206 episodes

“You have been waiting a long time, everyone!”

The host raised the microphone and shouted loudly.

“First Auction. Let’s get started right away!”

Normally, cheers from the crowd resounded at the same time as the start of the match, but today was different.

Spectators sit quietly in the audience holding their license plates while wearing masks to hide their identity.

The host beckoned, and several men appeared with paintings wrapped in cloth.

“The first is painting!”

Despite the host’s enthusiastic shouting, the reaction of the audience was bittersweet.

They had only one goal in the first place.


“I am introducing! It’s ‘Fireworks’ by Chang Chan-gyu!”

As the host rolled up the cloth, what appeared was a painting by one of the most famous painters in Korea.

Then the spectators interested in art said with a surprised expression.

“flame? Wasn’t that burned down?”

“Ohh… I thought the rest were just bridesmaids… .”

It was a painting that the owner reported five years ago as being stolen.

The presenter said with a confident expression.

“Authenticity is already over. Don’t worry, we would appreciate your bid. Now, let’s start with 100 million won!”

Then a man lifted the license plate and said:

“Five billion.”

The host pointed to the man and said.

“You are hot from the start! good! 5 billion came out. No more!!”

* * *

It’s an auction for the black blessing, but it’s still worth the face, so you can’t fill the rest with clumsy things.

In the case of that painting, it is known that it was destroyed by fire, but the truth was different.

When the owner of the business was in financial trouble for various reasons and the company was on the verge of bankruptcy, he set fire to the warehouse where he kept his artworks in order to get insurance money.

In other words, in a similarly imitated imitation.

The owner, who took the insurance money according to the insurance amount and stole the genuine product, eventually couldn’t afford the insurance money, so he took the genuine article and went to the black market.

Naturally, the merchant slapped me with a ridiculously high price, but what can I do?

All the artworks owned by the owner are officially burned down, so it is impossible to trade normally, and above all, if it is known that you have them, you may be sued by the insurance company.

Anyway, it was the artworks that included the flame that flowed to me through the merchant.

I said looking down at the people outside the underground arena VIP room through the invisible glass door.

“It’s okay.”

And all the items to be put up for auction today were filled with things like fireworks that should not be officially revealed for their own reasons.

Then a man picked up a numbered ticket and said:

“Five billion!”

Then the host spoke in a passionate voice.

“Five billion! Can’t anyone get more? Everyone, cheer up!”

I looked at the presenter and said.

“Is the presenter a bit jade? .”

As the host who originally hosted the game, the auction is held in tone that inspires the excitement of the game, not in auction tone.

After thinking for a while whether I should find a professional auction host, I said with a grin.

“Well, if that’s a personality, it’s a personality.”

In the first place, this was not done to make a huge amount of money.

That tone might be more suitable for a secret auction made for people to enjoy rather than calm.

I said with a smile.

“Enjoy it to the fullest.”

They are all high-class people who make a name for themselves in their respective fields, and they are my shield at the same time.

The reason was simple.

“8.3 billion!!”

The host said at the call of a man.

“8.3 billion! Up to 8.3 billion!! Do you have any more?”

Said the host, who looked around the audience once.

“3! 2! One!”

The host pointed to the man and said.

“The flame of artist Chan-gyu Jang has been successfully bid for customer number 172! Celebrate everyone with a warm round of applause!”

Those license plates and masks that cover their identity mean nothing to me.

I have all the evidence for their deeds, so they have no choice but to support me.

even for yourself.

* * *

As more colorful items continued to appear than expected, people became more and more engulfed in heat.

Some of them have already run out of all the money they have prepared.

How much time has passed

The host smiled and said.

“Finally, the last thing. It’s the thing many people have been waiting for.”

The host reached out to the sky and said.

“It is a black blessing!”

The only way to cope with neurological diseases that mankind has not conquered.

The crowd shook their heads and said.

“finally… .”

Some say

It’s not a complete cure, and only one seed has medicinal effects for a day.

But the value of all things varies from person to person.

“I live unconditionally.”

Because everyone here was not so desperate for money that they would give up money any time they changed their money and health.

“Even if I just resell it… .”

In addition to that, people who approached it for investment purposes.

So, the auction house was at its peak.

“First of all, let me tell you in advance that the product has not yet been officially certified by the state. Therefore, we recommend not to take it, and we also reiterate that our stadium has nothing to do with the Jeongin group, and this black blessing is also the same.”

The moderator’s evasive remarks are virtually meaningless.

Naturally, neither in the audience nor anyone in the audience paid attention to the host’s remarks.

“There are 30 seeds of black blessing. The person who bids the highest price is given the right to buy first, and if you buy 15, an additional auction is held for the remaining 15. then… Let’s start with 100 million each!”

Then a man lifted the license plate and said:

“10 billion.”

“One billion came out!!”

Then the license plates were lifted up here and there.

“1.2 billion!”

“1.5 billion!”

That’s when the price went up little by little.

The man who had called the first 1 billion said while raising the license plate again.

“Two billion. No, 2.5 billion.”

All of the people who followed the sudden surge in prices began to hesitate.

“Anyway, 2.5 billion is too high… .”

“Uh… .”

At that time, the man who called for 2.5 billion said it was not enough, he raised the license plate again and said.

“3 billion.”

A man who calls for an additional amount for an additional amount, whether he is prepared to make no one follow him.

Eventually, one by one, people gave up.

“Let’s give up this time.”

“I probably won’t buy all 30 of them.”

After everyone was silent, the host shouted.

“3! 2! One! Congratulations! Customer number 24 has won the Black Blessing!”

The host looked at number 24 and said.

“How many do you plan to buy?”

Then the man who was silent for a moment said:


People felt the man’s low voice.

There are levels among the rich, and the Black Blessing is something they haven’t been allowed to yet.

* * *

Number 24 is the chairman of Taekwang Group, the 19th largest in the business world.

I said with a surprised look.

“Three billion?”

The Black Blessing was sold at a higher price than I expected.

“Did Chairman Taekwang have a family with a serious neurological disease? I don’t know?”

If it’s 3 billion, that’s roughly 100 billion won a month.

That’s over $1 trillion in one year.

No matter how important health is, burning 3 billion won a day is a very burdensome amount for a chaebol.

“Well, see if there’s something I don’t know.”

I’m just selling at a high price.

The other person’s situation has nothing to do with me.

By the way, I didn’t expect this price to come out, but it’s a bit disappointing.

“Did you mean to upload about 100?”

To be honest, this is thanks to the high premium from the first sale.

The average price of seeds sold to powerful foreign conglomerates right now is 2 billion won, and even they are quite burdened with the amount.

Perhaps even if we increase the quantity a little more at the next auction, that amount will not come out.

“Well, it still feels good.”

The high price means that people’s attention is focused and interest is high.

“Let’s unpack it slowly.”

We are going to solve it without having to do anything overseas or domestic.

Perhaps the price will drop considerably.

2 billion, let alone 3 billion, is an abnormal price formed thanks to top-class chaebols in desperate situations.

But it doesn’t matter.

Because you can sell more.

Of course, people like Taekwang Group’s chairman, who won the bid at a high price first, will be skeptical, but I didn’t set that price either.

I said with a bright smile.

“Please. customers.”

* * *

As the supply increased, prices fell considerably, both overseas and domestic.

Roughly, the average price of more than 2 billion won fell to the 1 billion won level.

But even if the price fell by half, the supply increased several times, so my income increased.

“If it wasn’t for the informal deal, it would have dropped even more.”

Currently, I am the only one who knows exactly how much Black Blessing is being released around the world.

Overseas chaebols think that they are only secretly getting their supplies through local customers.

Anyway, in addition to the increase in supply, the fact that more hunters risked their lives to jump into the dungeon due to the abnormal price also had a big impact on the price drop.

It is natural for the price to drop when a new supplier is created.

In addition, the number of companies trying to cultivate the seeds of the black blessing has increased dramatically, even with the expectation of mass production.

The Black Blessing, which shocked the world from its first appearance, was gradually falling in price due to such various factors.

“how long will it take?”

It is not known exactly how long in a previous life the cultivation method was discovered.

But I’m pretty sure it wasn’t that long.

taken from noblemt l

Maybe it won’t last less than half a year.

“I’m sorry, but what… It’s not something I can stop.”

As it is illegal like Snow White, there are no barriers to entry, and if you know how, even an individual hunter can nurture enough, the Black Blessing.

It was clear that if the cultivation method was known, it would drop by millions of won, let alone 100 million.

Even so, there is a hassle of catching monsters after feeding them, so the price will drop even more as time goes on.

Just like in a previous life, it fell to the level of expensive health supplements.

“Let’s earn as much as we can.”

The more money you have, the better.

Then, Yoon Sang-deok’s direct phone rings.

“Yes, I fold.”

– Chairman, I have received a call from Pan-ho Jang.

“Are you Jang Pan-ho?”

-President… No, I mean, the Jung-in group has offered me a contract, can I accept it?


The contract to provide information to North Korea is one of the promises I made in the past.

I brought in the foreign guilds sequentially, and finally put in the offer to North Korea.

Although some far-right groups have protested and used evil saying that the information I have is the property of South Korea and should not be passed on to North Korea, what is it?

Anyway, Jang Pan-ho, who thinks that I and Heuk-ho are fighting, received the proposal and contacted Yoon Sang-deok to confirm.

“Tell me to accept it. It doesn’t matter anyway… .”

Wait a minute.

Did you think it was too easy?

“Hmm… .”



You have to think of the Jeongin group and the Heukho separately.

‘Let’s think differently.’

Jung-in’s group made a proposal without knowing that he was a subordinate of the Black Tiger.

So, how will the Black Tiger behave?

“Of course, they will steal information.”

And use that information to profit.

From the black tiger’s point of view, it’s a blow to the enemy, so there’s no reason to hesitate.

‘I’m just pretending to steal it from Jang Pan-ho… No, other guilds know that Jang Pan-ho is a black tiger. The Yangcheon Guild had already signed a contract before entering Heukho.’

If I had only Heukho without the Jungin group, I would have stolen 100% of it.

In other words, it makes no sense to say that the Black Tiger is not taking any action.

At the very least, he had to do something to show the guilds belonging to the Black Tiger.

But if that happens, the Jungin group will lose money… .

“But they’re both mine anyway.”

It doesn’t matter who wins, whether it’s a black tiger or a Jeongin group.

In addition, this dungeon is the end of the dungeon strategy information.

then… .

I said with my eyes shining.

“Shall we go to the scenario where the black tiger and the Jeongin group fight each other?”

Heukho stole the Jungin group’s information.

The Black Tiger takes that information abroad and makes a huge profit.

The Jung-in group, who noticed that fact, put their hands to prevent information leakage, and created a composition in which the Jung-in group and Heuk-ho confront each other.

In this way, when an A-grade dungeon is released in the future, it is possible to create a rational reason not to spread the strategy information differently from before.

There is a possibility that information will leak through the black tiger, so we simply do not disclose the information.

“Is this okay?”

The fight against the black tiger and the Jeongin group over the black blessing and dungeon.

Bringing this up to the surface of the water is to make it imprint once again that I and Heukho are really different beings.

Also, the effect of filtering out traitors as an added bonus.

“It doesn’t matter to me who betrays me.”

Is that all?

The reason guilds flock to Korea despite unfair contracts is to take advantage of information.

Just as North Korea grew the SS based on that information and gained power, guilds of other countries will also rise to the position of a leader in possession of attack information just like me now, only in their own country, when the contract period is over, even if not as much as in North Korea.

However, if the Black Tiger steals the information first and sells it to the guilds of each country at a great price, the Black Tiger intercepts the advantage of preempting the information they should enjoy.

I said with a smile.

“Then you will no longer doubt me.”

Overseas information leakage due to the Black Tiger is an event that causes foreign guilds to lose the core reason for contracting with the Jungin group when another top dungeon appears in the future.

What do you do when you sign a contract with the Jungin group? Anyway, even if you follow the contract period and return, the information is already spreading as soon as it spreads due to the black tiger.

In fact, for those who don’t know that this is the last piece of information, I can’t even imagine that I spread the information with my own hands.

“Then what are the risks?”

It is a fight between two factions.

No one knows what kind of unexpected variable will happen in the middle.

But, shouldn’t it be necessary to create the situation itself in which the unexpected variable will occur?

I said with a smirk.

“You just have to pretend to fight.”

The government and the guild did not even go to the actual armed conflict.

They were just arguing with each other and pushing each other’s hands.

The same goes for this time.

The government and the guild also had a fight and I was the one who sealed the fight, but even this time, both the main characters are not me.

Even if we throw a few well-designed accidents while constantly fighting each other’s nerves, people will think that the group Heukho and Jeongin are having a great fight under the water.

It’s like a spectator who knows nothing about watching a professional wrestler match the match according to the script.

“Mr. Sang-deok.”

– Yes, Chairman.

I said raising the corners of my lips.

“Let’s paint the big picture.”

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