Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins

Chapter 222: detonate x nuke

"It seems that the situation is not good, we have to retreat immediately."

Mo Laowu put down the document in his hand and swam out of the submarine.


As soon as Mo Laowu left, the entire submarine, including the entire trench, vibrated violently.

"This is at the bottom of the sea. If there is any accident, it will be a dead place without a burial."

Mo Laowu thought to himself, and immediately accelerated his swimming speed, and soon he swam to the front cabin door.

As soon as he swam out of the hatch, he found that the sand was already flying outside, and the sand and various debris on the bottom of the sea completely blocked his vision, so he couldn't tell the difference between up and down, left and right.

"This is... what happened to the bottom of the sea." Mo Laowu looked at the scene in front of him, lowered his head to look deeper into the trench below, and had a bad premonition in his heart, "Combined with the previous screams, it may be that document. deep-sea creatures."

"The submersible can no longer be seen. Either it has gone back or it has been destroyed."

"It seems that I have to rely on my own strength to go back." Mo Laowu started to go upstream, "However, I am quite confident in my physical strength."


The bottom of the sea caused a violent shock again, and Mo Laowu, who was going upstream, could not help but stop a little and looked into the depths of the trench.

But apart from the sand in the sky, nothing could be seen.


Suddenly, a violent shock erupted at the bottom of the trench, and even the rock walls of the trench began to crack and collapse.

Vaguely, Mo Laowu could even feel the oppressive aura emanating from the bottom of the trench.

"Monsters under the sea!?"

Mo Laowu looked into the depths of the trench and swallowed.

After swimming for an unknown time, Mo Laowu returned to the trench.

At this time, the semi-submersible oil rig on the edge of the trench was slowly sliding towards the trench because of the severe earthquake.

"The oil rig is also going to slide down."

Mo Laowu frowned as he looked at the oil rig that was sliding down step by step.

Mo Laowu swam towards the oil rig, only to find that behind the oil rig, two submersibles were pulling the oil rig back with umbilicals tied.


Mo Laowu emerged from the water in the pressure-resistant steel cabin, and when he turned his eyes, he saw a submersible next to him.

"Sure enough, I left me and ran away first."

Mo Laowu frowned slightly and swam to the shore to climb up.


Mo Laowu sat on the shore, took off his helmet, and breathed in the oxygen inside the oil rig.

Swimming up from the 700-meter-deep seabed was something he had never even thought about before, even though he had equipment and enough oxygen.

But even so, the deep water pressure almost prevented him from coming back.

"Let's report this matter to the Hunter Association."

Mo Laowu thought in his heart, report it to the Hunter Association, and let the association work with other countries to designate this area as a restricted area, prohibiting anyone and boats from going there.

"But for now, let's go and see what their plans are."

Mo Laowu changed his wetsuit into his own and walked towards the control room.

At this time, the sea surface above 500 meters...


The sky was thundering, and the sea was rough.

The strong wind slapped the hull with sea water and raindrops, and the tugboat swayed, looking like it would capsize at any time.


Suddenly, a large wave rushed to the deck of the tugboat and slapped the crane on the deck.

With the waves flapping again and again, and the violent shaking of the tugboat, the crane slowly slid towards the edge with a squeak.


Finally, the crane tied with the umbilical slid off the edge and crashed into the sea.




At this time, in the oil rig on the seabed, Mo Laowu was walking through the passage carrying his big pipe.


When passing the lounge, Mo Laowu found that the special forces soldiers were gathering in the lounge, but there were only three of the special forces and the lieutenant Koffien.

And on the table in front of them, there was also a nuclear bomb.

"Sir, what should I do now?"

In the lounge, a special soldier said solemnly.

"Now the bottom of the sea is shaking violently for some unknown reason. We must first report the situation here to Colonel Kiyan, and make a decision from above, and then we will implement it."

Lieutenant Koffien pondered for a moment, and said solemnly to the last two remaining soldiers.

"You two are watching here, I'll go to the communication room."

Lieutenant Koffien turned around and opened the hatch of the lounge, just in time to see Mr. Mo, with a surprised expression.

"You actually came back alive!"

"I'm a sea hunter, how could I die in the sea."

Facing Lieutenant Koffien's surprise, Mo Laowu's expression was flat.

Lieutenant Koffien nodded, walked past Mo Laowu, and walked towards the end of the passage. He was going to the communication room to contact his superiors.

Mo Laowu took a deep look at the nuclear bomb placed in the lounge, turned around and followed Lieutenant Koffien's footsteps.

He wanted to know how these people in the military would cope with the current situation.


Just as the two came to the communication room one after the other, intending to contact their superiors, the entire oil rig suddenly vibrated violently.

"what happened!?"

Mo Laowu and Kofien were swaying, and they had to support the wall with their hands to stabilize their balance.


Suddenly, water started to spray from the cracks in the wall. It was obvious that there was a problem with the oil rig.

Lieutenant Kofin immediately leaned against the wall to the communication station, picked up the communicator and wanted to contact his superiors.


However, the communicator was full of "ZZZ" current sounds, and even the screen was blurred and there was nothing.

"Damn, the signal is cut off."

Lieutenant Koffien slammed his fist on the communication station with a bang, turned and walked towards the control room.

"Ai Li, come and fix this place!"

"Damn it, you can't think of a solution by yourself! Labor and management are busy!"

Inside the oil rig, workers are busy everywhere, repairing here and there, making noise.


Lieutenant Koffien came to the control room and saw a white sympathetic man who was eating potato chips and watching the submersible on the screen, and snapped off the snack bag of potato chips in his arms.

"What happened!? Why can't I get in touch with the top!?"

"The crane and the umbilical fell off! It just hit the oil rig. Many parts of the oil rig were damaged, and the communication was interrupted."

The man in white staggered in fright, looked up at him tremblingly, and pointed his finger at the screen in front of him.

On the screen, the crane fell on the oil rig and broke into several sections, and the umbilicals connecting the tugboat and the oil rig also fell from the sea, entangling the oil rig and the damaged crane.

At this time, the two submersibles outside were trying their best to free the umbilicals and cranes wrapped around the oil rig.

If it goes on like this, the submersible will not be able to drag the oil rig, and sooner or later the oil rig will slip into the trench.


The lieutenant slammed the man in white with a punch and turned to leave.

"what's your plan?"

Mo Laowu followed behind him, and Lieutenant Koffien glanced back at him without saying a word.


Lieutenant Kofin had just returned to the lounge, and the two special forces looked at him expectantly. The lieutenant put his hands on the table and lowered his head in contemplation.

"We've lost contact with the top." Lieutenant Koffien looked up at the last two soldiers under his command, and said solemnly, "Now, it's up to us."

Hearing the words, the two special forces looked at each other, then looked at the lieutenant, and swallowed.

"Give your order, sir."

Lieutenant Koffien stared straight at them, as if to see something different in their eyes, but what he saw in the eyes of the two special forces was only determination.

"Our mission, on the surface, is to recover the warheads on the Diver."

Lieutenant Koffien stood up straight, and he planned to tell the two of the true goals of this mission. At least let them know why they died before they die.

"But in reality, we're going to detonate the Stalker's nuclear bomb."

"Detonate a nuclear bomb? Why?"

The two special forces had puzzled expressions, not knowing why. Why detonate a nuclear bomb on the ocean floor?

"The original goal of the Stalker was to drop the nuclear bomb at the bottom of the Koman Trench." Having said that, Lieutenant Koffien paused for a while, "Two years ago, a federal scientific expedition team took the submarine explorer on board. has reached the bottom of the Coman Trench..."

There, the scientists of the scientific expedition team found at the bottom of the Coman Trench.

There is a strange transparent creature that seems to be composed entirely of water.

When they first met, they were just like kittens and puppies, docile and kind.

No one knows what they are. Scientists have spent half a month researching and still know nothing.

In the long-term research process, scientists found that this transparent creature is intelligent.

In the process of prolonged contact, scientists have found that they also have the ability to change, and can change into any biological form at will.

What scares them most is that these creatures aren't just imitating humans, they're still learning.

Learning and absorbing everything about human beings.

The reason why scientists believe that these creatures threaten the existence of human beings is that one day, those creatures will all change into the appearance of human beings.

The scientists reported all this to the Federation, and wanted the army to wipe out all these undersea creatures.

But those creatures seemed to feel the maliciousness of the scientists, and they turned into humanoids and killed the scientists and everyone on the ship at the time.

And he also turned into a scientist and made contact with the Ozma Federation Navy and attacked the navy.

Because their bodies are made of water, ordinary weapons have no effect on them, and these things start a massacre on the warship.

When support arrived, the warship had been destroyed and was gradually sinking.

As for the culprit, it has disappeared.

The Ozma Federation investigated for a full year and spent a lot of manpower and material resources.

Finally, the creature in the intelligence was found at the bottom of the Coman Trench.

But what they were not sure about was whether these creatures were the unknown creatures that slaughtered the navy and scientists in the first place.

But for the safety of the human race, the Ozma Federation decided to bomb that trench with a nuclear bomb.

"do you understand?"

After Lieutenant Koffien finished speaking, the two soldiers nodded in cold sweat.

"Very well, now, do as I say." Lieutenant Koffien lifted the shell of the nuclear bomb and tapped the button with his fingers, as if he was setting something.

"I set a time of three hours, and after three hours this nuclear bomb will explode."

"And your task is to install this nuclear bomb on a remote-controlled exploration ship and let the exploration ship send it to the bottom of the trench."

"But the umbilical cord of the exploration ship is not long enough, and a person needs to be launched, at least to send the exploration ship to the submarine."

"In this way, the remaining 191 warheads in the submarine can be detonated when it explodes."

Lieutenant Koffien said while setting up the nuclear bomb. He did not ask who was going, but asked another soldier to help lift the nuclear bomb to the pressure-resistant steel cabin.

"Bring the Frederick here."

Lieutenant Koffien and another placed the nuclear bomb on the shore, and asked the other two soldiers to carry the remote-controlled exploration ship over and place it next to the nuclear bomb.

"Tie it to it."

Koffien found a nylon rope and asked two soldiers to tie the nuclear bomb to the remote-controlled exploration boat, while he turned around to find a wetsuit from the box and put it on carefully.


When Koffien put on his wetsuit, the two soldiers stood in standard military posture and saluted him with their chests raised.

Kofien twitched the corners of his mouth, stepped forward and hugged the two of them without saying a word.

After hugging for a moment, Lieutenant Koffien separated from the two, pushed the remote-controlled exploration vessel into the water, and turned to look at the white-haired figure standing at the hatch.

"You also leave quickly."

"Three hours, I hope you can escape to a safe area."

After speaking, Kefien put on his helmet, threw himself into the sea with a bang, pushed the remote-controlled exploration boat into the submersible, and controlled the submersible to slowly dive underwater.

"He's a real man."

Mo Laowu came to the two soldiers and patted their shoulders.

"Let's hurry up and inform others to prepare to evacuate."

"At that time, the entire oil rig will be crushed into a sheet of iron by the explosion."

The two soldiers put down their arms and immediately prepared to return to the submersible on the surface, while Mo Laowu went back to inform the others at the bottom of the Koman Trench.


The kilometer-long body slowly swam against the rock wall at the bottom of the trench. Sixty-four scarlet vertical pupils stared at the darkness ahead, as if something was hiding in the darkness, confronting him.

A humanized light flashed in the huge scarlet vertical pupil, and it slowly swam towards the unknown creature hidden in the darkness, with a hint of curiosity in the scarlet vertical pupil.

But in the middle of the swim, the giant snake's swimming body suddenly stopped, and the sixty-four scarlet vertical pupils turned in unison, looking up at the top of the head.


Inside the Coman Trench, a strong dazzling white light suddenly bloomed.

There was even a vacuum area at the center of the explosion. The suction of the vacuum absorbed a huge amount of seawater around it, and then it suddenly expanded. The compressed seawater suddenly erupted, and the entire trench vibrated violently.

Accompanied by a semicircle emitting a dazzling white light, it continued to expand towards the surroundings, finally exposing the creature hidden in the darkness.

A being of the same size that reaches thousands of meters, but the whole body is transparent, as if composed of countless seawater, is looking up and staring curiously at the dazzling white light.

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