Hunter Queen: Killer Queen

Chapter 343 The Roaring Troll Who Dare Not Roar

Chapter 343 Roar×Dareless Roar×Troll

Joey had a good idea, but the insect maker was very able to keep his composure. Until the fire dragon almost consumed the insect swarm, the other party did not take any action.

This gave Joey several judgments about the insect maker.

One is that the insect maker is not full of hatred for insects like the fire dragon, and the two parties are probably a one-sided provocation.

As for the specifics, it's hard to judge.

But if we were to make guesses based solely on biological habits, Joey felt that it was more likely that the insect swarm had caused harm to the descendants of the fire dragon, causing the fire dragon to go crazy.

But that's not important.

The other is that the insect maker cannot appear and attack directly like the fire dragon.

If this is the case, the insect maker is more like a mechanical existence, with a fixed attack mode. If the attack conditions are not met, it will never be able to take action.

If this is the case, creating enough bird noise may be enough for the insect maker to launch an attack.

Just do what you think of, and the chirping of birds in the air erupted again as the fire dragon below almost tore apart the insect swarm.

When the birds chirped, Joey also thought of the last possibility, that is, the insect maker was smart enough to know that Joey had set a trap.

If this is the case, then the opponent's wisdom is a bit chilling, and he may even become a maggot in the future.

After all, judging from the current situation, as long as the other party doesn't take the initiative to show up, Joey and others have no clues to find the other party.

The number of bugs emerging from the ground under the chirping of birds has slightly increased, but it is completely different from the menacing and endless appearance before. Now it is more like a weak state in saint mode. The insect maker seems to have consumed too much. No matter how great the temptation is, you can't be stubborn.

And in this state, it is difficult for the insect swarm to impose much restrictions on the fire dragon below.

The fire dragon is so tenacious and powerful that it can completely crush ordinary insects!

In this case, Joey could only take action to deal with the fire dragon, but he was not surprised by this. After all, he had already had a plan in his mind when he set a trap for the fire dragon.

The fire dragon suddenly jumped up on the ground and spun around, throwing away all the bugs on its body.

Although it tried to flap its wings to leave during this process, it still had no intention of taking off after flapping its wings, which made it temporarily aware of its situation.

It raised its body, suddenly pointed at the sky and let out a harsh roar.

Joey and the other three were the first to be hit in the air. Apparently, even if they were covered by weather forecasts, they still could not escape the fire dragon's detection.

But how did it detect the three people and lock them in? Are they the culprits that caused it to be unable to take off? Joey had some doubts in his heart.

But it's not important either, because when the fire dragon raised its head and roared, he and Crook's attacks had already been launched at the same time.

What Joey wants is the complete fire dragon corpse, because whether it is the fire dragon's scales or the fire dragon's body, it is excellent exploration material for him and Crook.

Therefore, Joey's attack cannot use the simplest first bomb to destroy the enemy, but can only rely on weather forecasts to carry out the attack.

The best way to restrict the fire dragon is naturally to start from the aspect of attributes.

Even if it is outdoors now, the ability of weather forecasting is to make incredible changes to the surrounding weather. Therefore, when the fire dragon was fighting against the insect swarm before, the circle that enveloped the nearby area had already brought cold air and declining air to the area. temperature.

By now, the rain falling in the air had changed and turned into hailstones hitting the ground.

Hail was only the size of a fingernail, and it would not pose any threat to the fire dragon if it fell on it. However, the low temperature it brought caused some special changes to the scales on the fire dragon's body that had gradually dimmed with the battle.

The hail that falls on the fire dragon will melt instantly, but when it melts, the scales of the fire dragon will dim for a brief moment.

Just like when some water is suddenly poured on a red-hot soldering iron, black spots appear briefly and then the high temperature turns the soldering iron red again.

But everyone knows that the color change at that moment will take away a lot of heat from the soldering iron.

The fire dragon was unwilling to use its strength to take off and attack the things above it, but no matter how hard it took off, it could not touch the things it sensed above.

It turned the high temperature on its body vigorously, letting the flames rise in its mouth, and it seemed that it would be stimulated into a pillar of fire and sprayed into the sky in the next second.

But at this moment, a brown tree branch suddenly sprouted from the ground beside him.

The branch grew at a strange speed and firmly trapped the fire dragon's mouth that was about to open!

The flames burst out from the gap in the fire dragon's mouth and burned on the brown tree trunk, turning the tree trunk into ash at a terrifying speed.

But the flames accumulated by the fire dragon failed to shoot out and pose a threat to the three Joeys in the sky.

Joey took a deep look at Crook. This woman's ability reminded him of several abilities and people. One was the Wood Release Ninjutsu in Naruto, and the other was Zyra in League of Legends.

The former is able to create trees out of thin air through chakra, which is considered miraculous.

The latter can quickly grow into flowers after spreading the seeds.

Crook is more like a combination of two abilities. She can instantly scatter plants that grow rapidly due to her thoughts, creating a tree-controlling technique similar to wood release. She can also scatter seeds at critical moments. The seeds are stimulated by the thoughts left on them, allowing them to grow into what she wants in an instant.

The former is a combination of strengthening system and operation system, while the latter is a combination of strengthening system, release system and operation system.

Then it is worth thinking about whether the ability of the change system will be added. After all, Crook admitted that she is a person of the enhancement system, and the most suitable thing for the enhancement system is release and change.

The attacks from the weather forecast continued to accumulate, and Joey's divergent thinking was brought back to reality with the unwilling and angry roar of the fire dragon.

The hailstorm's attack had no obvious effect on the fire dragon, but it dealt a fatal blow to the few remaining insect swarms.

Although the hailstones are not big, each one has a thought attached to it. Even if this thought is not much, it is enough to cause unparalleled damage to insects that cannot even use thoughts.

Each insect screamed and was shattered by the hail, but the blood that flowed out was frozen into ice in just a moment, flowing on the ground to form a strange picture.

The broken corpse was connected by the cold, and was gradually submerged in the hail that never stopped for a moment.

The fire dragon was trying to run away from this cold land on the ground, but it was once again blocked and attacked by explosions and plants.

The dragon scales on its body became darker and darker in the ice and snow, and its mobility gradually showed signs of failure in this extreme cold.

But before that, there was no longer a single insect on the nearby land.

The radius of Joey's circle is only fifty meters, but when he expands the irregular circle to cover the ground, it is enough to cover a radius of nearly two hundred meters in diameter.

The fire dragon that couldn't rush out was trapped within the two hundred meters.

But outside the two hundred meters, there were insect corpses frozen like a wall.

The sound of birdsong is like a bell calling them, and also like a horn guiding them to charge. As long as the sound of birdsong continues, they will rush towards the target one after another.

An hour later, the fire dragon was frozen on the ground, and the first sunlight fell on the fire dragon's body with a bright light.

The three of Joey fell within the range of the insect corpses and admired the lifeless fire dragon ice sculpture at close range.

The warm wind blew into the area where the insect corpses were wrapped, but it avoided the insect corpse wall.

Parts of the frozen fire dragon gradually melted under the hot wind, revealing the fire dragon's body inside.

There is no warmth on the dim scales, but you can still feel its hardness when you knock on it.

Joey forcefully pulled off a scale from the fire dragon's body and poured thoughts into it, but he quickly felt the temperature of the scale rise.

The fire dragon's scales cannot actively absorb Joey's life energy, but they can store Joey's life energy!

It's just that fiery temperature, but it's not easy to solve. At least until it is solved, it will be extremely difficult to use this kind of scales to build armor.

But if you just use the properties of this scale to make a weapon, you can forge an excellent "magic weapon".

Perhaps as long as you input enough thoughts into the weapon, the weapon can have the ability to release flames!

Joey was so happy that he peeled off the scales a little faster.

Crook was also studying the corpse of the fire dragon. She collected various materials from the fire dragon, from flesh and blood to visceral cells and so on.

Only Leorio looked at the ice wall where the insect corpses were piled up in a daze. After a long time, he looked at Joey and the two of them and said, "What matters now is not the corpse of the fire dragon, but whether the thing that made the bugs still follows us, right?" "

"How are you sure?" A large number of scales, claws, teeth and dragon horns were floating behind Joey. He turned to look at Leorio and asked.

Leorio was speechless for a moment.

There were still sounds of birdsong high in the sky spreading into the distance, but not a single strange insect emerged from the nearby ground, as if the guy who created the bugs was exhausted.

This makes it impossible to determine whether the other party continues to follow a few people.

In addition to making bird calls to judge the other party's situation, currently there is really no other way to get in touch with the other party based on the information they have.

Things were at a stalemate for a while.

"What should we do?" Leorio scratched his head. He knew in his heart that the team could not wait for them forever. If they could not figure out the problem of the strange insects, there were only two choices left for them.

One is for the three people and the association to act separately. There is contact between the two parties for support, but they cannot get too close.

The other is for the three of them to hide in Nobu's space.

But no matter which one it is, Leorio doesn't want it. The former is extremely dangerous, and the latter is not a long-term solution.

After all, it is impossible for the association to stuff problematic members into Nobu's fourth-dimensional apartment along the way, so who will protect Nobu then?

Moreover, dangerous people like Byande would not be allowed to enter Norbu's abilities unless necessary.

Generally speaking, the only option left for them is to go forward as a team of three.

"The three of us will act together and make sure there is no problem before returning to the team." Joey stopped what he was doing and looked up toward the back, forgetting about the way they came.

He could sense the breath of people within his circle!

Not a familiar person!

Who could it be? Joey's heart moved, but he also had some guesses.

Those who can keep up with the association's progress will definitely not be a team of ordinary people, but only a team of people with full abilities.

Among the teams of capable users that he could think of, there were not many teams with people he was not familiar with. Among them, there was only one team that made Joey wary, belonging to Biyang De's team!

"Let's go." Joey glanced at the less than one-third of the materials left on the fire dragon with pity. Then he pulled Crook and Leorio away. White clouds quickly appeared around the two of them, and he supported them to follow the same process. Joey, who was lifted up by the white clouds, ran towards the direction of the Association Beyond the Zombie Wall.

I didn't contact Norbu because I still don't know what the problem with the insect swarm is.

As for contacting the other party, Joey has no intention of doing so.

When Krook was pulled up by Joey, she withdrew from her previous concentrated researcher state. She turned her head and glanced in the direction she came from: "These guys are chasing so fast. If I had known before, It’s a little less effort.”

Her words could be regarded as acknowledging the strength of the person pursuing her.

Looking at it this way, it seemed that Crook might know the person chasing him. Thinking this, Joey was about to open his mouth to ask, but suddenly felt the ground shake.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the vibration, Joey saw a large number of huge, ferocious-looking monsters holding thick wooden sticks and running on both feet.

"This is this?" he asked in surprise, because this guy with green skin looked like an enlarged version of Goblin!

But are there such creatures as goblins in this world?

"It's a troll." Crook's face changed slightly and he said the other party's name.

"Troll?" Joey had never heard of this kind of thing. The troll in his impression was an ugly blue-skinned thing swinging a stick, but his appearance was pretty much the same.

"Savage demi-humans with Warcraft bloodline have little intelligence. They live in the mountains and old forests and live a hunting life like primitive people. But because of the Warcraft bloodline, these guys have incredible strength and healing abilities." Crook I briefly explained to Joey,

At this time, the trolls below had already rushed to the insect wall. Then they raised the thick wooden sticks in their hands high and smashed them towards the insect wall in front of them while running!

Joey, who was in the air, had already moved his eyes away from these trolls, who had no chance of catching up with them, and looked towards the location where he had detected the human aura before.

But the man had already left, leaving no trace at all.

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