Human Brain Ranch

Chapter 278 Examination

Is the imperial examination so dark? Zhu Zhengwei was a little surprised, but not surprised.

If you think about it carefully, there is a monopoly in every era, not to mention that this is a historical generality, and it is indeed a perfect replica of the imperial examination period of the Tang Dynasty.

At that time, it was true that the great aristocratic families occupied the court of the Tang Dynasty, and there were indeed a large number of talents.

Brother, I come from the small world of Xixiang Town, a small town with a population of 3 billion. At this time, a scholar approached and made friends.

Zhu Zheng was slightly taken aback, cupped his hands and said, I come from the spirit world, with a population of 17 billion.

It's the part of Journey to the West. I heard that it was a big continent, which was very prosperous. It's a pity. The scholar showed a touch of regret.

you know?

Zhu Zhengwei was a little surprised.

I don't know much. Your Majesty's younger brother traveled to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures. It seems that there are some contents that we ordinary people don't know. Well, my uncle's distant relative is a tall man who is working in the Wuji country, and I heard that Tang Sanzang will also pass by in the future.

Zhu Zhengwei's expression became strange.

It's still far away.

Soon, I will pass by my Wuzhuang Temple, okay!

The territory of the Tang Dynasty is also very vast, and Shuzhou is a huge mountain stretching endlessly. There are remnants of the Wu clan entrenched, and there are countless fierce beasts. It is a huge and dangerous land.

And the coastal states with a stretch of coastline also have starry sky sea beasts entrenched, very infiltrating.

Of course, each state has its special products, which are special products of its own world's unique rules of heaven, and are frequently traded. For example, the special products of their spiritual world must be fish coins.

Each small world is counties, counties, states, and prefectures, and each has its own world specialties, which is really amazing.

Soon, as they talked, they came to a post station in the world of a county, with a population of only three million people. On the high place of the world wall, there was a delicate flag with the words Yunxian post station written on it. .

Little General, you have brought this year's candidates, please.

A servant at the inn quickly entertained him with great respect.

After going down for half a day, the spaceship continued to fly after seeing the local customs and customs on the street.

Along the way, there was no pretentiousness. Everyone was very humble, and even vaguely wanted to form a group. After all, their backgrounds were very low, and they knew that their future would not be very good.

Soon, the candidates gathered along the way arrived at their destination.

It's not Chang'an City, but Luoyang, the eastern capital.

This is a prosperous central city in the Tang Dynasty.

Only then did Zhu Zhengwei know that every time they take the imperial examinations, they will not be able to enter Chang'an City, where the emperor's feet are not accessible to ordinary people.

They are taking the test here.

This year, it is divided into three major test areas, A, B, C, and D. We have 1,093,651 candidates in District A, Dongdu, and District A has three divisions, upper, middle and lower. Everyone, please look at the grades you have been assigned.

Afterwards, enter the 'examination palace' for the examination.

At a high place, someone spoke to explain.

With the boats coming down, there are all kinds of monsters and ghosts.

Technological humans, demihumans, people dressed as magicians, and people from all the worlds of the heavens come to take the exam. They are all peerless geniuses in their own world, all kinds of elites.

Hey, brother, why did we separate? The old man from Wuji Kingdom had a sad face.

See you by fate. Zhu Zhengwei cupped his fists and looked at the Tauren and Qingxia beside him. The two of them were also assigned to other examination areas and separated directly.

After leaving, Zhu Zhengwei looked at the entire huge Dongdu city.

This big city world, square and upright, sitting in the dark void of the universe, is countless times more terrifying than the red moon world I played before. It gives people an extremely shocking mythical feeling.

At this time, he realized how rare it was for himself at that time to see Emperor Tang.

The Son of Heaven doesn't just meet each other.

What's more, I even scolded him.

It is said that only the top 100 people on the gold list can enter Chang'an for the palace examination and be assessed by the Tang emperor.

This is the billions of powerful people in the human world who all worship the incomparable Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the supreme ruler of the entire vast Tang Dynasty court, there is no one.

It seems that the Red Moon World is really an initial map. After it comes out, it will be a miscellaneous soldier. Zhu Zhengwei weighed it in his heart.

Everyone, this is the bet for this year, and you have a chance to bet right!

Come and take a look.

The fate of changing a life is here, and it doesn't cost a lot of money to try it.

Just after getting off the spaceship, someone shouted.

It seems that imperial examination betting is also a major event.

But Zhu Zhengwei didn't panic about this, his aptitude for hypocrisy is definitely not bad, not to mention that he didn't want to get a high ranking at all, he was in the middle, and he was almost a local official.

He didn't want to see that extremely terrifying contemporary Human Sovereign.

Everyone visiting one side, tomorrow, you can pass your number plate and go to your examinee's study room. The exam lasts for ten years and is divided into three times. The leading general left completely.

Half a day?

Zhu Zheng turned around slightly and looked around.

It is found that the special products of various worlds are sold here.

Not to mention the reality of heaven, the rules of fantasy and magic are all kinds of strange things. The various utensils they produce, and the consumable magical artifacts that store the number of uses are very good.

It's outrageous. Zhu Zhengwei went sightseeing everywhere like a country bumpkin entering the city.

This is the real prehistoric myth!

Stories like the golden crow of the sun and Hou Yi shooting the sun, these stories are tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of worlds at every turn. In such an ancient prehistoric world, what civilization cannot develop?

Hundreds of millions of years have passed, and the era of tribal barbarians who can't get enough to eat is simply ridiculous!

The world of Internet technology, the world of magic, and the world of martial arts are everywhere, okay?

It's really a mythical universe that is so rotten that you will never get tired of visiting it for a lifetime.

Zhu Zhengwei took a tour here, and started to go to the examination room leisurely, and walked all the way, thinking about the data and information of this world, Well, I can confirm it. Wuzhuang Temple is on Longevity Hill.

Longevity Mountain is also a big world, and the journey is long.

According to what Emperor Tang said, plus various calculations, it is estimated that there is at least five hundred years away from my Five Villages Temple!

Five hundred years is short and short, after all, it is only five days in reality.

But considering that Qingfengmingyue and his own Qingfengmingyue have to be beaten violently for their teacher, they can buy some time, and it should be longer.

Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief with tense nerves, Oh, I can finally live a good life, take my imperial examinations well, get the ninth-level method as soon as possible, and then break through the ninth-level method in five hundred years. Let's talk again!

He felt that in the future, he should live without worrying so much.

After all, I was really tired before.

To hide the world of ancestral witches, but also to avoid the death pursuit of Emperor Tang.

Now that everything is finally settled, at least he can live in peace for a while.

When he started to take the exam, he actually landed in a space dojo. The open-air exam was very fairy-like, with pens, inks, papers and inkstones. There were examiners riding cranes in the sky, constantly making rounds.

This scene reminds me of the college entrance examination back then.

He thought about some of them, and looked at the questions. There were more than a dozen of them, and he could choose a question to answer.

There are even those who don't need to answer, go directly to the martial arts training ground next door and take the martial arts test! That's the way to enter the barracks, but it's the way of pure combat power, taking the champion of martial arts.

So human?

Zhu Zhengwei was a little dazed, You can choose from various exam questions, which can be said to allow the existence of partial talent, it's not so rigid and of course I chose the exam question with the highest score.

Zhu Zhengwei looked at the first question which was the most difficult.

[On the basic truth universe with extremely high suppression power—the extraterritorial chaotic sky, how to break through the restriction of suppression, so that other special heavens that do not conform to the rules can also be used? 】

Ah this?

Zhu Zheng was sweating slightly on his forehead. He held the pen, looked at the test questions, and felt Tang Huang's deep resentment towards him.

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