Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1188: : Poisoned him with ecstasy and bone!

Jiang Suisui's eyes rounded, just looking at him like that, putting the empty glass on the bedside.

There was an indescribable soreness in her throat.

She asked Huo Lin: "I said it was poison, why did you drink up that glass of water?!"

Huo Linxi's handsome face showed an indifferent expression.

"What if it is poison? Are you not my poison? I can't take it wrong!

Besides, I listen to my wife the most ~ You let me drink, I drink. "

The man's voice, scornful, he stretched out his hand to wipe off the water stains on Jiang Suisui's pink lips, and then smiled:

"You really poisoned me, just give me the poison and let me drink it.

Isn't anyone stupid who gave me the medicine and took a bite of the poison first? ! "

Jiang Suisui gave him poison, but he was worried that Jiang Suisui would be poisoned.

Huo Linxi wiped the water stains wiped from Jiang Suisui's lips on his lips.

He licked his lips.

Didn't he believe that Jiang Suisui would not really poison him, is he still stupid for the strange medicine Jiang Suisui gave him?

He just, willingly, willing to die at the hands of Jiang Suisui,

Jiang Suisui gave him the medicine, so he didn't have to spend a lot of time to drink it.

She didn't need to say anything, Huo Linxi would take the initiative to drink without hesitation, Jiang Suisui handed over everything.

Huo Linxi bent a leg and put his arm on his knee. He pulled up the corners of his arrogant lips and asked:

"I'm curious, what kind of poison did you give me?"

Jiang Suisui bit her lip, her long eyelashes confusing.

In addition to putting the antidote for the C73 virus in the water glass, she also added a new drug that she developed by herself.

"What I have given you is the poison that can make the present, ecstasy~"

She tore off the tie of the man's nightgown, and the whole figure was wrapped around him like a snake...

Jiang Suisui added to the glass of water a drug that can make people feel unusually sensitive to the touch.

Huo Linxi's eyes heated up, and he only felt that the picture in front of him had become particularly psychedelic...


Outside the X building, surrounded by layers of guards, 3 helicopters patrolled and monitored the sky above the X building in shifts.

The six people who made the elevator explosion at the time were not brought to justice. The Promise Continent Congress, although deprived of the Promise Glory Medal in Huo Linxi's hands.

But because, without sufficient evidence, they still could not sue Huo Linxi.

Huo Linxi is now restricted in his freedom. He can only stay in the X Building. He cannot go out unless summoned by the Ministry of Justice.

Qin Zhen often appears downstairs in the X Building and wants to invite Jiang Suisui to visit Si Wenyuan in the hospital.

But Jiang Suisui stayed in the X building with Huo Linxi, ignoring things outside the window.

In the past few days, Jiang Suisui also spoke with Lu Xiao once, confirming that Huo Lingye and Li Sijue were detained in the detention center and that they were safe and sound.


Three days later:

X Building, 51st Floor, No. 0 Institute of Biochemistry.

The Institute of Biochemistry in the X Building is also in charge of developing an antidote to the C673 virus.

The researchers drew blood respectively for Jiang Suisui and Huo Linxi.

Jiang Suisui got the test results the first time.

On Huo Linxi's blood test sheet, the C73 virus in his body was 3% weaker than before.

The researcher calculated that Huo Linxi was originally affected by the C73 virus, and the virus would break out once in an average of 20 days, making him lose his mind and unable to control his emotions.

But now, the virus in Huo Linxi's body can be controlled once every 30 days!

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