How to Thrive in the ’60s

Chapter five hundred and eighty sixth secret letter

Zhang Chunni hadn't seen Yunshang for several years, and now she came in the door with snowflakes on her head, standing tall and graceful in the room, she almost didn't recognize her.

It wasn't until Yunshang frowned and called out to Zhang Chunni that she came back to her senses, and hurried forward to pat the snowflakes on Yunshang's body, and asked in a slightly excited voice, "... Yunshang? You are coming back from the capital !?"

"Hey! Aunt Zhang, I went home at the beginning of the month. I went to my grandma's house in Fenyang these days, and I just came back yesterday."

Yun Shang took advantage of the opportunity to put the things in her hand on the table, looked around the room, and then asked, "Aunt Zhang, where is sister Pangui? Brother Gu said that he is going to be an uncle soon, so I have to go and see Pangui." elder sister."

"Still asleep in the West Room." Zhang Chunni served Yun Shang some late sweet soup, and talked about Gu Pangui's situation, "She is seven months old now, sleepy and heavy, and she likes to sleep late on this kind of day."

With such a heavy snowfall outside, it is better for people with big bellies to lie under the blankets. If they fall outside, it will be a big trouble.

Yunshang was filled with the cool wind outside, and surrounded the stove with a bowl of hot soup, warming her whole body up. He took off the scarf, took out the muslin cloth from the bag, and asked Zhang Chunni to make small clothes for the child in Gu Pangui's stomach.

Zhang Chunni was not polite to Yun Shang either, she took the muslin cloth and put it aside, picked up a bowl and continued to add soup to Yun Shang, "Isn't it okay to eat outside? Why is this so much thinner than before? Come, have another bowl of soup to keep warm At noon, Aunt Zhang will cook a chicken for you to make up for it.”

When Yun Shang heard that Zhang Chunni was going to cook chicken for her, her head almost exploded.

If there is no mistake in the calculation, during the first half of her stay in Fenyang, the old lady killed an old hen in an average of three days. Now when she hears the word 'stewed chicken', the conditioned reflex in her mouth will taste like chicken soup. Really tired of drinking.

Yun Shang took the soup bowl Zhang Chunni handed over, and put it on the side of the stove, "Aunt Zhang, don't be so busy. I have to go back after sitting down for a while, and I have to accompany my mother to the department store today."

The temperature suddenly dropped in the past two days. After Yunshang came back from Hong Kong City, she only bought a few single clothes in the capital. Today she had to go to the department store to buy her winter clothes.

Otherwise, she could only show off in those 'outlandish clothes' brought back from Hong Kong City.

Zhang Chunni nodded, and sat by the stove, asking about Yunshang's situation in recent years, and also told Yunshang about Gu Shi's call back two days ago.

"...The weather in Yicheng is good, it's not cold in winter, and there are many trees on the mountain in summer, and it's cooler than in the city. The company he leads is a top company selected from several military regions. The training is harder than ordinary soldiers, and the holidays are less. , It is estimated that I will not be able to come back this year.

By the way, why did I hear the third child say that you are not going to college anymore, and you are going to the Yicheng Military Region in a few days? "

Yun Shang didn't deny it either, and nodded, "I've made an agreement with my parents. I'm too young to go to college at my age. I'll go to Yicheng for two years first, and I'll think about going to college after I'm 18."

When she turned eighteen, she would force Gu Shinian to get married first, so she would have a reason to stay in Yicheng and not come back, and then think about going to school after the college entrance examination resumed.

Zhang Chunni didn't know what Yunshang was thinking. After hearing her reasons, she didn't doubt it, "It's right to think so. Of course you have to go to college if you can go to college. Like in our factory, every college student counts as one, and they all sit As for the cadres in the office, there are really not many cadres who have graduated from junior high school and high school."

The Bai family has the conditions to send their children to college. It's a pity not to go to college.

The two chatted for a while, and after Gu Pangui got up, Yunshang went over to take a look at her seven-month pregnant belly, and touched her with her hands. Regardless of Zhang Chunni's persuasion, she walked towards the courtyard through the wind and snow.


At the same time, Gu Guangzong, who was far away in a small county in the remote northwest, stood at the gate of the only post office in the county, wandering back and forth awkwardly, wondering if he should call Zhang Chunni.

After receiving Gu Shinian's call, he didn't dare to delay, so he climbed on the train to the northwest on the same day and rushed to this small county that was barely visible on the map.

When I arrived at the reform-through-labor farm with the letter of introduction, I found out that Gu Huaiqing had passed away ten days ago. The farm said that Gu Huaiqing had an infectious disease, and no one dared to collect the body. The leader directly asked the county funeral home to take him away and cremate him.

After Gu Guangzong came, Gu Huaiqing's urn was still stored in the funeral parlor, and no one from the labor reform farm made a grave for him.

Thinking of the tall and strong man before, now only turned into a handful of ashes, living in a small urn, Gu Guangzong felt relieved and felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

He touched the secret letter that had been in his arms for several days, pursed his lips, entered the post office, and dialed the phone number that he knew so well but had never called before.

As soon as Zhang Chunni arrived at the factory, before she had time to untie her scarf, someone outside called her to go out and answer the phone.

"Comrade Zhang, come quickly, your son's phone number!"

Zhang Chunni thanked her workers with a smile, answered the phone, and just called out "the third child", Gu Guangzong's voice came out of the microphone.

"I'm Gu Guangzong." Gu Guangzong paused, gave Zhang Chunni enough time to react, and then continued, "I'm at the Northwest Labor Reform Farm. Give me...he to deal with the funeral."

Zhang Chunni froze there, and the hand holding the phone began to tremble unconsciously. After a long time, she coughed dryly and said in a slightly trembling voice, "...Boss?"

"Well, it's me." Gu Guangzong responded and took a deep breath, "The third child asked me to come here. After I packed his things, I found a letter that was going to be sent to you."

Gu Guangzong touched the thin letter paper in his arms again, and asked, "Should I tell you the content of the letter, or send the letter to you?"

Zhang Chunni remained silent until Gu Guangzong urged her, then asked with a sigh, "What did he say in the letter?"

"He said that the third child should have graduated from university this year, and there was a list of people he had helped in the letter. He wanted the third child to inquire about them. If these people were still available, he would ask the third child to move around... These are all connections."

Gu Guangzong turned his body halfway, turned his back on the post office staff, and lowered his voice, "The letters sent by the labor reform farm have to be checked repeatedly. He probably wrote a secret letter because he was afraid that the letter would not be sent out..." If you don't understand How to crack it is an ordinary family member.

Zhang Chunni frowned unconsciously, pondered for a while, and said, "Send the letter over here, I'll find a way to send the letter to the third child."

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