Hunter Queen: Killer Queen

Chapter 304 Red Drum Channel!

Chapter 304 Red × Drum Sound × Channel!

While Joey and Hisoka were sending messages, the soldiers who had been stationed near the passage on the third floor suddenly noticed that bright red colors began to appear on the ground in the corridors in front of them.

A feeling of irritability somehow began to rise in their hearts after they saw the bright red color.

And when this irritable feeling arose, they didn't know that their eyes were also quietly stained with a layer of red.

The crying sound in my ears that I didn't care about at first suddenly made me feel a little irritated for some reason.

"Damn guy, why are you crying!"

One soldier's muttering seemed to resonate with nearby soldiers.

“Why don’t these pieces of shit just die?”

The soldier who spoke had his finger hooked on the trigger of the rifle with the safety on. He licked his lips, and a bit of bloodlust flashed in his eyes, as if he might shoot at the people in front at any time.

But when he finished speaking, he suddenly saw that the soldier who had spoken before had also turned red at some point.

The soldier holding the gun frowned and couldn't help but let go of one hand and rubbed his eyes, as if he was wondering if he had seen something wrong.

But when he put down his hand, he suddenly realized that the soldiers standing in front of him were actually those damn rubbish civilians who should be outside!

At that moment, the soldier holding the gun suddenly raised his hand: "Go to hell, trash!"

The sound of gunshots rang out at the same time as he spoke. The man standing in front of him, looking at him in surprise, was directly sifted by the rifle without even a chance to resist!

At the same time, more and more people with red bodies began to appear in the eyes of the gun-wielding soldiers.

These people began to look ferocious in his eyes, as if they wanted to attack him.

He burst out laughing, the muzzle of the gun in his hand suddenly turned around, and the bullets poured out without any hesitation.

But before his laughter spread, pain came from his body. When he lowered his head, he saw an even brighter red color, that was his blood!

The chaos spread in just a blink of an eye.

More soldiers in the passage rushed out after hearing the gunshots, but the only scene that caught their eyes was a chaotic scene of soldiers shooting each other.

Even some of the soldiers who appeared first had already fallen into this chaos.

The people further away retreated far back, as if they were afraid of being affected by the soldiers' sudden crazy behavior.

But at this moment, a sound like an alarm bell suddenly began to appear in the soldiers' camp. The sound seemed to have some magic power, and a look of struggle gradually appeared in the eyes of the soldiers who were attacking wildly without control.

The sound of the alarm bell became louder and louder, but the sound of a drum pushed the soldiers who were about to wake up into the abyss again.

But the moment the drums sounded, several figures suddenly passed through the melee soldiers' camp and rushed in the direction of the drums.

More intensive drum sounds began to sound. The drum sound suppressed the alarm sound, but it could not completely erase the effect brought by the alarm sound.

However, the soldier was not awakened by the alarm. Instead, he began to experience bleeding from his orifices amidst the rhythmic beating of drums.

Listening carefully to the sound of the drum, it is not difficult to find that the sound of the drum seems to be beating on purpose to catch the heartbeat of a person. When the heartbeats of a large number of soldiers gradually become the same frequency as the drum, a sudden heavy blow will be heard. Be the last hammer to destroy the soldiers!

However, this kind of drum sound is no longer a targeted attack like the previous red one, but a full-coverage indiscriminate attack.

In other words, in addition to the soldiers, the people standing nearby were also involved in the drum attack.

The only difference from the soldiers was that the people responded to the drum sound more calmly. They were not affected by the color red, and they also knew how to block their ears with something to reduce the impact of the drum sound on them.

But the soldiers fell in large numbers amidst the sound of drums.

And before the two people who rushed forward could jump into the crowd to find the source of the drum sound, they suddenly became scattered pieces of meat on the ground while rushing forward.

Threads of blood were hanging on the thin thread that appeared near the passage at some unknown time.

The taut thin lines are almost transparent, making it even more difficult to see clearly against the red light on the ground.

The speed of the King's Army ability users who rushed towards them allowed them to die easily under this sharp translucent thin line.

Not far away, a woman hooked her fingers and licked her red lips while the thin lines trembled, revealing a somewhat bloodthirsty smile.

But before her smile fully bloomed, a hole suddenly appeared on her forehead.

It was only then that gunshots were heard from the King's Army camp!

However, the gunshot was only a single sound, because a white shadow suddenly appeared where the gunshot came from, and the shadow was holding a headless corpse in its hand.

What was hanging in the corpse's hand was a sniper rifle!

Everything happened very quickly. When the shadow eliminated the sniper, one by one the ability users began to line up the people and walk toward the passage that was gradually opening.

On the other side of the passage, the king's army camp also suffered heavy casualties.

But unlike those that were directly blasted by ability users, the entrance to the passage on the second floor was directly breached by a group of armed men.

These armed men are the private soldiers of the powerful people in the second level!

As for why they would target Kajin's soldiers, this is actually very simple.

Judging from the current situation, if something goes wrong with the B·W, the people on the cruise ship may still be fine, but everyone under the cruise ship will become victims.

They, these elites with extremely high status in Cajin, are also abandoned people.

How could this possibly make them willing to do so? Therefore, the resistance was doomed from the beginning. All that was missing was a person to clarify the matter and a suitable opportunity.

The hunters of the association are the best lobbyists. At the same time, the lower-level operations begin, especially the sound of drums, which is a signal to the upper-level dignitaries.

However, judging from the results, people in the upper class move faster than those in the lower class.

But when people actually stepped into the second level, they discovered that it was not that the people on the second level were faster, it was just that there were fewer Cajun soldiers in the second level and they had no combat effectiveness.

There were still a few ability users on the lower floor to resist, but there were no ability users left at all on the second floor.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that the Cajin King's army has also been prepared for a long time.

More manpower has been withdrawn to the cruise ship at this time, and the connection between the cruise ship and the lower level has been severed.

Nowadays, when people want to reach the cruise ship on the first floor from the lower level, the most critical issue is the "big lake" filled with sea water where the cruise ship is located.

This water area cannot be solved. If you want to board the cruise ship, you can only dive and surface, but this is not realistic at all.

In addition, there is such a large area of ​​water suspended above the head. If there is a problem with the roof of the shed, the seawater pouring down will be too much for the people gathered.

In fact, from the time the people on the ship began to resist the Cajun soldiers, they were already at a disadvantage and in crisis.

However, it is impossible for the Jinhe Association not to take this situation into consideration, not to mention the return of Mo Laowu, who is extremely good at marine operations.

With the ability of Mo Laowu's teammate Duomi, it is not too difficult to create a channel to dredge the seawater on the wall.

The only thing Joey didn't know was how far this matter had come.

But these are not things that he needs to think about. He just needs to follow people and move forward.

While he was thinking this, a large number of cracks suddenly appeared on the second-floor roof, and these cracks were gradually spreading, as if they could completely collapse at any time.

However, neither the people from the association nor the private soldiers of gangsters and powerful people were panicked by the changes in the roof above.

Several ability users even took the initiative to stand up when changes occurred on the roof of the shed.

Joey's eyes swept over one of them. The man was wearing a full-coverage protective suit and had a bucket hanging on his waist. It was Duomi who was separated from him.

At this time, Duomi had plasticine in his hand. He quickly rubbed the plasticine and shaped it into the shape he wanted.

As he moved, the ceiling above also began to change. A ladder large enough for dozens of people to pass slowly appeared from above and spread toward the crowd below.

Not far away, another person also took action when the ladder appeared, and a large amount of cement appeared in front of him.

It is obvious that he is a person with materialization ability!

After he materialized into cement, a man holding a shovel came out next to him. He was extremely tall, and his muscles, especially his arms, gave people an uncoordinated look.

At this time, he walked out and stood in front of the cement. The shovel in his hand suddenly shoveled out, and a large amount of cement was jumped and smeared towards the roof above.

At this time, a group of people wearing flamethrowers and wearing fire-proof clothing quickly walked out not far away. As soon as the flamethrowers in their hands were turned on, they aimed at the ceiling above and sprayed out hot flames.

Joey, who was hiding in the crowd, could see clearly that the muscular man holding the shovel was a person with enhanced abilities. He didn't have any other skills but his movements were fast and precise.

In addition, those holding flamethrowers are not real people, but mind beasts.

This should be the same kind of telekinesis beast he released. Clothes and equipment are the key to their attack power.

As for the person who controlled these mind beasts, Joey did not find it in the crowd. He must be a cautious person.

This kind of combination ability is obviously not something that can be achieved by casual soldiers. These people are all members of the Gazia family.

The Nian Beast that controlled the flames controlled the temperature very well, and the broken roof above was quickly blocked by cement.

The area that had already begun to seep water was blocked again.

However, Joey saw clearly that if Cajin had not chosen to separate the entire layer with steel plates during shipbuilding, the moment the crack appeared, a large amount of seawater would directly break through the crack and pour into the lower layer.

Not to mention cement sealing, even if you can directly create a wall, it will not be able to block the weight of the sea water above.

Even with the method he was using now, Joey felt like he wouldn't be able to sustain it for long.

However, he knew very well that strengthening the roof was just incidental. The real task of the cement combination was to strengthen the passage created by Duomi.

Only in this way can more people arrive on the cruise ship more safely.

In addition, not far away, there were many ability users gathered together and drawing something on the ground. Joey was far away and could not see clearly what they had drawn, but he was sure that the energy erupting there was also quite large.

However, judging from the unconnected channels, Joey felt that the method used there was more like a teleportation method.

I just don’t know the specific operation and where people will be sent to the cruise ship.

Things were proceeding in an orderly manner. With the completion of the passage and teleportation array, a large number of people began to be sent to the cruise ship.

There are obviously more people walking through the passage, and there is no way to teleport or anything, which always gives people a feeling that there will be an accident if it is not safe.

Joey's choice is also channel, and he is also relatively resistant to methods such as teleportation.

Associations, gangs, private soldiers and other forces have no restrictions on people going to the cruise ship. It seems that as long as they can reach the second floor, they are eligible to enter the cruise ship.

Joey knew exactly why.

On the one hand, the reason why the second-tier dignitaries are so easy to talk to is because they have set their target on the cruise ship from the beginning.

As long as they board the cruise ship, even if there is a problem with the B·W in the end, they will not have problems with the Cajun royal family. At most, they will have to withstand the pressure of the king's army.

And in this, they are confident.

On the other hand, not imposing restrictions is to allow more ability users to join the battle.

The lower levels are no longer safe. Anyone with some abilities can understand this.

If they want to live, they must get on a cruise ship, and if they get on a cruise ship, they can't even think about staying out of it.

As for the last aspect, it is used to hide the identity. With the influx of a large number of people, even if there is a pair of eyes that can see everything clearly on the cruise ship, it will be difficult to distinguish Joey and other important key figures in the crowd.

He quickly climbed up the passage, and when he came out, Joey had already arrived at a rather large room.

There are a lot of goods in the room, which are all foods that are easy to store. It is obvious that this is a warehouse.

Some of the people who arrived here earlier than Joey had already walked out of the room, and various sounds could be heard in the corridor from time to time.

The lower deck of the cruise ship is also guarded by soldiers. At the same time, it is also the place where food is supplied to most people on the ship, so there are many chefs and service staff.

However, Joey listened carefully and never heard the sound of gunfire, which made him wonder whether Cajun had evacuated the soldiers from the bottom of the cruise ship in advance.

But this idea was quickly shattered.

A skeletal arm suddenly appeared from above the head, tearing apart the roof of the shed and exposing the pile of bones hidden inside.

The skeleton that should have been in the ceiling of the second floor of the cruise ship was unknown if it was moved here or if it had spread here.

Joey wasn't sure because he didn't spread his circle.

Even in order to avoid eye observation, he also changed a lot of his own habits. Even with his abilities, he was not prepared to use gold experience and weather forecast.

Disguising himself as an ordinary release-type ability user, this was his plan before arriving at the first floor of the cruise ship to meet Nasby Gray Guoru.

However, he had no intention of breaking out, but as the bones fell from the sky, the ability users who reached the upper level began to fight back.

Among them, the ability users from the association and gangs acted as guardians, preventing any bones from getting close to the passage. Only in this way can more people reach the cruise ship quickly.

Joey did not stay here longer, but followed many loners out of the room and started his own actions.

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