175 episodes

– The upper part has been completely redecorated.

The upper level of a new organization created by selecting honest people like Dongbin Choi.

They were chosen based solely on their tendencies, regardless of their existing positions.

It’s a disposition-priority rather than skill-priority.

Of course, their abilities have not been tested.

From sales ability to organizational management and so on.

However, the biggest advantage of the point organization is that it doesn’t matter who gets appointed unless there is an internal bad factor such as a shortage of supply like the organizations that betrayed it in the first place.

Besides, just because they are top-tier merchants doesn’t mean they were in that position from the beginning.

Because they were just randomly picking a few merchants who worked in the dungeon market for my needs.

In other words, for me, there was no difference between them and the existing top-level merchants.

– Now, we will take out the merchants in earnest.

There are now two types of merchants that I have left unattended.

Active traitors and less aggressive traitors.

The less active traitors were those who secretly dealt with smuggled snow white fruit on the black market, but were not involved in the organization’s massive betrayal.

It would be nice to get rid of all these less aggressive traitors, but it would take too long to find a market.

So, excuse them.

The betrayal up to now is only a betrayal by the superior, and you did not know, so I will forgive you.

So come back

He even gives them the position of a lower-ranking merchant who can leave them at any time.

“good. Take it all away.”

If you realize how difficult and arduous it is to betray the organization through this work, and if you keep your position well, you will keep watching.

I said with a smile.

“It will be fun when all the plans are done.”

taken from noblemt l

Most of the newly formed upper floors are merchants from the bottom.

And the middle merchants who reigned above them go under them.

“I hope this can be a lesson. What kind of reward comes back when you remain loyal to the organization?”

– I’ll make it happen.

“By the way, how do you think the top-level merchants will come out if they take everything away and dismantle the organization?”

Then, after being silent for a while, Yoon Sang-deok said.

-If it were me, I would give up everything and go into hiding with the money I had earned.

“Aren’t you talking about everything with the intention of getting revenge on me?”

-… Would that be of any use?

The reason I boldly released the top merchants outside is simple.

Because even if the top merchants reveal all of my identity, it’s useless.

Top-level merchants are one of the few who know who I am, but the same goes for top-level merchants.

Only a few close friends and I know them.

In other words, once all the organizations were disbanded, it was difficult to prove that they were the real black market top traders.

If a top-level merchant like Lim Jun-ki suddenly visits a floor merchant like Choi Dong-bin alone one day and claims that I was actually your boss, would Choi Dong-bin believe it?

Floor merchants like Choi Dong-bin do the same, but not to mention other ordinary people.

Besides, even if someone believes what they say, I have the power to make all the truth a lie.

– It’s all manipulation. It is retaliation for pushing the black market, and it is presumed that the Black Tiger organization is behind it. A few words and that’s it.

“you’re right. It doesn’t make any sense. Besides, he knows better than anyone what will happen if he becomes hostile to me in a situation where he has lost everything.”

In the end, the top merchant and his entourage will do nothing and be pushed into the back room.

“But I cannot be satisfied with that.”

Because they still have money left.

Huge amount of black money earned by distributing various illegal goods, starting with snow white fruit for many years.

“Do traitors lead a comfortable old age? What could be worse than that?”

– It’s money… .

“If the current situation continues, the organization will eventually collapse, but they will not lose money. Even if the unit price rises, it is enough to pass the loss on to the merchants below.”

– You are saying that you need a complete minus.

“you’re right.”

-Then there is a good number for me. There’s nothing easier than driving someone out of their own way. Just trust me and wait.

* * *

Unstable supply led to conflicts between organizations as well as dissatisfaction within the organization.

Recently, many floor merchants have disappeared, and the sense of crisis has been heightening more and more.

“How about Dangjin?”

And one of those methods is Dangjin.

Jeong In-soo had always supplied a huge amount of snow white berries to the market.

If we can secure only that amount, we can get out of the current crisis at any time.


“There is no news at all. The hunters in Dangjin would rather go outside and ask for snow white fruit from us.”

The market has disappeared, but the supply chain that Insoo Jung had is not going anywhere.

As if they were putting themselves on the front line, it was clear that new merchants were going to try to dispose of the goods, and Lim Jun-gi thought of secretly contacting such merchants to receive the goods.

But there is no supply at all.

Lim Jun-gi said with a look of disappointment.

“Is it possible that the market was pushed and the supply chain was also smashed?”

In the current situation, the most reasonable reasoning is to completely wipe out the supply chain and sales channels at the same time.

When I think that Jung In-soo really has robbed me of everything, I am relieved that I made the right choice, but at the same time I am disappointed that I cannot secure additional supplies.

“Jungi-nim, Dangjin seems to have no hope.”

“After that, I’ll be delighted.”

At that moment, someone called on the cell phone of a close friend.

An aide who checked the phone number on the screen said.

“It’s them.”

Contact of organizations supplying smuggled snow white berries.

“Take it to the speakerphone.”


So the aide pressed the call button and said.

“Yes, sir.”

-You asked for more quantity this time… This is really sorry. These days, the checkpoints are so strong that it’s not easy to bring them in.

An aide spoke in an urgent voice to the words of a Korean working under a foreign organization.

“Even so, isn’t it too much to be like this every time? You have to come up with a solution!”

The interpreter said in a voice apologetic to the accusation of the aides.

-sorry. We are trying our best… .

When an aide glanced at Lim Jun-ki, he gestured for him to go out stronger.

An aide who saw the scene nodded and said in a firm voice.

“I have nothing to talk about. Please fill in the promised quantity. Otherwise, we will have no choice but to use another method!”

-under… This is so… .

The man, who was silent for a moment, exchanged something and said,

– This is really bad… In fact, some of the special orders from other customers have arrived a little earlier than expected.

Are there any items that have not been released yet?

No matter what other organizations do, it’s not their part.

“Is that so?”

– Would you like to take this with you as soon as possible? I’d be hitting it roughly this week.

If you add this week’s value to the previously promised volume, it’s enough to last a month.

“good. Give it to me at once.”

-By the way, since this is a special order, the unit price is a bit high and we are also stealing supplies, so I think there must be something more… .

An aide said with a smirk at the man’s request for additional money.

“Are you kidding me? Isn’t he the one who couldn’t supply the promised quantity?”

– Still, not at the current price. By the way, this is what I want to give you in a special way. I’m only getting 15% more than the original price.

After thinking for a while, Lim Jun-gi nodded his head, and an aide said:

“Huh, good.”

– Then we will send you the place and time of the transaction.

After finishing the call, an aide said with a smile.

“Isn’t these guys supposed to be selling the amount we were originally supposed to give them for an extra fee in this way?”

“It might be. But it’s urgent right now, so let’s do it first.”

Lim Jun-gi said with a cold expression.

“As soon as the supply stabilizes, from then on, we are the leaders.”

After all, if the organization also makes money, it will try to supply as much volume as possible.

After all, there is enough demand.

At that time, their organizations with sales channels will prevail due to the reversal of supply and demand.

“At that time, we just need to get the supply while controlling the sales volume. at a lower unit price. Anyway, gather the kids as soon as you get in touch. I also contacted the Doran Guild.”

The Doran Guild is a mercenary guild that was active in the Dangjin Black Market.

“… But these days, they’re just too lazy.”

However, as they came out with the organization, the Doran Guild was gradually expanding its territory.

taken from noblemt l

Mercenary guilds gradually transforming from their errands to trading organizations, such as supplying some of the supplies they received in return for protection and safety.

“Things I couldn’t even look at when I was in Dangjin… .”

“I can’t help it. I can’t go without a Hunter in such a deal.”

An organization that gained freedom from leaving Dangjin, but lost the countless benefits that Dangjin provided in return.

Although the black market in Dangjin was completely pushed back, and Junki Lim thought that the choice was right at the time, it was disappointing.

“You bastards like thugs.”

“Never mind. We just have to do our own thing. I’m telling the merchants below that things will be released in bulk soon.”

* * *

late night.

In a rare construction site, Lim’s aide appeared with the hunters.

As soon as they appeared, foreign hunters and other people came out of the building.

Then a man stepped forward and said,

“Did you bring the money?”

In principle, such transactions are unconditionally cash transactions on the spot.

As the aide beckoned, his subordinates approached and opened the bag of money.

“Hmm, that’s good.”

“Now, let me show you something.”

The man took an envelope from his pocket and held it out.

“Check it out.”

An aide who received the envelope from the man said while dipping the contents into his mouth and eating.

“… An entry-level snow-white fruit. It tastes good too.”

“The rest is in here. Let’s go in together.”

As I entered the building, I found a box full of double-packed snow-white berries.

A close friend said with a smile.

“If there is such a quantity… Not bad.”

“Didn’t I tell you, it was a special order. Need confirmation?”

“The trust has been built up over the years, but it’s still best to be certain. Check it.”

That’s when the subordinates came to check the contents at the words of the aides.

– Wow!

Aides and foreign organizations alike are perplexed by the sound of the police siren.

“Shit, police!?”

“What, what!!”

The man from the foreign organization said urgently.

“Did you come with a tail?!”

A nephew said furiously.

“It must be him, not us! We do this once or twice!?”

Then you hear the police running.

Finally, a neighbor called out.

“Just pop out!!!!”

* * *

“How the hell are you going to get things done!!”

Lim Jun-ki, who was urgently moved to an emergency hiding place set aside by the police, contacted the foreign organization directly to protest.

– That’s what we do!!

“Then the information leaked from our side? Does that make sense!? It’s been several years since we’ve been dealing with Snow White!! If it leaked, it would be the one who still has a weak base in Korea!!”

– We only use hunters when trading. Didn’t the hunters know of a police chase like that?

Two people fighting so tightly.

But blaming each other like this didn’t solve anything in the end.

“Ah, let’s try to fix it as much as possible first.”

It would be nice if the aides didn’t open their mouths, but just in case another merchant was temporarily seated in the aide’s place, the merchants under them were relocated, and there were only a couple of things to be done, such as recovering the shortage and lost money.

-Aside from the maintenance, what are we going to do with our goods?

At that, Lim Joon-gi said with an absurd expression.

“Then what about my money? My money was also confiscated, don’t you think?”

-As I said back then, you handed over the items to the other party first! Is the situation the same as just money on hand? We need to fill in the shortage, but we need money to make a request to the upper level! At this rate, we may not be able to fill the previously promised quantity!


Lim Jun-gi bit his lip and said.

“Then what are you going to do?”

– I don’t want it all, but please pay even half of it. Aren’t we supposed to have an excuse too!

If you do not make up for the lack of money, you will not be able to receive the promise of the existing quantity.

After thinking for a while, Lim Jun-gi thought with a firm expression on his face.

‘You can’t push anymore.’

If you push further here, you will only be dragged away.

So it’s no different than when you were in Dangjin, isn’t it?

“It cannot be. I’d rather change the supply line.”

– Boss, please take a look at the situation. Yes?

“It’s not okay. Bring new stuff. Then I will give you the money.”

-Now, which chicken or egg came first? We need money to bring things too! If it goes like this, I’m stamped out and downgraded!

In any organization, eventually, someone must be held accountable.

Even the person I’m talking to right now is not a key member of a foreign organization, but a Korean who acts as a pawn.

He was not in a position to be safe from such a major accident.

-If that’s the case, whoever comes in as my successor will take care of your situation? Did you come to this point while taking care of the situation?

“… Still, it can’t be done.”

– Oh, I’m going crazy.

Im Joon-gi and the man are both in a difficult situation.

Those who are pushed here have no choice but to continue to be dragged after that.

But, did Lim Joon-gi’s accusation work?

– Then let’s do this. The boss lends us some money.

“Do you want me to borrow it?”

-Yes. Then I will supply the amount with that money and pay it back. like some kind of speech.

“Don’t you know that this floor is an on-site transaction?”

-Aren’t I going to provide the top priority to them in order to pay back the money instead?

Lim Joon-gi is tempted by those words.

“It’s a top priority… .”

it makes sense

Debt can have a positive effect depending on how you use it.

– Please. president.

“What percentage is the interest?”

-interest… yo. this?

If interest is added to this, this man will supply himself with more supply to preserve his position and to pay even a little less interest.

Although there is an added risk of being tied up with funds, it was not a bad option if we could only receive more volume.

I have enough money anyway.

“5 percent per month.”

– ね… you are really so

“Aren’t I supposed to have something left?”

Finally, the man spoke in a dismayed voice.

-… Okay. Let’s do that. Damn, I was just trying to get some pocket money. what if… .

After hearing the man’s words, Im Jun-gi understood why the special supply suddenly appeared to his organization.

‘They were trying to joke around in the middle by taking advantage of the fact that foreigners can’t speak Korean.’

However, the mischief failed, and he had to somehow repair this damage in order to preserve his position.

If so, this debt will act as a man’s shackles.

Lim Jun-gi said with a satisfied expression.

“good. I will send you money.”

After the call, Lim Jun-gi said with a smile.

“Not bad.”

Even though he lost money, he gave him a new leash.

But Lim Joon-gi didn’t know.

As if there are people in the world who have never done it before, but no one has done it once, this bill transaction is just the beginning.

* * *

Hue is the goat

Guild leader Kim Soo-min of Daon Guild decided to join the Black Tiger organization and shared that fact only with executives, and was very satisfied at first.

It was comforting knowing that there was a powerful organization behind it.

However, as time passed over a year, Kim Soo-min became more and more suspicious.

“What is the organization really doing?”

An organization that does not participate in any way after deciding to join, although it would be understandable if any orders were given.

Even when I first decided to join, it was the first and last moment I met someone from the organization.

At this point, I wondered if it was true that the Daon Guild really joined.

“Have you not forgotten?”

Kim Soo-min scratched his head and said.

“… Did you just say no?”

I thought I would travel around Korea without hesitation with a strong back, but nothing has changed since I joined.

Then then.

“I think that’s just what I’ve said.”


After that day, at the first machine sound he had heard, Sumin Kim turned around and said.

“No, can’t we just show up after paying for that popularity!?”

“Excuse me.”

The masked man who encouraged him to join appears.

Kim Soo-min said with a bewildered expression.

“When I said not to join, I just did it. Heartily.”

“I know. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, so I was just joking around.”

“… I thought it was going to fall off.”

Kim Soo-min sat across from me and said.

“It’s been a really long time. I thought you forgot our guild.”

“Is it possible? Guild leader Kim may have misunderstood the lack of contact, but that is rather good news. It’s like saying that we are infiltrating deeper and deeper into Korean society without any problems.”

“Then I’m happy. by the way… .”

Kim Soo-min said with an interesting expression.

“You came here to say that you have a purpose, right?”

“That’s right.”

The masked man looked at Kim Soo-min and said.

“Dangjin’s black market, you must know.”

“of course. Because it was so noisy. I don’t think CEO Jung will push the black market entirely.”

“I came here for that.”


“Actually, the black market in Dangjin was pushed back by our intentions.”

“What do you mean?”

“They spread rumors that we were entering the black market and induce Jeong In-soo to overthrow the black market.”

The masked man looked at Kim Soo-min and said.

“For us to take the money on the black market.”

“What… .”

“The black market in Dangjin has been pushed aside, but guilds and people who are already accustomed to trading with the black market want new substitutes. That’s what we fulfill. A new black market.”


“And wouldn’t it be safer to stay under the protection of our guild in the new black market if possible?”

“I hope it’s near our headquarters… ?”

“you’re right.”

Kim Soo-min said with a confused expression.

“But then, even if we become new targets… .”

“No worries. That’s why I deliberately induced them to push the black market. The black market is gone. And the black market people spread across the country. Isn’t it similar to how prostitution establishments spread across the country after the brothel was destroyed?”

The masked man said in a calm voice.

“This is no different. If there is only one or two, I don’t know, because if they happen multiple times, the government has no way to do it.”


“The Daon Guild has only one job to do. Just to make sure that the wrong people don’t pay attention to the black market. In return, you will receive a substantial bonus. We’ll take care of the government, enforcement and covert deals.

Kim Soo-min said with his eyes shining.

“considerable… amortization.”

“You may think it’s dangerous, but this is rather a preference given to our guild by our organization. Do you think the black market in Dangjin disappeared and the loss was huge?”

The Daon Guild has also been evading tax by disposing of illegally stolen goods on the black market, but the route is blocked as the Dangjin Black Market is closed.

But what about a new black market near them?

Even a down payment?

“If there is a problem that Daon Guild cannot solve, we will solve it.”

“Are you saying that there is no need to protect the Daon Guild openly in the name of it?”

“That’s right. covert protection. That’s all the guild should do.”

In the end, Kim Soo-min nodded and said.

“All right. It’s not a difficult thing to do.”

The newly reorganized black market organization left Dangjin and began to spread across the country under the title of the Black Tiger organization.

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