How to Thrive in the ’60s

Chapter 351 Do you want to change jobs?

"Second Brother Gu, I miss you. When will you come to the provincial capital? If you don't come again, I will forget what you look like."

Most importantly, if you don't come, I will be taken by Commander Bai to the army to be trained as a soldier!

In case I am trained to become King Kong Barbie, you won't have a soft and cute sister!

It's been almost a month since the two separated. Gu Shinian didn't say anything, but he really missed Yunshang in his heart. He probably calculated the date, and quickly gave Yunshang an exact time, promising her to go to the provincial capital within ten days.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Shinian went to the school first, confirmed the exam time with the school teacher, then went back to Xiaoyanglou, packed a few clothes, and returned to Qinghe County non-stop.

Zhang Chunni came back from get off work at night and saw that Gu Shinian, who was supposed to be in Fenyang, had returned. Before she had time to be surprised, she saw half a bag of white noodles on the dining table.

This year is not good. There hasn't been a drop of rain since the beginning of spring. Except for a few villages near the river that can use manual watering to irrigate the fields, large areas of crops in other villages have died of drought.

It's summer harvest now, but the crops in the fields are almost gone. In some villages with high terrain, the villagers even have problems with drinking water.

Seeing that this year is another disaster year, several grain stores in the county not only have no supply of fine grains, but even limited supply of coarse grains.

At this juncture, Gu Shinian not only didn't eat the rations at home, but also got so much fine grain from outside, and it was a rare white flour on the black market, which was really beyond Zhang Chunni's expectation.

"Second brother, why are you back at this time? There is an exam, and you skipped class again?"

Zhang Chunni's questioning voice was faint, as if she was asking casually, and Gu Shinian didn't need to answer.

Gu Shinian had no intention of getting close to Zhang Chunni, and didn't care about her attitude. Seeing her scooping up a bowl of mixed noodles from the cupboard for cooking, he handed over the bag of white noodles, and said in the same cold tone:

"Let's eat white noodles today. I have to go to the village early tomorrow morning, and I guess I'll be back in the evening."

Zhang Chunni responded, took the white flour bag, and weighed it, "Isn't it less than thirty catties? Where did you get so much white flour? Did you go to the black market?"

"Well," seeing Zhang Chunni's expression turned ugly, Gu Shinian explained again, "I only went there once, don't worry, I won't have a chance to go in the future."

Zhang Chunni responded with a cold face, and continued, "I'll bring out ten catties of white flour by myself, and remember to take it to Lao Yun's house tomorrow."

Even if the little girl is not at Lao Yun's house now, but the love is still there, and there is still a little Shuanzi in the Yun's house, so she still has to eat some fine grains to supplement.

"No need," Gu Shinian stopped Zhang Chunni from moving, and motioned her to look behind the door, "I've prepared the portion from Lao Yun's house. These white noodles are for you and Gu Pangui."

Zhang Chunni stopped talking, and the only sound in the kitchen was the "crackling" sound when the remaining firewood was burning, but it was not so quiet that it was unbearable.

Gu Shinian sat in front of the stove, the fire reflected on his face, and it was clearly extinguished, adding a bit of fireworks to his clear and handsome features, and his whole person was not so cold and alienated.

It was the first time for Zhang Chunni to get along with Gu Shinian alone like this, even if the atmosphere wasn't harmonious and lively, it didn't affect her good mood.

Gu Shinian licked a handful of firewood into the stove, and asked, "Where's Gu Pangui, has she helped Wei Jianjun look after the house recently?" Most importantly, she didn't bother at Wei Jianjun's house, did she?

Thinking of Gu Pangui's temperament of being a money fan, Gu Shinian was very worried that Gu Pangui couldn't help but tear down Wei Jianjun's house and sell it.

If this was true, he would have to spend money to repair furniture for Wei Jianjun, lest Wei Jianjun come back from the army to visit relatives, and the house would not even have a stool that could sit on people.

"Pangui has been working on the street recently, and I don't have much free time every day. Besides, Pangui is also the eldest girl of the sixteenth year, so I didn't let her go to Jianjun's house." Lest people see it and gossip.

Zhang Chunni didn't say the last sentence, but Gu Shinian reacted immediately.

It has to be said that as an elder, even if Zhang Chunni doesn't care about the family affairs anymore, she is still more thoughtful than Gu Shinian on this kind of issue.

"It's my fault, it's because I didn't think carefully..."

"What's the matter, that is, I pay special attention to it, and ordinary people will pay attention to this."

Zhang Chunni glanced at the blue-colored sky outside with a light smile, went over to turn on the light, and started to roll out the dough nimbly, without stopping at the same time:

"I remember what Wei Jianjun entrusted to you. I will go there every Sunday to open the windows to let the air in. I can't let his house be deserted."

Gu Shinian thanked him, and under the dim light, he saw a few strands of white hair on Zhang Chunni's ears, Gu Shinian's heart moved, and he asked tentatively, "Have you ever thought about changing jobs?"

The aluminum factory is still recruiting workers recently, but Zhang Chunni can transfer to the aluminum factory to work, at least better than she is currently working in the workshop with a shovel.

In addition, Zhang Chunni has won the honorary title of "Iron Lady" for five consecutive years, and it is much easier for ordinary women to enter an aluminum factory.

"What job do you want?" Zhang Chunni asked with a little self-mockery, "I can't read much, so what else can I do besides being a laborer?"

"The Fenyang Aluminum Factory is still recruiting workers recently, and Uncle Yun has also become a regular employee of the Aluminum Factory some time ago. If you want to go to the Aluminum Factory, I will transfer the house in Fenyang to your name, and you can try to apply to the factory. have a look."

As long as there is the title of "Iron Lady", Zhang Chunni will not be rejected by any factory in Fenyang.

"Iron Lady" is an honor comparable to a model worker.

Which factory is not rare?

Zhang Chunni then asked, "What about Pangui? There are only three people in our family, so we can't divide them into three places, right?"

Thinking of what Gu Shi said some time ago that he was going to the provincial capital, Zhang Chunni's good mood suddenly disappeared, and her face darkened.

Gu Shinian went to the provincial capital, will he meet Gu Huaiqing?

Will that shameless bastard try to trick Gu Shinian back home again?

Is it because Yunshang wanted to go to the provincial capital this time, or did he use Yunshang's name to go to the provincial capital to trouble Gu Huaiqing, or...he regretted it and wanted to go back home?

Gu Shinian didn't know about Zhang Chunni's conspiracy theory anymore, so he thought about it, and suggested, "Gu Pangui is sixteen, so it's not good to keep doing odd jobs on the street. Now that the aluminum factory is recruiting workers, it's better to let Gu Pangui try it too. What if I can get into an aluminum factory?"

This year is not good, several factories in Qinghe County are closed, even if there are no closed factories, they will not recruit workers for the time being, Gu Pangui will not even think about entering the factory as a worker this year.

Instead of staying in Qinghe County to wait for job recruitment news, it is better for both of them to go to the aluminum factory to try their luck. Even if they can't get into the aluminum factory, Gu Pangui will have no loss, and it will not affect Zhang Chunni's current work.

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