”

What is rotten tree sap?

Although it rapidly promotes plant growth, it has poor taste and nutrition, so it is virtually treated as garbage.

Of course, the rotten tree monster was also treated as an avoidable monster.


“It’s not a lie?”

“I don’t think that’s the case, considering that I can still hear people buying and collecting while taking a break.”

At 4 million won per kg, the price belongs to the very expensive axis in Busan dungeon.

Naturally, countless rotten wooden carcasses that I had caught and left behind came to mind.

“It’s not just that. Red mushroom spores per kg… .”

After that, various materials mentioned one after another.

taken from noblemt l

Most of the materials were considered illegal or treated as garbage.

“Is it that expensive?”

Kim Woo-jae said with a bewildered expression.

“What the hell?”

That is, materials that have been thrown away for granted are in the spotlight on the black market.

It is also quite expensive.

“Guild leader, isn’t this an opportunity?”

The guild member pointed his chin at the watchman sitting in the distance and said.

“It’s our free pass. I bought him.”

“… right.”

“Most of these things were thrown away because it was illegal, but if you take them and sell them on the black market… .”

The problem is that the brand is illegal for some reason, but if it is illegal anyway, the situation is already being committed from the moment the skill registration system is rejected.

There’s no reason not to do it if it’s money.

Even things that were thrown away.

“I’m a watchman… .”

I bought it just to save tax and to be free from surveillance, but I found the use of a guard in an unexpected place.

Using the purchased watchman to safely take out illegal goods and sell them on the black market is an unconditional plus in existing income.

Even at this price, I thought it would be okay to skip everything and collect only these.

“Let’s move quickly, the guild chief. Hurry before other guilds move and the price changes.”

Now, the guards who bought them are transformed from being annoying but helpful to being a plus alpha to guild income.

“Did you say 200 million cycles per month?”


“… Hmm.”

The basic condition of Jaeho Guild is that the guards ignore information about them instead of providing 200 million won per month to the guards.

Kim Woo-jae pondered for a moment.

“money… I need to raise it a little.”

Now, it is necessary to add illegal material smuggling to the basic conditions, so the amount of money will inevitably go up.

“Give it back to 300 million.”

* * *

At first, it was just a watchman for government surveillance.

But strangely, as a result, illegal materials began to be secretly distributed in the market.

The reason illegal materials are illegal is not because the properties of the materials are bad, but rather because they are too good, but because there are concerns about side effects.

In other words, there was always a demand group that needed it even though it had side effects like that.

However, as the guilds that bought the guards smuggle out illegal materials and supplies are supplied, a huge synergy effect is created by interlocking with the demand group who desperately wanted such illegal materials.

A man approached the black market merchant and said in a quiet voice.

“Do you have any juice?”

The essence the man is talking about is the essence of a monster from a dungeon in Busan. Drinking this essence clears the mind along with the awakening effect and raises the concentration to a high degree.

However, if the awakening effect is lowered instead, it shows extreme anxiety as a reaction, and is illegally branded by the government because it is temporarily impossible to carry out daily life.

At the man’s words, the merchant glanced at the man and said,

“Where are you going to use it?”

“just… I have a promotion exam soon.”

“Are you aware of the side effects of this?”


“How much?”

“Only 10g, please.”

“10 grams? If that’s the case, I wouldn’t be able to do anything for almost a week… .”

“It doesn’t matter. I’m going to take a vacation after the exam is over. I can’t stand it because I’m tired of the ten-year manager title. I’ll take it all, please.”

“If you want it, what can you do? 50 million won.”

So the deal was made.

In addition, illegal materials were various.

taken from noblemt l

Most of them do damage over a period of time or permanently instead of giving a specific effect.

But to those who visited the black market, such side effects meant nothing.

In the first place, I came here with the intention to endure that much.

The black market, which was nothing more than a snow white fruit supplier, now handles all dungeon items that are not available in the market, and has been transformed into a truly illegal goods comprehensive market.

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