Human Shackles

Chapter 255

A thick fog rises on the sea, and the smoke and firelight become hazy in the fog, and even the sound is confined in the fog. The center of the fog comes from floating on the sea. A piece of dark crystals.

Two silhouettes came to the side of this crystal. It was Sea Clan’s sages from the water Sikong Ronghong and Yunfan.

Sikong Ronghong looked at the floating crystals on the sea, with a complicated expression on his face, said: “The immeasurable karma is burned and not transformed. This human being, Little Brat, is really out of the ordinary, no wonder it attracted that kind of Direct shot at levels!”

The cloud browses tightly frowns, stepping forward and picking up the piece of crystal on the sea and flying towards the land.

“Brother Yun, what are you going to do?”

Yungan’s expressionless look back: “This Little Brat is my half-disciple, and I must find him a burial place.”


The war between the two clans continues. Once the Sea Clan coalition forces penetrate deep into the land, they will be beaten back immediately, and humans cannot chase into the sea, and they are in a stalemate for a while. The situation was not broken until several Sea Clan big elementalists triggered a huge tsunami situation.

In the face of this kind of Heaven and Earth Might, the human army has no power to resist, and has to reach a compromise with Sea Clan and cede the administrative province of Qiandao Sea.

Spring and autumn are coming, and a year has passed. The human living environment is even worse. The mutant biota in the sea frequently attacks coastal areas. Human countries have to move industrial areas inland and in coastal areas. Established a line of defense, and several large-scale battles broke out in several other ominous beast battlefields.

At the same time, the internal situation of various countries is becoming more and more complicated, local forces are supporting themselves, and civilian strikes and riots continue to occur. Some cult organizations have begun to quietly rise in human society. These cult organizations worship Evil God and promote some evil The law of evolution, gathering believers, gradually gains momentum.

Luo Kai’s death became a taboo. His body was buried in a cemetery not far from Shangjing University. The existence of Evil God cannot be known to ordinary persons. Everything about him is consciously conscious Erased, as time passed, people gradually forgot about this once-shattered new star.

Today is Luo Kai’s death day. Early in the morning, a bright and moving woman came to his grave. The woman held a lyre in her hand and sat on the side stroking a piece of music. The sound was ethereal and melodious, and countless birds were attracted, and they fell on the branches of the surrounding trees and listened quietly. They changed their usual noisy, and even fluttered their wings cautiously, for fear of disturbing the sound of nature.

At the end of the song, the woman looked at the wordless stone tablet in front of the tomb blankly, sighed gently, and turned away.

What nobody noticed is that a small purple flower among the weeds on the grave head gently swayed against the girl’s back, seeming to want to stay, but only when she found that she couldn’t attract the attention of the woman, she hung down the bud.

It’s noon, and the purple flower is welcoming the warm sunlight, gathering energy, and its roots plunge deep into the tomb, and there is a dark silhouette sitting in the tomb.

Luo Kai not at all death. Strictly speaking, the body is dead, but the consciousness still exists.

His consciousness is stored in the stream of particles transformed by the Blade of Separation in his mind. It is a place where space and time cannot be felt, like a chaos, which is exactly this piece of Primal Chaos Domain. In order to avoid the perception of Evil God, so as to avoid true “death”.

A little bit of time passed, his consciousness was constantly hovering between Darkness and Light, sometimes clear and sometimes chaotic, and when it was clear, he was like a plant that could not express his thoughts, and when it was chaos, he fell into nothingness. .

During the limited waking time, he remembered more deeply what happened in his two lives, and even the memories in his mother’s womb were clear and clear. The past disappeared completely, and his spiritual realm was finally completed. After acquired the transformation to Innate.

Death is not an end, but a beginning. Ancient Sect taught that the great wise man must experience a kind of death experience, the resurrection of Christ in the Bible, the Nirvana Rebirth of Buddhism, and the beheading of Taoism. Three corpses, etc., mean the final overcoming of troubles, desires, life and death.

He is in this state now, similar to what the Buddhists call “annihilation”, that is, the great danger of life and death, silence and stability.

Only when you experience the realm of dying can you know the cause and effect, Nirvana Rebirth.

Nirvana Rebirth also needed an opportunity, and soon this opportunity appeared. Zilan broke out of the necklace that could not be melted by the purple flame, and its roots were deeply implanted in the crystallized corpse “, re-inject vitality into it.

Luo Kai’s consciousness has a new carrier, and it is difficult to set up a physical experience outside, even if he has reached a high degree of integration with external energy.

At the moment when he became a plant, everything in the world felt different to him. The first thing that attracted attention was the majestic pulsation coming from under the body. This force has never changed. Deep and thick, this is the power of the earth!

The frequency of his consciousness instantly agrees with this pulsation. The earth-yellow energy swarms into the body. The Earth Element energy is smoothly neutralized and accommodates all things. You only need to be on the ground. You can get supplements from Power of Earth endlessly, endlessly, all the time!

I feel the Life Energy coming from the Earth Element energy, and I have a vague guess. How life is born has always been a big mystery for the ages. All life in Earth comes from a cell, and how is this cell? When it was born, this World was the first substance. Two or innumerable kinds of different substances happened together by chance to form the first cell, thus giving birth to life.

The ancient old legend tells the story of Nuwa fabricating people. The Earth Element energy is obviously the most important carrier for constructing life.

Consciousness broke away from Zilan again and returned to his original body. As the thought flashed, his corpse had undergone a wonderful change, and a layer of flesh and blood cells were built on the outside of the crystallized body. Cells continue to divide according to genetic information, and finally each perform its duties to form various organs, bones, blood, and skin…

At a loss, I don’t know how long it took, a warm breath rose from the abdomen. It starts to flow quickly to every part of the body, and every cell of the body seems to be cheering excitedly. They are celebrating the rebirth, the full rebirth of the soul and the body.

Luo Kai opened his eyes and looked into a pair of snow-white pink arms and legs. The body is large, but his hands, feet and head are small. He has become a big baby.

A little bit of time passed, his body organs gradually grew, and with the recovery of the nervous system, the touch returned again, but he had never felt that he was so weak, the level of consciousness, omnipotent spirit strength disappear without a trace, the body is as fragile as a newborn baby.

Fortunately, he was able to move. He grabbed the soil and climbed out of the grave. The starlight outside was bright, the sweet air was refreshing, and the stars in the sky were huge white light clusters, outside the light clusters. It is the boundless darkness, not only the starry sky, the entire world has become pure black and white.

Luo Kai was taken aback for a moment. He became colorblind and couldn’t distinguish between colors?

Immediately shook the head. He originally needed to observe the world with his heart to see this scene. Now, the world has returned to its original form in his eyes. There is no longer any beauty, ugliness and colors that interfere with the mood. The so-called color is emptiness. , Emptiness is form, it is the emptiness of all dharmas, not dirty or clean, not increasing or decreasing, Undying and Inextinguishable!

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