212 episodes

“Master John Guild. It seems that the purchase rate per guild has dropped a lot these days.”

In return for providing information, monopoly of the goods is a condition, but the actual amount received is half of the estimate.

When Im Seong-han pointed out that, John said with a look of regret.

“Mr. To be honest, I admit that there was a hole in the guild members who were initially assigned to the role of monitoring, arranging with the guild to collect back money. But not now, but because it is difficult to manage.”

Unlike the Jung-in group, which has a screening process, Heukho passes information to the desired guild without any conditions.

Apart from the upper guilds that need real boss attack information, there are many guilds that avoid bosses from the beginning in order to search for the black blessing and only require normal monster countermeasures, so the number of management targets has increased exponentially.

“We have to sell snow white fruit and take care of it, and we can’t afford it on our own. sense.”

Im Seonghan nodded his head at John’s words and said.

“okay. I understand. Then, in the future, it doesn’t matter if you get it in money.”

“… money?”

“Yes. Even if it is not an item, it will be easier to manage if the information is continuously provided by paying a certain amount every month.”

Then John smiled brightly.

“Is that really true? Oh! Mr. Im! If you do that, you will be able to take full control of it without any gaps! ha. How hard it must have been because there were not enough children to accompany the guild.”

“I think it would be neat if we added a night guild margin to the amount we were offering.”

“All right. Then we will do that in the future. By the way… .”

John looked at Im Sung-han with a look of anticipation and said.

“Is there anything else besides that?”

John flew to Korea with great anticipation this time as he only called the guild leader John to Korea when there was an important event.

Seeing John’s face, Im Seong-han said with a smirk.

“Of course it is.”

Seonghan Lim took a small box out of his bag and held it to John.

“What is this?”

John, who took the box, looked around and found something, and said with a surprised expression.

“uh? this… .”

The tightly sealed box had a clear plastic window to see inside.

And what’s inside the box seen through the plastic window is…

“Black Blessing?”

Lim Seong-han nodded and said.

“you’re right. Black blessing.”

“Are you going to wrap it up and sell it individually?”

“Is it possible? If you look closely, there will be one more besides the seed.”

“Come to think of it, there is a USB stick next to it… What the hell is this?”

Lim Seong-han said with a smile.

“That’s the Black Blessing Cultivation Kit.”

At Seonghan Lim’s words, John said with a blank expression.

“… Can you tell me again?”

“Black Blessing Cultivation Kit.”

“So… .”

said John, pointing to the box.

“Can I grow black blessings with this?”

“you’re right.”


said John, clutching the box with excitement.

“If you have this, you can copy the Black Blessing!? How did you find out about this? The U.S. has only just gotten a clue.”

“Have you heard? Jeongin Group Secret Lab.”

“I know. I was attacked… no way?”

Lim Seong-han said with a smile.

“Jeong In-soo This sly bastard has already studied all the cultivation methods, but he hasn’t revealed them.”

Cultivation method developed in the secret laboratory of the Jeongin group.

Where else can you get a better guarantee than this?

John looked at Im Seong-han and said.

“I will buy it! I will buy it right now! how much is it 10 million dollars? 100 million dollars?”

“$2.5 million per kit, including one seed and a USB with planting instructions.”

Then John said in amazement.

“You only do that?!”

“Of course. We don’t want to sell this to Guild Leader John, but we’re here to ask for a sales agent.”

When Im Seong-han snapped his finger, the merchants who were waiting outside pushed in a cart full of cultivation kits.

“First of all, it’s 100 pieces.”

Then John paused for a moment with a blank expression on his face.

“Is there any reason to do this?”

“I know what you are thinking. You might be thinking of growing it and selling it. But what we are selling is not the grown seeds, but the cultivation method itself. If possible, I would recommend selling to individual hunters, not guilds.”

John said, looking at Box and Seonghan Lim alternately.

“Selling this precious thing to someone else… .”

Then Lim Seong-han shrugged and said.

“What. It is up to the guild leader to sell or not to sell. If you buy all the first 100 pieces, we will not be involved even if you do not sell them as kits, but grow and sell them yourself. Would you like to purchase?”

“One by one… Aren’t you going to break it?”

“of course. By the way, except for the quantity that has already been promised to supply, all Black Blessings will be sold only in this form.”

said John, slurping his mouth.

“All right. I will buy it.”

* * *

After completing the trade, John obtained 100 kits.

“It’s a bit disappointing that I bought 100 of them, but… Still, if you can cultivate it, you can earn more.”

Just thinking about it makes my heart pound.

Can you safely mass-produce the Black Blessing, whose average market price is currently 1 billion won?

John said as he opened the box’s seal.

“Bring your laptop.”

I’m in a hurry right now, when will I go back to the UK to check it out?

said John, who connected the USB to the laptop his subordinate brought.

“Everyone go out.”

John, who had sent out all his subordinates, checked the contents of the USB with a pounding heart.

“It’s a video.”

So John turned on the video and started watching.

and how much time has passed

said John with a blank expression.

“… End?”

A black blessing that blooms on its own if you feed it to a living monster, then kill it and leave it alone.

“Is this really the end?”

Although it was even bizarre to the unexpected cultivation method, the method itself was not very difficult.

As long as there are seeds, an individual hunter can grow it alone.

“Wait a minute… .”

Excited at the fact that it could be grown, John said, calming his head.

“I struggled with the stereotype that I had to raise it on the ground, but once you know how to raise a dog or a cow… ah!”

John remembered the saying that Im Seong-han recommended selling to individual hunters.

“So, sell it to the Hunters… Besides, this isn’t just for me. I will sell it to other countries… Then, if this cultivation method spreads… .”

Now I fully understand what Seonghan Lim said that the purpose was to sell the cultivation method itself.

“You’re selling this for a cup of tea until you know how to grow it!!”

With this level of cultivation method, once the water is opened, everyone who knows will know in an instant.

So, how to get big money by putting the seeds in before then selling them.

As he did, when it comes to the cultivation of black blessings, there were many people who would turn their eyes around and waste all their extra money to buy it.

John clicked his tongue.

“Somehow, I was obediently selling cultivation kits… come in!”

At John’s words, his subordinates came in and said,

“How is it? Is it real?”

“The cultivation method is real.”

Then the subordinate said with an excited expression.

“Then grow black blessings with it… .”


John said with a firm expression.

“Sold as a whole kit.”


“And as soon as possible. You have to contact the individual hunters and sell them as much as possible. ‘Cause this is a race against time Now, not for $2.5 million, but for $3 million and $4 million.”

Then the subordinate said with a look of regret.

“However… Isn’t it too expensive?”

A subordinate who says the same thing as himself.

John thought with a bitter smile.

‘Mr. Im must have felt this way when he saw me.’

John said as he grabbed the box.

“If it’s a waste, I’ll give it to you at the original price, so you buy it.”

“Is that okay?”

“But I do not recommend it. We’re talking about it because it’s our guild member. ruler. Anyway, move quickly! Let’s go and sell it right now!”

* * *

The sale of black blessing cultivation kits for hunters, regardless of Korean or foreign countries, was absolutely explosive.

“If you are lucky, you will be able to earn a little more than the kit cost. Of course, it is limited to those who bought it in the beginning.”

Sellers like Black Tiger and John of the Night Guild all know this.

How much will it sell and how much will the price fluctuate with it?

They are the officials who have been watching the market flow by continuously supplying black blessings to the market.

However, the hunters who have only hunted by going back and forth between dungeons and the earth without knowing anything have such a global perspective that they are no different from ordinary people.

Even the Black Blessing has not yet been officially sold.

So, the price of the black blessing is extremely expensive, and if you cultivate the black blessing, you will be full of thoughts that you can sell it at that high price.

“There are rumors going around, so shall we move now?”

At first, as it was a cultivation method obtained with expensive money, everyone was quiet and kept secrets, but as the amount was sown from the 1st to the 2nd and 3rd rounds, rumors about how to cultivate the Black Blessing began to circulate among hunters.

Now, it is only a matter of time before they spread beyond Hunter to corporations and research institutes.

“Still, thank you. In a previous life, companies and hunters kept hiding it to prevent the price from falling.”

Because there has never been a person in a previous life who blitzed the cultivation method like I did.

I picked up my cell phone and called Yoon Sang-deok.

-Yes. President.

“Sell the cultivation kit at a lower price. I’ll have to blow one last shot. Rumor has it that it came from the secret lab of the Jungin group.”

-All right.

After the call, I said with a smile.

“ruler. Shall we go into victim mode then?”

* * *

As the existence of the cultivation kit became more and more known, one more rumor was added.

That the same cultivation method was leaked during the attack on the Jungin group’s secret laboratory not long ago.

Naturally, the reporters continued to request interviews with the Jung-in group, and I decided that the time had come, so I gathered the reporters and held a press conference.

“hello. This is Jeong In-soo. The reason we are holding the press conference today is to reveal a few facts and to warn you at the same time. First of all. Secret Lab.”

At my words, the reporters said with their eyes shining.

“Oh oh. Are you finally here?”

I sighed once and said.

“ha. To be honest, that’s right. Secret Lab.”

Reporters shouted in delight.

“That’s right!!”

“It must have been a secret laboratory.”

I said to the excited reporters.

“Of course, the labs aren’t the only ones there. It was one of several branches. I know there are legal issues. Did you know that there were other facilities than what was reported? The punishment for that will be sweetly received. But look.”

I said with a firm expression.

“Even if they hid it so tightly, they eventually found it and started terrorism. I also took all the research materials that were inside. In a situation like this, what can I trust to run an open lab?”

For once, let me give you an excuse lightly.

“Anyway, that’s not what’s important right now. The only thing I came out of today after acknowledging that was… .”

I took out the black blessing cultivation kit I had prepared in advance and said,

“Because of this.”

Then some reporters, who already knew about the cultivation kit, said with glaring eyes.

“Cultivation kit. It’s the first time I see the real thing.”

“Then the rumors… .”

I took out the USB from the cultivation kit and said.

“The components of this kit are simple. One Black Blessing Seed and a USB containing the cultivation method are illegally distributed in the market for a huge amount. And the cultivation method contained in this USB is… .”

I said biting my lip.

“It was leaked from our secret lab.”

Then the reporters raised their hands and shouted.

“Then the Jung-in group has already completed research on the cultivation method?”

I nodded and said.

“you’re right.”

“Then, did you stick to such an expensive policy even after finding a way to grow it?”

It was a sensitive question.

To the last, the sale only takes place at the underground auction house, and the official sale has not yet been approved.

Of course, it is a fact that everyone knows and tolerates.

“It wasn’t long before we first found a cultivation method, and it was only researched for mass production after getting permission. Because we haven’t done full-scale cultivation using it yet.”

While emphasizing that the fact of cultivation was never hidden in order to maintain an expensive policy, the answer to the sale of black blessings is skipped.

“There are also ethical issues.”

It’s the same as hunting monsters anyway, but catching monsters for bones and skins and killing them after parasitizing the Black Blessing are completely different feelings.

“Ethical means… .”

I said, interrupting the reporter who continued to ask questions.

“Anyway! I’m not here with the kit today to answer that. Not to claim ownership of this method of cultivation.”

The purpose of today’s press conference is advertising.

Informing people about the existence and potential of cultivation kits.

Of course, various actions are possible here, such as appealing that anyone can cultivate it with a cultivation kit and telling them to be careful because the price is too high, but that doesn’t seem like a lot.

He is the chairman of a chaebol group.

What I have to show here is a figure that transcends money.

A way to show that the reason why I hold a press conference and go this far is never money, and at the same time advertise.

Right away… .

“I intend to reward the buyer of the kit for revealing the identity and information of the person selling this kit.”

It is to take advantage of the hostile relationship with the Black Tiger.

“A bounty?”

“I don’t care whether the person who bought this kit uses the kit to grow it and resell it or use it myself. I don’t need any ownership of the cultivation method or anything.”

I said with an angry face.

“For me, the important thing right now is not money, but self-respect. You’re raiding my secret lab and making money with it… Absolutely. I can’t stand it at all. So we’ll have to catch them anyway. We plan to pay a bounty to all buyers who provide contact information, location, or where to meet the seller of the cultivation kit.”

It’s like a bounty, but as long as both are mine, it’s actually a payback on the purchase of the kit.

Of course, people who don’t know about it will feel that I’m just as angry.

“The reason we are limited to the buyer is for verification. Confirmation that the seller is really selling the kit. It takes time to check all false reports. Anyway, the reward is 3 million. Just come over to headquarters, check the kit, and give us the bare minimum to track them down, and we’ll get it right on the spot.”

The reporters said with a surprised expression.

“300 million?”

“Everyone who bought it?”

I said as I hit the table.

“Not only that! If that clue plays a decisive role in catching those who attacked the lab, up to 10 billion… No, 100 billion.”

an ever-increasing amount.

I pretended to think for a moment, then raised my index finger and said.

“group 1.”

Then the reporters were shocked.

“group 1!?”

“Did you say it’s group 1 now?”

I said with a cold expression.

“I will pay you 1 trillion won.”

The cultivation kit is now a 1 trillion won lottery ticket, not just a kit for growing black blessings.

Of course, there will be no winners.

“Are you crazy? group 1?”

“Wow… .”

“And I will apply the same to the people of the Black Tiger. If you know of something important enough to neutralize the Black Tiger at once, you can visit us anytime. We will also ensure your safety.”

In order not to raise suspicion, I mentioned the belonging of the Black Tiger, but the point here is that unless the content is important enough to neutralize the Black Tiger at once, you will not receive 1 set.

How many people, including me and Yoon Sang-deok, know what is important enough to neutralize the Black Tiger at once?

Of course, if there is a person who betrays you because of the real amount of money, that’s fine.

‘Cause I can handle it quietly.

Then a reporter heard a voice.

“I don’t think it’s just because of the first set of kits?”


“lets think. As soon as the lab was robbed, Chairman Jung didn’t even mention the iron box. So, people didn’t think that there was something important about Jeongin’s group in the lab, and they couldn’t open the iron box because it passed.”


“So maybe that’s why I bet 1st? It’s an excuse to bet money because of hurting your self-esteem, isn’t the real purpose of these guys recovering something they got from the secret lab of the Jeongin group? The black market crackdown is also a failure. The only clue we can track them right now is the cultivation method we got from the same secret lab.”

Then a fellow reporter said with a bright eye.

“It makes sense. but. Even Chairman Chung, is 1 trillion the normal amount? I couldn’t have bet that much money simply because of my pride. Does that mean that something robbed of a secret research institute is so important to the Jung-in group or to Chairman Chung that he has to pay 1 trillion won to recover it?”

“right. That’s what I mean.”

Hue is the goat

Good journalists who misunderstand you.

I bowed my head and said to such grateful reporters.

“I would like to ask for a lot of reports. thank you.”

As we were about to go down from the stage, the reporters said in an urgent voice.

“ruler. Just a question!”

Even if it was not, the cultivation kit, which was a fire, quickly turned into a 1 trillion won lottery ticket and started to set fire to people’s desires.

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