Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins

Chapter 266: biological x experiment

Time: January 8, 1989, 22:26.

Location: South of the island country, Shiraishi Pass.

"How long until the mercenary squad arrives?"

Grid, Caesar, and Eric stood in a clearing with twelve bodyguards in black suits. Behind them was the White Rock Canyon, which had been blocked for two months. .

"It's here, sir."

One of the bodyguards asked a question in the headset and replied.


As soon as the voice fell, a sound of the helicopter's rotor spinning at a high speed came from the sky in the distance.

"S104 has seen the landing site and will land in a minute."

The pilot's voice came over the radio.

"Keep going."

"10, 9, 8...Ready."


Accompanied by the sound of "sudden", the three transport helicopters slowly landed in the open space in front of the three of Grid.

"Countdown to 5, 4, 3... The hatch is open."

At the moment when the countdown ended, the rear door opened with a "click", and soldiers in black uniforms rushed out of the hatch with their bodies bowed. Two of the soldiers also carried a black box in their hands.


When the mercenaries all walked out of the hatch, the three transport helicopters took off again.

In the strong wind caused by the helicopter's rotor, dozens of mercenary soldiers quickly spread out under the command of a burly man, and quickly deployed defenses around them, like an army with strict discipline.

"Rock International Mercenary Falcon Squad, William Keim."

A burly middle-aged man walked quickly to Grid and saluted.

"How many do you have?" Grid asked.

"Including myself, there are sixty-one people, sir."

Grid glanced at the soldiers present. These mercenaries formed a battle group with twelve soldiers as a unit. There were five groups in total, arranged in five rows, forming a rectangular array.

These mercenary soldiers are all burly, white and yellow, and there are a few black people with unusual physique.

Standing in the team, all of them were unsmiling, holding their guns tightly, and looking around vigilantly.

The armed personnel of Rock International are different from the young orphans who have been taken in from all over the world and cultivated since childhood. They are all retired soldiers from all over the world.

They have outstanding abilities, but after retiring, they had to bow their heads to life and accept employment from "Rock International".

Panshi International promises that after accepting the company's employment, it will immediately receive a large settlement fee, which can be used not only to settle debts, but also to pay for the family's huge medical expenses and living expenses.

While working at Rock Rock International, they will be paid hundreds of thousands of ringnis every month, and their salary can reach millions of ringnis in a year.

Compared with some mercenaries who specialize in military activities and assassination of politicians, the salary is even higher.

Not to mention the mercenaries who are engaged in personal security activities.

"Where did those people come from?"

Baishi Mountain Pass, a detachment leader of the Baishi City Police Station looked at the well-trained soldiers outside the Baishi Mountain Pass, wondering in his heart.

"Are you the captain of the Falcon Squad?"

After Grid observed the mercenary soldiers, he turned his attention to the burly soldier in front of him.

"Yes, sir Grid."

"follow me."

Grid turned his head and left, followed by Caesar and Eric, followed by Cam.

A group of four came to a white tent with a simple desk with four computers on it. Several staff members in white uniforms were sitting on the chairs to work.

On the left side of the tent, there is also a billboard with a map of the southern part of the island country.


Grid and his party of four came to the billboard, and Grid motioned for Caesar to explain it.

Caesar nodded, came to stand in front of the billboard, pointed to the place marked White Rock Canyon on the map, and said:

"Biotechnologists found unidentified pollutants in White Rock Canyon, which has now been completely blocked by local police White Rock Canyon."

"We will investigate and test the whole city of Baishicheng, and then take Baishicheng as the starting point and go straight to the southern region."

"And your people, during this period, should conduct an in-depth investigation of all inhabited areas, and not let any suspicious areas be spared."

"This mission is very dangerous, and it is very likely to encounter high-risk creatures with a biological hazard level of A, such as monsters."

"Of course, if you're lucky, you won't encounter it."

"But that is not exactly what the above hoped. The above hope is that we can thoroughly investigate the unidentified pollution sources that we have discovered and contain them before the pollution spreads further."

Inside the tent, Caesar explained the cause, process and goal of the mission to Falcon Squad Captain William Keim.




"Rock International", formerly known as "Rock Private Military Security Business Company" (PMC), was originally headquartered in Bolivar, southern part of the United States of America.

As a well-known security company in the industry, its main income comes from undertaking military missions from various countries and conducting mission activities on the battlefield to obtain high remuneration.

But in 1886, Rock Private Military Security was involved in a scandal involving the shooting of civilians after a misstep in its mission to target terrorists in the Aztec Republic.

Facing criminal charges from the government of the Aztec Republic and strong condemnation from many governments, this well-known private security business company had to face a fine of up to billions of yen, and was arrested for violating the regulations of the government of the United States of America. forced to close down.

But before its collapse, ******** came to the door.

So, overnight, the Panshi Private Military Security Business Company gave up its original name and changed its name to "Panshi International".

Rock International was quickly back in business through Kim Bradley's multi-faceted operations within the Eddie United States government.

During the two years, Panshi International has continuously expanded its influence, penetrated into many countries, and further expanded its business.

It not only undertakes military missions from various governments, but also provides security services to diplomats from various countries.

Operations within certain countries are also within the scope of Rock International's business, including but not limited to, private weapons training and logistics, special forces contract training, responsible for building and training military, police, and new interrogation techniques for police in certain locations training, etc.

Even last fall, after Hurricane Carter hit, the Admiralty government assigned people from Rock International to be responsible for crowd control, and private contractors who were empowered to shoot at Admiral citizens.

In the plan of Ilumi, the next goal of Rock International is to take over all the business of the National Security Agency of Eddie, such as telephone wiretapping, terrorist database, etc., so as to make fundamental adjustments to the intelligence policy of the United States of America.

Accelerate the privatization of the Homeland Security of the United States of Admiral, so as to completely monopolize the domestic security business of the United States of Admiral, which is as high as trillions of dollars, further erode the United States of Admiral, and secretly control a superpower.




The Kerencia Rainforest, the [Abyss] headquarters base.

A Night Crow aircraft slowly landed from the launch port at the top of the mountain, the hatch opened, and Illumi and Kipsiler in expensive suits walked out of the hatch with the [emer] team.


When Ilumi walked out of the hatch, Pride was already waiting outside.

"What happened to the Rock Mercenaries?"

Illumi walked to Pride, and the first thing was to ask about the rock mercenaries.

"Gride has successfully taken over the Falcon Squad of the Rock Mercenary, and is arranging for the mercenary to conduct an in-depth investigation of the local area."

"very good."

Yilu Mi nodded slightly, walked all the way to the elevator, and took the elevator to A-36F in the base.

In the area of ​​A-36F, the entire floor is used as the biomedical research and development department of the headquarters. 40% of the area is used as a laboratory, and the remaining 60% is forest, lake, and mountain peak.

Yilu Mi walked out of the elevator and stopped in front of the laboratory door. With a "click", the laboratory door opened, revealing a deep corridor inside.

"Boom bang bang..."

Accompanied by the sound of neat footsteps, an armed team in white protective clothing ran out of the corridor, and a leading man in white uniform stood at attention and saluted Ilumi.

"Boss, please come with us."

Illumi nodded slightly.

After obtaining the consent of Illumi, the armed team in white uniform led Illumi, Pride, and Kipsiller to the core area of ​​the Biomedical R&D Department.

This area is a biological experimental base specially built for the three doctors of the biomedical research and development department. In order to prevent any possible accidents, it is also equipped with a special armed team.

Of course, the interior of the [Abyss] base is strictly protected, except that there are various organs and various high-tech defense facilities inside.

There are also two layers of security levels outside, equipped with heavy weapons, and no one can approach except the people at the base.

After a minute's journey, Ilumi and his party finally walked out of the deep corridor and arrived at the laboratories of three doctors, Baldwin, Boyce, and Ballard.

At this moment, the three doctors were attentively watching a surveillance screen on a screen, and Ilumi looked at the screen along their line of sight.

In the surveillance screen, I saw a giant fish with a strange appearance being locked in a huge cage, lying weakly inside, as if it had lost its life.

According to Yilu Mi's visual observation, the size of this giant fish is about ten meters. If you only look at the body, its appearance is not much different from that of ordinary freshwater Arapaima.

But if you turn your attention to its belly, the problem arises.

The most peculiar thing about this fish is that it is obviously a fish, but its abdomen has hundreds of pairs of legs like arthropods.

The end of the 10-30th pair of feet is pincer-shaped, and the end of the 40-50th pair of feet is claw-shaped, and the feet below its mouth are particularly developed, and even grow six groups of large claws, just like lobsters or Crab-like claws.

In the picture, a crane hoisted the cage, hoisted it in mid-air in the middle of the lake, and slowly released the iron cage.


With a loud noise, the iron cage fell into the lake, causing waves several meters high.

At the moment when the iron cage fell into the water, the strange fish that was still pretending to be dead the moment before suddenly struggled, constantly twisting its huge body, slamming the iron cage fiercely, with a huge mouth, showing the densely packed sharp teeth in the mouth .

Six pairs of giant claws clamped on the iron cage and tried to cut it.

"How's the experiment going?"

Illumi came silently behind the three doctors and asked suddenly.


The three doctors seemed to be taken aback by the sudden appearance of Illumi, and when they saw that it was Illumi, they looked relieved.

"Boss, we have made great progress in the experiment of these beasts."

The first person to speak was Dr. Boyce. The research on biological experiments was led by him. After all, he had conducted research on mutant plants and transformed and cultivated them.

"Boss, look."

Boyce took a step forward, tapped his finger on the console, and dozens of screens flashed.

Illumi stepped forward and looked up at the screens in the laboratory. Inside each screen was a huge iron cage, which contained various creatures.

Birds, beasts, aquatic animals, amphibians, deep-sea giant sharks, etc., everything was presented to him one by one.


Boyce looked at Ilumi's eyes, chuckled lightly, and turned his fingers into afterimages, operating on the keyboard.

In an instant, the pictures on all the screens flashed again, and the scene on the monitoring screen changed to another one.

In one of the pictures, a giant baboon is floating back and forth among the towering This is the forest in the biological experiment base.

The only difference from ordinary giant baboons is that this baboon's eyes are red, and his brows are furrowed all the way, his teeth are clenched together, and he looks irritable.

Looking at other screens, there are huge creatures wandering in the forest, but they all seem to only be able to move in a part of the area.

They are restricted.

"Hurry up and show your research results."

Illumi watched for about five minutes, observed all the creatures in the monitoring screen, and looked at Dr. Boyce.

"Well..." Dr. Boyce rubbed his chin, looked at Ilumi, and said, "I suggest you to observe in another place, and you will have a more intuitive understanding."

After that, Boyce, Ballard, and Baldwin turned and left with their assistants.

Illumi, Pride, and Kipsiler followed, and led by the three doctors to a huge building similar to a gladiatorial arena.

There is no auditorium, just a huge one-way glass.

"This is a gladiatorial arena that I ordered people to build. It covers an area of ​​10,000 square meters and took a year." Dr. Boyce introduced to Ilumi with a smile.

"Oh~? You used the funds I gave you to build a arena?" Yilu said expressionlessly.

"Uh, this..." Dr. Boyce spread his hands and explained to Ilumi: "This arena is also a necessary place for experiments to test the individual combat effectiveness of the experimental subjects."

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