164 episodes

“What do you think?”

At Kim Kang-gyun’s words, Jo Man-cheol said with a serious expression.

“Escape to the dungeon. To be honest, this is the surest way.”

Unless you know exactly how big your opponent is and to what extent they know, even escaping abroad cannot be guaranteed with 100% safety.

Besides, the member belonging to the ruling party’s youth committee, and the nephew of the chief of staff Cho Man-cheol suddenly disappears?

Rather, it could have won the attention of public opinion and opposition parties because of this.

However, there is no way to 100% protect Jo Young-chan’s personal life when it comes to Korea.

But dungeons are different.

Unlike the Earth where CCTVs are spread everywhere, there is almost no crime prevention system, and the number of hunters has increased a lot, but compared to the size of the dungeon, it is only one level of mana.

As Jung In-soo said, it was the best place to escape if you were determined and made a hiding place deep in the dungeon, where you could hide for years.

It is one of the reasons why Kim Kang-gyun suffered a headache because he did not control the inside of the dungeon throughout his tenure.


“The problem is that in order to do that, Yeongchan needs to register as a hunter.”

Unregistered hunters cannot enter the dungeon.

In the first place, it is impossible to enter the dungeon unless you are a hunter, but hunters who are not registered for management control are prohibited from entering the vicinity of the dungeon at all.

“We have considered forging other hunters’ registration cards, but the entrance to the dungeon is managed as highly as at the airport, such as CCTV and ID scanners… .”

“Hey, that’s a pain in the butt.”

A relative of the president who has awakened as a hunter.

There is nothing special about this in itself.

But the problem is that someone unidentified has already smelled it.

“It’s actually like convincing those unknown people that Jo Young-chan is a terrorist… .”

“If they really used the skill stone to confirm that Yeongchan is a hunter, there’s no point in hiding it all the time. I just woke up in France and had no choice but to make up the story to the extent that I was planning to return to Korea to register.”

Hunter certification is very easy if you have a skill stone.

If it is revealed later that Jo Young-chan is a hunter while clumsy hiding here, it becomes difficult to avoid the suspicion that he intentionally hid that he was a hunter.

Of course, this will also be linked to the allegations of terrorists.

“As soon as you register at that time, before they even respond, you hide in a hiding place with the excuse of exploring the dungeon. If they really smelled something, we would rush to find Yeongchan, but if all of this was our misunderstanding and a simple happening, it would end quietly without anyone paying attention.”

“If that’s the case, I can’t ask for anything more… .”

At that time, Jo Man-cheol said with a bright expression on his face.

“Still, the situation is not so bad. At first, I was bewildered and flustered, but when I thought about it from their point of view, the fact that Yeongchan was a hunter was too weak to convince me that he was a terrorist.”

“What do you mean?”

“Like the Hanmoo Guild was misunderstood, was there a guild that cooperated with us, or was it using a hunter who had been thoroughly prepared in advance and gathered there, or was there really only one terrorist? There are too many variables to consider from their point of view. I knew that Yeongchan was a hunter, but I can’t believe in that one thing and bet everything.”

At that, Kim Kang-gyun said with a smile.

“That gives me some strength.”

“If there is one prerequisite, unless there is Jeong In-su behind those unknown people.”

Jo Man-cheol said with a serious expression.

“Jung In-soo was at a disadvantage in the presidential election. It also delivered the skill stone directly to the president. Of course, you are well aware that the attack was improvised and that the President had no choice but to save the terrorists from around him. That’s probably the reason why I said that if I set my mind to looking for it at a private university, I wouldn’t be able to find it. That is, Jung In-soo… He is the only person who can recognize that Youngchan is a terrorist just by registering as a hunter.”

“It’s Jung In-soo again.”

“Still, he is perfectly aware of his situation as if he did not want the president to collapse at the time alone and he would suffer great damage if that fact was exposed to the outside. Of course, I don’t trust it.”

Kim Kang-gyun, who had been thinking for a while, said.

“Anyway, in the current situation, registration as a hunter is unavoidable. So it’s best to register sooner rather than later and send it to hiding.”

“That’s right.”

“good. Instead, only the Hunter Team from the Blue House Security Office will be deployed this time.”

The government had two hunter resources.

The National Security Agency Hunter Team was created by gathering large-scale national hunters and hunters who had served the country before becoming a hunter like those from special forces.

Although they were few, they were highly trained and above all, they were the only ones they could trust.

“Let’s not only state hunters, but also the Hanmoo guild and Jeong In-su should not know the location of the hideout. Do you understand what I mean?”

“of course.”

“Then move right away.”

* * *

“Nice to meet you. Guild leader Kim Woong.”

Yoon Sang-deok said with a smile.

“This is Yoon Sang-deok.”

Kim Woong looked at Yoon Sang-deok and said.

“Is he the one who told Dong-soo about the president’s suspicions?”

“you’re right. You said you wanted to meet me? Now, ask anything. I came here today with the intention of providing a loan service. Isn’t that a rare opportunity?”

“Before that, I want to ask you this first. Why did you approach Dong-soo? For what purpose.”

Yoon Sang-deok shook his head and said.

“That was not included in today’s service… Can’t we just take the facts and go?”

“Nothing can be trusted if it contains impure intent.”


Yoon Sang-deok clicked his tongue and said.

“How good it is if you do it in moderation. Do you really have to be that tight? So you get hit in the back.”

Kim Woong said with a firm expression.

“What now… .”

“Hey, Guild Leader Kim Woong.”

Yoon Sang-deok said with a cold expression.

“I see you are mistaken, but our purpose is impure. But there is one selection task that must be done in the process. That is the freedom of the Hanmu Guild. It’s just that you and us have a good interest, right?”

“Even if it were… .”

“Oh, it’s frustrating!! Don’t you even think about the guild members? Is it over if I tell you alone? You have skills, so it’s fine, but don’t you feel that you’re falling behind other guild members taking care of their national duties?”

At Yoon Sang-deok’s words, Kim Woong bit his lip and said.

“that… .”

“You tried to follow the rules you like and honesty, but you couldn’t even resist properly, so you were taken to the national office and still do it? Even after knowing that my words were true and being taken advantage of by the president, are you going to fill the contract until the end by saying that the contract is a contract? Can’t figure out what’s important right now? great. I will tell you short and bold.”

Yoon Sang-deok raised the corners of his mouth and said.

“I just approached Lee Dong-soo because he looked naive. To leak information from our side to that side.”

What Yoon Sang-deok and Lee Dong-soo set in advance.

However, Yoon Sang-deok went one step further.

“For reference, the information we got from raiding government officials. do you know Who puts a knife in the pillow every night.”

Kim Woong exclaimed in shock.

“What, what?”

And Kim Woong, who looked back at Lee Dong-soo.

“Dongsu, did you know?”

Then, Lee Dong-soo, who was equally astonished, nodded and said:

“Oh no, that’s… .”

Lee Dong-soo was bewildered when something that was not agreed upon in advance came out.

At that time, Yoon Sang-deok intervened and said.

“Don’t get me wrong, he doesn’t know. This is the first time I’ve told you here.”

Kim Woong jumped up from his seat and said.

“Who is the assailant? For what purpose did you do that!”

Yoon Sang-deok said with a smile.

“By the way, are you around here? Because I’m a bit safety sensitive. And was the assailant really one person?”

Kim Woong looked around with a nervous expression.


‘I can’t feel anything.’

I knew for a long time that my opponent wasn’t a normal person, but that’s it.

Even knowing that it exists, I can’t figure out its location or even if it really exists.

“By the way, the attack was just to scare you. To get the guilds out. Like trying to get you out. sit down anyway. I’m just going to tell you a little bit and I’m leaving.”

“ね… .”

“We figured out during the raid that he could be a hunter. The reaction speed was pretty good. So, you’re making a plan to figure it out exactly, but you’re suddenly going abroad? more award-winning So I mobilized overseas hunters to check it out. Oh, by the way, is it our global organization? global. Anyway, when I hold the skill stone in my hand and press it, it disappears while pororong. I was sure then This guy was the terrorist back then. So I felt a sense of crisis and took it abroad.”

Kim Woong, who was silent for a moment, said.

“How can you be sure that that alone is a terrorist?”

Yoon Sang-deok said with a smirk.

“Anyway, can’t you tell me everything? I can’t say that there is a reason, though. But do you know that?”

Yoon Sang-deok said with a smirk.

“Kim Kang-gyun knows that we found out that he is a hunter. So, will Kim Kang-gyun do something? Either send it to a third country that is hard to track… Uh, maybe we could send him to the dungeon.”


“It is spacious and there are few people. It’s perfect for an escape. Anyway, if it’s really a dungeon, I’ll register as a hunter, right? take a good look Name Cho Young-chan, member of the ruling party’s youth committee. What if he suddenly registers as a hunter, and then escapes into the dungeon? Then the way for the Hanmu Guild to get out of the government’s grip is to disappear forever.”

Yoon Sang-deok got up from his seat and said.

“Catch Jo Young-chan. For not registering skills. Then reveal his skills. Lend us our strength if you need it. If that’s the case, then you are free. After all, it’s your job to catch people who don’t have skills, right? Just pretend you’re cheating and give it a try. Because that one time can change your future.”

Yoon Sang-deok said as he walked out of the room.

“There is a difference between being good and being stupid. Just remember this.”

* * *

After returning to Korea and registering as a hunter, Jo Young-chan got into the car, and Jo Man-cheol, who was waiting for him, said:

“Did you register?”

“Yes, little father.”

“I want to tell you to go into the dungeon right now, but it’s too arbitrary and go straight to the dungeon as soon as you wake up tomorrow morning.”

The awakening of celebrities is always a topic of discussion.

“I did it on purpose at the Hunter Agency registration deadline, so it will probably be quiet until tomorrow morning. I’ve found a hiding place and someone to protect me, so I’m hiding there for the time being. I will bring you everything you need.”

Then Jo Young-chan sighed and said.

“Ha, you really want to be in there? No internet or nothing?”

“It’s only been a few months. Half a year, no matter how long. Little daddy will put everything in there.”

“driving me crazy.”

Jo Man-cheol comforted Jo Young-chan and said.

“Young-chan, you just have to endure this one time. You will be the pride of our family as a politician. i’ll make it that way must.”

Jo Young-chan, who took a deep breath at those words, said.

“Really? really… How many months will it be?”

“If the president pushes like he is now, everything will be sorted out in a few months. In that case, as a hunter, I can protect you even if you put up a human barrier around you.”

“Whoa, I see. I will do that.”

Jo Man-cheol said, rubbing Jo Young-chan’s shoulder.

“Yes, yes. do you know How powerful it is to share secrets. The president also realized the importance of you, so when you come out, your position will be completely different.”

“yes… .”

“Let’s go, we have prepared our accommodation.”

“But, uncle. I may not see my parents for a few months, so can I come and say hello?”

Then Jo Man-cheol shook his head and said.

“That’s not allowed. There’s a chance they’re watching you. Now is the time to save yourself as much as possible.”

“… All right.”

* * *

The next day, Jo Young-chan gets into Jo Man-cheol’s car and goes somewhere else.

At that time, Jo Young-chan said with a worried expression.

“Maybe they don’t come attacking us before we enter the dungeon, right?”

“I can’t do that. There are not one or two dungeons, and above all, there are fewer than 10 people, including the President and myself, who know this. All of them are verified characters. Even if we knew where we were going, by then we would have already entered the dungeon. furthermore… .”

Jo Man-cheol said with a confident expression.

“If it is near the dungeon, it is a place where not only national hunters but also all kinds of guilds and hunters come and go. There they attack me, the chief of staff? No matter how strong they are, they won’t be able to do that. So rest assured.”

“I know. I will only trust my little father.”

After running for a while, Jo Man-cheol and his party arrived at Gumi.

An optimal place where Jeong In-soo has almost no influence and at the same time there are fewer hunters and the level of monsters is also low.

It was Jo Young-chan’s escape chosen by Jo Man-cheol.

Jo Man-cheol, who arrived at the parking lot, said:

“Let’s get off.”


As Jo Man-cheol and Jo Young-chan got off, the hunters saw it.

“Wait, are you familiar?”

“uh? You’re the chief of staff at the Blue House, aren’t you?”

The hunters were impressed by the appearance of the president’s closest aides.

“Damn, what else did you come here to do?”

“I don’t know, let’s not get involved for nothing.”

Jo Man-cheol ignored the hunters’ reactions and walked towards the dungeon.

“Stay calm. As an awakened youth committee member, you are going to visit the dungeon and check the actual condition of the dungeon with your own eyes.”

“I know. I think I’ve heard it a hundred times already.”

As the dungeon got closer and closer, Jo Man-cheol said.

“If you just pass there, you are halfway successful.”

“Yes, Uncle.”

So the dungeon gate guarded by the soldiers who arrived.

Jo Man-cheol stopped and said.

“I am here.”

As it was not an official schedule, Jo Man-cheol, a public figure, was here.

Jo Man-cheol said with a smile.

“Take a good look and come back. Be careful with your safety.”

Jo Young-chan nodded his head as he said that he was completely conscious of the soldier.

“Yes, uncle. I will be back soon.”


Jo Young-chan went inside with the bodyguard hunter like that.

After checking his ID, Jo Man-cheol muttered as he saw Young-chan Jo writing the entry list.

“Almost done.”

If Kim Kang-gyun’s only weakness is hidden, the Hunter regulation innovation will proceed without any problem, and the guilds will kneel one by one.

Then, by making the national positions more attractive, the government’s dominance in the dungeon is further consolidated by mass-producing national positions as planned.

At that time, even if Jo Young-chan appears, he must have had enough strength to protect him.

“Uncle Daddy!”

At the same time, Jo Young-chan, who had written all the entry and exit lists, shouted out loud as if other people were to listen.

“I will go!”

Jo Man-cheol smiled brightly and said.

“okay! Take care and go!”

Just when I was about to take that last step.

“Wait a moment.”

A familiar voice came from behind.

Jo Man-cheol turned his head and said with a shocked expression.

“Guild leader Kim Woong?”

Hue is the goat

Guild leader Kim Woong and members of the Hanmu guild were approaching Jo Man-cheol.

“Chief Secretary.”

“What are you doing here all of a sudden?”

“The report came in.”

It is the natural duty of the Hanmoo Guild to receive a report and go out.

However, Jo Man-cheol, who felt something uneasy, said urgently.

“Are you reporting? What was the report… .”

“This is a skill unregistered report. We will report the details separately.”

Then, Woong Kim and the Hanmu Guild went inside without hesitation.

Then, suddenly, he stopped in front of Jo Young-chan and Kim Woong said.

“Mr. Youngchan Jo.”

“Yes… ?”

“I have received a report of not registering skills. Let’s go together.”

* * *

“Pu ha ha ha ha!!”


It’s perfectly successful.

“Hey, that was pretty hard.”

From the outside, it looks like it was easy to catch, but in fact, it went through a lot of work under the water.

First of all, I persuaded Kim Woong by continuously leaking information through Lee Dong-soo in order to make Kim Woong move as I intended, but it was quite difficult because Kim Woong persisted until the end.

“By the way, is it Jo Man-cheol’s recipe?”

I constantly checked the dungeon entrances to identify the dungeons they spotted as stash.

But, maybe Jo Man-cheol’s head was used, so the hunter team of the Blue House bodyguard went in and out of all the dungeons alternately.

The only way left was to follow Man-Cheol Jo or Young-Chan Cho.

So, a person was assigned to each organization that could register as a hunter, but just before the job was completed, Jo Man-cheol registered a dummy vehicle of the same model as well.

Thanks to that, in the end, the follow-up was also unsuccessful.


“Even the meticulous chief of staff Cho Man-cheol can’t even block his nephew’s snout.”

Jo Young-chan, who heard of the dungeon in which Jo Man-cheol had a hiding place, reassured them on the phone call with his parents, but unknowingly told him that the dungeon he was planning to explore was copper, and all of the information was delivered to me through my subordinates who were eavesdropping on Jo Young-chan’s parents. .

I was lucky.

Thanks for making the job easier.

Of course, even if it wasn’t Jo Young-chan’s stupid thing, each dungeon was already full of the hunters I placed and there were several Plan B’s, such as preparing additional follow-up actions, so I was able to cope with it enough, but still, the current scenario is the most picturesque and saves time. So I’m just thankful.

“Okay, all the ingredients are ready.”

The government, the guilds, and the Hanmu guild.

Now I upgrade this mess and make it a f*cking bastard and I’m the savior of the government.

I said raising the corners of my lips.

“Shall we start cooking in earnest now?”

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