171 episodes

At first, a small number of black market merchants carefully sold the smuggled snow white fruit, but as the police investigation and crackdown became stronger and longer, the pace of the merchants’ departure began to accelerate.

Because customers are reluctant to visit because of the police who come in and out every day, an outside transaction that is cheap and can make a quick transaction if you have a car was a great alternative.

“It’s also unavoidable to be hot.”

taken from noblemt l

Most of the black market merchants are scavengers who flocked to the outside for money.

The most important thing for such seungnyangs is who feeds them more.

Then, Yoon Sang-deok looked at me and said.

“I… President?”

“Please speak.”

“It sounds a bit presumptuous, but… To be honest, I don’t think there will be many people left like this… .”

I said with a smirk.

“That’s exactly what I want.”


“Why do companies and organizations create systems to manage employees? This is to make it possible to roll even if one employee suddenly disappears, even if the proficiency drops if a replacement is put in. The same goes for this. What I need is not a capable person, but a few people who push forward and do not waver.”

I said raising the corners of my lips.

“Because they make the top layer a safer shield. Honestly those middle and bottom traders? Substitute resources are widespread. Of course, since we don’t have the sales power we have accumulated so far, it will take some time for us to establish ourselves again, but there are no substitutes anyway, right? In the end, the guests will come on their own.”

I don’t feel sorry for them at all.

They made a lot of money thanks to me and lived a luxurious life.

Just because you were chosen by me.

Then thank you for my choice and bless those who come out with honesty.

And it’s enough to drop the mace on those who think that everything they’ve built up until now is their own skill.

“So watch carefully. who is a good person In such a crisis situation, the true face of a person is likely to come out. If you’re a decent person, the floor trader doesn’t care. Of course, if you are the top candidate, you will have to go through a thorough verification process.”

* * *

“good. I do not live.”

The black man spoke in clumsy Korean at the words of the huge merchant.

“It’s cheap.”

“I don’t live. Whoa.”

“It’s cheap.”

“Go quickly before I report it right away.”

The black man finally backs away at the merchant’s words.

Seeing that, the merchant next to me said:

“Do you just buy and sell? I can’t do business at all these days.”

Then the big merchant said with a blunt expression.

“no. If a man makes a promise, he must keep it. I’ll be offended.”

“hey. Do you think the above will care if you keep that promise like a knife? Even if it wasn’t, it would be crazy to get involved with people who are black tigers or white tigers right now.”

“Then you should stay longer.”

“Hey, you boring bastard. If I bought it and sold it, no one would know. And what is being supplied from above you. Don’t you think there’s a lot of foreign bastards in there?”


“Right now, not only the ends like us, but the middle ones are all mixed and distributed little by little. If it were only you, would it be a loss?”

Hearing the words of a fellow merchant, a large man puffed out his nose and said.

“I don’t know about that. I didn’t see it with my own eyes, so I’ll just buy it and sell it.”

“Why are you so stubborn?”

“This is my second home. A second hometown that gave me a chance after I went out on my knees and was struggling to get a proper income after retiring. Thanks to the money I earned here, I sent my daughter to school and bought clothes for my wife. No matter how illegal I am, I don’t go astray.”

“tt. So, persistence.”

“Don’t be reckless. When have you ever given a wrong instruction from a superior? It is also said that holding only one high-quality stock for a long time is a shortcut to making money.”

The big merchant said as he organized the shelves.

“I didn’t learn anything, I just do what I’m told. In my experience, that’s the answer.”

* * *

As the investigation lengthened, more and more merchants were having an affair.

It was because it was burdensome to go further in earnest, although I was doing business with my back and tail.

That’s because I’m the one who is most strongly speculated to be behind this market.

“Chairman, shall we finish this soon?”

A situation in which all who could be caught were filtered out.

“Who is the big boss?”

“that… .”

Yoon Sang-deok looked me in the eye and said.

“It is presumed that all of the top merchants are intervening indirectly, if not directly.”

“I guess… .”

Even if no one else knows, the top traders are people who are well aware of my active involvement in the establishment of the market.

If you’re going to hit those guys, you’ve got to have solid evidence.

At the same time, I give them one last chance.

They’re all human, so making money with a little bit of backstabbing?

Up to that point, I can forgive you with great generosity.

Because that’s the nature of human greed.

But if you really betray me, it’s a different story.

“I have no intention of ending it here.”


“Mr. Sang-deok. Mr. Sang-deok thinks you’re lucky. Unlike other people, I know the contents of the dictionary so I don’t have to worry about it. How worried are other people? what is the correct answer what to do here, etc. That means that I have a high regard for Mr. Sang-deok. so… .”

I said with a bright smile.

“I don’t think I would, but if Sang-deok like that betrays me, it would be really heartbreaking.”

Then, Yoon Sang-deok said in an urgent voice.

“I will never do that! I have dedicated my whole life to you! So, aren’t you also acting as the face of the organization? If I have any problems, I will solve them all on my own!”

“What if it’s not the government, but a guild-like armed force and torture? Will you be able to stand it?”

Yoon Sang-deok thought about my words for a while and said.

“… I’d rather be honest. I am weak against pain, so I cannot stand the torture.”


Yoon Sang-deok said with a determined face.

“So, we will do our best to ensure safety. Like the president, I will put meat shields in front of me one after another and block the source so that it doesn’t even come to me. And we will wait for the salvation of the President. Until they come to me through my meat shields.”


The reason I trust Yoon Sang-deok is because of his past life memories and memories, but he also offers such honesty and countermeasures to them at the same time.

If I had ranted that I would endure torture, I would have lost my trust.

To be honest, even if you’re like me, you don’t have the confidence to last even a minute if you torture yourself like you see in a movie.

“If that’s the case, you can believe it. I don’t want anything to happen to Mr. Sang-deok. Wherever it is, whoever it is, we will surely save it.”

Yoon Sang-deok bowed his head and said.

“I totally believe it. President.”

“Anyway, it’s time for a real external threat. The threat is none other than… .”

I pointed at myself with my index finger and said with a smile.

“It folds right away.”

* * *

One day, a press conference by Jeong In development was suddenly held.

Jeong-in’s press conference, who runs a tower of immobility in all dungeon-related industries, has always attracted many people’s attention, so of course the auditorium was crowded with reporters.

I got on the podium and bowed my head to the reporters.

“hello. I am Jung In-soo, the representative of development.”

After saying goodbye calmly, I looked at the reporters and started talking in earnest.

“First of all, I was preparing for the reorganization of the recently enlarged Jeongin Development. Compared to the larger scale, the operating system is still not beyond the level of small and medium-sized enterprises, so it is decided that systematization work is necessary for a bigger leap this time. Therefore, we planned to create a new holding company called Jeongin Holdings, separate the rest of the companies according to industry, go through integration, and then officially form a group company.”

Jungin Holdings is newly established and all shares of other affiliates are transferred to Jungin Holdings.

Then, the basic plan of this plan is to rise to the position of chairman of Jeongin Holdings, and the rest of the affiliates will form a president’s group to become a true group company.

“Oh, is it finally becoming a group company?”

“Actually, I should have done it earlier if it was about development of Jeongin.”

“Awesome, in just a few years.”

“Isn’t this the first group company with dungeon roots?”

I said as I watched the reporters chatter.

“But that’s not why we’re holding the press conference today. In the midst of recent systematization, I received a call from the police that the black market in my Dangjin land may be the source of funds for the Black Tiger organization. Frankly, I was perplexed. The reason I did not intervene while being suspected of being behind the black market was because the livelihoods of many people depend on it.”

I said with a bitter expression.

“People who have lost their homes. And people who make a living from the money they earn there. Although the black market is harmed by illegality, I thought that there was more hope for those people. However!”

I said with a firm expression.

“Now things are different. The black market has grown so much that the side effects of it have exceeded my expectations. It’s the money line of an illegal organization that is nothing more than an evil… I decided that this situation should not be overlooked.”

It’s a black market that played a huge role in growing me up to this point, but now it’s time to let go.

For the development and growth of the Jungin Group.

Of course, it’s only going from left to right, though.

“I will actively cooperate with the police to root out the black market!! Without leaving any doubts!! At the same time as the reorganization of Jeongin Development, we will use this as an opportunity to clean up all kinds of illegal things together!”

Then the reporters ask questions over and over again with surprised faces.

“A black market!?”

“this… It’s a scoop!”

I exclaimed with a proud expression.

“Dangjin dungeon city where everyone can be proud. I will definitely make it. That is all.”

* * *

Jung In-soo’s press conference was like a bombshell for black market merchants.

Because they have always implicitly thought that Jung In-soo was the real owner of the black market.

But the owner, Jeong In-soo, declared that he would push out the entire black market.

“What the hell is going on?”

A fellow merchant next to me said:

“… Maybe all of that?”


“that… I’m under pressure to investigate, so I’m going to pretend I’m sympathetic and finish it in moderation… .”

At that, the other merchant shook his head and said.

“No, it’s not anyone else, it’s CEO Jung In-soo. CEO Jeong In-soo has never once overturned what he said in public.”

The invincible myth is what follows Jung In-soo.

A person who achieves what he wants to do without a single business failure.

Such a person held a press conference and said that he would push the black market away.

“Well, then it wasn’t the real CEO, was it?”

“CEO Jung made it, but it was difficult to control, so he may have decided to just push it away, or it could be that someone else really exists. How do bastards like us know that? There is only one thing for sure.”

The merchant swallowed dry saliva and said.

“This is the first and biggest crisis the black market has ever faced.”

Then a merchant said:

“What’s going on in your upper ranks?”

“Are you saying we should just stay seated?”

“… We too.”

taken from noblemt l

Merchants rushing to and fro when they can’t figure out what the hell is going on.

But then a large merchant stood up and said,

“Smile. If you keep your seat, you have to keep it.”

“Dongbin, aren’t you worried about you?”

big merchant.

No, Choi Dongbin said with a blunt expression.

“I understand that CEO Jeong keeps his word. But isn’t that the same for our seniors? The instructions from the superior were always right. After all, what do people like us know? If you don’t know anything anyway, it’s best to just do what you’re told.”

Dongbin Choi said as he trudged into his shop.

“It hurts my head just thinking about it. Then I will just do what I do.”

* * *

“Jun-gi, wasn’t CEO Jung the president?”

Lim Jun-ki’s aide said with a bewildered expression.

“How the hell did this happen? If CEO Jung is the president, isn’t this really nonsense?”

At the words of an aide, Im Jun-gi’s pupils shook violently.

“… I do not know.”

“Who the hell is the president?”

“I can’t say that. The moment I say that, I’m done.”

“No, what the hell… Anyway, it’s good. What does the president say?”

“… just tell me to wait Everything will be resolved.”

“You have to tell us how it will be resolved, so we can come up with a solution!”

Lim Joon-gi looked at the aide and said,

“Are you raising your voice at me now?”

Then the nephew shuddered and said:

“Sorry, I’m sorry. I don’t even know.”

“Be careful. I’m more crazy than you right now.”

The identity of the president is Jeong In-soo.

But Jeong In-soo declared that he would push the black market away.

Of course, this was the thought in Lim’s head.

‘no way… Tosagupin?’

Development of Jeongin, who has grown enough to transform into a group company.

Then, as a new chaebol group, you might be thinking that you want to shake off the stigma of the past.

‘So you’re telling us to stay still?’

To catch all at once and process the traces?

‘If I get caught, the president’s identity might be revealed?’

If that’s the case, I’ll deal with the merchants to the point where they don’t know the president’s identity.

But what do you do when your safety is confirmed?

If the black market, the basis of which he is based, is blown away, he is in a situation where the line is cut off.

‘You want me to go back to the old days?’

How did the black market come about?

Hire people and build the foundation.

Although Jeong In-soo gave the order, it was none other than him and the rest of the top merchants who put it into practice.

Are you saying all these years of hard work go to waste?

‘no way!!’

I don’t want to go back to the past.

If I miss all of this now, will there be another chance to rise to this position again?

have to catch

should keep

“How is the outside work going?”

“It is very smooth. As the black market is turbulent, customers are more welcoming to external transactions.”

“great. Then increase the size. Get more out of the merchants.”

“… that word… .”

“You have to prepare. In case you do not know.”

Lim Jun-gi said with a cold expression.

“Be ready to go out with everything you have here at any time.”

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