Human Shackles

Chapter 346


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The tunnel-class interstellar battleship is the most cutting-edge technological achievement of the alliance. It not only can freely shuttle in the front and back space, but also has the Planetary Grade combat capability, which can destroy small planets.

The most important thing is that its mass and volume are not as bloated as the interstellar mothership. It does not require huge personnel and brains to perform data calculations, and does not require ultra-high energy reserves. It can start anti-space travel in a very short When the time is over, you have the ability to avoid any danger.

The anti-space can be regarded as the reflection of the positive space. Everything in it is between the void and the entity. When the warship enters the anti-space and travels, it will become a kind of semi-empty existence. Any attack in the anti-space All are invalid.

If the positive space is described as a vibrant world, then the anti-space is a dead silence, everything is gray and full of an unforgettable sense of despair. Those with spiritual wisdom once compared the anti-space to The subconsciousness of life, no one can understand what kind of existence one’s subconsciousness is.

Anyone who has traveled in anti-space will take a long time to recover from this depressed mood afterwards. For those who frequently travel in interstellar, they have gradually adapted.

The interstellar battleship just came out of the anti-space, and the people in the ship gradually awakened from deep dormancy, and got up with the help of intellectual brains and returned to their jobs to start operations.

There are ten clansman clansman in the battleship. The clansman clan belongs to the clan, which means that they are exactly the same as humans. The only difference is that their skin is bright with white fluorescence, just like a fine jade.

The way of birth of Protoss is very special. Consciousness is formed by infinitely condensed particles in the starry sky, and consciousness is formed by Innate, and then the energy will be gradually materialized by the day after tomorrow. It will take about twenty cosmic years to be fully adult.

Hundreds of intelligent auxiliary robots in the battleship, that is to say, each Protoss needs to control more than ten intelligent robots. This requires huge data processing capabilities, which is difficult to complete with brain power alone. They mainly rely on their own Wisdom brain.

In the Star Alliance, Intellectual Brain is a very popular auxiliary computing tool. Almost everyone in the alliance has its own intellectual brain, which is almost equivalent to a part of their body, which belongs to the second brain. According to the main The utility is different, divided into the fighting brain and the life brain. The fighting brain is naturally more advanced, and its main function is to assist the battle and guide the owner to make the best evolutionary choice.

For the Protoss in the alliance, the position of the brain is more important, and it can be said to be independent of itself.

As of now, the Protoss has a total of nine generations of intellectual brains, but it’s not that the more advanced they are, the more advanced they are. This is because the first generation of intellectual brains is no longer strictly speaking, but The original star Spirit General’s own logical thinking consciousness has been cut out. It can not only collect data for calculation and analysis, but also can evolve and create itself, which means that it has the same creative ability as worm species and belongs to life.

The second generation of intellectual brain has lost its creative ability, but it can also evolve itself through receipt collection, and it also belongs to life.

As for the third place intellectual brain and below, it is completely a tool for processing data and performing logical operations.

The reason for this situation is related to the special way of reproduction of the Protoss. They reproduce by splitting. Each time they split, their abilities will be split by half, and they will degenerate more and more from generation to generation. After the ninth generation was split, the corresponding intelligence brain that split itself is gradually not as good as before.

But even so, with the insight into energy and the powerful data analysis capabilities of the brain, the protoss can almost use material means to the extreme, making them one of the most powerful species in the universe.

In addition to the auxiliary robots, there are thousands of black marrow intelligent war puppets in the battle compartment of the battleship, which can be called black iron warriors, thirteen white spirit war puppets, also known as Silver Warriors, and one yellow Fusion war puppet, also known as Gold Warrior.

These war puppets are the most important armed forces of the Protoss family. They have powerful mimicry capabilities, can freely transform between any materials, can adapt to any combat environment in the universe, and have extremely high combat instincts. Simulate any physical combat skills, and can launch powerful technological weapons through material transformation capabilities.

The most powerful one is the golden war puppet. It is made from the highly compressed and condensed celestial marrow in the star, and is given the battle awareness of the dead protoss. It has the ability to simulate and create. Only the battleship commander can control .

In the vast main command cabin of the battleship, Commander Major General Harrington Keith stared at the beautiful galaxy in front of him through the porthole.

The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy with a diameter of about 200,000 light-years. It has four large spiral arms, the Sagittarius arm, the Orion arm, the perse The location of Star Domain.

During his long exploration career, he has seen countless beautiful stars, but the galaxies in front of him are a little different. A different kind of thought rise in the mind, which is a kind of coming back to the mother body very early. a feeling of.

The report of the battleship master controlling the brain was sent to the command platform: “Major General, Nebula Princess did not respond to communication.”

“This nebula has many intelligent races. They enter a state of alert, launch space probes, accelerate their cruise speed, and continue to communicate with Princess.”

Harrington returned to God and gave orders coldly. Danger lurks on every side in the universe, and many native galaxies are extremely hostile to Outsiders, and will attack them almost immediately after discovery.

The battleship activated the electromagnetic shield to isolate any cosmic rays. At the same time, it repelled the huge gravitational force of the nebula. The high-power cavity device in the propulsion module began to collect the antimatter in the void and compress it with high intensity. Condensed into positive matter, which drives the operation of the particle reactor and provides inexhaustible kinetic energy.

The observable matter in the universe belongs to the positive matter, that is, the matter that composes the stars and everything. In the sky, there are still a lot of unobservable matter free, and they will not react with the electromagnetic, nor Will be attracted by light gravity, and can only be used by simulating small black holes through the cavity effect.

Harrington turned his gaze to a three-dimensional projection on the podium. It was a beautiful woman, and even a high-status Protoss Princess.

Everything has pros and cons and Yin-Yang Two Sides, including all civilized races, that is, there are males and females.

In the Protoss family, all clansman after the third generation are born by the mother, and the most outstanding clansman can be named Princess.

The Protoss is a matrilineal society. Only females can have the ability to split and give birth. The status of females is very high, but their numbers are extremely rare. Most of the Star Spirit Race men have no chance to have a spouse of the same race. Any woman is The admiration of all men is said to be the Princess named after the Nebula.

With the lofty status of the Protoss, they do not lack the opposite sex, but most of them are women that’s all of the affiliated races. They are all carbon-based creatures made of flesh and blood. They are far inferior to the highly condensed homosexuals and the opposite sex. , I can’t help myself. The highly condensed energy will not only forge a perfect body, but also deeply condense the consciousness and soul.

“Major General, has arrived in the Milky Way. This is the latest biological data from the space probe in the Lost Star Domain. There is an unknown creature on guard. Please have a look.”

The sound of the brain machinery interrupted his thoughts, and Harrington turned his gaze to the wall with a somewhat vague picture. It was an incomparable gigantic feather creature with wings spread out more than theirs. The tunnel-class battleship is many times larger, almost comparable to the interstellar mothership.

Name: Yunpeng

Race: Feather

spirit strength: unable to judge

Physical strength: Unable to judge

Ability: Hollow

Evolution Level: Level 13 (Ultimate Body Creature)

Threat level: extremely high

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