As there are no rules in the dimension, there are cases where strong monsters come out of places where at other times a much weaker monster would appear.

But you’re a venom predator in Sector 2.

It didn’t just end with that guy’s appearance, it meant that the entire area of ​​Area 2 was dangerous enough to be bloody.

“Let’s lower our voices and leave quietly. I don’t think I’ve noticed this yet.”

“ah. I guess that kind of guy didn’t come out in the first place.”

“…Of course!”

Di Lett almost raised his voice for a moment.

If it was an area where people like that would come out, how would you have brought your juniors?

If it were, the students wouldn’t have come..


The Venom Predator muttered, turned his head, and spits something out of the bone grave.

Then he grabbed another lumpy mass and put it back in his mouth and began to muffle.


Dirett was perplexed.

What is he doing now?

“senior. As far as I know, a predator is one that eats and swallows other beings to build and strengthen themselves. When he spit like that without swallowing it, it must be said that he intends to sacrifice it to someone stronger than him.”

“That, that…”

Dirette, who was surprised by the words, suddenly felt curious.

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No, how did this junior know that…?

“How do you know that?”

“I learned from the professor.”

“Did you learn something like that in first grade?”

“no. for additional lectures.”


In the midst of this, Dirett had to hold back in order to put up with the sudden sadness.


“Why are you turning your head…?”

“Nothing. Anyway, if what you said is true…”

If a venom predator was chewing on the cud of his prey to offer to something stronger than him, it would be creepy.

Because there are many more dangerous monsters in this area.

“Let’s go back quickly and report.”


Lee Han and Dirett quietly lowered their posture and turned around.

However, on the way back, new undead were roaming around. It was a bunch of ragweeds.

Dirette furrowed her eyebrows.

“I can’t help it.”

“Yes. Ready to fight…”

“What!? Nope! You want to go back!”

“Ah, is that so?”

Lee Han lowered his wand with a shy expression.

It became a habit, and he was automatically prepared to fight.

* * * *

“senior! You’re back!”

“Have you met too?”

Upon returning to Professor Mortum’s wand sign, Di Lett was surprised to find that his juniors had come first.

“What do you mean?”

“Predator. We have a venom predator on our side. Even a rattlesnake…”

“A venom predator?! It must have been a big deal.”

The junior’s reaction was not the reaction a person frightened by the appearance of a strong monster would show.

It was the reaction that someone who had lost his mind would show.

Lee Han whispered in surprise.

“The fact that they are not afraid of poisonous predators makes them all confident in battle…”

“Is that possible! What’s going on everyone? What is it that everyone is excited like they’re drunk?”

“senior. The professor has found the ruins!”


Dirette was startled.

It’s a relic.

It was difficult and rare to find relics from outside, but it was really rare to find relics from another dimension.

There were many sorcerers who could not find the ruins once in their lifetime, so the rarity of it is needless to say.

“Jin… Jin… Really?”


“…senior. You said it was dangerous when you came…”

Ian was perplexed.

Dirett’s eyes suddenly flashed with a strange light.

To compare them specifically, they looked a bit like Professor Voladi or Professor Verdus.

“But the other dimension is dangerous.”


Lee Han sighed inwardly.

Even Diret-senpai, who used to be fine, is getting weird.

‘Is Einrogard’s site bad? Do you corrupt even an innocent person?’

“senior. I’m sure we’ll get ready to get out as soon as we arrive…”

Dirette said this as she came.

-As long as there are predators out of the rattlesnake, there’s nothing to gain from wandering around here. I got as much as I could in Zone 1.So, it’s okay to leave Area 2 alone and leave. That’s good enough.

-But the other seniors couldn’t find what they were looking for, wouldn’t they be dissatisfied?

-Don’t worry, I’ll make you listen even if I hit you. Junior.

But how do you change like this?

“That was when there were no remains. The ruins are worth the risk.”

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Not only Dirett but the other seniors whispered in a possessed voice.

“Junior. lets think. What relics are there in the ruins?”

“Certainly, if it’s a black magic artifact, I’d be interested, but…”

“ah. No black magic artifacts.”

The students responded resolutely.

“Black magic relics are not expensive and difficult to sell, so the professor will use them for research. It must be another magical artifact. That’s a good thing to sell.”


“The professor will come back soon and tell you what the ruins are…”

Just then, Professor Mortum came running from a distance riding on a skeleton pony. The professor continued to cough even after he had been there for a while.

“How are you, Professor!?”

“how about it?!”

“Collock. Everyone… you can rejoice. It is a true relic.”

“Three, my God…!”

“I am so lucky to be alive!”

“Do I need to return to school for the second semester? Can I throw my resignation letter in the face of the principal!?”

“Let’s throw together!”

Professor Mortum smiled at the happy faces of his students.

Lee Han-do seniors, who do not have much expectations for the ruins, started to get a little nervous.

To sit among seniors and throw a letter of resignation in the face of the skeleton principal.

Happy just thinking about it…

“Junior. What did you like about the words you just said?”

Dirett was puzzled by Lee Han’s changed reaction.

I was worried until just now, but why all of a sudden?

“I was amazed at how cool it was that you threw out your resignation letter. The professor is also very kind.”


Dirett understood what he was talking about.

“They don’t really care whether they drop out or not because they are not the students they care about, and they don’t let the students they care about drop out.”

“…that is, that’s right.”

Lee Han nodded his head, then suddenly became curious.

‘…Am I also going to become a disciple I love? Not yet?’

* * * *

Even if it is the same relic, there is a difference in its class.

The ruins that wizards liked were ‘good’ ruins.

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No matter what type of ruins there are, there’s a lot to be gained from ruins that have not been invaded, looted, or weathered.

In comparison, most of the ruins that were half-broken and ruined were difficult to expect. Those ruins were the ones that made the wizards breathe a sigh of relief.

In that respect, the dimensional remains that Professor Mortum discovered were surprising.

Surprisingly, the entire palace-shaped ruins remained!

Built in an unknown and complex style, the palace stood quietly in the dimension.

“Collock. From now on, you can use any magic. If it is dangerous, use it unconditionally.”

Professor Mortum told his students:

There is a risk that it can stimulate beings in this dimension, but considering the dangers around it, you should be prepared for that.

“Magic power, lose that power. wall Expand… Let’s go in.”

Professor Mortum took the lead by using anti-magic to prevent the reverberation of the students’ magic from leaking out.

Then the students started preparing for their own exploration.

“Come out, dog!”

“Ulkas, protect me.”

“Mist of poison, envelop me.”

“Curse, sense the hostility…”

From those who summon the undead to those who prepare curse or poison magic.

Dirett even took out a small crossbow.

“poisonBecause of the elemental magic, they get along really well… Wait a minute, juniors.”


Dirette, who had not seen Lee Han for a while as she was preparing for poison magic, was astonished.

From leopard monsters with bodies with verdant gem solution, to over ten skeleton warriors.

I couldn’t believe when it got to this point.

“Are you okay with this?”

“ah. Of course not.”

“okay. If you want too many, you can reduce the number…”

“We need to apply reinforcement magic to the weapons of the undead. The movement is slow, so strengthening magic is essential.”

“…that wasn’t the point. Junior.”

Warlocks wielding undead combat styles varied, but basically, sending the undead forward to attract enemies was the principle.

In the meantime, the rear-guard warlock will damage or confuse the enemy in various ways.


-■■■, ■■■, ■■■…

“It came out. A watchman.”

“Everyone, be careful.”

As soon as they passed the entrance to the palace, they were attacked by golems the size of a person walking out of both walls.

Surprisingly, the students used the summoned undead as a shield to slowly adjust their breathing and prepare for magic.

The third year student looked at Lee Han and said.

“look. Even if an enemy appears, never panic and stay calm from behind…”

Many wizards used to fail their magic because of the tension when they fell into a battle situation, but the Warlock was a different story.

While the summoned undead draws time, the magic can be completed.

But there were exceptions.

A person who can cast magic quickly even in such a situation because he received rigorous training as a battle wizard in the first place!


Lee Han ferociously spins the water ball, knocking down the golem and beating his body. The golem, which had been hit by repeated blows, collapsed, revealing its core.

“Thanks for the advice. senior.”

“…that, yes. Did my advice help you a lot?”

Dirette thought to herself that her third-year junior was a really ignorant person.

* * * *



One of the summoned Skeleton Warriors confronted the golem with power, then took a picture and pressed it.

When Professor Mortum gently waved his staff, dark elements settled in his body and its power was further amplified.

Thanks to the professor’s help, the disciples immediately memorized the spell. Then, a corrosive curse was applied to the body of the golem next to him, and the balance fell as it was.

“Bone, shoot. Bone, explode!”

Another warlock student crawled a bone into the golem’s hard body and exploded it.

Professor Mortum gave an admonition to the loud noise.

“Collock. Attack is good, but please refrain from loud magic.”


Bone element magic, poison element magic, and curse magic were linked together and burst out, and it was very powerful.

In addition, the undead summoned by the wizards in advance were made without any gaps.

Puck Puck Puck Puck-



And Lee Han took the right side by himself and took down the attacking golem.

There was no need for others to help.

Ihan’s skeletons fired bone arrows, inflicting frostbite and poisoning on the approaching golem.

It didn’t matter if the movement was slow. Ten or more Skeleton Warriors had a menacing power in their own right.

“Bone. Shoot!”

Lee Han used bone elemental magic like other wizards.

‘Certainly the power of magic…’

He seemed to understand why he was an undead dimension. Even though it was the same bone element magic, the power was much more brutal.

“Suck it, knock it down quickly. You’re taking all your juniors.”

“I know. not rushmind!”

Lee Han was just doing it, but the seniors had a different story.

The seniors, who were desperately holding on while groaning under the pressure, could barely finish it before Lee Han.

When Lee Han finished and looked away, the seniors calmly took off their shichimi as if nothing had happened.

“Did you catch them all?”


“It’s been awhile since we got it all… well, that’s great.”

“Is that so? Awesome!”

When Lee Han gave pure admiration, the seniors felt a little pricked.

…Do I have to do this to protect the dignity of my seniors?!

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