167 episodes

“Is there any good way?”

Kim Kang-gyun, whom I met as soon as I offered to go solo.

I was in a hurry, so as soon as I sat down, I took out the main topic.

I said with a relaxed expression.

“There is a way.”

“Then tell me.”

“But for that to happen, the president has to tell me the truth.”

“… … .”

“I’ve made an escape route at best, but if another problem arises because of a fact I didn’t know about, then it may no longer be possible to fix it.”

I looked at Kim Kang-gyun and said.

“Now tell me. Terrorists, and who has how many skills.”

“that… .”

I would be hesitant to disclose all my weaknesses to me.

“If only you could tell me… We will move in a direction that does as little damage to the government as possible. If necessary, I actively use the power I have. Again, I want the President to finish his term and come out.”

Kim Kang-gyun looked at me and said.

“Hearing the way comes first.”

“It is the opposite. Knowing that, you can complete the method.”

Kim Kang-gyun, who had been thinking about my words for a long time, said.

“… To be honest, I don’t believe in CEO Jung.”

“I guess so.”

It must have happened to me once or twice.

“But this time, I believe. The reason is simple. If this fact becomes known outside, I will be impeached. That is, there is no back.”

Kim Kang-gyun said with sharp eyes.

“If this fact is leaked outside. Even if it is not that CEO Chung leaked it, I will disclose all the fact that CEO Chung received a skill seat.”

So, Kang-gyun Kim said that he should not have a different mind because he will become a member of this judge’s board.

But does Kim Kang-gyun know?

This is rather the picture I wanted.

Emphasize that Kim Kang-gyun has my weakness, and I will pretend to follow it reluctantly and keep the regime long and thin.

At the same time, I manage and manipulate the government to suit my taste.

“Do not worry. Because I have no intention of doing that.”

“good. Then tell me Jo Young-chan is right. And all four skills are possessed by Jo Young-chan.”


It’s not easy to find a reliable hunter in that short amount of time.

“Then it’s perfect. It means that there will be no further leaks if we keep only Jo Young-chan.”

I said with a smile.


“Please speak.”

“If there was a button in front of the President to go back to before all this happened, would you press it?”

“… everything?”

“That’s right. The problem now is that all powers and people are twisted like a thread by their own interests. If I untied a single strand of thread here, would everything be resolved? no. In the meantime, another skein of thread will only get bigger and bigger. Like when gum sticks to your hair. Then what should I do?”

The president said with a firm expression.

“… You have to cut it.”

“you’re right. The tangles must be cut whole. I don’t know anything about interests or anything, so everything from the beginning. It resets everything.”

“Is that possible?”

“Available. Because they are there.”


“Those who hide their identities and plot plots in the dark. These guys made a video, threatened the people involved, and brought the situation like this. Putting all the blame on them.”

This is the reason why I hit the wall with Yoon Sang-deok at the fore.

The reason I successfully established the black market is because many people’s desires and interests are mixed here.

Even as a government, it’s more than a burden to touch, it’s scary enough.

The moment you touch the black market, all the guilds and upper classes who traded on the black market are involved.

The same goes for this time.

The organization of cancer led by Yoon Sang-deok.

I will make this organization a sanctuary where everyone’s sins are mixed.

“They threatened the government. You tell it to the outside world and say this. They manipulated terrorism to make Kim Kang-gyun president. However, after Kim Kang-gyun knew about it and turned down all their offers, they threatened Kim and other government officials.”

Kim Kang-gyun said with his eyes shining.

“Go ahead.”

“Kim Kang-gyun did not give in to their threats, but thought they were receiving the support of the guilds, so he pushed the guilds forward. However, I found out that not only the guilds’ protests, but also the ledgers were the intentions of the guilds.”

The government tried to control the guilds.

The guilds took action against the government.

All of this is being driven by the work of the cancer organization.

Throw indulgences on both sides and make each other pretend they don’t know, resetting everything.

“In other words, conflicts with the guild are the result of their intended alienation. That’s how you push it.”

“To the guilds?”

“Of course. If the government alone makes that claim, it will only give the conspiracy theorists a better meal, but if the guilds also agree with the claim, the story will be different. Are guilds just as exciting as fighting with the government? But did they have a chance to shed all their sins? Then you have to accept it. It is far less burdensome to curse an unknown and unidentified organization than to accuse the government.”

Bind each other’s sins together and throw them away.

and pretend not to know each other.

Even though he clearly knows that he did it himself, he blames it all on the cancerous organization.

“But there may be guilds behind them, right? To be honest, it is most likely.”

“If that’s the case, then we need to attract more. The government puts down terrorism, and the guilds put the organization behind each other.”

I said with my hands wide open.

“Voice, then everything goes back to the way it used to be.”

The terrorist conspiracy theory has the substance of a dark organization, which makes it seem like the source of all future crimes.

All they do is make them blame the cancerous tissue.

That simplifies the situation.

This dark organization is a kind of trash can for the powerful.

And no one wants to mess around with trash cans.

“The guilds return to their main jobs, and the government will be liberated from everything.”

“But then… The driving force behind all the things we’ve done in the past… .”

“It is literally a reset. As I said before, it is not a simple situation where you can pick and eat only what you want. You have to put down what you put down.”

Kim Kang-gyun made Hunter control a key promise of the regime.

But if you accept my suggestion, you have to let go of all the weaknesses of the guilds that you barely caught.

The reason the Hanmu Guild accepted the government’s proposal was because there was no way to get rid of the frame, but the real culprit came out as a government official?

Then, the Hanmu Guild would be a good excuse to let go of the state job.

Kim Woong is already suspicious of the government by Yoon Sang-deok.

In this situation, the government is pointing the finger at the cancer organization and saying that they are all doing it, can Kim Woong fully believe that fact?

In the end, Kim Woong and Han Moo Guild will leave the national post, and the government has no choice but to rely entirely on me.


Because you hold my weakness, you will think that it is the only hand you can use to eat.

“By the way, what if the organization behind them is not a guild? And what should I do if they come face-to-face with my claims?”

“That’s not a concern. Both the guild and the government have already blamed him, so what is the meaning of their claims? Just keep on crying. These guys are doing shit again. It’s obvious they’re up to something, etc.”

Kim Kang-gyun, who had been thinking about my words for a while, said.

“It would be the best if we just do as President Jung said. But will the people really believe it?”

“It doesn’t matter. What we need is a plausible lie, not the truth in the first place.”

“lie… .”

“The lies that people are talking about now are against the president. Then we have to cover up a lie in favor of the President. A lie that everyone can embrace and that everyone can understand. If everyone agrees with the lie, then the lie becomes the truth.”

Kim Kang-gyun, who closes his eyes to my words and repeats the django.

“A lie that everyone is happy with doesn’t need to be proven.”

“Whew… .”

Kim Kang-gyun wiped his face and said.

“what if… If it doesn’t go as President Jung said… .”

“Don’t worry.”

I said with a confident look.

“If this is the case, can I stand still? I will make it impossible. Even with everything I have.”

* * *

Press conference held at the Blue House.

Kim Kang-gyun, who appeared in front of numerous reporters, bowed 90 degrees and stood on the podium and said:

“First of all, I apologize once again for causing concern to the people with this unfortunate incident.”

Kim Kang-gyun looked at the reporters and said.

“I am holding this press conference because I have decided that I can no longer hide the truth.”

The bodyguards stopped the reporters from asking questions because the reporters were excited at the appearance of admitting terrorism, and Kim Kang-gyun continued his words.

“Please watch this first.”

As Kang-gyun Kim gestured, a video was played on the screen behind him.

“This is a video of a recent raid that was not released to the public, obtained with the cooperation of France.”


“The assailants used the CCTV blind spots to make sure that they did a thorough investigation in advance, but fortunately, the video was captured on a distant CCTV, albeit blurry. Let’s see.”

That’s how the video started.

It was too far away to see the outline of the face, but it was possible to grasp the approximate degree of movement.

The assailants beat a person for a long time, covered their hands and eyes, then did something and ran away.

“Who attacked whom?”

“The person who was attacked was… I am Cho Young-chan.”

“Jo Young-chan?! Have you acquired the skill?”

“you’re right.”

Kim Kang-gyun continued speaking in a calm tone.

“At this time, Commissioner Jo Young-chan stated that someone had put something like a stone in his hand. And from this incident, Commissioner Youngchan Cho acquired the teleport skill.”

Then the reporters said with a surprised expression.

“Well, then maybe.”

“you’re right. Commissioner Young-chan Cho’s teleporting skill was acquired not voluntarily, but intentionally. The reason I couldn’t tell you this in advance was because I was afraid that something like this might happen. To teach a nephew close to me to learn a skill that seems to have been used in terrorism. The intention was obvious to anyone who could see it. But, not surprisingly, the organization used it to confuse Korea.”

“What is that organization?”

Kim Kang-gyun shook his head and said.

“We haven’t quite figured it out yet. That’s why we couldn’t tell the outsider this information. Because it is sure to interfere with the investigation. See you later.”

The pictures that followed were dozens of pictures of swords stuck in pillows.

“The photos you see are all illegal activities this organization has done to intimidate government officials. They have used their skills to enter the residence of government officials and threaten them by placing certain objects on their pillows. and… .”

The long-awaited last photo.

“This is a picture of Jo Young-chan’s parents and Jo Man-cheol’s older brother. As you can see, I was threatened several times. And these threats… .”

Kim Kang-gyun sighed and said.

“It’s something that started right after I was elected president.”

Reporters were shocked by the president’s bombshell remarks.

“How old is this threat to the president?!”

“What the hell is that organization?”

“The organization is the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks during the presidential election. And they have used that fact to intimidate me. They were elected because of them, so I ask them to grant their wishes. But I kept saying no. Then as you can see… .”

“Why did you target President Kim Kang-gyun?”

“I don’t know that either. Maybe it was because I was afraid of being in a situation like this and thought I would listen… . Anyway, I sent all government officials down to Dangjin in order not to succumb to this threat.”

Then the reporter said with a smirk.

“By the way, when I asked why everyone was going to Dangjin, it was because of that!?”

“Is this the work of the guilds?”

Kim Kang-gyun shook his head and said.

“I thought so too at first. That’s why I pushed the guilds in a blitz. I thought that these threats would no longer be possible if the guilds were kept under control regardless of human rights. But it wasn’t. Rather, all of this was what this organization intended. Even the ledgers that played a key role in arresting the guilds were all manipulation. In other words, the resistance of the guilds was also what they intended. If it was an organization created by guilds, they would not have manipulated data that could oppress guilds like this.”

Kang-gyun Kim exclaimed with a determined expression.

“I am really sorry for making such an announcement without being able to capture such an organization, but I feel a sense of crisis that the Republic of Korea will be divided if it is left as it is. And I ended up standing here thinking that all of this might be to confuse the Republic of Korea!”

Kim Kang-gyun said as he hit the podium.

“We must join forces! Don’t play around with these tricks anymore! everyone! That is what this organization wants!”

* * *

Yeom Chang-soo, who was in the detention center, muttered as he watched Kim Kang-gyun’s presentation.

“What? Is the ledger manipulation? So what happened to us?”

Evidence of threats faced by government officials abounds.

Besides, even the manipulated ledger.

At this point, I doubt that there really is a cancerous tissue.

Then the guard came and said,

“It’s a meeting.”

* * *

“It will be out soon. The investigation was stopped because President Kim Kang-gyun was all fabricated.”


Yeom Chang-soo said with an expression that he did not understand.

“Is that why you’re going to let me go? The ledgers have been tampered with, but that doesn’t mean that our tax evasion is gone, right?”

It started with a ledger, but after further investigation, all kinds of allegations were revealed by the Firebird Guild.

But are you saying that you don’t have all of that?

“… We have been manipulated.”


“It was manipulated by that organization. I said so.”

“Does that make sense? Are the people who made a deal with money still in our guild?”

“It’s Changsu.”

The deputy chief said with a firm expression.

“Let’s stop.”


“If you just do it like that, everything will be okay. you have a favorite word pretend you don’t know pretend not to see That’s just the way it is now. It’s an atmosphere where if you’ve been attacked by that organization, you’ll get over it. The president was also beaten, and we have nothing to say.”

Yeom Chang-soo said with a puzzled expression.

“No, what the hell happened? It was just announced to the public.”

“Before that, I had already contacted CEO Jung in advance. Let’s just finish it like that. I think President Jung talked to the government to some extent. Honestly, it’s fine. Do you have a good excuse to not hurt each other’s self-esteem? so… .”

The vice guild leader muttered a little.

“Let’s just do it like that and be done with it.”

* * *

The government has the image of a fighter who has fought without yielding to intimidation.

Hue is the goat

Guilds are a truly beautiful picture that adds strength to the organization’s dark schemes.

Of course, there are some weak spots in the middle, but that’s the end of it if you pour in the cancer-jung tissue, the universal key.


With this, the cancerous tissue was completed.

It uses dark tissue to maintain an appropriate level of tension and absorbs crimes from both sides.

And I control the government from behind as the only available hand of the government.

under the pretext of keeping them safe.

“It took a long time.”

A common enemy that everyone shares and cannot be touched at the same time.

The cancer-jung organization created in that way becomes a clear and firm cause for me to intervene in the government and guilds.

If a guild appears ignoring my words, it is enough to print it out by tying it up with the dark organization, and that is the same for individuals and the government.

Because of the existence of the cancerous organization, I will be in a position where I can rule the entire rule of Korea.

I said with my eyes shining.

“Now in Korea.”

In the future, the government will be busy watching me, and the guilds will start to do it more blatantly.

I control them all and make everything mine in the sun and in the shadows.

“No one can stop me.”

No one.

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