Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins

Chapter 122: subordinate x ability

"You guys, explain it to me."

Yilu Mi slowly turned sideways and looked at the three doctors with cold eyes.

The three doctors looked at each other, they knew what Ilumi meant, why the experimenter suddenly lost his mind and didn't obey orders.

"Uh, the way we stimulate the potential of the human body is to rely on the Baywin aphid we cultivated to parasitize, and then stimulate the potential."

"It should be that during the parasitic process, his brain was affected to a certain extent, which caused his thinking and reason to be affected."

"Therefore, when he is hurt, his mood will fluctuate greatly, and he will temporarily lose his reason."

The three doctors of Ballard explained quickly, feeling a little scared in their hearts.

For the first time, when they faced such an Illumi, they felt that the person standing in front of them was not a person, but a dinosaur.

A Tyrannosaurus rex that can swallow them at any time.

"In other words, this is actually a semi-finished product?"

Yilu Mi narrowed her eyes and walked towards the three doctors step by step.

"Not only that, even your research results are semi-finished products!"

The three Dr. Ballard involuntarily took a step back, but then they didn't dare to move, but their lips were trembling.

"In half a year, perfect it."

"Yes Yes!"

The three doctors nodded frequently, not daring to say "no".

"Let's go back."

Illumi walked directly outside the base, followed by Kim Bradley and others.

As for Amed, he stayed in the training base, arranged for trainees to train and notified maintenance personnel to maintain the training room.

"Nori, are you all right?"

Nathan hurriedly came to Nori and squatted down, carrying his brother's arm and helping him up. The two brothers staggered towards the infirmary.

"Send him to the infirmary."

"Yes, Instructor."

On the other hand, Amed instructed other students to send the unconscious Kovac to the infirmary.

Amed looked at the huge circular pit on the wall, then looked at the original location of Kovacs, wrapped his arms, and sighed with emotion.

"It's the first time I've seen a boss take a shot."

"Not only is the speed so fast that the naked eye can't tell, but the power is even more terrifying."

"Hey, what is this?"

Grid stood to his left and grinned.

"I admire him for being able to control his own power so perfectly without kicking the student to death."

Grid turned to look at Emmed, his long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and said.

"It's hard to control the force of stepping on an ant without stepping on it to death."

Amed glanced at Grid, who said roundly that they were ants.

While that student was cultivating mindfulness, he also stimulated the potential of the human body. In terms of physical ability, it was no less than his.

After all, he himself has not conducted human potential stimulation experiments.

Of the 120 students, including Kovacs, only three have ever stimulated human potential.

The reason why he, Julius, Andres, and Eric did not stimulate human potential is because the method of the three doctors is still in the clinical trial stage.

On the other side, Ilumi and the others returned to the office on the top floor.

"How is the research on new antibiotics going?"

Illumi was sitting on the sofa in the office, Pride and Rust were sitting on opposite sides of the sofa, and Kim Bradley was standing beside Illumi, reporting.

"It's going well. Three months later, in January next year, the first batch of new antibiotics can be produced."

"That's good."

Illumi was sitting on the sofa and finally heard good news, but Kim Bradley frowned and said.

"But we're running out of money."

Ilumi's face instantly stiffened. The last time the funds were injected, after purchasing many research equipment and instruments, it was maintained for more than half a year, and the funds were indeed stretched.

Fortunately, there are still three months before the first batch of new antibiotics can be produced.

At that time, the funding problem will be solved.

"I will inject another billion in funds, which should last for three months."

Yilu Mi said, this one billion dollars was the reward for his last entrustment, and it was just in use now.

Kim Bradley nodded. The company's operating funds weren't much, but it couldn't stand the constant spending of those two research institutes and a training base.

These three institutions are simply spending money like flowing water, and can only get in and out.

"But we can't just count on the new antibiotic project."

Yilu Mi got up and slowly stepped to the panoramic floor-to-ceiling window, with his hands on his back.

It's November, and winter has come.

Snowflakes are flying outside the window, and on the icy and snowy plain, it is like a fairy tale world, with no end in sight.

"Those trainees have been training for ten months, and they almost gave us a return."

Illumi stood in front of the window, his eyes moved with a slowly falling snowflake, said.

"Last, Pride, you two are busy."

Ilumi looked sideways at the two sitting on the sofa, looking at him, and chuckled.

"You and Amed, take the 120 students to the Chaos Triangle."

"Sweep up all the pirates there and plunder all their resources, whether it's funds or guns and ammunition."

"This is also a graduation test for these students."

"Last understands."

Rust replied softly, got up slowly, and walked towards the elevator with graceful steps.

"What if some pirates want to surrender and join us?"

Pride held a book, stood in front of the sofa, and asked Illumi.

"No, we don't need people the most."

Yilu Mi replied directly, in terms of manpower, he can directly ask Enwei to collect orphans from all over the world, and even ask for people directly from Meteor Street.

Only the kind of child who has never been touched by any power can develop loyalty to him and the company while they are still moldable.

And those pirates, they are used to a free and lawless life.

Let them leave the life of no production and wanton killing and become soldiers with strict self-discipline, I am afraid it will be difficult to reach the sky.

"I understand."

Pride replied flatly.

Immediately turned around and followed Rust's footsteps, entered the elevator together, and left the office.

"By the way, to what extent do people like Julius and Alvin cultivate their mind power?"

Ilumi suddenly asked, this time he came back, he only looked at Emmed's ability to think, while others didn't know it yet.

However, their talents are all top-notch, and it stands to reason that their cultivation progress should not be slower than that of Amed.

"They all have their own cultivation occasions, so you should go and see for yourself."

Kim Bradley's mouth curved into a rare arc, which made Ilumi look forward to it.

"Then take me to see Andres first."

Illumi smiled and said, he is very interested in what kind of abilities this neurotic genius can develop.

"Andres should be outside now."

Kim Bradley nodded back, then turned around and walked towards the elevator.

"Wait a minute, you don't need to take the elevator."

Kim Bradley, who was about to press the elevator button, froze and turned to look at Illumi.

I saw Yilu Mi's left hand resting on the edge of the panoramic floor-to-ceiling window, and his finger lightly pressed a round button on the wall.


The panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows of the office "clicked" and slowly closed upwards, completely exposing the entire top-floor office to the ice and snow.


The whistling cold wind blew wildly over everything in the office, and the various documents on the desk were blown by the wind, and the corners of Ilumi's clothes were also fluttering.


Suddenly, a large number of shadows shot out from under Ilumi's feet, and the shadows entangled and twisted each other in the high air outside the office, finally forming a behemoth.


As soon as the giant eagle was formed, it immediately spread its wings, the wings vibrated suddenly, and flew high into the sky.

"This is... Pride's ability."

Kim Bradley was a little surprised, he didn't expect that Pride's shadow could still be used like this.

"Let's go."

Yilu Mi smiled, fell straight back from the edge of the office, and fell down along the glass curtain wall of the headquarters building.

On the 40th floor, a man in a suit with glasses was sorting various documents in the office.

His name is Adair, and he is a native.

He originally worked for a company in the United States of America, but because of his mother's illness, he had to quit his job to take care of his mother.

After he returned to his hometown of Segland, he cared for his mother for three months before his condition improved.

But his mother's condition could relapse at any time, so he thought about finding a job locally or in a nearby city and taking care of his mother while working.

A month ago, he saw the recruitment of Umbrella Biotechnology Company on the Internet. After searching the Internet, he found that the company's headquarters was actually located 50 kilometers outside the city of Skran.

So, after contacting the recruiter of Umbrella Company, he resolutely came here to apply.

Now, he has been working here for a month, and he is used to many things.

Most of the employees here are like him. They have just joined the company and they get along fairly well.

It's just that Adair finds it strange that this company is a cutting-edge biotechnology company that has been registered for less than a year, but the various defensive measures in it are stricter than all the companies he has ever seen.

Employees like him can only operate in the company's office area. There are a large number of armed guards in the industrial park, and ordinary employees are not allowed to even approach.

Moreover, he often sees a group of people with extraordinary temperament operating in the industrial park. They are not like ordinary guards. Judging from their words and deeds, they are a bit like soldiers who have undergone rigorous training.

He always felt that this company was not as calm as it appeared, and there must be something hidden behind it.


Suddenly, Adair noticed that something was passing outside the window, he adjusted his glasses, came to the window, opened the window, and looked out.


As soon as Adair opened the window, a behemoth suddenly rose from below and climbed up along the glass curtain wall of the building, bringing a gust of wind and disappearing into the sky.

"That, that is..."

Adair stood in front of the window with his eyes wide open and his mouth open in disbelief.

"Dong, Chairman..."

At the moment when the giant eagle flashed before his eyes, Adair clearly saw a figure above it, it was the chairman of the company, Kim Bradley.

Beside the chairman, there was another young man in a suit.

Adair has only met him twice, and each time he went straight to the top-floor office of the company, and Shenlong saw the beginning but not the end.

He guessed that the young man should also be a senior executive of the company, maybe one of the company's shareholders.

"What kind of people are in this company..."

At this time, Adair deeply doubted whether he chose the wrong job in this company.




At this time, twenty kilometers south of Umbrella Company, the Havana Mountains.


Illumi and Kim Bradley stood on the backs of the pure black giant eagle, looking at the icy and snowy fields and the towering snow-capped mountains below.

Here is the famous Havana Mountains in Pegrosse.

Nestled in the silent Havana Mountains, surrounded by pine forests and frost.

If you want to stand out in the rolling mountains, you must be a picturesque and dangerous peak.


Suddenly, at the top of the cold and silent mountain range, there was a faint voice of a human being.

"Andres is there."

Kim Bradley looked at the place where the voice came from and said.

"Oh~ Andres is actually cultivating here, is he back to normal?"

Ilumi followed his line of sight to the highest and steepest peak in the Havana Mountains. That neurotic and emotionally flawed genius would actually practice in this icy and snowy mountain range.

This is not like a madman, but like an ascetic like Julius.

"No, you'll understand when you see it."

Kim Bradley, however, denied it, and Illumi was more interested. The giant eagle suddenly fluttered its wings, and with a "boom", it accelerated towards the dangerous peak.

Thirty seconds later, Ilumi controlled the giant eagle to come to the summit where Andres was, and saw a thinly-clothed high school student standing on a rock doing radio gymnastics on the summit~www, one two three four, two two three four…”

At this time, on the top of the dangerous peak towering into the clouds, Andres stood on a smooth stone on the top of the mountain, sitting in various movements while shouting numbers.

"What is he doing?"

Yilu Mi looked at the figure, and while doing gymnastics, he shouted something like 1212. He lowered his eyes and asked inexplicably.

"You'll soon know what he's going to do."

Kim Bradley sat directly on the back of the giant eagle. Obviously, he knew what happened next.

"OK, the warm-up is over, the next thing is the main dish."

After a long time, Andres finished exercising, and took off all kinds of clothes, shoes, socks, shirts, trousers, until he was completely naked.


Immediately afterwards, under the astonished eyes of Ilumi, Andres made a sprint, opened his arms, and jumped off the dangerous peak of 3,000 meters above sea level.

"Follow him."

Illumi raised a smile on his face, the giant eagle's wings vibrated, sprinting towards the bottom of the dangerous peak, and in an instant it caught up with Andres, who was falling from a high altitude.


Andres, who was struggling to change various postures in the air, looked stunned for a moment, and looked at the giant eagle in front of him and the people on the giant eagle.

"Long time no see, boss!"

While falling from a high altitude, Andres raised his arm and waved, opening his mouth and shouting.

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