Of course, the rewards of the warlocks working in the cemetery were never bad.

A warlock was just a wizard who was plagued by unfounded rumors and prejudices, never a hogu.

If the pay wasn’t good, which warlock would take on such a job?

However, Lee Han had the theory that ‘even if you do the same job, if the pay increases, it is a good thing’.

“no. Moon Card. We just dedicated ourselves to the city…”

“If there is no reward for those who have dedicated themselves, who will give? I’m going to add a budget by speaking hard to city councilors.”When he got the answer he wanted, Lee Han coughed again.

“Cool. Cool…”

“Such. Stop talking and rest. It seems that the mana consumed in the last subjugation did not even recover.”

“thank you…”

Lee Han staggered and placed his arm on Guy Nando’s shoulder. Guynando was startled and pretended to be supportive.

“They are really good wizards.”

Feeling Daihal’s gaze, Lee Han left the cemetery.

D. Lett, who was still quiet, unable to interfere with his junior’s performance, asked quietly.

“By the way, junior. What is the last subjugation talking about?”

“Kul Kul K K K K K K K L K L K L K L K L K L K L K L K L K L K L K L K

“Work it out.”


* * * *

“…that’s why some crazy apprentice knights don’t even understand the subject and ask us to go catch that being again. Aren’t they crazy people? I don’t understand why the Knights don’t teach character like Einroguard.”

In anger, Lee Han criticized the apprentice knights, but Dirett was not listening.

The story before that was so shocking.

“No, you have to run away from it, why…”

“Is that because of the White Tiger Tower guys??”

“Uh huh. okay.”

The junior looked so unreasonable, so Dirett couldn’t say anything more.

‘If Professor Mortum found out, it would be quite annoying…’

Did you meet an ancient evil entity that is not even recorded in the records?

If Professor Mortum found out, he would be excited to do all sorts of research.

And the preparation for the investigation will be done by the disciple, and the target of the investigation will be the person who has experienced it most closely…

The younger one was both.

“senior. Thanks for your help today. Let’s go eat together.”


Dirett thought a little.

He didn’t like it because it was inconvenient to visit the mansion of an aristocratic family.

“great. My juniors say so, I can’t refuse. But junior.”


“Isn’t that the professor?”

At the sight of Professor Verdus sitting in front of the front door of the mansion and waiting for him, Lee Han felt very slightly sorry.

* * * *

“Wow, Wodanaj doesn’t eat?”

“Lee Han likes studying more than eating.”

Gainando pretended to know Ymirg’s question.

Of course, if Lee Han had been next to him, he would have been hit in the back of the head.

“… juniors. Why the hell is Professor Biblé here?”

“uh. Are you just looking for me?”

“Did you just come here?”


“Anyone who behaves like that… is right.”

Dirett was immediately convinced before even questioning.

If it was Professor Verdus, he would have been able to do it.

“However, I think we should give them some time to rest.”

Dirett put down the strawberry madeleine and said.

He’s a student who just had a hard time catching the undead chimera, but isn’t it too much to take him without giving him a break?

“it is not so? No matter how long you waited It won’t be just a few hours.”

“uh. no?”


“You have been waiting since last night.”

It was evening, so he had been waiting for almost a day.

“You’ve been here since last night… Wait. Wait a minute.”

It was strange to visit last night, but maybe it was because the professor and the student were close.

“You’ve been here since last night, so why did you guys come to the cemetery?”

“Lee Han asked me to run away in the morning…”


Dirett is speechless and has coffeeput the cup down.

…is this self-sufficient?

* * * *

“Did you wait long? sorry.”

Lee Han apologized with a pretentious expression.

First of all, the opponent was a professor.

But Professor Verdus, too, didn’t care at all, as expected.

“uh? Nope. let’s do some work Oh yeah. He changed his helmet.”

“oh. thank you!”

Lee Han was truly delighted with Professor Verdus’s words.

‘I can sell it!’

“How much will this cost?”



“Who buys something like that? It’s a dangerous artifact.”

“…uh… Now that it’s fixed, isn’t it safe for users to be careful?”

“That’s right. But it’s dangerous if you’re not careful. I don’t buy that.”


Lee Han stared at the helmet. Helm of Wisdom spoke carefully.

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Now that this is the case, it’s time to bring out the wisdom inside of me…

“Shut up.”

Lee Han turned his attention to pitching. He had no reason to care unless he knew he had no money.

“professor. I have a question.”


“Can I make an artifact and sell it?”

“Would it be too much?”

Professor Verdus responded immediately.

Since each artifact is expensive, the experience of the person who created it was also very important.

In the case of a rookie artifact producer, he was able to make a name for the empire by constantly participating in the production of other artifacts as an assistant, building a career, increasing his contacts, and then seizing the opportunity to present his own artifacts.

‘It sounds like something you’ve heard a lot.’

It is a harsh law for newcomers in any industry. Lee Han frowned at the thought of taking more than ten years lightly.

“for a moment. How about this? They make it cheap and sell it cheap.”

Even in Einroguard alone, the artifacts of incomplete failures were rolling around.

It was the wreckage that the seniors had failed to make and threw away.

Of course, these artifacts will get you an Imperial bounty when you sell them at full price, but that doesn’t mean they’re completely useless.

If only adventurers could obtain artifacts at a relatively cheap price right now, even an incomplete failure would be tempting.

“What? A waste of energy.”

Professor Verdus was negative about Lee Han’s business plan.

The magician’s magic was a limited resource.

Why would you waste a handful of magical power in such a place that you should make a masterpiece?

And even in terms of money right now, selling one masterpiece is better than selling dozens of cheaply made trash.

“indeed. There is no problem other than wasting mana, right?”

However, Lee Han knew what Professor Verdus was saying and filtered it out.

What if I wasted some of my energy?

And what if the value for money is not good?

‘It’s much better to earn money in advance than to start working for ten years and build a career. And after all, if you practice, you will come out with failures.’

Lee Han quickly drew a blueprint in his head.

If you want to create and sell artifacts with the most useful features…

“ruler. Start!”

Professor Verdus, unaware of Lee Han’s plans, began to arrange equipment.

Chisels and chisels, hammers, planers and saws, miniature welding wands with extreme flame magic, glasses with lenses for different uses, and more.

“professor. There is something I want to do.”

“oh. What? What??”

Professor Verdus was excited when Lee Han showed his enthusiasm.

“I would like to create a water spawn artifact or a dark vision artifact.”

“What? Why are you making such garbage? Wasting time, wasting magic, wasting materials!”

Of course, just because I was excitedI wasn’t a good listener. Regarding Artifacts, Professor Verdus was very cold-hearted.

Water creation artifacts and dark vision artifacts were not very difficult, and were boring artifacts that any wizard could make with time and effort.

Professor Verdus had no preference for such a waste of materials.

“professor. There is something I feel while studying magic these days.”


“I have a lot of magic power, so I think I need to spend a little to get my hands on it.”


“Yes. However, to use other magic, if you catch the enchantment while using another magic, you can’t get used to it right away. It seems to work well when I practice with the same enchantment magic.”

“Why are you so incompetent?”

“Great. That’s it.”

Lee Han answered falsely sadly. Professor Verdus was deeply sorry for the lack of talent of his student.

“what should we do. So, can you be good at enchantment?”

“oh. So should I quit?”

“It doesn’t work.”


At the sight of Professor Verdus who did not completely fall over, Lee Han kicked his tongue inwardly.

“Okay. If so. Artifacts that aren’t fun, rewarding, and a waste of time…”

Professor Burdus grunted and began to pull his stuff out of his pocket.

Lee Han stopped at the sight of taking out the blue jewel, aquamarine, and putting it on the spirit whale skin.

Although Lee Han hadn’t mastered all the ingredients yet, he knew well that those two materials were terribly expensive.

“for a moment. for a moment. professor.”


“Do you use aquamarine and spirit whale skin?”


“Uh… is that essential for water generation artifacts?”

“Is it necessary?”

Lee Han felt once again that he had to ask Verdus in a different way.

“So, without it, the water generation magic won’t work at all?”

“It is not. But efficiency is garbage. It’s still garbage-like artifacts, but if efficiency is garbage-like, there’s no real meaning.”

“But it is a waste to use these materials for practice.”

‘And I can’t even get my head on it.’

There was no way that Lee Han, who was trying to get an optimized recipe, could create an artifact made of aquamarine or spirit whale skin.

“But if you take it out, the efficiency is too garbage.”

“How much?”

“For a leather bucket this size, it would take a week to fill it up.”


Clearly, Professor Verdus made sense.

‘A week is… too slow.’

It takes a week for a leather bucket big enough to fit around my waist to fill up.

Lee Han felt once again that the magic of a wizard is a miracle for those who cannot use magic.

A person who could not use magic needed that much preparation to use magic.

“is there any other way? or injecting a lot of magical power.”

“It works, but… the artifact lifespan is shortened.”

Still, if you put too much magic power into making it with cheap materials, the lifespan of the artifacts could only be shortened.

Besides, it was a waste of power.

“it’s okay! In any case, the efficiency improves, doesn’t it?”

“It is, but…”

Professor Verdus tilted his head as he looked at the motivated disciple.

Why the hell do you like that?

‘Do you like making garbage?’

* * * *

Deer skin, coyak thread, copper ring.

A water generation artifact, a material that went into a portable leather bucket.

Lee Han wasn’t the type to admire or take pride in his own skills or talents, but when he made this leather bucket, he couldn’t help but be proud.‘You did it!’

He created an artifact that somehow came out of the water with inexpensive materials.

Professor Verdus, who was dozing next to him with a bored expression on his face, yawned and he asked.

“Are you done?”


“Are you free? ruler. then.”

Professor Verdus laid out the long-awaited blueprint on the table.

The design was so long and complicated that the long square table was full.

“…What is this?”

“Air-flying sailboat.”

Seeing Professor Verdus proudly bringing up a difficult project that Lee Han would have to tackle in about 100 years, Lee Han seriously contemplated whether he would play tricks again.

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