221 episodes

News that hit Korea early in the morning, when the sun has not yet risen.

It was the breaking news that a civil war broke out in North Korea.

It was breaking news with no confirmation of who was fighting whom or what was going on, but the article quickly spread to other media outlets, and in an instant, people panicked.

“Has Pan-ho Jang been attacked?”

Pan-ho Jang’s theory of the dissolution of the revolution, who had been taking a conciliatory atmosphere with Korea.

“Isn’t this supposed to be a war?”

People who did not have accurate information, even the rumors of war that had no basis in it, fell into fear.

When the situation became like this, the Ministry of National Defense, which was going to make an official announcement in the morning, hastily gathered reporters and started the presentation.

“First of all, I apologize for the delay in getting the facts straight. It is true that battles are currently taking place in various parts of North Korea.”

The reporters raised their hands and asked questions, but the defense ministry spokesman remained silent and continued only what he wanted to say.

“It appears to be a clash between the government forces led by Captain Jang Pan-ho and the opposition, and we have determined that Captain Jang Pan-ho has the upper hand.”

Then a reporter desperately exclaimed:

“Then did a civil war really break out!?”

“It is difficult to give a definitive answer as to whether the civil war is true or not, but the possibility remains open.”

If South Korea and the United States intervened, China and Russia could not stand still.

In particular, China, which is an ally with North Korea like the ROK-U.S. alliance, will obviously try to intervene using that as an excuse.

Therefore, this civil war in North Korea had to be seen as a civil war between North Korean forces within North Korea.

Naturally, the Ministry of National Defense, unable to convey the exact facts, had no choice but to express it in a sloppy way.

“Then shouldn’t we also intervene?”

“I apologize once again for not being able to give a definitive answer because it is a sensitive area in international relations.”

As questions continued to pour in, a defense ministry spokesperson rushed forward to wrap up the presentation.

“Anyway, in order to protect the people, the Ministry of National Defense is mobilizing all assets to monitor North Korea in cooperation with the United States, so please trust and wait.”

The announcement by the Ministry of Defense was thus concluded.

Although we acknowledge the possibility of a civil war, it is the message that the Ministry of National Defense wanted to deliver to the people, saying that Pan-ho Jang, who is friendly to us, is in an advantageous situation.

But soon after the announcement, a new breaking news came out again.

It was the content that North Korea’s nuclear missile base was occupied by an unknown army in the course of the battle.

* * *

“Such crazy… .”

A South Korean hunter’s quarters in a North Korean dungeon where a base station was installed to allow the use of TVs and cell phones for the convenience of hunters.

The hunters gathered there were shocked to see the breaking news.

“civil war?! here?”

“The nuclear missile base has been eaten! Wasn’t the opposition party to Pan-ho Jang pretending to be crazy and trying to launch a nuclear missile?”

I just came here to go hunting without thinking, but suddenly I was standing in the middle of a civil war.

At that time, Hunter spoke to a government official dispatched from Korea.

“What is the government doing?”

“As long as they wait, they say they will find a way to come to Korea.”

“Waiting? You want me to just wait here?”

Hunter said as he grabbed the man on the government side.

“I came to trust the government because it was a private exchange project, so does it make sense to deal with something like this!?”

“f*ck, the government didn’t believe in these bastards!!”

That’s when the Hunters were in a panic.

One was immersed in a completely different thought from them.

It was just maintenance.

‘This is it.’

Yoo Ji-soo has an intuition that this is the operation Heukho designed.

‘Nuclear missile base. It’s not really common.’

At that time, Yoo Ji-soo’s teammates looked at him resentfully and said,

“If the team leader hadn’t asked to come, this wouldn’t have happened!”

A reaction that would have been unimaginable if it had been the Black Tiger Hunter.

Yujisu said while holding it in slightly.

“What did I know?”

“Now what are you going to do? If there is a battle with the army like this… .”

Then, Yoo Ji-soo said with a cold expression.

“Do it in moderation.”

A team member who kept his mouth shut at the words of Yoo Ji-soo, who is famous for his dirty temper.

“Things like assholes make a fuss with these kinds of things while being a famous hunter? Are you so afraid of those who will run away from Hornbi Baeksan if we release a few monsters we used to cut and trick?”

Yoo Ji-soo, who lightly pressed down on the rebellious teammate.

Yoo Ji-soo thought while drawing attention from his teammates.

‘Once I told you to wait no matter what happened?’

In other words, Heukho knew this situation in advance and prepared all the countermeasures for it.

Yoo Ji-soo, who exchanged glances with the black tiger hunters scattered here and there, spoke to the team members with a calm expression.

“wait. If you wait, I will figure out a way.”

A member of the team looked at Yoo Ji-soo and said.

“… Is there any way?”

“I have. So don’t worry.”

Yoo Ji-soo said with a smile.

“Let’s just wait. It seems like something will happen sooner or later.”

* * *

Pan-ho Jang is the one who put everyone in panic.

But he too was panicked by an early morning phone call.

“What do you mean all of a sudden!”

Jang Pan-ho said with a bewildered expression.

“You’re waiting for the Hunters!!”

Pan-ho Jang’s operation was simple.

If you don’t know anything else, you must protect Pyongyang and Kim Yi-ryeong, so the SS, a reliable core force, remained in Pyongyang and attached to itself, but purges the opposing faction centering on unreliable warlords and external support hunters.

However, the Black Tiger, the core of this operation, suddenly announced its departure.

-Jeongin’s group has moved.

Then, Pan-ho Jang was startled and said.

“affection… In group?”

-As soon as they heard about the civil war, they suddenly started discussing advances in North Korea and support with the Ministry of Unification and the Ministry of National Defense.

“Gee, support?”

He sent someone to make contact with Jeong In-soo, but it was only to confirm Jeong In-soo’s will to advance into North Korea.

The black tiger containment using the Jeongin group is after all things have ended.

But the Jung-in group suddenly started looking for support.

‘Did the story go wrong? Or simply to really help me?’

Pan-ho Jang, who had been pondering for a while, shook his head and thought.

‘No, that’s not what’s important right now.’

Jang Pan-ho said in a firm voice.

“Didn’t you just contact us to gather information about a civil war? Besides, what the hell does that have to do with keeping the hunters on standby?”

– It doesn’t matter.

“Does it matter?”

The president said in a firm voice.

– At this point, it is absurd for the Jung-in group to discuss support measures for North Korea, and it cannot be done.

Jang Pan-ho said with a frustrated expression.

“Can you explain it to me in a way that I can understand? Why the heck does that make sense, and what else does it have to do with the hunters who are already in North Korea? .”

– I can’t tell you that.

Jang Pan-ho said with a puzzled expression.

“Hey, what the hell is that… .”

– Our Black Tigers are not only operating in North Korea. When we decided to help Captain Jang, do you really think we made that decision just for the sake of Captain Jang?

“Of course, there must have been something.”

-Now, this issue is intertwined with North Korea’s civil war as well as operations in the United States and South Korea. It’s so complicated that it’s hard to put into words. However, the prerequisite here is that the group Jeong-in should not move.

He must be talking about something important, but I can’t quite understand it.

-For that, I did all the pre-work to prevent the Jungin group from moving. But suddenly the Jungin group is moving… This doesn’t make sense.

“So, please explain why that doesn’t make sense, so I won’t do anything I can!”

– That’s not possible. Operations in South Korea are classified.

The president repeats that he doesn’t say anything and just says no.

“No, huh… .”

– Captain Jang doesn’t know. How serious and absurd is this? Clearly there must have been a variable in the middle. perhaps… Because of this, the Hunters might have to withdraw.

To Pan-ho Jang, it was a sound like a clear blue sky.

You might have to withdraw the Hunter.

“That’s not possible!! Aren’t you sure you agreed to support me!!”

-You know that there was a problem between us and the Jeongin group.

“I know.”

-It has to do with this too.

Pan-ho Jang said, smashing his chest.

“So… What the hell is that… .”

– I told you it was confidential.

Pan-ho Jang wants to shout at the chairman.

Then the president spoke in a cold voice.

– Chief Jang.

“… Yes.”

– I’m just asking just in case, have you ever been in contact with the Jung-in group?

Then, Pan-ho Jang, who was bewildered, said:

“Never did that!”

Then the president quietly murmured.

-But why did Jeong In-soo move? I can’t speak.

It’s as if this situation doesn’t make sense unless Jang Pan-ho met him.

‘Well, maybe something has changed because I sent someone?’

At this point, all I had to do was ask someone to do it, but I even wondered if the operation of the Black Tiger was disrupted by the butterfly effect.

– For now, I think we will have to watch the situation for a while. Until then, the movement of Hunters will be completely banned. It should be in one place, so it will be easy to take it out again when you are in a hurry.

Jang Pan-ho said in an urgent voice.

“I was told to denuclearize, so I accepted it, and I did everything as instructed, but this is not a different promise!”

– It won’t be long. about a week?

Jang Pan-ho bit his lip and said.

“… Can it really be a week?”

-for now.

Finally, Pan-ho Jang sighed and said.

“Ha, I see.”

After finishing the call, Pan-ho Jang said as he smashed the table.

“shit!! What the hell is going on?!”

The goal was to end the civil war at once with the advantage of the Hunter’s power, but the black tiger, the most important, fell behind.

I was told to wait a week, but I’m not sure about that either.

In the end, in order to put the plan into action, other hunters have no choice but to fill the void in the Black Tiger.

“We have to spend at least half of it, but if that happens, Pyongyang’s defense will be… .”

One way was to forcibly summon North Korean hunters, but it was a last resort.

Regardless of whether he can be trusted or not, the core of the support base for Jang Pan-ho is the hunters, who are forcibly summoned?

It becomes a blot for Jang Pan-ho, who advocated the freedom of the hunter and the people as the cause of the revolution.

“No bodyguards.”

The SS should never leave Pyongyang.

Even if not, Pan-ho Jang, who was in a situation where the Chinese side continued to show his uneasy feelings, abruptly started a civil war.

Perhaps China will covertly support Hunters for the military.

And when those hunters attacked Pyongyang, where the SS was absent, and Kim Yi-ryeong was taken away, Jang Pan-ho ended with that.

“Is it best to receive applicants as soon as possible and put them on the front line?”

They fill the void by accepting applicants with money or positions or anything.

Once they are mobilized, they should be able to have an assortment of things.

However, the most important thing is to eliminate the cause of this situation.

Pan-ho Jang picked up his satellite phone and called someone.

-Yes. chief comrade.

“I called Chairman Jung In-soo right away… .”

* * *

“Pu ha ha ha ha!!”

A phone call comes in from a man sent by Jang Pan-ho.

“I don’t know what it is, but because it’s urgent, why don’t you call first?”

I stopped laughing for a moment and answered the phone.


-President? That’s me. Chief Jang… .

“Yes. If not, I thought I should give you a call. Is Captain Jang safe? The information here is so much about Jung-gu heating… .”

– How are you? I guess you don’t have to worry.

“okay? I’m glad I did. Even if not, I’m now looking for ways to help Captain Jang by joining the government’s connections.”

Then the man said in an urgent voice.

– Well, you don’t have to! As the Ministry of National Defense announced, Captain Jang is in a very advantageous situation… .

“However, if I help you, it will be resolved sooner, wouldn’t it? Captain Jang thinks of me that way, but it is not moral to stand still! What… .”

I pretended to think for a moment and said.

“I do it for personal reasons as well.”

-personal… Reason?

In order to add credibility to Yoon Sang-deok’s words, he speaks as if the Jung-in group has some purpose and uses this as an opportunity.

“You don’t have to worry about that. I thought it was a good opportunity.”

A man who is silent as he does not know what to say because it is for personal reasons.

“I saw that Captain Jang told me to say it was okay because he was sorry.

– You said that I was really fine… .

“Oh, it’s okay. Oh, the deputy minister is calling. I’ll quit right now.”

– Come on, wait! Chairman Jung! Speaker Jung… .

After the call, I said with a smirk.

“Try rolling your head for a hundred days. After all, it’s on the palm of the Buddha’s hand.”

In the context of civil war, a week was by no means a short time.

Enough time for the warlords to prepare and unite against each other.

“By the way, it seems that he approached with the intention of betraying him.”

If I really meant to betray you, I would have said it now.

If you tell me everything, you can use what Heuk-ho is in trouble with, and at the same time solve the problems that Jang Pan-ho is experiencing right now.

“Hmm… Isn’t it a bit too pushy?”

Pan-ho Jang shouldn’t be shaken because he’s in a corner and even shakes hands.

I thought for a while and said.

“okay. You don’t have to spread out insurance.”

Heukho’s direct lineal hunters are the insurance I put in in case Pan-ho Jang’s betrayal.

But looking at it, it doesn’t look like he’s going to betray me at all… .

I said with my eyes shining.

“Are you going to drive them all into Pyongyang?”

Korean hunters who are unable to do this or that due to the current civil war.

to drive them to Pyongyang.

Excuse me, I think it would be enough to cover it up like Pyongyang is relatively safe and you can escape by plane if you have a car.

“If Pan-ho Jang is in a dangerous situation, he can always deal with it.”

Conversely, if you really betray… .

I said with a smile.

“It could be a dagger hidden under your chin.”

* * *


The cell phone in the right pocket of Yoo Ji-soo rings.

‘It’s a command.’

Yoo Ji-soo got up from his seat with a calm expression and said.

“I need to go to the bathroom for a while.”

“Yes… .”

Yoo Ji-soo, who went to the bathroom like that, answered the phone and said.

“Yes. It’s a maintenance water.”

At that moment, the boss’s voice is heard over the phone of Yoo Ji-soo.

-Leave everyone and go to Pyongyang together.

“Oh, are you there? What next?”

Yoo Ji-soo continues the conversation calmly as if on the phone with an acquaintance.

-Then wait.

“okay. I see. When I go to Korea, I have a drink.”

After finishing the call, Yoo Ji-soo returned to his seat and looked at the Hunters of the Black Tiger.

Hunters who leave one by one for a while and then return.

‘Shall we start soon?’

Yoo Ji-soo said to the team members.

“I’ve been thinking about it.”


“Why don’t we go to Pyongyang for now?”


“Jang Pan-ho is a kind person to Korea. Besides, there is an airport in Pyongyang.”

“Uh… There is a point… .”

The hunters here are in a state of chaos, from those who say they should move to Korea right now, to those who say they should wait.

This time, Yoo Ji-soo said in a loud voice, as if to listen to the other hunters who were not on the team.

“We are considering going to Pyongyang, is there anyone who will join us? It’s a big city, so I think it’s better than here. If possible, let’s move together. safety.”

Then a man nodded and said,

“It’s Pyongyang, it’s okay.”

The person who responded like that was also the Hunter of the Black Tiger.

The Hunter of the Black Tiger slapped his comrades and said.

“What do you think? Pyongyang.”

“Pyongyang? uh… .”

While people hesitated like that, other hunters of the Black Tiger began to agree with Yoo Ji-soo.

“okay. If you go to Pyongyang, Korea might send you a charter plane.”

“It’s safe to move together.”

In this way, the black tiger hunters come forward to persuade their colleagues, and an atmosphere is created as if they are gradually going to Pyongyang.

As the hunters slowly shook, Yujisu stood up and said.

“Now that I have made a decision, shall I move on? What do you have to drag on? We don’t have much luggage and we have enough food, so let’s go right away!”

As if waiting for those words, the Hunters of the Black Tiger half-forced their companions and approached Yoo Ji-soo, and even the unfamiliar hunters were swept away by the atmosphere and stood up.

Looking at those hunters, Yujisu said.

“let’s go! To Pyongyang!”

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