Human Brain Ranch

Chapter 313 Mining business

Wasteland area.

As a ruin dump, the sky seen here is a dark gray color.

Countless dust and debris filled the atmosphere and the universe, and even the only star in this land—Nastia—was covered with a layer of gray mist, forming a huge soft golden halo.


A crack in space gradually appeared, and an ultra-small spaceship gradually penetrated from the space.

The spaceship descended slowly, came to the landfill planet No. 351, and gradually approached this disgusting planet full of dense folds, like black silt accumulation.

Which fleet do you belong to? Please accept the blood test immediately! In recent years, mysterious visitors from other worlds and low-level garbage species have invaded here!

In the sky, there was a voice.

Everyone, we are the fleet from the Minnie Merchant Corps.

With a female voice, the spaceship passed through a twisted transparent ring, and all the creatures on it were instantly detected by a certain wavelength.

Minnie Girls Business Group, right? No problem, let's go.


The entire civilization is too huge, covering a small half of the nebula.

Even if they were trapped in place, their ruling land covered a terrifying area the size of three galaxies. There were trillions of citizens in it, and there were countless business groups and chaebols.

Not knowing every business group is a matter of course.

How about it?

Zhu Zhengwei sat on the spaceship, quietly watching everything outside from the circular starry sky window.

It's really great, this force!

The queen of Xiliang was pleasantly surprised, After becoming this race, even if you don't need to understand the principles, you still have the core equivalent of 80% of the true law rules, and you are born with the body of a saint!

After mixing with this country for a while, Queen Xiliang was surprised.

This civilization is simply amazing!

Their bodies are super organisms, and the genes in their bodies contain 80% of the universe's rule library. You can choose a direction for yourself to study and research!

It is said that the strongest man of this civilization has developed 74% of the genetic power hidden in the body, and is a great saint who is close to omnipotence.

Everyone here is born with the blood of a saint. As long as the development is completed, it will definitely shake the world.

It is said that saints only have 100% power to master the true law. We already have 80% of the power in our bodies. If we can fully develop it, we can also approach saints!

This is a near-sacred civilization, what do you think?

The Queen of Xiliang said with longing.

Zhu Zhengwei chuckled, Close to a saint? That also has to be done after the development is complete. It's not that you put knowledge in front of you, and you can reach the peak in an instant.

At the peak of the Sen civilization, it was the second most powerful civilization recorded in the universe.

Theoretically, it is naturally close to the saint's civilization. If it is developed to 80% of the peak period, and the highest glory of the Sen civilization is restored, it can indeed approach the saint's combat power.

However, it is only a theory.

The strongest person here has only recovered 74% of his strength.

If you compare it with Tianting, it is estimated that it is the first-class combat power of the top thugs in Tianting.

I wish Zhengwei continued to compare.

If Mori civilization mastered 80% of the rules of the universe at its peak, according to Honghuang's settings, it would probably be weaker than Zhen Yuanzi, right?

Indeed, it can be called near saint, half saint.

But under the saints, they are all ants.

You are a half saint, as long as you are not sanctified, you will be a weak chicken after all.




Zhu Zhengwei stretched out his palm, and there were light and dark changes of energy in his hand, which surprised even him, The body is like a precision cell factory. It can even build a nuclear reactor according to your own wishes!

This kind of body is no longer life, right? It can even be said to be close to a robot.

It's a wonderful feeling.

Every human being here is a super-large nano-robot. The brain is a supercomputer, which controls hundreds of nano-machine processing factories, military factories, and quantum collision laboratories in the body. A mechanical empire is formed, and things are constantly happening. Various mechanical research, and issued a variety of special power.

And what I have to do is to practice.

Develop the various factory powers in the body, use them skillfully, and most of the time, choose one path to specialize in.

Mori Wenming is simply too fierce!

It's like picking up a treasure, from level ten to level seventy in an instant after eating the experience gift pack.

Advanced civilization has lost its form of flesh and blood. But in fact, it still looks like a creature of flesh and blood, and its skin is still soft. The technology inside is hard to find. Zhu Zhengwei smiled slightly, By the way, are you ready?

about there.

The Queen of Xiliang said: According to the investigation, it is already very clear that we can completely ban this area secretly and send millions, even tens of millions of Xiliang female soldiers to occupy it secretly.

And in their eyes, they are only of the same race, they are just foreign forces and they are also beautiful women. We should give them preferential treatment.

Queen Xiliang's method is very simple.

Establish a base, transport the materials here to Xiliang Women's Kingdom, take advantage of the time difference, and then explode troops like crazy!

One day in reality, a hundred years have passed in the four-dimensional universe. In theory, as long as there are enough resources, a group of recruits can be grown up in three hours, and they will fight in geometric multiples.

Ten thousand people on the first day.

Millions of people the next day.

Tens of millions of people on the third day.

The Queen of Xiliang said: Now, those people in Baoxiang Kingdom seem to have found a way to hide and hid, but they are still being hunted down.

Don't worry about them, build up your power. If they find that the number of female soldiers here is increasing wildly, they will contact you soon. Zhu Zhengwei said softly: At the same time, there will be a few surprising guests soon. Here on the land.

I understand. The Queen of Xiliang said.

Soon, only one week passed.

In the entire area of ​​the ruined planet, a large number of beautiful and white women suddenly appeared out of thin air. They claimed to be secret mercenary merchant groups from far away foreign countries, and they pulled a lot of power.


This force continues to collect resources, and with the influx of material, the entire prehistoric four-dimensional universe has recondensed into a solid body.

Zhu Zhengwei was very satisfied with this new Xiliang women's country, and sneered in his heart, Well, it's time to trick that monkey over here, three dozen bone spirits.

But this modern legal society, scientific world.

Hitting someone here?

Hit people who have acquired full citizenship?

The world will teach him a lesson, and he will take the opportunity to find out Sun Houzi's background.

However, monkeys come in one aspect.

Right now, there are more important things!

He looked at the group of female soldiers in front of him, and thought to himself: They have become creatures of the real universe, that is to say, they can be miners and mine crazily.

After all, no matter how beautiful or ugly, everyone has the right to mine.

After all, the motto of Daughter Country is, who says women are inferior to men?

Not just daughter country.

There are also all kinds of creatures in the land in front of me.

All kinds of mechanics, natives, and powerhouses can all sneak attack, pull them into dreams, and mine at night.

I've made a fortune. He was pleasantly surprised, as he saw mountains of gold and silver.

Kicked Li Shimin away and seized the opportunity in this land. The quality of these miners is unprecedentedly high.

He already has attention.

In this alien civilization, absorb alien miners crazily, and then find a way to call Sun Monkey over, do something, and help him get through some obstacles.

After all, ninety-nine and eighty-one disasters, whose catastrophe has passed, isn't it?

In the distant starry sky.

An ancient ruins of the universe, here dilapidated.

In the center of the sky, there is an ancient huge signal transmission tower, which still exudes ancient information:

We are Boer Civilization

Here, right in the middle of the ruins of the Bor civilization, countless banners of civilization fell here and there, looking extremely tragic.


There was a tremor in the void, and another new civilization of pilgrims had arrived.

They burned another piece of the galaxy where they were, and completely arrived at the final destination.

Our Frost Civilization spent a full 100 million years, jumped all the way to 370 galaxies, and ignited them all the way, before coming here to this place of pilgrimage through hardships!

A generation of ancestors, your dream finally came true in the seven thousandth generation of descendants.

Our starry sky dream is finally here today.

A white-haired old man in this civilization burst into tears.

If Li Shimin and the prime minister of the ghost witch doctor were here, they would definitely realize that the frosted civilization was exactly the ruins of the ancient civilization that they saw when they were next to Dysononi's civilization.

It took them a whole hundred million years to finally come here.

We have finally come to the original civilization. They kept observing, approaching the ruins all the way, wanting to admire the greatest loneliness of civilization.

But in the next second, the terrifying force of confinement covered them.

A faint voice sounded from the center of the ruins, Is another civilization finally here? If it weren't for you lovely guys who are continuous pilgrims to provide us with food, we would have died a long time ago.

Suddenly, there was a sound of surprise from the revived voice,

Hey, a new dream has appeared.

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