During this period of time, he had also determined that this specious city, which he had never heard of before, was probably not on the same planet as the place where he originally stayed.

After all, just those strange guys you encounter on the street from time to time have fully proved this point.

But fortunately, when I traveled through time, I met a bald and kind-hearted man, who took the initiative to say hello and offered to take him in temporarily.

"That Saitama guy rarely stayed in bed today." Kamijou Touma scratched his cheek, recalling such insignificant things as who should wash the dishes today.

"And I have to go to the courier company to help with odd jobs in the afternoon. For dinner... I'll bring some cup noodles to Saitama when I get back."

With this thought in mind, Kamijou Touma started walking back home. Although it was an unfamiliar city, he had been here for half a month, and because of the unfortunate events every day, he was quite familiar with the route here.

And although he is still worried about coming here unexpectedly, he is not too worried anymore.

Because Saitama said that he has also experienced this kind of thing, so a high school student named Gafan should come to him and go back together soon, and more importantly, when he goes back, the original world should only be The past day.

This was Saitama's painful experience when he returned home and discovered that he had missed a big supermarket sale.

"So why are you a high school student?"

While Kamijou Touma complained, he turned into an alley to take a shortcut.

In fact, he usually doesn't take this route, because it's hard for him to escape when something bad happens, but it's too hot today, so he still wants to go back early...

"Ah——! What a weirdo!"

A woman's scream suddenly came, accompanied by a flurry of noise and footsteps.

"No, someone is in danger!"

Thinking of this, Kamijou Touma didn't hesitate at all. After placing the plastic bag in his hand on the abandoned cardboard box beside him, he ran straight out of the alley.

He cannot sit idly by when others are in danger. This has been his principle since childhood.

Even if these things will cause him, who is already unlucky, to get into countless more troubles, he will not hesitate to lend a helping hand to others in need, just like Index who they met by accident.

Because he is such a person.

However, this time, someone seemed to have arrived one step ahead of him.

"That's it, weirdo!"

Under the surprised gaze of Kamijou Touma, who had already rushed out of the alley, a man riding a bicycle and wearing simple armor came over, stopped, and set up his bicycle.

Then that thin figure stood without hesitation in front of a strange man who was more than a head taller than him, with green jelly flowing all over his body, and took a stance.

"The righteous cyclist, the undocumented rider, appears!"

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Chapter 20: Strong will, weak body

"Ahahahaha, hero?"

The weirdo with green jelly flowing all over his body opened his thick mouth and let out an undisguised laugh at the weak man in front of him.

"How dare a weak guy like you stand in front of my Uncle Jelly?"

"Weird, your evil deeds will end here!" The undocumented knight's voice did not waver at all.

The crowd behind them who were fleeing in panic also noticed this.

"Look, it's an undocumented knight!"

"Great, we're saved, come on, undocumented knight!"

"Kill that disgusting weirdo!"

The sound of cheering came from the crowd, and the crowd who kept a certain distance thought that their situation was safe. They looked at the back of the C-class number one hero, and the undocumented knight also turned around and gave them a reassuring hand. smile.

However, while people have great expectations because of the various righteous actions that the other party performs to help others every day, they also ignore a lamentable fact.

An undocumented knight, he is not powerful.

"It's so noisy! What qualifications do you, a weakling like you, have to stand in front of me?"

A thick tentacle suddenly stretched out from the sticky jelly body and struck directly in front of the undocumented knight like a whip, making a huge sound in the air.

The undocumented knight also subconsciously crossed his hands in front of him to protect him, using the armor on his arms to block this very violent blow for him.


The figure that flew upside down hit the light pole on the roadside, causing it to bend slightly, and the cheers of the crowd stopped abruptly.

"Tch, you weak guy." The jelly monster glanced disdainfully at the figure lying on the ground, and then turned his attention to the crowd not far away.

"Hahaha, I am a jelly monster who likes to swallow all the things I love into my body. It is an honor for you humans to be swallowed up by me and become one with me. First of all, let me see... ..”

The jelly monster's eyes glanced around, and finally locked on a little scared girl holding her mother's hand, her twisted eyes slightly bent.

"Let's start with you!"

At this time, the crowd finally reacted and fled in all directions.

"Run quickly, this weirdo is going to kill someone!"

"Go find the heroes patrolling elsewhere to help."

"Where are the police? They have high salaries, so they should also come to help delay it. Don't they have guns?"

Looking at the crowd that seemed to be fleeing like lambs, the weirdo smiled even more twistedly. It was due to his fundamental bad nature and negative emotions that gave him a great desire for killing.

Even though he was originally a human being.

"Haha, don't even think about it..."

"Stop, weirdo! Ahem, your opponent is me!" A slightly coughing but still very firm voice sounded, accompanied by a stone being thrown at him.


Feeling that the back of his head was hit, the jelly monster turned his head and looked at the undocumented knight who stood up again with his deep bloodshot eyes and took a stance.


The tentacle swung over again like a whip, whipping the opponent to the ground again at will.

The jelly monster, who withdrew his gaze and ignored the other party, was about to catch up with the crowd, but a slight sound behind him stopped him.

"Don't even think about escaping, weirdo, your opponent is my unlicensed knight!"

"It's so noisy!"

This time, the jelly-like sticky tentacles were swung directly towards the head, intending to kill the opponent directly, but unexpectedly, the opponent ducked sideways this time, then grabbed it tightly with his hands, turned around and threw him over his shoulder. posture to tightly restrain her.

"Justice Grapple! As long as I'm here, don't even think about hurting others!"


The tentacle stretched to the limit was stretched with all its strength. The jelly monster tried to pull it back, but failed. He listened to the other party's low cry and the firm back that was thin but did not flinch at all.

The sticky face twitched slightly.

"You... are so unpleasant!"

The twisted heart full of negative emotions suddenly felt very irritable.

"I've decided, I'm going to swallow you into my body and inflict the cruelest torture on you. Don't even think about dying so easily."

The jelly-like body once again stretched out the same tentacles as before. When he planned to give the opponent a heavy blow on the back first, he was unexpectedly caught tightly.


Without any warning, the tentacle disappeared suddenly, as if it had been swallowed whole by some unimaginable fantasy beast.

The toughness that is enough to withstand bullets and knives seems to be fake at this moment.


what's the situation? !

The jelly monster was frightened, and his bloodshot pupils turned quickly behind him, but he did not see the terrifying strong man he expected, but a hedgehog-headed man who was as weak as the hero just now.

"......Who are you?"

And the response?

Only one fist.



at the same time.

A police station somewhere.

Ga Fan, who had just finished eating pork chop rice, stayed in the detention room, rubbing his belly lazily. Ge You's lying posture was just short of a toothpick for picking his teeth.

"Host, what are you doing?" the system asked in confusion.

"What else can I do? I just finished eating and am sitting down to rest." Gafan replied with some confusion, "I'm just a little thirsty and want to drink some water."

"What do you think you are here for? Do you still want to live here and eat and drink?"

The system was dumbfounded and cursed, "Hurry up and find the person who was also accidentally transported, and then go back together. This broken world is almost as dangerous as the previous apocalypse. I don't want to stay here for a moment." , where is the promised daily world?”

"You think I don't want to?"

At this time, Gafan's voice finally started to become lifeless, and he said: "Who knew I would be sent to the police station at the beginning, and for using 'counterfeit money', Dou E didn't even I am so unjust.”

Ge You sat up straight, while Ga Fan leaned back and leaned against the cold wall, speaking feebly.

"And most importantly, I suddenly discovered a serious problem."

"What's the problem?" the system asked subconsciously.

"I don't know where I should stay tonight?"

Gafan, who looked suspicious of life, gave a very realistic answer: "And I don't even have a hundred yen coin with me now. I don't even know what to eat tonight."


What kind of human suffering are these?

Looking at the host with a sad face, the system also fell silent.

"...Why do you carbon-based creatures have to eat? Wouldn't it be good for you to drink some northwest wind?"

"Are you talking human language?"

Gafan raised his middle finger to his head in disgust, and then quickly put it down because he felt like he was at a disadvantage.

"I'm so angry. I can't give you a small talk of friendship. It's simply a great regret in life."

"Then your life is really superficial, you weak carbon-based creature." The system retorted back angrily, and then asked doubtfully, "But don't you have the spirit of speech now? You can't use this ability. Take some money from other people’s pockets and give it to yourself, aren’t there a lot of people on the spacious sidewalk outside?”


Gafan felt that he could no longer hide his speechlessness. These were some devilish thoughts.

Is that for taking? That's stealing!

"System and compliance with laws and regulations are already one of the few things I can boast about, so let's skip this topic for now."

"Oh, I don't understand what you carbon-based creatures think."

The system said nonchalantly, and then suddenly froze.

"Wait a minute, we seem to be talking about finding someone, where did this topic go?"

"Well, in short, let's find the location of the other party first. We'll talk about how to find it later."

"Okay, let me see."

The system voice responded a little immaturely, and then a familiar virtual panel appeared again, with two red dots appearing on it.

One location, about a hundred miles away from here, displays a human label, and the other one is...

Gafan and the system fell silent when they looked at the note that was not in the service area.

"......What's happening here?"

Gafan asked with a confused look on his face.

"I, I, I don't know."

The system also replied with a confused look.

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