Karina’s sudden words.

Serenia was more surprised than I was by those words.

“yes? what is that mother?”

“There is a way for other people besides the succubus clan to enter.”


Seeing Serenia’s reaction, it seems that she didn’t know either.

“And it looks like you are in a situation where you can use that method.”

Karina came up to me and handed me a necklace.

“Take it.”


“Once I receive it, I will explain.”

I carefully accepted the necklace.


Waves of demonic energy were continuously flowing from the necklace.

‘This… .’

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Upon closer inspection, the necklace was cracked and demonic energy was leaking through the gap.

“As you can see, the Orb of Temptation is now damaged. It happened because one fool acted recklessly.”

“I heard you need my help to make repairs.”

“right. With the blood and magic of powerful demons other than the succubus, the orb can recover itself.”

“If it was Karina-sama, it wouldn’t have been difficult to find someone to help.”

It is lacking compared to the great demon kings, but it is absolutely not that the succubus queen is weak.

The influence on the demon world was not negligible.

Besides, there are many demons who are stronger than me in this demon realm.

It’s a rather strange situation to borrow a hand from a student attending the academy.

“Of course, there are many demons who will listen to my request. However, it does not meet the conditions required by the Orb of Temptation. Because the orb wants the blood and magic of an absolute being.”

That said, it wasn’t just a matter of strength.

“These beings are about the Demon Kings and the Dark Flame Dragon, Endmion. However… .”

Karina slightly furrowed her forehead.

It looked like he didn’t like something.

“There is no possibility that they will help me.”

low or not

After listening to Karina’s words, I could understand why.

“To recover the orb, they come all the way here and offer Magi and blood? Because it is impossible.”

Certainly it was.

This is the realm of the Succubus Queen.

No matter how strong they are, it can be said that it is burdensome to come and go easily.

It would have been difficult for the succubus to accept it if they brought a large number of troops.

“That doesn’t make sense for us to send beads. This is the treasure of our clan.”

This also made sense, as I wasn’t sure how it would turn out on the receiving end.

Karina’s gaze turned to Serenia.

“Serenia’s bringing you was something I didn’t expect. But it is also true that there is a possibility to solve the problem thanks to it.”

“So what should I do? And the method you just said.”

“Wait a minute.”


Serenia lightly flicked her hand.

The magic flowed from her hand and flowed into the necklace.


The light flowing from the necklace created a magic circle.

“You just have to step on top of that magic circle.”

Strange demonic energy was flowing from the magic circle.

I slowly climbed onto the magic circle.


Soon, the light emitted from the magic circle became stronger.

The light disappeared and a small dagger appeared before my eyes.

Karina pointed to the sword and said.

“Hold that sword and inject demonic energy.”

“All right.”


Red demonic energy bloomed on the blade of the dagger that absorbed my demonic energy.

Seeing that, Karina lightly nodded.

“You are definitely responding. It’s still young and immature, but that bloodline doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.”

“What can I do now?”

“After Margie, I need your blood. Cut a wound with a dagger and pour the blood into the necklace, and that’s it.”


After lightly cutting the tip of her finger, she brought it to the necklace.


A few drops of blood seeped into the necklace.


The necklace that drank the blood began to tremble.

“Cut the necklace with the sword.”

“Are you okay?”

It is a dagger that holds up to the devil.

If done incorrectly, the necklace may be destroyed.

“do not worry.”

The owner of the necklace said it was okay, so there was no need to hesitate.

I lightly swung my dagger.

paper weave.

The necklace and the dagger collided, creating a light shockwave.

But that’s for a while.


The dagger scattered like smoke was absorbed into the necklace, and the surrounding magic circle also hid its traces.

* * *

‘Is it over?’

I examined the necklace on the palm of my hand.

A necklace that was initially cracked and broken.

But now it was in a state of complete recovery.

“Looks like it’s done.”


Serenia rushed over and checked the necklace.


Serenia widens her eyes.

It seems that he wasn’t sure even though he asked for it.

Of course, it seems that Karina thought differently.

“It’s natural, so don’t make a fuss about it. If it is the blood of the Lord of Terror, it is the existence that can give the marble the best blood and magic. Because there was no possibility of failure from the beginning.”

Serenia took the necklace and brought it to Karina.

Carina, who received the necklace, gave a short exclamation.

“That’s great. It has been completely fixed beyond my expectations.”

“I’m glad I was helpful.”

Karina smiled at my polite greeting.

“I owe you a lot. If the marbles were not restored properly, there would be problems with the education of many succubi.”

And the topic I wanted came out of Karina’s mouth.

“You have already met the qualifications to use the space created by the beads I mentioned earlier.”

“Is that so?”

“okay. Anyone who provides blood and magic to the orb can enter the sphere of the orb even if they are not a succubus.”

I finally understood what she was saying.

In the end, as long as I cooperated with the restoration of the orb, I was naturally qualified.

“If you don’t mind, can I use it now?”

“There is nothing wrong. By the way… .”

Karina put on a slightly troubled expression.

There seems to be another problem that I’m not aware of.

“There is no problem using it. But once you go in, you have to spend two months in it, is that okay?”

“Two months?”

“It is impossible to stay longer or come out sooner. And if you use it once, you can go back in two years.”

“Well… .”

This is something to ponder a bit.

‘Two months… .’

not very long time.

It’s unlikely that anything big will happen outside while you’re inside the marble.

It just takes a little bit.

‘How about Demonic?’

Demonic is different from normal academies.

It is a way to leave it to the students’ autonomy, so it doesn’t matter what the students do for two months.

However, there were rules that must be followed, and one of them is that you have to fight a certain number of times every week.

‘If you can enter and exit freely, it’s enough to go back and forth between the demonic and the dungeon… .’

The problem was that it didn’t work.

However, I wasn’t too reluctant to use it next time.

It was because I wanted to become stronger quickly, even because of the defeat I suffered from Lucifer.

Did he notice my troubles?

“If you’re worried about Demonic, can I tell you something?”

Serenia offered her opinion.

“You mean?”

“yes. You’re worried about the regulations that you have to fight with your seniors and professors every week.”


“It’s not that I’m lazy, I’m training to become strong. Couldn’t you understand that?”

words that make sense.

But I can’t be sure.

Demonic is such an unpredictable place.

However, Karina’s words that followed helped me to make a decision.

“If Serenia isn’t enough, I guess I can deliver the words.”

“The Queen?”

“Because it’s too easy compared to what you’ve done.”

In this case, the story is different.

Depending on who says the same thing, the effect is different.

I don’t know if it’s the words of Serenia, who is still a student, but what about the words of the succubus queen?

It will be hard to ignore and pass.

“I would appreciate it if you would.”

“I get it. Are you thinking of going inside the marble right now?”

“yes. There is no reason to delay.”

“I’ll prepare it right away.”

Carina grabs the necklace and pours out demon energy.

The Orb of Temptation absorbed the light purple demon energy and spewed it out again.

And the completed magic circle.

“This is the magic circle that goes into the Orb of Temptation.”

“Could you please explain the world inside me?”

Even if you enter, it is correct to enter after checking the basic information.

“Let me explain. There is a training ground and a house where you can sleep. Except for two things, nothing. Meals are provided by magic, so there is no need to worry.”

It was a space perfectly prepared for training.

“Are you saying you won’t run into someone else even if they come in?”

“Right. You have to think that even if several people enter at the same time, they will be assigned different spaces.”

“Then how do you practice?”

It’s not that you can’t train alone, but having an opponent is much more efficient.

“Ah, you’ll know right away when you go in.”

Serenia with a mischievous smile.

If it was absolutely necessary, he would have told me first, so it didn’t seem like a problem to worry about.

“Are you not going in?”

“I haven’t even been two years. I can’t go in now.”


“It’s really rare for anyone other than the succubus clan to enter, so consider yourself lucky.”

That’s right.

It is true that the Orb of Temptation was restored with my help, but giving me a chance to use the Orb is another matter.

If I had refused, there would have been no way for me.

“I will remember. Then I will go in.”

“Don’t expect to come out with a lot of achievements. And, as you may have heard before, I recommend not slowing down the time by 20 times. If you do it wrong, you may get results that are worse than not practicing.”

“I’ll try to listen.”

I bowed my head to Karina and stood on top of the magic circle.

“He’s still stronger than me, but if he comes out, the gap will widen.”

“I don’t think that will change even if I don’t enter this place.”

“You pretend to be proud until the end.”

“Then see you in two months.”

Soon, the magic circle emitted light and the space around it began to warp.

and after a while

“Hmm… .”

The scenery I saw for the first time came into my eyes.

A gym that is neither too big nor too small.

A small house next to it.

It was all what Serenia had said.

But a space of nothingness where nothing exists except for that.

‘It might be hard to stay on this for a long time.’

If you live alone in the same scenery every day, it will be difficult to endure with moderate mental strength.

I slowly climbed onto the gymnasium.

A small marble was installed in the center of the gymnasium.

There was a small handle on the side of the marble, and numbers from 1 to 20 were written below it.

‘This is the way to control time.’

I raised the number to 5.


At the same time, the surrounding flow began to change.

A situation in which the pressure felt on the body restricts movement.

‘If it’s 5 times, it’s a story that even if a day passes here, it’s about 5 hours outside. Shall we upload some more?”

Numbers up to 10.

Of course, the pressure around him was also much stronger.

‘little… Is it too much?’

It wasn’t to the extent that I couldn’t move, but it was definitely harder than before.

‘It must be 20 times harder.’

It was clear that there would probably be a level of pressure that would make it difficult to move even one step.

However, at my current level, it seemed okay to raise it up to 10 times.

‘If I get used to it, I might try it later.’

Now that I knew how to control time, the next problem was cultivation.

This is a space where I am alone.

I looked around just in case, but I couldn’t feel any other presence.


At that time, light radiated from the beads installed in the gymnasium.

And the light began to project a certain shape on the gymnasium.

‘Was it this?’

I understood the meaning of Serenia’s words.

And with this, I could have practiced enough for the next two months.

‘Where should I check?’

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