“Aha! such a misunderstanding!”

After hearing the explanation from Professor Alpen, Lee Han exclaimed briefly.

What a misunderstanding!

“Isn’t that ironic?”

“…that’s it!”

“But because of that misunderstanding, the students’ skills must have improved, so you’re calling this a pleasant mistake, right?”

It was Lee Han who concentrated his strength on his facial muscles to manage his expression, but the sound of a wizard from Baldrogard almost made him lose his mind for a moment.

‘Did the other person use spiritual magic?’

Otherwise, I would not be able to make such a heated sound.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”


“…ha ha ha. ha ha ha.”

Lee Han laughed together in order not to break the friendly atmosphere.

He asked a friend from behind as if wondering.

“So, I didn’t have to finish everything in the first place, but did you go through such a hard time?”

“You’re a high school student. What are you talking about? How hard is trial and error to learn magic?”

Lee Han said firmly to make his friend shut up.

Of course he was a dog high school student, but he couldn’t say he was a dog high school student in front of the professors.

The wizards nodded in admiration.

“That’s right.”

“It’s really great. Wardanaj County. With that mindset, I could have completed it so quickly. But the part I finished separately…”

Lee Han quickly made excuses.

Even if the result is the same, it looks different depending on how you say it.

“Thanks to the professor giving us a chance to solve it on our own, we made it like this on a temporary basis.”

A disciple’s way of euphemistically covering up the professor’s mistakes.

But Professor Alpen didn’t really care about that.

“Ah… that was a mistake. I’m sorry.”


* * * *

“how was it?”


After looking around the magic circle, the wizards came out of the classroom and talked for a while.

Aside from Lee Han’s feelings, Professor Alpen had no choice but to admire once again.

Of course, there were empty parts in the second half as he didn’t give them to complete everything.

That a freshman can solve it with his own wisdom.

Besides, that sphere of light.

It looked like it was floated by enchantment magic, but it remained in shape even after a few minutes had passed.

“Even after a few minutes have passed, it hasn’t disappeared and it’s still maintaining its shape. A freshman added magic on the spot and connected it to the existing magic circle.”

“It is truly amazing.”

“It’s really sad. Imperial bureaucrats need such talented people…”

Professor Alpen cast a stern look at Kendry’s words.

“I was joking. Joke. I know too. Of course we have to focus on magic.”

“Isn’t that our responsibility and duty?”

The two wizards looked at each other with meaningful eyes and decided in a low voice.

Let’s help that young genius focus on magic!

* * * *

“It’s not necessarily bad. Your professor appreciated it quite a bit.”

“right. Wodanaz.”

“okay. Were you surprised by the guests from other places as well?”

Unlike Lee Han, the friends quickly recovered from the shock.

At first, I was surprised that I had done something I didn’t have to do, but the professor’s praise and the admiration of the guests from outside made me feel much better.

People are amazed at the completed magic.

Isn’t this the magic of magic?

“It’s not necessarily bad. Your professor appreciated it quite a bit.”


“Wordanaz? What is it? You said you would.”

“The bad thing is…”

“Wordanaz! Wodanaz! what’s the matter! it’s okay!?”

poohAs if worried about the other Dragon Tower friends, he grabbed Lee Han and shook it.

Only then did Lee Han come to his senses and capture his heart.

‘okay. It’s not bad.’

In the first place, in order to show off to Professor Alpen, didn’t Asan do things together that he could do alone?

In a way, it was overachieved.

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No matter how knowledgeable and strict Alpen professor was, Lee Han’s name would have remained in his memory.

‘Maybe I can get a letter of recommendation when I challenge for a public office later…’

While Lee Han was trying to imagine as happy as possible, the Baldrogard students were trying to somehow fix the magic circle’s flaws.

“Doesn’t this look a little unsophisticated? If it were me, I would have put these three lines together and did it efficiently.”

“But if that happens, there will be a magic collision here, and no energy will be supplied to this sphere.”

“What the hell! How did you create such a magic circle so quickly? It must not be that the magical power is infinite!”

“Shh! Without dignity!”

“Mi, sorry. I almost tarnished Valdrogaard’s honor.”

‘What are you doing, these guys?’

Lee Han was puzzled as he watched the Baldrogard students gossiping.

The guests went out and talked, but it was strange to see them chattering while hanging on the magic circle.

‘Should I talk to you? However…’

It was difficult for Lee Han to talk to him first.


It was too hard to beat the Baldroggard students.

Concentrating on trying not to lose the right to go out, Professor Voladi couldn’t keep the ejaculation in his hands.

‘If I think about it now, I could have lost a little bit more.’

If a student who got hit by Lee Han while talking to him even had an argument, things got annoying.

That was the time.

Gripping support!


“What are you doing!”

One of my friends was startled and shouted in a sharp voice.

One of Baldrogard’s students touched the fantasy statue in the center and made it disappear.

“Oh… no! I didn’t do that on purpose!”

“No, not what! What a mean… Valdrogaard teaches you these things!?”

“no! no! It has nothing to do with Valdrogard! My mistake!”

The other student was at a loss as to what to do when his mistake grew to a situation that would damage the honor of Baldrogaard.

It looked like she was about to burst into tears.

Even though they were seniors, they were only one year older than the Einroguard students.

When I made this mistake, it was only natural that I didn’t have the skills to fix it.

‘Not good.’

Lee Han thought that he had to go on his own.

Because the professors and outside guests don’t like it very much when they come back and look at the current situation.

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Not only the Baldrogard students who made a mistake, but also the Einrogard students who pushed such Baldrogard students too hard.

‘Even if the other person makes a mistake, you are a guest. If you push it too hard, it’s not good.’

“You bastards of Valdrogaard who can go out as they please!”

“You’re not going to play in the city even on holidays!”

The Baldrogard students did not understand the anger of the Einrogard students at all.

“That… what about that?”

“How is it?! What’s wrong!?!?”

“I will never forgive you…!”

“Everyone, calm down.”

Lee Han dried up his friends. When his friends, who had been angry, were also relieved, he suddenly froze as if he had poured cold water on him.

The boy of the Wodanaj family had an innate atmosphere.

Even a person who had just been chatting because of a fever suddenly loses consciousness when he sees the cold eyes of a boy from the Wodanaj family.it will be ripped

“But Wodanaj. The statue I made at the most was ruined.”

“If there is no statue in the center…”

Spheres of light adorned both sides, and the illusion statue in the middle had to boast of its shape to complete this magic circle.

‘It would be unreasonable to fix the magic circle right now.’

Lee Han checked the damaged magic circle and clicked his tongue.

It was crushed and mixed because a student Valdrogaard accidentally stepped on it.


“I’ll summon a replacement for you. do not worry.”


Lee Han pulled out the magic that he had to learn from Professor Vible Verdus.

It was just basic light or flame, but the magic that was forced to learn because of Professor Biblé, who wanted to summon a dragon made of light with firecrackers.

It was <Buy Azirmo>.

Among the dragons of the Empire, famous dragons used to have their names left in history.

One of them was Azirmo.

Because it was a famous dragon that appears in fairy tales and legends, the students of Baldrogard quickly recognized him.

“It’s Azirmo!”

“Calling that…!”

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Not only the Baldrogard students, but also the Einrogard students watched Lee Han memorize the spell as if possessed.


‘this. Failed.’

Also, <Buy Azirmo> was difficult. It was different from the simple <Give Light> as it had to transform the shape of the light element and twist it around.

“Did you fail…?”

“Idiot! If you failed, you’d be hurt. That’s the preparation process.”

“Wow, indeed.”

‘It failed.’

Hearing the whispers of the Baldrogard students, Lee Han quickly tried again.

It was good for each other to settle the situation before the professors came in.

After six attempts, Lee Han succeeded in assigning Azirmo to the center of the magic circle.


It had a completely different appearance from the previous statue, but the students were all at a loss for words at the appearance of a dragon as beautiful and majestic as that.

Baldrogard student who made a mistake approached Lee Han with tears in his eyes.

“really really…”

“No need to say anything.”

Lee Han responded kindly.

There was no need to humiliate the other person more than necessary, as long as they decided to settle the situation amicably.

Of course, Lee Han was also furious when he heard that the Baldrogard students went out every weekend and had fun.

But that was it and this was this.

Besides, since there is a fan’s original sin with a water ball, you have to be kind like this…

“Thank you very much.”


“Seniors. Next time we see you outside, be sure to visit our family mansion!”


* * * *

He realized that he was being misunderstood, but Lee Han could not resolve the misunderstanding.

The professors who returned from the conversation were surprised to see that the magic circle had changed.

The wizard of Baldrogard knew what had happened by looking at the damaged magic circle and the faces of the students.

-I’m really sorry!

-no. Don’t do that. The students did not deal with each other smoothly. On the contrary, the efforts of the students become meaningless.

-…thank you.

The wizard of Baldrogard called Lee Han aside and thanked him once again.

-I’ve heard a lot about the Wodanaj family, but I would like to express my sincere gratitude.

-no. professor. But I think the students of Waldrogaard are misunderstanding me…

-If there is a student who only hears rumors of the Wodanaj family and is afraid, the nobles of the Empire will tell you not to be deceived by such rumors.

– no that’s itnot…

-oh. I’ll just have to go. Again, thank you for your generous response.


“Aren’t the Baldrogards a little annoyed?”

Asan nodded his head in agreement with Lee Han’s words.

“They are very unlucky. I go out on my own, and break the magic circle on the subject that comes to me.”

‘Ah. Is this why the magic schools hate each other?’

Lee Han woke up to Asan’s fierce reaction.

Before entering the school, I thought, ‘Why do you have such a useless competitive spirit?’, but after suffering in Einroguard, the students of other magic schools became rude for nothing.

This was very irrational behavior.

‘Calm down. Don’t fall for the Skeleton Principal’s tricks.’

“Wordanaz! Did you hear that!?”


“I heard that Gainando found the right to go out!!”


Lee Han’s eyes widened. Asan said urgently from the side.

“Wordanaz! Before anyone steals it, we…!”


“…forget the words. It was such a disgraceful word. As a member of the Dalcard family, I am ashamed.”

“no. The heart understands.”

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