179 episodes

“Guild leader Son Wi-jin. Isn’t it too much to do this?”

Independent of Pan-ho Jang, it is an operation in which the attack information leaks and falls.

The first target was the Hwacheon Guild, which came to Korea on behalf of the Eight Dragons Guild to obtain information about the strategy.

– Chairman Jung.

It is worthwhile to study English hard.

Without an interpreter, we talk directly like this.

“This is a breach of contract. Wasn’t the contract condition not sharing information in your country? How did it get to North Korea?”

– We are not really! Obviously through other guilds in North Korea… .

“Do you know Jang Pan-ho? Hunter who caused a coup in North Korea. The hunter said it with his own mouth. The North Korean government received attack information from China and used it to intensively nurture its own Labor Guard. Even in the early days when information was just beginning to be made public.”

The Jungin Guild has already proven how effective it is to increase the growth rate through the preemption of information.

And the current North Korean Labor Guard is the North Korean version of the Jeongin Guild.

It is to occupy an overwhelming position by providing information only to hunters who follow their instructions through information monopoly.

– Well, that’s… .

“You have to explain this well. If there is no proper explanation… There are no additional contracts. Not only the Hwacheon Guild, but all Chinese national guilds.”

The strategy information is like a formula for a math problem.

If you know the formula, you just need to substitute the correct number to calculate it.

Of course, even if he doesn’t have the brain to understand the formula, it’s useless if the hunter’s skills don’t support him, just like it’s impossible to solve it.

Anyway, if you don’t know this formula, you have to go through the process of guessing one by one, and the hunter’s sacrifice is involved in this process, so the guilds have no choice but to find out about the strategy.

– Chairman Jung, I think there is a misunderstanding… .

The reason why I called Son Wei-jin in the first place was not to listen to his excuses, but to publicize this so that the Chinese government could come out.

“I don’t want to talk any more. Please bring solid evidence that it was not leaked from China. Until that happens, I will not make any additional contracts, let alone litigation for breach of contract.”

– Jeong Hoe… !

I hung up the phone and said with a smile.

“Now, how do we get out?”

* * *


Son Wi-jin said, throwing the phone away.

“Why are sparks bouncing this way!?”

The Hwacheon Guild, which was one of the top guilds, has now become one of the best guilds in China in name and reality with the contract with Insoo Jeong.

As such a Hwacheon Guild, we have put a lot of effort into maintaining our relationship with Jeong In-soo, but suddenly everything goes wrong with a North Korean coup.

The deputy chief said with a cold expression.

“It must have been handed over by the government.”

The Chinese government opposed the entry of the Hwacheon Guild into Korea.

In the end, the Hwacheon Guild had no choice but to compromise while making some concessions to the Chinese government.

Of course, that included sharing information.

“Do you think Chairman Chung is doing this simply because of information leakage?”

“… What are you talking about?”

“That was already two years ago. And in the meantime, the attack information has already spread among the upper guilds.”

The target information has already been reduced to the level of public goods among the upper guilds.

In other words, North Korea could obtain it anywhere, not just China, if it wanted to.

“Chairman Jung said it was leaked from the beginning.”

“That, of course, is an excuse. Prove it to us now. How the information leaked two years ago. Now come on, how do you prove it? There aren’t just one or two guilds holding strategy information.”

“Then why… .”

Son Wei-jin said with a firm expression.

“Right now, Chairman Jung is trying to get something as a hostage in a new dungeon that will be created in the future. And he pointed us out as a stepping stone. Perhaps the target is our government. If it is true that the leak of information to North Korea had already started two years ago, it would be 100% because the South Korean government intervened.”

In order to become the head of a huge guild, the ability of a hunter was basic, and in addition to that, a great national perspective was also an essential element.

It was impossible for a person without a second thought to manage thousands of guild members without any problems.

In that sense, Wi-Jin Son had the ability of a giant guild leader.

Son Wi-jin thought for a moment and said.

“Protest against the government at once.”

“What next?”

“Then you will figure it out. We only need to match the beats. Taking actions that are embarrassing.”

Son Weijin sighed and said.

“Ha, because of his information… .”

* * *

– Those ruthless gangs should be severely punished by the Republic!

North Korea’s first official position, demanding repatriation from the government through an unofficial channel, was announced.

As North Korea prioritizes maintaining the regime, severe punishment for traitors is not an option but a necessity.

Therefore, North Korea criticized the South Korean government for accepting Jang Pan-ho and his colleagues at an unprecedented level.

Of course, the Korean government did not stand still.

-The government accepts asylum of people who came to the Republic of Korea in search of hope for freedom, and in accordance with international law… .

These are the people who tried to directly punish the Kim family, a public enemy of the Republic of Korea.

If you send them back in a situation where they would be killed if you send them back, they will be criticized by the whole nation.

That’s when South Korea and North Korea accuse each other through official and unofficial channels and raise the level of threat.

I was conducting an interview with the Chinese ambassador through the mediation of the Korean government.

“The Chinese government has not provided anything to North Korea under international law.”

A Chinese specialty has emerged.

Say no to it openly.

But this time, things are different.

“Then I won’t sign any additional contracts.”


“no… Ambassador, or shouldn’t we have to pretend to persuade him not to? If I just cry unconditionally, will the answer come?”

The ambassador said furiously.

“That’s what we’re going to do! I can’t quite understand why they conclude that we are the only ones who got information from North Korea. There may be Russia, or maybe they made a deal with a guild in another country!”

Things like that happen, too.

However, it is undeniable that it is most likely to be China.

“Jang Pan-ho said he was Chinese.”

“How do you know he lied!! Besides, was he in a position to get such important information?”

I don’t know that either.

I’m not curious at all.

I closed my eyes and leaned back on the sofa.

“Anyway, I don’t know. Now, what came out of Jang Pan-ho’s mouth was North Korea and China, so I can’t question North Korea, right? So is there any more left outside of China?”

“no… what is this… .”

The ambassador looked at me and said.

“Isn’t it ridiculous to look down on China because it’s good at analyzing information?”

“Ambassador, if I had looked down on China, I would not have cared about it. I don’t think it’s funny, so I’m sensitive. On the contrary, didn’t the Chinese side take my information lightly? After all, it’s a business person’s information, so it’s something that can just be sprinkled on? You might think so in China, but from my point of view, it is a very valuable asset to me. irreplaceable for anything. If such information has flowed into a country that has not even signed a contract, who will stand still? Anyway.”

I said with a firm expression.

“I don’t see my assets roaming around. What has already passed is unavoidable, but if this is not fully identified, I will reject all future contracts with China.”

Then the ambassador, who was staring at me without saying a word, said:

“… What do you want?”

“Find the facts.”

“Now do you really think it will be possible? Chairman Jung, let’s just talk about everything. Why are you coming out like this?”

I was silent for a moment, then looked at the lines and said.

“Of course because of the money.”

“money? Asking for money now… .”

“No, no. It’s not like that. I have benefited significantly from this information. Securing a large amount of skill stones at an early stage through guilds and raising the guild based on those skill stones. By the way… .”

I said with a cold expression.

“A country that didn’t even sign a contract with me had the information? That too, two years ago when the information was just released. Then, when a new dungeon appears again, which country in the world guild will make a contract with me and earn money from me here? It will all be resolved in a little while anyway.”

“Well… .”

Okay, now all the boards are laid out.

Now it’s time to tune the game.

“Ha, good. It’s already over anyway. If we keep biting each other, we will only get tired of each other. Instead, promise me this one thing. I will never provide information to North Korea again.”

Then the ambassador roared again and said:

“We did not provide information to North Korea!”

“Then change your mind. It’s not that I won’t provide it ‘again’, it’s that I won’t provide it ‘in the future’. Private appointments are also good.”

Frankly, this promise means nothing.

If China decides to secretly hand over information, what will I do to stop it?

Even if it’s made private, it’s a promise that is practically ineffective.

Nevertheless, there is only one reason I have mentioned this promise.

Just to get North Korea out.

“Well… .”

I said to the troubled ambassador.

“And please speak to the North Korean side. Don’t make me and the Chinese government blush, and if you need information, sign a contract and come to Korea. Rather, if that happens, I have an official contract, so there is nothing I can do about it.”

If you think about it, there is no reason for the Chinese government to break the contract and share information with North Korea.

Nevertheless, what could be the reason for the Chinese government to provide information to North Korea?

That’s probably because the North Korean government clings to the Chinese government.

North Korea is a headache for China, but it is an indispensable buffer zone.

This means that China provided information to North Korea by crying and eating mustard.

Therefore, it is to give China a justification to reject North Korea’s demands through a non-disclosure promise, and at the same time give North Korea an opportunity to receive information directly.

If North Korea asks China to share information, it is possible to avoid it by simply contracting it directly.

“… Will the Korean government tolerate that?”

“I don’t know that either. No matter what North Korea is or how it is with South Korea, the same thing is out of my interest. The only thing that matters to me is the thorough fulfillment of the contract.”

When North Korea clings to China asking for information sharing, did you get it with your bare mouth?

Absolutely not.

Because nothing is free in international relations.

North Korea must have paid the same price to China for making China violate the contract.

There will be a way for North Korea to directly obtain information.

And I already authorized it.

Now all that is left is the permission of the South Korean government.

In other words, there is some reason for North Korea to look out for South Korea.

“… As soon as I report it, I’ll post it. I will contact you later.”

* * *

Hunter’s equipment can’t even scratch as much as a rifle bullet, and the tank’s cannon can’t keep up with the hunter’s movements.

In other words, the success of suppressing this coup was only thanks to the power of the Labor Guard.

Therefore, in order to maintain this power gap in the future, North Korea has no choice but to seek information more and more.

But suddenly, there is a way to get information on its own by North Korea.

I’ve already given permission, so I just need to get permission from the Korean government and I’m done.

Of course, we have no choice but to watch the Korean government to some extent.


“What if you break such a promise?!”

Jo Man-cheol covered his face and said.

“If this fact becomes known to the outside… .”

When it comes to North Korea-related matters, South Korea is sensitive to even the smallest of fingernails.

However, it is not anything else, and it provides information on strategy that is one of the strengths of Korea.

From a conservative government’s point of view, it’s a level where you can’t even say anything about being stoned by supporters.

But I said with a relaxed expression.

“It will not be a problem. So it’s not like they moved individually. Because I was only talking privately that North Korea could also be the target of a contract from the standpoint of great success. What… If it is known, you will hear a little bell bell.”

Of course, I’m not the only one who would blink an eye.

“Does this seem so simple? North Korea is now under blockade from the United States. Sending hunters directly to South Korea to get information is against the US blockade against North Korea!”

“So. I have repeatedly emphasized that it is individual. The government continues to oppose it. I will move like that. Carrots and sticks are originally made separately. If that happens, North Korea will take notice of the government to some extent, so isn’t it a good idea to have a good hand? Rather, you should thank me.”


Jo Man-cheol sighed and said.

“Even so, it is a problem. If North Korea comes into contact to talk, that alone will divide the public opinion again. The side of North Korea’s tactics and the side that it is an opportunity to open up dialogue.”

“Then we can use it again, right? We can get North Korea’s concessions by pretending to allow it.”

“I mean, it’s not that simple!!”

I said, comforting Jo Man-cheol.

“You don’t have to worry too much.”

And, crucially, I have nothing to lose with this method.

The reason was simple.

It was because there was still enough time left for the higher level B-grade dungeon to appear.

In other words, I and the South Korean government can obtain concessions from North Korea in advance with promises in the distant future.

The B-class dungeon is the last dungeon I know about.

So, even if you crave it in advance, you should eat it like Altoran.

Of course, you can’t say this as it is.

So you have to convince them in another way.

“As I said before, if the government continues to reject it, it is enough. I can just change the word to the extent that if the government allows it, I will also allow it. How good are you? North Korea, like a wild horse, has salivating prey in its hands.”

“… Only when things are going well.”

Jo Man-cheol, who had been thinking for a while, looked at me and said.

“By the way, why are you interfering like this? Chairman Jung is not the type of person to move for no reason.”

“I promised to help.”

“Are you going to help? Who are you talking about?”

“Jang Pan-ho.”

A person who reigned as the king of North Korea in a previous life and who may overturn North Korea again in the future.

If you can become a benefactor to such a person with this amount of effort and pay off the debt, it is a business that remains unconditionally.

It’s kind of an investment.

Invest for the future.

The more I grow, the more twisted the future becomes.

Then, not only safe investments as before, but also active investments to prepare for the changed future.

In that sense, Pan-Ho Jang is a fairly good investment destination.

Even if you fail, you are a Top Hunter.

If successful, the king of North Korea.

“I have a crush on Jang Pan-ho. He seems like a talented person, so I want to attract him as my own person. My requirements are no different. Negotiating well with North Korea to secure only hunters who escaped North Korea. Is it possible? After all, the government can’t just leave it alone, isn’t it? I helped make that easier.”

Jo Man-cheol said with an excited expression.

“From North Korea’s point of view, they are traitors to the state. And most of them escaped through China, so there is no way China can send them back to Korea!”

“That’s why I brought it all the way to China.”

It was only then that Jo Man-cheol realized why I had been accusing China and opening a door to North Korea.

“… Huh.”

In effect, he gave the government a bait and pushed him back, telling him to make an effort.

“If necessary, I will help as much as I can.”

It doesn’t matter if this plan is successful or not.

The fact that I worked so hard for Jang Pan-ho and his colleagues is important in itself.

I said with a bright smile.

“Please use your strength. Still, for South Korea, aren’t they the heroes of North Korea’s tyranny? Such people should be protected. Isn’t it?”

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