Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 55: Full Firepower

More than twenty hours passed in the blink of an eye.

When Allen led Baldro out of the room, he immediately noticed Killua waiting at the door.

I saw this little guy with a dangerous smile on his face and a faint murderous aura all over his body: Do you need help? I am professional in assassination!

No, thank you. Since you have decided not to be a killer anymore, it is best never to let yourself fall into darkness again. Go and accompany Xiaojie, he has a game to play tomorrow. Allen shook his head gently. He shook his head and refused.

He now finally understood why Killua overwhelmingly defeated Gon in terms of votes every time in numerous selections for Hunter anime characters.

In addition to being handsome and cute, his maturity and high emotional intelligence beyond his peers are the most important.

And at critical moments, his judgment and reaction will never let down his friends and companions.

Are you sure? The other parties are all landlords! And there are more than one person! Killua raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Allen smiled and stretched out a finger to explain: Correction! The poster does not mean that he is strong. To give a simple example, for example, Hisoka and your eldest brother Yi Mi, they have far more power than most posters. The strength can even easily kill two to three posters in places without rules and escape. So please don't think that the poster is so powerful. In fact, the sky arena can only be regarded as a small one in the eyes of some powerful telekinesis users. An entry-level place.”

I see! In other words, Jay and I are still far apart, right? Killua had a thoughtful expression on his face.

That's right! But with the talents of the two of you, in about half a year to a year, you should be able to approach or even defeat most of the posters. Okay, that's enough chatting. I have to rush to make an appointment. I will practice or defeat you in the future. If you have trouble with capacity development, you can call me. Goodbye!”

After saying that, Allen stepped into the elevator and waved before the door closed.

A few minutes later, accompanied by a ding-dong sound, the two finally arrived at the lobby on the first floor.

At this time, almost thirty people with various telekinesis abilities had gathered outside the door, obviously ready to watch the war between Allen and the original poster up close.

Haha! Do you need me to help you clean up all these nasty flies? Hisoka walked out of the dark corner with a bloodthirsty and morbid smile on his face.

Do you remember what you promised me? Allen asked without looking back.

Of course! I have hired Ilmi to do this. Don't worry, none of those landlords will be able to escape. And I will witness with my own eyes what you look like when you go on a killing spree. Hisoka fiddled with the cards in his hand and tried his best Suppress the boiling desire to fight in your heart.

Because he had already smelled the strong smell of blood emanating from Allen, and in those violet eyes, there was the seriousness and concentration that a hunter would show when he was hunting.

In that case, it's up to you. But let me tell you in advance, don't interfere, otherwise don't blame my arrows for not having eyes.

After saying this, Allen rode a brand-new motorcycle he bought just yesterday and drove away directly along the road.

Baldreau rode on another one and followed closely behind.

The two went one behind the other and staged a show of speed and passion on the road at night.

Anyway, they both have hunting licenses and can ignore some irrelevant laws and regulations.

Coupled with the assistance of telekinesis, there is no need to worry about traffic accidents.

With a terrifying speed of up to two hundred kilometers per hour, he left the city and arrived at the predetermined location in a short time.

When the two got off the motorcycle, they suddenly found that more than a dozen posters had been waiting here for a long time.

When Allen saw this scene, he immediately blew a whistle to summon the Shadow Wolf King Rubes, and at the same time revealed the equipment on his body.

In an instant, a hunter holding an ancient bone bow and wearing a T0 suit appeared in everyone's sight.

I saw him first wink at the martial artist next to him, and then as he walked forward, he raised the corners of his mouth and said, Let's skip the boring greetings and start fighting directly!

Come together! Kill this arrogant brat!

The host was obviously irritated by this casual and unrestrained attitude, and quickly used his abilities to surround him from all directions.

Just when they were confident that they were going to tear the ignorant young man in front of them into pieces, Allen took out the Thorium arrows from the quiver without saying a word and drew a full bow.

[Thinking ability - strengthening]

[Give arrow attributes—tear, rotate]

[Thinking ability - change]

[Give arrow attributes—liquefied air]

[Psychic ability - release]

[Give arrow attributes—jet acceleration]

Blessed by multiple qi with different attributes, the arrow in his hand even exuded a chilling and terrifying aura.

Through the soul link, Rubes immediately realized what his master was going to do, quickly raised his head and let out a harsh howl: Ouch!!!!!!!!!

[Pet skill - Wolf Howl, additionally increases attack strength]

The next second...

Aim and shoot!


boom! boom! boom! boom!

Accompanied by the loud noise from the air jet and the white shock wave visible to the naked eye, the four arrows instantly passed through a distance of several hundred meters like missiles and directly hit the four building owners who were rushing forward.

The worst one was cut in half by a sharp spinning arrow on the spot!

Bloody spines, intestines and other internal organs splattered in the air!

The lower body was frozen under the influence of the ultra-low temperature of the liquefied air, and then exploded into countless crystal clear ice fragments composed of blood and minced meat!

In just one encounter, four posters lost their fighting ability on the spot!

The red dragon was not polite, and quickly materialized and rushed forward, turning their not-yet-dead guys into cocoons and swallowing them.

Such an astonishing scene made even Hisoka, who had just arrived, subconsciously stop, not to mention the posters who had lived in the Sky Arena for a long time and had never seen much of the world. They couldn't believe what they saw with their own eyes.

But Allen didn't care at all about the dumbfounded reactions of others. He drew four cards from the many cards that appeared in front of him, and then nodded with satisfaction: Well - not bad! I'm so lucky, I got it right from the beginning. An ability.”

The words just fell!

He drew his bow again and did the same thing, and immediately four more posters died tragically due to aimed shooting and multiple shooting.

The speed is as fast as the mechanized slaughter of cattle and sheep being rushed to the assembly line, leaving no room for resistance from the opponent.

Because under the effect of the release ability - jet acceleration, every arrow shot out is an out-and-out supersonic arrow.

Coupled with the double enhancement of tearing and rotation, as well as the basic damage and long-range attack strength bonus of the skill itself, it is almost impossible to die if you touch it, and it will be disabled if you touch it, and the destructive power is instantly full.

Not to mention these half-baked posters of the Sky Arena, even the star hunters in the Hunter Association may not be able to avoid them when they come.

This simple, brutal and extremely efficient killing immediately made every witness present realize one thing.

That's when Allen was in the ring, he actually deliberately hid his extremely powerful strength!

The current image of him holding a bow and arrow, killing and ravaging the posters as if they were livestock, is his true and complete appearance.

PS: Please collect and recommend new books, thank you very much.

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