“How do you know… huh? Are you a real spirit? howdid you know?”

“When they see me and run away, they are usually spirits.”



An awkward silence lingered for a moment.

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Nelia hesitated, she said.

“…You don’t have to have a spirit to be a good wizard! And Wodanaj, you have a lot of other friends!”

‘I have no talent for comfort.’

Lee Han thought so, but nodded his head.

My friend gave me sincere consolation, but I couldn’t complain about that.

“Wordanaz. Would you like to come over and go ahead?”


“There’s something over there, let’s check if it’s a spirit or not.”


Lee Han looked at Nelia with sad eyes.

Either that or not, Nilia beckoned without noticing.

“hurry! You should check it out!”

‘That’s why the hunters.’

Lee Han grumbled inwardly and moved his steps.

* * * *

Basically, the heavy snow was not good weather for hunting.

However, seasoned hunters were able to track their prey even under these conditions.


Lee Han was surprised to see Nelia catching one more of her rabbits.

“When it snows suddenly, even the animals are startled and bewildered.”

“Really… it seems like it ran in a unique way when it just ran over the snow, can you show it again?”

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Nelia took great pride in her, basically, that she was from the Shadow Rangers.

She likes to talk about Shadow Rangers and Hunters as much as she does when talking to her friends.

– This bread is really dirty and tasteless.

-oh. But I guess it’s better than the bread I ate when I was alone in the mountains before? The bread I ate at that time was really bad. It was bread left behind by a hunter who came to the cave, but mold and bugs…

– Whoops. Nelia…!

…Of course, these attempts were not very successful.

As much as that, her respect and her interest in Woudanaz made Nelia happy, but …



“I love talking about Shadow Rangers… and I’ll be sure to answer any questions you ask… Let’s talk later!”


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Nelia knocked down her deer exactly as she ran away.

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Now, the question that Wodanaj posed was exactly the 17th.

‘What should I do when choosing or shooting a bow?’ ‘How to track prey when it snows?’ ‘How to hide your presence…’ and so on.

At first, Nelia was excited and explained.

She’s curious about her friend, so why not explain it?

Lee Han also took notes and learned one by one.

But she forgot one thing, Neilia.

That the friend next to her is a madman trying to take all the classes at the magic school!

‘Anyway, there is enough!’

When the seventeenth question came, Nelia also felt dry in her mouth and her throat hurt.

“Can’t you just answer this?”


She was Nelia, who couldn’t refuse her friend’s request for a while, but her ability to refuse was increasing while she was with Lee Han.


“I think this is enough.”

“Is not it?”

After dismantling her last prey, Neilia washed her hands over her eyes that had piled up.

Lee Han melted the snow around him with fire, boiled it and put it in a bucket of water.

‘It would be nice to get used to the flames a little bit.’

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Nellia looked at it and borrowed her water with a look of embarrassment.

Magic is handy!

Do freshmen come all the way here in this kind of weather? Dangerous. go back


Lee Han and Nelia turned their heads in surprise.

Surprisingly, there was nothing around.

But the voice keeps comingcome. It was a soft and friendly voice.

It doesn’t matter where I am. Dangerous. go back

‘I don’t know who he is, but he has a personality that ranks in the top 5% of Einroguard.’

Those who told the student to return because it was dangerous were more likely to be basically friendly.

“I don’t know who you are, but we need something to eat.”

I don’t know why Einroguard starves young students… but it’s still dangerous. go back This weather is man-made and will not sink easily.

In response to the friend’s friendly attitude, Lee Han took a more active approach.

In the magic school, such opponents were rare. You should get help when you can.

“Can’t you show me? I would like to meet you and talk with you.”

Seeing me wouldn’t be good for you guys.

The voice warned without loss of courtesy.


My scent is too toxic for freshmen, and it will make them intoxicated.

‘What kind of race?’

From the opponent’s warning, Lee Han guessed that the opponent’s race was quite peculiar.

If it were a race that could make people around you drunk with just its scent…?

“But I will be fine.”

“Wordanaz. Isn’t that too reckless?”

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Nelia whispered.

She was just worried about her opponent’s serious warning.

From the looks of it, I don’t think he’s a weak opponent at all…

“it’s okay. Nelia.”


“okay. But I think you might be a little dangerous, so I think it would be better to stay away from it.”


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Nelia looked at Lee Han with a very worried look.

Are you really okay?

* * * *

Gandharva, with the wings and legs of a bird, was easy to confuse with the bird beast, but it was a completely different race.

The difference is that Gandharva’s body exudes an intoxicating scent.

Gandharva was a race closer to the spirit bloodline than the beast.

Gandharva, who spoke to Lee Han, was a guardian-like being who had been staying in the nearby rocky grass underground cave for a long time and managing it so that there was no accident.

As such, the wizards approaching this way had no choice but to get bored.

‘That’s why they are wizards!’

Gandharva was revealed by wiping off the heavy snow on the entrance to the underground cave.

Then a strong scent enveloped Lee Han.

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No matter how strong alcohol is, an inexperienced wizard will never be able to withstand it…

“Nice to meet you. My name is Lee Han.”

Lee Han greeted politely. Gandharva was perplexed.

Without giving him time to settle his embarrassment, Lee Han continued to ask.

“What is your name by any chance?”

…Call me the owner of the Rockgrass Cave.


This time, Lee Han was surprised.

If it’s a rock pool…

-Rockpool Underground Cave (be careful with cave owners)

Isn’t that one of the ways out of Einrogarde that Professor Lightning Walk told me?

‘You look very fine, don’t you?’

To be honest, Gandharva in front of me felt more kind than the professor.

“Were you the owner of the Rockgrass Cave?”

Do you know the rocky cave?

For a moment, Gandharva’s face contorted and radiated a powerful force.

Lee Han answered calmly without any embarrassment.

“I saw your name in the library.”

Are you sure you’re not trying to go through a cave?

“Am I talking? What is outside the cave?”

Lee Han took off the shichimi.

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Nelia, who was listening from behind, didn’t change her expression so much that she was deceived.

if not, it was Don’t even pay attention to the rocky grass cave.

“one thingMay I speak to you?”


“Wizards are basically curious people, so if you just tell them not to pay attention to them, they might be interested. If you explain why you shouldn’t care, wizards will understand and won’t care.”

Gandharva thought for a moment at Lee Han’s words.

The freshman’s words were more plausible than expected.

It could be… it could be.


The rocky cave is very dangerous.

“How specifically is it dangerous?”


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Nellia stared at Lee Han from behind her, as if wondering what she was doing.

Are you sure you’re not doing this to get in?

Due to the conflict between the great magics, different realms overlapped and the road became unstable.

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Nellia certainly listened with Lee Han, but she did not understand at all.

‘What are you talking about?’

“Indeed… Then I wouldn’t be able to touch it easily. The magical powers must be intricately intertwined, and different dimensions are overlapping…”

That’s right.


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Nelia threw her eyes mixed with betrayal.

‘Is it an area where there was a serious magic accident?’

Wizards are basically those who think big.

The reason why the heavy snow is falling around here right now was because of Mage High School.

The rocky grass cave located underground was also clearly the area where such a magic high had occurred.

Due to the conflict between the great magics, the flow of magic is messed up, and other dimensions like the spirit world are mixed…

Lee Han finished the memo.

The guardian of the cave tells you not to go in, but the other professors come and go when they are bored.

There must be a way through the road.

“thank you for telling me. I won’t even go into the rocky cave.”

Thank you! You are really different from other wizards. It will definitely be a huge success.

Gandharva was delighted with Lee Han’s understanding.

I was worried because the students who kept finding this way pointed their heads, but I was really happy.

Is there anything I can do to help? Did I say there wasn’t enough food before?

“Yes. and…”


“There are not enough clothes to wear. It’s so sudden cold. Everyone is trembling naked.”


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Nelia was also puzzled.

Are you rich in fabric…?

I’m sure it’s like that too.

“There are not enough potions. I couldn’t even get the ingredients because of the cold…”

Gandharva was truly heartbroken at Lee Han’s words.

I’ll take care of it!

* * * *

“…weren’t you going hunting?”

The friends were astonished by the cart pulled by Lee Han.

Even the masters of hunting could not come to hunt for potions or coats, let alone well-packaged food.

Yoner made a realized expression and whispered softly.

“Did you hunt down the professor’s workshop?”

“…it’s a novel idea, but it’s not.”

Lee Han organized the belongings with his friends.

It seemed that he could somehow spend this week or so.

I was worried about what would happen if it was long, but…

‘Let’s think about that then.’

Lee Han was seriously considering going back to the cave and asking for it.

He was kinder than he expected.

‘I should visit regularly.’

“Are you ready?”

“depart! Everyone, come to your senses and follow me!”

The Blue Dragon Tower students, wearing tight coats and tying each other with ropes, began to walk through the snow under Lee Han’s direction.

Although they had a sad expression on their faces, the place they were headed was the main building of the magic school.

It was time for a Monday morning lecture.

“Huh… heh heh.”

“Wake! You must not fall!”

blue dragonThe top students pulled each other and managed to enter the main entrance of the main building.

It was the same cold inside the main building, but even without the blizzard and strong wind, it seemed that I would live better.


Professor Garcia looked at the students sitting in the classroom and looked very sad.

How did you come to this school?

‘Aren’t you even halfway here?’

Lee Han was surprised to see the numbers in the classroom.

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No matter what, these kids are absent from school…

“Professor Verdus. May I ask for the topic of today’s Enchantment Magic lecture to prepare for the cold?”

Professor Garcia asked the Beaver Beast Professor who was standing next to him.

Originally, it was supposed to be a time to explain what enchantment magic is, but…

Looking at the half-frozen students now, the cold preparedness seemed much more important.

“why? Why?”


“The freshmen are stupid, so they can’t even teach you?”

“Still, if you tell me how to do it, one or two people will be able to keep trying and succeed.”

“no. I can’t do it because I’m stupid.”

“I say do it.”

Professor Garcia smashed the corner of the classroom table with the force of his hand.

Professor Verdus was immediately convinced.

“I will! I must!”

‘In front of Professor Garcia, I have to be really careful about my behavior.’

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