Human Brain Ranch

Chapter 469 Secret Plan

years ago.

Hongjun looked at the people in front of him.

They have been exhausted from fighting, and the entire prehistoric universe has been shattered by them and turned into chaos again.

Hongjun himself was almost completely exhausted.

Hongjun's expression was calm, Everyone, if this goes on like this, we will both lose, and the winner will also chase and kill that little mouse, who keeps disgusting him. How about listening to my suggestion?

You want to provoke me to wait again?

Everyone is very vigilant.

I have already built a huge dream universe array. The universe in front of us is shattered by us, which can absorb energy and reconstruct a new dream.

I'm waiting here, desperately working. Wouldn't it be cheaper for someone hiding outside the battlefield? Why don't we create a cosmic giant dream and bring him in, and let's continue this battle.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

To be honest, they have seen the insidiousness of the Creator God on their side.

Too obscene and cheap.

Even if they defeated each other, they would still be left speechless by that guy.

That official is too kind, and he hates blood the most. He never fights, and he doesn't even want to look at it. Guan Shiyin joked.

It's really kind. Everyone responded one after another. Although they hadn't met their real bodies, they had seen their actions over the years.

What are you going to do?

Zhang Bairen asked tentatively.

It's very simple. I'm building a battlefield in a new world. This new universe is about to replace the real universe. And, all the survivors in the universe will be drawn into it, and we will have a decisive battle inside. Hongjun's words are very pertinent. .

They discussed for a while and agreed on the suggestion.

After all, none of them are fools being used by others.

It is a great shame to be sitting on a mountain and watching tigers fight in front of you.

Then we should stop and use the formation you have already set up to open up a new universe. Avalokitesvara said, However, should we pretend to continue fighting so as not to be noticed?

People like them are inherently rebellious.

Before being alienated by Zhu Zhengwei, he turned against the prehistoric universe, and now he can naturally turn against Zhu Zhengwei.

After all, whoever benefits more is on that side.

No need to fake our fight.

Hongjun knew the other party's character very well, He is too cautious and vigilant. Even if we stop fighting and there is no movement inside, he will not dare to approach it because he is afraid that it will be a trap for the winner, and wait and see what happens.

When everyone heard it, they felt the same way.

So, they stopped fighting halfway, intending to draw someone in, build a new battlefield, and continue this ultimate war in it.

Someone alone?


They can't tolerate this.

Back to the present time.

Zhu Zhengwei's complexion changed drastically. He looked at Taoist Hongjun standing in the middle of the ruins. He was a phantom of a messenger left behind, waiting for him.

Zhu Zhengwei looked at the entire battlefield.

Avalokitesvara who fell one by one, Jade Emperor Zhang Zhi, Zhang Bairen, Monkey King.

You won? How did you do it? You can't win them all by yourself. Zhu Zhengwei lost his calm for the first time.

Hongjun didn't know what method he used. Not only did he win over everyone, but he even used some kind of mysterious huge formation to forcefully suck his own body here.

This is the first time that something really went beyond my own budget.

Zhu Zhengwei's brain turned wildly, thinking about what happened here.

Damn little mouse, we caught you. Hongjun's afterimage grinned.

You are fighting with them, joined forces?

Zhu Zhengwei's face was solemn, and suddenly he looked at the corpses around him, revealing a trace of weirdness, So it is, so it is, you really can't beat them, you actually made preparations from the very beginning, ended the war, and pulled me into the battle. field, continue to fight.

You are allowed to use common people, but I am not allowed to use them?

Hongjun said indifferently: Before, we used the last catastrophe together, the dark universe, and now we also use the second catastrophe together, common people. You are right, we are indeed similar.

Zhu Zhengwei was silent, now it was his turn to taunt.

Sure enough, the former enemy was not so easy to defeat.

Now it's your turn, I pulled you in.

This is me reopening a new round of dreams with the power to burn the entire universe.

We have already entered the dream first, and you are the only one left.

Hongjun sneered, And we will soon meet in a dream, this time, you can't escape.

Why can't you escape?

Zhu Zhengwei suddenly mocked: It's just a different battlefield, I will still hide and watch you grow up and fight again in that universe.

The self in the dream is similar to the reality.

His stable personality is still hi in the dream.

I will still hide like this, but it's just a different environment.

Stop being so talkative.

Hongjun sneered, and pointed at the new world that was being gestated and weaved in front of him, You are too young, this dream world is the inverted world we set.

People with a violent personality will become cowardly.

He who likes to hide becomes pushy.

People who like conspiracy will become dignified.

Zhu Zhengwei's complexion changed slightly, and he was not calm at all.

You old bastard! Zhu Zhengwei said.

How could he not know that these people were targeting him.

None of the strong people present were upright people, they were more or less insidious and gentle, but it didn't hurt to flip it over. Their personalities were not extreme, and they probably wouldn't change a lot, but their own personalities did.

Your personality is completely reversed. You are no longer so hidden and do not like to fight, but become extremely aggressive and aggressive. I want to find you. It will take no effort for you to keep hiding. The farce is over.

You let me enter in person.

Hongjun said: All of us, including you, will have an upright duel!

Zhu Zhengwei couldn't help cursing, You low self-esteem guys, how afraid of me and jealous of my talent are you targeting me like this?

Sure enough, I am the strongest person in the world.

Looking at the entire universe from ancient to modern times, the vast history of the universe, the torrent of heroes, the strongest person, no accident, must be the best at running.

I have become so strong that all your other competitors have begun to join forces to limit my ability.

You are afraid of my strength and my combat power.

It's extremely cold at high places.

Hongjun: .

He was in a daze for a while, and then ignored the other party in an instant.

If I fell for his taunt, then I was truly fooled!

He is not stupid.

It's useless to talk too much. You're dead. I hope you can speak so arrogantly when we meet next time. He chose to ignore it, his figure gradually blurred, and his voice slowly dissipated. fall asleep.


Zhu Zhengwei sneered, after venting, he still had to face the reality in front of him.


Zhu Zhengwei's brain consciousness was completely blurred, and he entered that new world.

The beginning of the universe.

The world has re-evolved.

This is a new cosmic world being created.

This is the ultimate dream universe, devouring the power of reality and replacing it.

This universe can be said to be the next new cosmic epoch, and countless powerful people have been forcibly drawn into this new world, but those who remember the previous life are only two creator gods.

The chaos reopened, and there were barren planets in the sky and the earth.

As time went by, a new civilization was slowly bred among the stars.

Yunqi City, Srna Country.

In a small villa in the suburbs,

Whoa whoa whoa.

Zhu Zhengwei opened his eyes slightly.

He found himself in a pram, surrounded by hazy glares of light.

The laughter of parents and servants came from around, and they kept talking in strange languages. After a long time, they left the room and closed the door.

Zhu Zhengwei slowly opened his eyes, and said helplessly: A group of bastards actually forced me to go to the battlefield. Speaking of the decisive battle in the new world, this is the real first time I have entered the world.

Then, we can only fight them head-on.

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