Hunter x Hunter: Noah’s Heart

Chapter 481: Extremely dangerous

July 15, 2000


   "What is your identity?"


   This is Independence Bay, the only entry city of Bergerose.


It is said that Bergerose was a colony a long time ago. The people here suffered hundreds of years of oppression and enslavement, until one day they finally united and started fighting with the colonists. People won the victory, defeated the colonists and drove them out of this land, and the last and biggest battle to win the victory was at the only entrance of Bergerose. It was also because of this battle that Bergerau The people of Serbia got rid of the oppression and moved towards true independence, so this place was named Independence Bay.


Independence Bay is a crescent-shaped bay that is recessed inland. All ships and airships that come to Bergerose must pass through the entrance of the gorge on the outermost edge of the bay. After obtaining entry permits there, they can look like pockets. Enter and stop in Independence Bay.


   At this time, in the No. 12 port of Independence Bay, Noah and another man in a suit and sunglasses are undergoing security inspection and audit for entry.




   Facing the serious examiner in front of him, Noah responded with a smile, and took out his hunter license, and the man with sunglasses behind him also took out his hunter license.


   Upon seeing this, the inspector stretched out his hand and motioned to Noah and the two to give him the hunter license.


After getting the two hunter licenses, the inspector clicked on his computer and handed back the hunter license. At the same time, he extended his hand to the left and said, "Please Go from there."


   "Okay." After receiving the hunter's license, Noah walked towards the entrance of the passage on the left.


   "What was he doing just now?" The man following Noah was a little confused.


   "Let's check the authenticity of the hunter's license. The hunter's license has been specially processed for anti-counterfeiting. If it is a forged hunter's license, it is easy to find out."


   "That's it, the license is really convenient. It's so easy to enter the most difficult country to enter."


   "It's not over yet, don't relax too much, Xiao."


   "Yes." When Noah reminded him, the man named Xiao had a serious expression, and he responded quickly.


   As Noah expected, the review of the two of them has not ended, but has just begun.


   After passing through a passage of tens of meters, a black door appeared in front of the two of them.


   ability to read...


   After seeing this door, Noah's eyes narrowed involuntarily.


   As expected of Bergerose, someone with abilities was arranged for immigration clearance in this place. I just don’t know if each port will arrange one or just one person will be in charge... But no matter which one is quite powerful.


   "Master Qing...that's..." The owl behind him obviously also discovered the clues of the black door.


   "Be careful, let's go."


   The moment Noah just opened the black door, the environment around him was instantly darkened.


   Noah, who was surrounded by pitch black, didn't panic. He opened the circle silently.


   "Hunter, don't be nervous, I am not malicious, this is a normal review process, please unlock the circle." At this time, a somewhat hoarse voice came into Noah's ears.


Ok? Can you talk to me without being in front of my eyes?


   After confirming that he did not feel the other party's malice, Noah unlocked the "Circle" and secretly analyzed the opponent's ability.


   At the same time that Noah unlocked the ‘circle’, three fist-sized white light **** appeared in front of him. After the three light **** stopped in front for a few seconds, they slowly leaned towards him.


   "Please answer my question, Hunter, what is your purpose here."


   "I heard that there is a rare plant named Voice-changing Magic Flower here, I'll come and look for it." Noah answered without hesitation.


   Sound-changing magic flower is a kind of magical plant that allows the person who eats it to make any sound within a period of time. The reason why I know the information and location of this thing is because Noah participated in the production of the island of greed.


In the one hundred designated cards collected at the request of the Greedy Island, there is a magical candy named "Yellow Oriole" candy. The effect is that as long as you hold this candy, you can make any sound at will before eating next time. The raw material for making this candy is the voice-changing magic flower.


   Independence Port has a total of fifteen ports and four large aprons. In the center of these ports and aprons, there is a nearly fifty-story, very tightly guarded surveillance building.


At this time, in front of a large table in a room on the 49th floor of the monitoring building, a white-haired old man in a tuxedo, about 60 years old, was sitting on the table in front of the old man with a crystal ball, inside the crystal ball The figures of Noah and Owl are presented. In the crystal ball picture, Noah and Owl are in an ordinary lounge, and they both stand silently with their eyes closed.


   "Voice-changing magic flower..." The old man laughed lowly, "Let me see how purposeful you are."


   Talking, the old man put his hand on the crystal ball.




Noah, in the dark, noticed that the three light **** floating in front of him had changed. The three light **** flashed, and then suddenly merged. After surging in front of Noah’s eyes for a few seconds, they turned into a green plant. Strange plants.


   Voice-changing magic flower?


   Noah recognized the strange plant in front of him, and because of this, he was a little confused.


  What is the idea of ​​the person with the ability to think, is to test whether I recognize this voice-changing magic flower, to judge whether I have lied? If so, it’s too easy to get through, right? If it is not, then there is another purpose...


Just as Noah was thinking, the sound-changing magic flower in front of him had been disintegrated and turned into a light ball. This time, the three light **** that had been disintegrated had changed colors, and the three light **** that were originally white were all changed into light balls. red.


"After the notice, I immediately refused entry to the two hunters at Port 12 and drove them out of Independence Bay." At the same time, the old man in the monitoring building picked up the phone on the table without hesitation and said solemnly , Then he glanced at the crystal ball again and smiled disdainfully: "No one can escape my observation."


   Luohepi is the highest review officer of Bergerose ~ All hunters and other special groups who want to enter Bergerose must pass his review to be authorized.


   And the review method is his ability to absolutely observe.


  In Independence Bay, there are observation points set up by Loeb. Although these observation points cannot be moved, as long as they step into the range of observation points, Loeb can activate his own abilities.


The effect of the absolute observation ability is to make people entering the observation point fall into their own subconscious mind, and then Luohepi asks questions, generally asking questions of purpose. As long as the other party answers the question, Luohepi can talk to simulate the other party. The answer is to start observing the other party’s subconscious mind.


  The three **** of light that Noah saw have their own names, which are called purpose, threat, and personality.


   Although Luohepi's ability cannot directly read the memory of the other party like Paknotan, but through direct observation of the subconscious, Luohepi can still make a clear discrimination of the observation object.


   For Luo Hepi, the result of all three light **** turning red has only one meaning, which is extremely dangerous!

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