186 episodes

It is put into the production line of snow white fruit from which a suspicious North Korean defector hunter appears.

A series of work that is virtually no different from a factory worker who simply has to take turns doing the given work constantly.

Even for security, they were grouped together as a team, so even if there was a real spy, there was nothing they could do.

Half a year passed as everything stabilized and preparations were being made.


Yoon Sang-deok said with a troubled expression.

“Jang Pan-ho is getting impatient.”

“Is that so?”


I was trying to borrow the power of the Black Tiger organization for the rapid success of the revolution, but I was procrastinating to keep waiting.

“I’m pretty much ready, but I’m still not good enough.”

taken from noblemt l

Making equipment for hunters to use and collecting skill stones.

To be honest, if I mobilize everything I have right now, there is enough potential.

But overturning it and maintaining it are completely different laws.

It is obvious what will happen if the Kim family fails to secure the status of the Kim family in a situation where the North Korean army remains.

China will intervene, and maybe civil war.

Besides, the black tiger must not have any flaws.

perfect success.

Only then will the authority and power of the name of the Black Tiger be maintained.

“Not yet.”

Yoon Sang-deok nodded at my words and said.

“All right. I will comfort you again.”

“But it is understandable that Pan-ho Jang is saying that. I’m just doing what I’m asked to do every day, so I wonder if he really has the will to help the revolution.”

If so, check it out.

“Anyway, we need to contact the remnants of the coup d’etat hiding in North Korea, so let’s prepare in earnest, shall we?”

If the preparations in the past have been gathering supplies, from now on, I will start drawing the sketches for the coup in earnest.

The first target is the remnant of the coup.

“All right.”

“But before that, there are tasks that must be addressed.”

I looked at Yoon Sang-deok and said.



I said raising the corners of my lips.

“You can’t give me a dog because it’s porridge, right? If you don’t follow my instructions after taking over North Korea, you’ll be in trouble. You will need a leash. The minimum leash that will make Jang Pan-ho not disobey my instructions.”

* * *


Jang Pan-ho looked at Yoon Sang-deok and said.

“I did whatever I was asked to do.”

Although the North Korean tone still remains, Jang Pan-ho’s tone has become much more natural than before.

The fact that he made this much correction in a short period of less than a year shows how much effort Pan-ho Jang has put in.

“In the meantime, I received grace, such as saving my comrades, and I am really grateful.”


“But it’s been quite some time already.”

Jang Pan-ho said with a determined expression.

“How long do I have to hold my breath here? I and my comrades are getting tired.”

Yoon Sang-deok, who was silent for a moment, said that.

“What Pan-Ho Jang needs right now is confidence, isn’t it? How genuinely we are preparing for the revolution.”

“you’re right.”

“Originally, I was going to let you know when I was ready, but… I can’t help it.”

Yoon Sang-deok got up from his seat and said.

“Follow me.”

* * *

A loading dock arrived with Yoon Sang-deok.

There were hundreds of containers stacked on top of each other.

After passing through such a container forest, Sang-deok Yoon, who went deep inside, said to the person who seemed to be the manager.


The container house was unlocked and the door opened in the manager’s hand.

Inside, various equipment and weapons were neatly arranged in sets.

“Hey, this is… .”

“Come in.”

Yoon Sang-deok, who came into the container with Pan-ho Jang, said.

“This is the equipment we prepared for the Panho Guild.”

Pan-ho Jang, who was checking the equipment, said with his eyes shining.

“This is no ordinary equipment.”

“All equipment is made of only grade 4 or higher dungeon materials. It is capable of deflecting not only rifle bullets, but also large-caliber bullets. In addition, the abdomen and chest, where the organs are located, are made of boss material, so it will be difficult to penetrate even with any prisoners.”

Korea had a system in which equipment was returned only when entering and exiting the dungeon and returned again when exiting the dungeon.

And the same goes for North Korea, where hunters are extremely wary of wielding their power.

Therefore, before the coup, Pan-ho Jang and his colleagues were equipped with as much material as possible from the dungeon and equipped them, but of course, they were crude enough to be incomparable with the equipment of the Labor Guard, which was allowed to be armed. .

Jang Pan-ho said with an excited expression.

“With this kind of equipment, it’s good enough to try.”

Pan-ho Jang, who unwittingly came out with a North Korean accent.

“Probably superior to the Labor Guard in terms of quality of equipment. It was secretly made with the assumption that when dealing with humans, not monsters, through proven craftsmen without sparing money. There is enough equipment like this to arm the entire Panho Guild. But even this is not enough. If only the Panho Guild was going to spend it with my daughter, I wouldn’t even have said I would help. We need more time to prepare the equipment that our hunters will be armed with.”

“okay… .”

“It’s not over yet. Come this way.”

Another container arrived just like that.

When I opened the container door, what caught my eye were the skill seats piled up one after another.

“A skill stone?”

“These are attack skill stones and stealth skill stones. They were purchased from all over the world without regard to the trigger conditions.”

“I wonder if the skill stones I bought in the maritime trade… .”

“you’re right. These are the skill stones smuggled through customers in each country.”

The Skill Stones they bought while helping the Black Tiger were preparing for their revolution.

“With that single set of equipment alone, we invested more than 100 billion won in units of billions and skill stones. If you consider the amount of money that will go into the future, it will be in the hundreds of billions of dollars.”

Jang Pan-ho looked at Yoon Sang-deok and said.

“thank you. I didn’t even know that… .”

“no. That’s good enough. From Pan-ho’s point of view, he wouldn’t have been able to guess what was going on.”

Yoon Sang-deok, who confirmed the equipment and skill seats, said as he walked down the street with Jang Pan-ho.

“As you can see, we are doing our best to help Jang Pan-ho. But there are people inside us who are against helping Mr. Panho.”


“It is about overthrowing a country. Not to mention the risk, the amount of investment is considerable. The question is, are we going to be able to pay back what we invested in taking the risk?”

Jang Pan-ho said with a firm expression.

“I think I’ve said enough of my resolve.”

“I know. Pan-ho Jang’s determination for the revolution. But isn’t that determination a determination for the revolution, not a determination to be loyal to us? After killing the Kim family in North Korea with rude words, Jang Pan-ho may actually push us away after taking power.”

“It will never happen! I am not a shameless ignorant of grace!”

Despite Jang Pan-ho’s words, Yoon Sang-deok continued to speak calmly.

“After taking control of North Korea, it is the realm of politics. And politics is a place where common sense doesn’t work.”

Then Pan-ho Jang said, biting his lip.

“What can I do?”

“Do you know why we help Jang Pan-ho? I don’t think it’s because they simply couldn’t see it as a Korean people or something like that, right?”

Jang Pan-ho, who was silent for a moment, said.

“Tell me the requirements.”

“We want North Korea to be our window. A window for the free trade of snow white fruit.”

taken from noblemt l

Many things are implied, but as Jang Pan-ho, who has been helping Heuk-ho in the past, was able to figure out what Yoon Sang-deok wanted at once.

“It’s not necessarily a bad thing for North Koreans. Have you seen our merchants and employees? Maybe this could be a new food for North Korea.”

Jang Pan-ho, who had been thinking about that for a while, said.

“We will create a special zone for the Black Tiger. Not just one, but several if you wish.”

“Oh, special district.”

At that, Yoon Sang-deok said with a smile.

“That’s not bad.”

A base where Black Tiger can freely trade what he wants.

In that sense, the special zone that Jang Pan-ho spoke of was quite realistic.

“Can you keep that promise as a video record?”

“You can.”

It’s not a perfect collar.

However, this is the minimum ground for Jang Pan-ho not to be hostile to the Black Tiger.

“If we break our promise, this video will be broadcast around the world. Of course, Pan-ho Jang, who accepted it, will suffer a great political blow. Not only that. We will use all the power that helped Mr. Pan-ho Jang to counter-attack Mr. Pan-ho. You must have been so determined, didn’t you?”

“of course.”

Then, he shows off the power of the Black Tiger to prevent Jang Pan-ho from being hostile to the Black Tiger.

This was the minimum leash for Jang Pan-ho.

“good. Transaction is established. Ask for anything you need in the future. I’ll help you with anything I can find.”

“thank you.”


Yoon Sang-deok handed Jang Pan-ho several skill stones and said.

“You get it.”

“What skill stone is this?”

“Do you know the subspace skill?”

“A space skill?”

“It is a skill that opens a third space. You can store several items in it. As a result, the price is very high. But the capacity is absurdly small. It’s the size of a small box at best.”

Yoon Sang-deok said, pointing to the rest of the skill seats.

“The rest are all infiltration skill stones. However, it is a one-time skill stone that disappears after using it a few times, so you should use it sparingly.”

“Why are you doing this to me? .”

“Comrades in North Korea. Shouldn’t you be collecting them? Besides, as before, we need to prepare our comrades poorly to prevent another victim from coming out.”

Yoon Sang-deok said with a smile.

“We are using these skills to infiltrate North Korea.”

* * *

Cha-hyeok Lee was a republican hunter who took part in the coup and was an executive.

However, in the end, the coup d’état ended in failure, and the coup d’etat comrades were scattered here and there.

Among them, Cha-hyeok Lee was one of the remaining people in the republic.

It was possible because he covered his face with a mask with the failure in mind during the coup.

Of course, many comrades were caught hiding because the government had been tracking down the hunters’ destinations during the coup, but Lee Cha-hyeok was fortunately one of the surviving hunters.


Since that day, the monitoring and supervision of hunters has been strengthened, and the government monitors every move.

However, even such a surveillance network did not reach the inside of the dungeon, so contact with the remaining comrades was strictly done inside the dungeon.

Lee Cha-hyuk sighed and said.

“I’ll be back, but wait.”

They are somehow keeping the spark of the revolution in sight, but there is no future in sight.

Pan-ho Jang, who led the coup, fled to South Korea, leaving only hundreds of hunters left.

Still, there were some tangible results thanks to the spread of the attack information on the Internet and secretly obtaining it, but the gap with the SS was not easily narrowed.

Thanks to this, some comrades insisted that we go to South Korea, where Jang Pan-ho is active.

“Comrade Panho, what should I do?”

I’d rather give up everything and give up.

But then.

Cha-hyeok Lee, who was quiet at home, heard someone’s voice.

“Comrade Chanhyuk.”

Chanhyeok Lee said with a smirk.

“Who are you?”

Then the voice answered.

“Be quiet. my servant Jong-goo.”

“Kim Jong-goo?!”

Then a man slowly appeared out of the air.

At a glance, Chanhyuk Lee, who saw the face of a man wearing unusual equipment, said with a bright smile.

“Are you really Jong-gu?!”

“Right. It’s me.”

Chanhyuk Lee said while hugging Jonggu Kim.

“I’m still alive! I’m glad!!”

“Thank you. I’m glad my comrade is still alive.”

At that time, Chanhyuk Lee said with a bewildered expression.

“But you didn’t go to South Korea, did you?”

“That’s right.”

Kim Jong-gu said with a smile.

“Comrade Panho is preparing to rise again in South Korea. I have come to deliver it.”

Then Chanhyuk Lee said with a surprised expression.


“I have found a new helper in South Korea. That helper is helping Comrade Panho and us.”

“What does that mean?”

“I can’t tell you the details. Get this first.”

A subspace created by Kim Jong-goo beckoning in the air.

And from that subspace, crystallites are poured out in large quantities.

“Hey, what skill is that?”

“It’s a skill called subspace given by the helper. Anyway, sell this at the market and use it as money.”

Kim Jong-goo brought the most expensive and easiest-to-dispose of the crystals that can be brought to the subspace.

Chanhyuk Lee said in shock at the enormous amount.

“So much?”

“I will continue to bring you in the future, so please use it sparingly. oh and.”

Kim Jong-goo took off his gear and handed it to Lee Chan-hyuk.

“Keep this well. It’s an expensive piece of equipment, so don’t treat it carelessly.”

Chanhyuk Lee said, swallowing dry saliva.

“really… Are you really doing it again?”


“No matter how many helpers there are, are you not from South Koreans?”

“The helpers are not ordinary guys. Money is money, strength is power, you have it all. With their help, this time around, I’m sure I’ll be able to take all of those guards Ganna by the throat.”

“Uh… .”

“By the way, I heard that there are people who are strong enough that Comrade Panho doesn’t even dare to face them.”

“Comrade Pan-ho?!”

Pan-ho Jang is one of the top five powers in the Republic.

That’s why so many hunters believed in Pan-ho Jang and threw themselves into a coup.

But there are people who are strong enough that even Pan-ho Jang cannot compete.

It was even more unbelievable because it was Lee Chan-hyuk, who remembers Pan-ho Jang, who drove the SS even with only poor equipment.

“This is a letter from Comrade Panho.”

After receiving the letter, Chanhyuk Lee began to read it.

A letter containing a brief description of what has happened, the organization’s helper, and various details about future plans.

Chanhyuk Lee, who read all the letters, said with his eyes shining.

“Is that what you mean?”


“Comrades liked it.”

Chan-hyeok Lee, who burns his will again, held hands with Jong-goo Kim and said.

“Let’s do it again. This time it will surely succeed!”

Thus, Pan-ho Jang’s second coup d’etat began to be prepared step by step.

* * *

Kim Jong-gu was infiltrated into North Korea to gather the remaining remnants and deliver military funds to them to unite them again, but it was also an experiment to see if it was really possible to sneak into North Korea with an infiltration skill.

And Kim Jong-goo, who has been successful.

“After all, the flow of the times cannot be stopped.”

A skill that allows you to freely move around the world’s most tense areas, and the powerful physical abilities of a hunter.

The stronger the hunter’s power, the stronger the existing common sense is being destroyed.

“great. This increases the chances of success.”

If you use the remaining forces inside North Korea to create an intermediate hideout, you can not only infiltrate Pyongyang more easily, but also attract people with huge military funds.

“Once this is enough, I think I’ve done all I can do… .”

The best thing to do is to wait for the B-grade dungeon to appear.

At that time, like C-class dungeons, they invite hunters from all over the world to South Korea and at the same time make similar requests to North Korea.

It’s a sign of friendship.

If you carry out the big event with the core forces of the SS gathered in Korea like that, the probability of success will increase significantly.

However, there is still a lot of time left for the B-grade dungeon to come out, and Pan-ho Jang’s patience will not be able to sustain it.

I pondered for a moment, then said with my eyes wide open.

“Wait, no matter what, it’s enough just to cut down on the power of the SS, isn’t it?”

Originally, the basic plan was to mobilize hunters near the border to disperse the SS, and to attach Lee Jae-jin to Jang Pan-ho and his subordinates to advance to the Joungung Palace.

However, it is not certain whether the SS will be dispatched just because a large number of hunters are mobilized near the border, and above all else, the Kim family must have prepared various escape routes at the President’s Palace.

If so, wouldn’t it be more beneficial to disperse the SS and much more effective to induce the Kim family to come out of the palace and make a surprise attack?

I snapped my fingers and said.

“Originally, even mutts eat half of them in their yard. What are you going to do from this side? It’s enough to just induce them to crawl out.”

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