Human Shackles

Chapter 405

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The sky is gradually white, and in the combat of the southwest corner of the military base, the military empowerment is gathered here after recovery from the Terrifying Pressure.

The ice beast has left, but the city’s heavy industrial facilities are all destroyed. The ice beast is a low temperature organism. It is very sensitive to the external temperature change. It can also bring Terrifying cold flow, which will melt Life, in the war with ice beast, ice beast has not left Land of Extreme North for a long time, but now they are significantly strengthened to temperature rise, you can imagine that this Ten Thousand Li attack human Race is a big rear The operation method will become a normal.

Conference Hall owner’s face is very gloomy, which is more frightened, so that they are afraid of ice beast, but the man who suddenly appeared last night, this person obviously surpassed the Body Refiner Master level, probability It is the legendary saint, the key is if the Human Race saints why the ice beast does not care, but it is made up of human beings?

Commander Zhong from South Top Opened The Mouth and Said: “What is the casualties last night? Is this person or a different?”

The first military official replied: “The casualties are very heavy, the specific quantity is still counting, and those who estimate that direct or indirect death will not be 100,000.”

After hesitating, continue to say: “There are many people who die, I think …


“With this person, if you want to repel the Ominous Beast, and even destroy this city is not impossible, he didn’t do this, I think he is hunting dream life, but his practice is too Overbearing, I did not inform us. “

Conference Hall thought of the horror of terror last night, the face changed, it was a power that made life can’t resist the thoughts, this power has appeared on the powerful full Omius Beast. And only saints can be done in humans.

Most of them are Body Refiner Master, and the positions are also very high. Of course, a lot of fantastic life attached to human body, but there is no way to identify.

Zhongzhi is slightly eased, and now the human situation is a few people’s death for most people ‘s security. I will continue to ask: “So this person is who? Is it a cult saint Ning? Regret? “

Everyone is silent, and the saint belongs to the human CultiVation evolution of Pinnacle, which can deal with the saints.

After a long time, the Conference Hall corner is a full-faced man’s hate: “One of the following Vice captain is the middle paragraph Body Refiner Master, Cultivation or the powerful gold element martial arts, but can’t get one knife This person is so unscrupulous in the human city, even if the main goal is a heterogeneous, but he has a lot of innocent people’s life. It has touched our bottom line. No matter what he is not a saint, we should also ask him. Speaker! “

“Yes, no matter what he is WHO, you can’t slaughter humanity.”

“We report to Martial Arts, request the participating hall!”

“Yes, this kind of person is no longer a person, it is the enemy of our whole humanity.”

Conference Hall is full of red, and the meaning of indignation, as if it is to vent the fear last night.


Luo Kai does not know that he has caused the anger of the military last night. Even if you know, you won’t be Taking Seriously, the killing of last night may die a lot of innocent people, but now the world is soft, possibly It will trigger a bigger disaster, with the strength of strength and the growth of Temperament these years, his will is so strong!

Today, he is walking in the city of the ruins. After Zhang Wenqian followed him, Looked Towards had a very complex HAS Several Points in, a bit of strangeness,

Luo Kai, of course, has aware of her idea, but did not say anything.

Zhang Wenqian is a bit can’t help but ask: “Luo Kai, why do you want to kill That Many people last night?”

Luo Kai stopped, he is now getting superior and superior, if you ask someone asking him, he may have a lazy answer, but asking his woman has a “fate” with him.

He is silent, or replied: “Human now is very dangerous, but the crisis not only externally, there are many evil biological lives in humans, but they will suddenly break out one day.”

Zhang Wenqian thought of the old Woman drilled out from the Sister-in-Law body, his face was slightly changed, and the trembling said: “Is there a ghost?”

Luo Kai Shook the head, patient explanation: “Fear is from unknown, we don’t know their existence, so it is Ghost God, but in fact they are the same as billions of life, all from the bottom Life evolution, if the lives we have seen are macro species, they belong to a micro-species. “

“Then why don’t you go to the army or Martial ARTS Association, people have more powerful.”

Luo Kai has no expression: “I don’t have time to deal with them, I don’t like to deal with them. The way to solve the problem for me is to kill these differently.”

Northern Sea County City Many buildings have become ruins, want to rebuild is a long process. It is no longer suitable for life, and many people are moving towards the city.

Luo Kai looked up and looked at the sky, suddenly reached out to take Zhang Wenqian, his body shape and faster his speed, gradually leaving the ground, with Zhang Wenqian’s Cry Out in surprise, flying in the sky.

After a while, several Human Race Body Refiner Master appeared here, and it looked at the small black spots that were getting away from the in the sky.

Zhang Wenqian’s face is sluggish to look at the scenery of the feet, the venue is constantly blowing, and the surrounding white clouds seem to be tentacles, and the vast and unspeakable scenery makes her have a little gloomy mood gradually, side head. Looking at Luo Kai’s knife-cut face, gradually her face is getting more and more rushed, the heart is jumping, and the Expressions All becomes a little blur.

Since Luo Kai stepped into the Holy Better, the whole person once again had a huge change, these days came to Everyday ALL under the refinement of the stars, whether it is the body or spirit, gradually evolving to the optimal Lifeform, he The body is getting more and more intended, and the long phase is also increasingly attached to the best gold ratio in aesthetics.

Life Level has made his spiritual awareness, and his one move will disseminate a unique attraction, especially the pair seems to have a little bit of stars, Vortex’s eyes , Seems to be able to accommodate all things.

Zhang Wenqian suddenly rose a Single Thought, time is always going to stop at this moment.

Luo Kai spotted her thoughts, Divine Light quickly converges, silently SIGHED, every war or disaster, will make him produce Sudden Enlightenment, or evolution, can say that he is a disaster star, The point must be accompanied by bad luck, seemingly agency, unreasonable, this is the air transport in the midst

It fully accepted the essence of water last night, making his skin like azure’s Fine Jade, vaguely transfrite gloss, the same source of the avenue, his integration of water has reached the vertex, and it is touched “God” “The edge of” If he is willing, it can even completely fusion the law of water, that is, the incarnation, but does not comply with his Cultivation Road.

His path of cultivation is included, this path is really Illusory, although he has almost mastered most of the energy, but the lack of one is not enough, it is not possible to achieve a limited amount, now It is also lacking pure light energy and WITHIN FILEments METITAL Attribute energy.

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