
The white tiger tower student who was properly ambushed fell down.

The other student next to him shouted in surprise.



“What… what are you doing! Why are you attacking us! Are you crazy?!”

“It was you who threw the turkey at me first.”

“No, I’m playing! It’s a joke!”

“It was a joke.”


“i get it.”

Lee Han swung his staff and chanted a spell.

Then the wine spurted out of the barrel and formed into a sphere.

Seeing this, the white tiger top student’s face turned white. Even though I was very drunk, it felt like the intoxication was gone.

Wordanaj’s water element magic that all White Tiger Tower students know!

“All blood… ugh!”

“What do you avoid, you idiots?”

“Wordanaz is here! Wodanaz is here, hey! hey!! Stop drinking! Because Wodanaj is here!”

The students of the White Tiger Tower, who were sitting in the hallway of the banquet hall, realized the incident and screamed, but the banquet hall was so noisy that it was not delivered.

The students of the White Tiger Tower, who used the spacious banquet hall to throw food at each other, discovered Lee Han later.

“What… ugh!”

“This… hahaha!”

“Why the hell… Kek!”

“Help Wodanaj!”

Salko, who woke up late, shouted fiercely.

The Black Turtle Tower students ran in and attacked the White Tiger Tower students.

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No matter how good the students of the White Tiger Tower were in close combat, they couldn’t get their hands and feet together when they were so drunk.

“Rain… cowardly people…! When we get drunk and distracted… hiccups!”


Giselle got up and moved to the Duke’s side.

I didn’t want to get involved in that pathetic mess.

* * * *

“sorry. peacock lord. Everyone seemed to be having a bit of fun.”

The White Tiger Tower students set aside and Lee Han apologized.

In fact, it was shortly after the fight began that I realized that Duke Ikaldoren was sitting at the top.

The White Tiger Tower guys were playing so freely, I never thought that the Duke would even be in the banquet hall.

‘Are they really crazy?’

The peacock is in front of you, throwing a glass of wine and playing with food.

He had the guts to surpass Gainando.

Anyway, as long as there was a duke, I had to apologize for having a brawl like this in front of me, even as a courtesy. Ihan bowed his head.

“No. It was fun to feel the boiling blood of young talented people.”

Duke Ikaldoren’s face looked really happy.

Seeing this, Lee Han thought to himself.

‘You have a unique taste.’

I think the White Tiger Tower students would love it that much, throwing pies and cakes at each other and making a mess.I didn’t know if I would get a standing ovation even if I went to see the pigsty.

‘It’s really refreshing inside.’

Duke Ikaldoren looked at Lee Han with great pleasure.

Still, he was a talent he was looking for, but the way he showed him today was very impressive.

How nice it was to see them subdue the grunting pigs in the banquet hall…

“The cleanup is over.”

The banquet hall, which had been a mess, was cleaned up in an instant. Lee Han and his friends rushed in and sat down in the banquet hall.


“Can I not wake you up?”

The White Tiger Tower students were lying drooling in the corner of the banquet hall.

Both Lee Han and the Duke pretended not to see them and ignored them.

“I’m sure there will be so many Einroguard students… I’m really happy.”

“If you want, I will invite more next time.”


At Lee Han’s words, Duke Ikaldoren’s eyes flashed sharply.

That boy of the Wodanaj family was an ambitious man who had caught the poisonous pollutant the other day and explicitly hinted at his worth to the duke.

Such an ambitious person could not have done something like this without a second thought.

Why did you bring so many Einroguard students?

‘Is it a relationship…!’

Even though they came from Einrogard, there were not many people who had a wide friendship than I thought.

Even the Duke knew that Einroguard was divided into towers and that they did not mix with each other.

By the way, Wodanaj, who belongs to the Blue Dragon Tower, brought students from other towers (though he seemed to have a very bad relationship with the White Tiger Tower).

It was an amazing tolerance that no one could show.

A figure that only those with innate dignity as a great aristocrat can show!

‘It’s only a freshman year… I’m afraid of the future.’

In the last meeting, it was the duke who promoted Lee Han to not just a talented freshman, but to a young ambitious who deserves an equal sitting across the table.

But in today’s meeting, it’s very faint, but to the point of being wary.

Seriously, I was afraid of the future.

“Can I bring you something to drink?”

In response to the servant’s question, Lee Han said firmly.

“Please prepare some meals.”


It was the servant who carefully asked if he would bring only drinks because of the students who had just made the mess.

He was worried for nothing, but what could he do?

The servant withdrew to contact the kitchen.

‘Would you like me to turn down the drink and prepare a meal for you? Are you going to waste time without talking right away? Why?’

Duke Ikaldoren was alone in deep thought.

Seeing this, Durgyu asked Giselle with a nervous voice.

“Are you mad?”

“Are you going to keep asking what you can tell even if you have only one eyeball? If that’s the case, pay the silver coin and ask.”

Lee Han whispered to Salco.

“Eat as much as you can. Salco. It’s free.”

“Wordanaz. You really should have come to the Black Turtle Tower.”

* * * *

It was fortunate for the servants.

The meals of the three top students were much more peaceful and quiet.

The priests carefully sliced ​​the steak with knives and politely thanked the duke with each bite.

Originally, Duke Ikaldoren was not moved by this kind of greeting, but after seeing the bullshit of the White Tiger Tower students earlier, he couldn’t help but feel happy. The Duke thought that after this banquet, he should send a donation to each temple.

The meals of the students of the Black Turtle Tower were noisier than the priests, but to the extent they were cordial. Considering that I was a student, it was rather refreshing because I was young.

“How do you eat this?”

“Give me I’ll cut it.It’s not cutting by force, but cutting the joint here and then peeling it off.”


“After all, Nilia is different, isn’t it different?”

“There is dignity in action. It’s not like I can hang out with nobles for nothing.”


As Guy Nando tried to shove her nose into the plate, he pulled her back to dry, while Lee Han picked up the plate and set it down in front of the princess.

Aden Artt, who wanted to eat terrine made with venison seasoning, but only glanced at him from a distance, bowed his head slightly in gratitude.

Seeing this, Rowena asked in surprise.

“How do you know what you want?”

“She kept glancing and staring.”

“Is that so? I thought you were thinking about riddles today…”

‘I don’t think anyone looks at the plate and thinks about it.’

Rowe I thought as she pondered, then she asked.

“If you take care of me like this, wouldn’t it be your friend already?”

“You call that a friend?”

“Looks like a servant.”


“The butler would be better.”

As the other Blue Dragon Tower students calmly added, Rowena grew pale.

Lee Han, who took care of all the people around him, turned his attention to the duke.

The peacock waited with a smile without changing his expression.

It was nice to see people like that.

It’s because you’re being stingy with everyone except the royal family.

“Sir Duke. I have a question about the riddle.”

“Ask me anything.”

When Lee Han spoke, the duke was delighted as if the person who skipped the meal had received the food.

“I thought that the riddle that your Highness gave me was a riddle that likened something. For example, the moon or…”

“You got it right!”



For a moment, Lee Han’s face froze.

The face of Yoner, who was next to him, also froze. The two quickly exchanged glances.

‘…was it a real metaphorical riddle?’

‘I thought it was a little strange…!’

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Not knowing that their expressions had hardened, the duke continued.

If you can’t solve the riddle you were originally asked to solve and come up with a strange answer, the person who raised the problem is also in trouble.

He was a duke who thought, ‘Should I make it easier to understand?

The possibility is slim, but since it is a problem that can spread rumors such as ‘The Duke of Ikaldoren took notice and admitted that even the wrong riddle was correct,’ I thought about it for a while…

How come you have an answer like this?

“right. That was the right answer.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Unknowingly, Lee Han looked at the princess and her followers.

It seemed that he hadn’t heard the conversation between the Duke and Lee Han yet because he was eating.



“Put down the cane you brought with you and never take it out.”

“Yes? Why?”

“…just don’t take it out.”

When Lee Han turned to face, Rowe I was startled and nodded her head. Lee Han thought that he should apologize later.

* * * *

After the meal, the Duke asked the students questions.

It was mainly about Einrogard.

“How are you doing in Einrogarde?”

“Dog a… …is having a good time.”

“Ji… …I’m fine too.”

Even the students who were trying to tell the truth at first gave up when their tongues stopped with an oath and chose an acceptable answer.

‘What does diet have to do with keeping mysteries and knowledge!’

‘It’s like a F*cking oath!’

“I have heard that the teachings of wizards are very harsh.”

“I… …I think it’s because of rumors from the past.”“That’s right… rumors like that usually leave a strong impression on me, so even more…”


The peacock was very confused.

Obviously, I got the information that life inside is quite difficult.

The more I got to know, the more I felt like I was falling into a labyrinth.

“Still, thanks to Wodanaj here… I was able to live a decent life.”

“you’re right. If it wasn’t for Lee Han-nim of the Wodanaj family, it might have been a little more difficult…”

When Lee Han’s story came out, the Duke listened with interest.

I already knew that it was popular among students, but listening to it this way gave me information from a different perspective.

“He saved my life several times. What crazy people are attacking…”

“I was lucky.”

To Salco’s words, Lee Han replied as if it wasn’t a big deal.

But at that moment, the peacock was struck by lightning.

He was intuitively convinced.

‘no way!’

Those whom the Duke had brought into the school.

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Now, the crazy people that Black Turtle Top student is talking about had no choice but to be them.

In a school about the size of Einroguard, there must be more people attacking students.

‘…does that make sense!?’

The Duke of Ikaldoren was not shaken by any means, but this time he crossed that line.

He didn’t send the gossips, he sent in those expensive “Maple Tree Snakes” bastards.

He wasn’t even a beginner. The anti-mage experience was a disgruntled bastard.

Even though it is not in a magic school and there are professors, does it make sense to not be able to subdue a single freshman?

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No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t understand it.

Eventually, the Duke lost his patience and threw out his question.

“I wonder what the attack was…”

“Kyoja… no.”

“Hey… it’s not a big deal.”

The other students ended up saying no with a bitter expression. The peacock couldn’t help but be even more confused.

And the most confusing thing is…

‘Isn’t it too crafty to be a coincidence? The one who blocked the attack is approaching this Duke of Ikaldoren…’

The peacock suddenly felt suffocating.

He feels as if he is a puppet himself playing on someone’s palm.

It was a deep pressure he had never felt except when he faced the emperor.

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