In the middle of the night, Oni Mai Tsuji visited the kitchen door family and injected a large amount of blood into the kitchen door Nezuko, trying to create a ghost that can overcome the sun.

However, Nezuko Kamado, who could not bear his blood, died suddenly on the spot.

But the strange thing is that after Oni Wu Tsuji left, Nezuko Kamado came back to life for some unknown reason.

And getting rid of the blood control of Oniwu Tsuji Wumai, no matter what she does, Guiwu Tsuji Wumai can't perceive her.

The next morning, Tanjiro returned to the mountain to find his slaughtered family.

Tanjiro was grief-stricken with the corpse of his family, but found that Nezuko was still alive, so he took the only living Nezuko down the mountain to seek medical treatment, and met Tomioka Yoshiyoshi on the way.

Through the introduction of Tomioka Yoshiyoshi, Tanjiro Kamado took his younger sister Nezuko to Mount Sagaru to learn from Rintaki Sakonji.

At this time, Yin Lumi had already rushed back to the base of the Intervention Division overnight, and handed over the blood drawn from the kitchen door family to the experts of the Intervention Division.

"It's all over."

Yin Lumi stood outside the laboratory, looked at the researchers working inside, and said.

"Unfortunately, the other side flowers we spent a lot of effort to collect are useless at all." Pride stood next to him holding a book and said: "The other side flowers are just legends after all, it cannot remove the influence of sunlight on ghosts, let alone make ghosts become Humanity."

"If you want to get the way for a ghost to become a human, you still have to rely on that woman." Yin Lumi spread the five fingers of his right hand upwards and shook it, turned and walked towards the passage, "Those top strings and bottom strings are useless, send them to me Come."


Pride nodded, summoned a subordinate, and asked him to bring Twelve Ghost Moon to Yin Lumi's room.

Half an hour later, the staff of the Intervention Department came to Yin Lumi's room with a cart of glass petri dishes.

"go out."

Pride gave orders to his subordinates, and they all stood at attention and saluted, and turned to leave.


Inside the glass petri dish, the most powerful Tong Mo opened his eyes tremblingly. At first glance, he saw Yin Lumi sitting on the sofa and staring straight at him.

Turning his eyes, he saw Pride next to him.

"Ah, isn't this our Supreme Commander, His Excellency Pride?"

Tong Mo has been locked up in the base for more than ten years, and he is already familiar with Pride's identity. After all, every time he wants to riot to break free, he is subdued by Pride.

"Looking at the momentum of the person opposite, it should be your body."

Tong Mo reluctantly raised the corners of his mouth, just looking at Pride's attitude and the sense of threat from Yin Lumi, he understood the master-slave relationship between the two.

"This time again..."


Before Tong Mo finished speaking, a huge wolf's head suddenly appeared on the ground. The giant mouth opened, without giving any reaction time, even the ghost took the petri dish to swallow it.

"Kacha Kacha..."

The giant wolf chewed and made a "kacha" sound in his mouth.

After a while, he spat out a bunch of glass shards, turned his head and swallowed the rest of the upper and lower strings one by one.

"Four top strings and ten bottom strings are a little bigger than the improvement brought by the hundreds of ghosts swallowed more than ten years ago, but the improvement is still not much."

Sitting on the sofa, Yin Lumi closed his eyes and felt the slight improvement brought by devouring the twelve ghost months. After more than ten years of ghost hunting, he could not remember how many ghosts he had eaten.

reading net

And how many people did these ghosts eat?

Ten thousand?

One hundred thousand?

or more?

Converting it, I am afraid that even Guiwu Tsuji is not miserable, and there are not as many people as Yin Lumi.

"It doesn't matter anymore, it's all over."

Yin Lumi closed his eyes and sat on the sofa with his right leg raised. Pride ordered the people outside the door to come in to clean, and after cleaning, he exited the room again.

"Two years later, the Oni Slayer and Oni Mai Tsuji have a decisive battle."

"Today's Ghost Killing Team is stronger than ever before. Even if I were to exclude me, there would still be fourteen pillars."

"But without Zhu Shi's dedication to poison, most of them would still fail."

Yin Lumi opened his eyes and looked at Pride.

"Zhu Shi has been researching the poison for Guiwu Tsuji Wumei." Pride said: "During the decisive battle, let the ghost killing team cooperate with her and inject those poisons into Guiwu Tsuji Wumei's body."

"The situation has to be controlled by us." Yin Lumi added: "Guiwu Tsuji Wumai must die after I become human."

"Why do you have to become human?"

Suddenly, Pride opened his mouth and said, making Yin Lumi look condensed, looking at Pride, the corners of his mouth raised.

"Looks like you don't want to disappear."

"It should be said that we don't want to disappear." Praide walked towards Yin Lumi and said, "Although we all originated from you, we have experienced so much, but we don't want to disappear."

"Whether it's Kim, or Grid, or Envi."

"We have always worked together flawlessly to complete various tasks flawlessly."

"Because we are one, but not one."

"The body is made of energy, the personality is given by you, but the mind can only be made of memory."

"After experiencing such a colorful life, how can you be willing to disappear?"

"Oh~?" Yin Lumi raised his eyebrows, "Since you don't want to disappear, it means that you already have a plan that doesn't need to disappear?"

"According to the plot mentioned by the boss, before he died, Kiwu Tsuji gave all his blood to Tanjiro Kamado, making him the new ancestor of ghosts." Pride put his hands behind his back and said, "If the When Kiwu Tsuji is dying, let him send all his blood to the boss..."

"It turns out that I don't have to die, and you can also disappear."

Yin Lumi narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"The question now is, how to make Oniwu Tsuji no miserable willingly send all the blood to the boss."

Pride Road.

"It doesn't matter, at that time..." Yin Lumi thought of Guiwu Tsuji's wish before his death, "He has no choice, I am his last hope."

"Now, just quietly wait for the time to pass."

"Four years, so quickly."

As Yin Lumi said, four years passed quickly.

In 1912, Tanjiro was apprenticed to Rin Taki Sakonji.

In 1913, Tanjiro joined the Demon Slayer through the final selection.

In 1914, UU Kanshu Tanjiro, my wife Yishan, and Zuipei Yinzhisuke were seriously injured.

Time comes to 1915.

Ghost Mai Tsuji spent more than ten years, barely completed the winding, and found the headquarters of the ghost killing team through Naruto's ability, ready to launch a surprise attack.

Yin Lumi came to the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team ahead of time before they launched the surprise attack.

"Mr. Kazai?"

In the courtyard of the Sanyashiki's house, looking at Yin Lumi standing in front of them, Yoshiya Sanyashiki looked surprised.

Since the death of his father Sanyashiki Hikoya, Yin Lumi no longer participates in the annual column joint meeting, and gradually loses sight of the ghost killing team.

Therefore, for more than ten years, the members of the Ghost Killing Team have changed from batch to batch. Except for the people who already knew each other, those new members of the Ghost Killing Team, except for the occasional heard of his name, did not know him. he.

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