How to Thrive in the ’60s

Three hundred and eighty fourth chapter shame (four)

噺⑧One Chinese Network

Zhou Mingjuan nearly spat out a mouthful of old blood when he heard these discussions.

When did her pearl wear a new dress on the left and a new dress on the right?

Didn't she just think that Mingzhu is a big girl, and she made two more new clothes in summer, why don't these people see her well!

Besides, Gu Mingzhu is the only daughter of her and Gu Huaiqing, the couple earn four hundred dollars a month, and the family has no other expenses, so why not dress the daughter up better!

Hearing everyone's discussion, Zhang Chunni continued to speak without changing her expression, "They are all Gu Huaiqing's children. It doesn't make sense that Gu Mingzhu has them, but it's my three children. So, eight sets of clothes a year, one You can’t miss any of them.” If I dare to miss one, I will cause Gu Huaiqing to lose his position as political commissar!

Zhang Chunni didn't say the last sentence clearly, but Zhou Mingjuan understood what she meant.

With a dark face, he was aggrieved for a long time and dared not say a word of no.

Zhang Chunni is obviously crazy.

She was hoping that she would refuse, and then take the opportunity to make trouble, so as to slap her and Gu Huaiqing in the face.

This woman cannot be allowed to succeed!

Zhou Mingjuan stopped talking, and Zhang Chunni continued, "I'll do the math with you again.

The reason why I need ten catties of food a month. I don't know how many catties a month's food supply is for a child in the provincial capital, but in Qinghe County, half-grown kids only have sixteen catties of food a month.

You don't have a son, and you don't know if you haven't raised a half-grown boy, but you can ask other military wives in the compound, ask everyone, whether the half-grown boy has enough rations of 16 catties a month.

Let me ask everyone again, if Gu Huaiqing subsidizes Guangzong's 10 catties of rations every month, can there be a surplus of 26 catties of rations per month..."

What Zhang Chunni said later, Zhou Mingjuan didn't listen to a single word, Zhang Chunni's words 'You didn't have a son' echoed in her mind.

These words were like a knife, piercing the most painful point in her heart, making her strong from deceiving people for many years, tearing it up in front of others, revealing the softest and bloodiest wound.

Over the years, I don't know how many people have laughed at her behind her back for not being able to give birth to a son, saying that she has done all the bad things and suffered retribution.

She didn't say anything, but pretended not to care on the surface, and often comforted herself by deceiving herself, saying that she was a promising man and loved her, that her daughter was good-looking, smart and lovable, that her work was going well, and her life was going well. I don't know how comfortable it is.

For those military wives with sons in the compound, how many days did she live better and happily?

But every time she sees those cheerful and galloping boys in the courtyard, she can't help chasing after them with envious eyes. Only at this time, does she really realize that deep down in her heart, she wants a The son wanted to go crazy.

Seeing Zhou Mingjuan's pale face and deeply shocked appearance, Yun Shang almost applauded Zhang Chunni.

To deal with someone like Zhou Mingjuan, you should poke wherever it hurts!

Zhang Chunni should have done this long ago.

As if she didn't realize that she had poked Zhou Mingjuan's sore spot, Zhang Chunni looked around the room and landed on the wife of the deputy political commissar.

"Sister-in-law Sun, Comrade Zhou Mingjuan doesn't know much about the appetite of half-grown boys. There are three boys in your family, can you tell Comrade Zhou Mingjuan about the appetite of the three boys in your family."

Deputy political commissar Sun of the military region has the same qualifications as Gu Huaiqing, and they both had the possibility of becoming political commissars of the military region back then.

But at that time Gu Huaiqing was standing behind Gu's family in the capital, and Deputy Political Commissar Sun was a bare-bones commander. In addition, Gu Huaiqing didn't have a career, so in the end he was still subservient to Gu Huaiqing.

I remember that Vice Political Commissar Sun didn't like Gu Huaiqing back then. After so many years, Gu Huaiqing has more and more disgusting things.

Although Sister-in-law Sun was born in the countryside, she was not an idiot, so she could see Zhang Chunni's purpose immediately.

Although Zhang Chunni wanted to use her to embarrass Zhou Mingjuan, sister-in-law Sun didn't feel angry. Instead, she was very happy that Zhang Chunni gave her the opportunity to satirize Zhou Mingjuan.

"Gu family, Sister Chunni really didn't coax you. My three brats, ouch, my grandson is afraid of eating so much. My boss is as old as your Guangzong, and he eats twice as much as my grandson. Dun, the third child is only nine years old this year, but he can make five or six steamed buns in one meal, which is more than my appetite.

Chun, your sister really didn't ask you how much you want. If you give Guangzong twenty-six catties of grain for a month, you can eat seventy percent full.

Although this male baby does not need to be pampered like a female baby, but he eats a lot of food, which is a waste of food. Counting it down, it takes more effort to raise a boy than to raise a girl. "

"Sister-in-law Sun is right. My boy is not as big as my niece, but he eats two more corned buns per meal than my niece. It's really worrying me to death."

"It's the same with my family. It's only eleven, and it eats as much as his father. The family doesn't have enough food every month."

"It's all the same. Why don't people say that half-sized children eat poor old people? Isn't it that small children can eat them?"


Sister-in-law Sun and several clear-headed military wives made complaints, so that those who thought Zhang Chunni was talking to the lion could not speak other gossip.

More than a thousand catties of grain sounds like a lot, but after apportioning it, Gu Guangzong only has a ration of twenty-six catties of grain every month, which is really not much for a boy and a half.

Thinking about how Zhang Chunni never came to ask Gu Huaiqing for child support in these years, she just worked in the factory by herself and brought up three children by herself, including two half-children who could feed the poor.

This cognition really hit the little hearts of these military wives.

In terms of enduring hardships and standing hard work, being strong and independent, all the military wives in the compound are no match for Zhang Chunni.

Many soft-hearted military wives couldn't help wiping their tears when they saw Zhang Chunni's rough hands on their legs, and then imagined the picture of Zhang Chunni doing hard work.

It is really not easy for a woman to raise three children with her own hands.

Zhou Mingjuan also listened to everyone's discussion, and sat there with a dark face, not saying a word for a long time.

What the hell did she do?

It's just that he likes someone, so why did he end up in such an embarrassing situation?

For so many years, she has never stopped Gu Huaiqing from helping Zhang Chunni. It is because Gu Huaiqing himself does not want to mention Zhang Chunni. Why is everyone blaming her?

Throwing Gu Guangzong to the Southwest Military Region, asking Gu Guangzong to call Zhang Chunni, these are all Gu Huaiqing's ideas, why is it all her fault...

Zhang Chunni didn't know what Zhou Mingjuan was thinking. At this time, she frowned and asked with an ugly expression, "Zhou Mingjuan, Guangzong has lived in your house for several months. Logically speaking, you should understand Guangzong's appetite. Why? Do you still think that Guangzong's monthly food supply is enough? Can I suspect that Guangzong has never had enough food during the past few months in your house?"

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