Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 37: : Jiang Suisui steps on two boats

Ah Da was very excited to demonstrate to her, "Little madam, all you have to do is press this button under the electric motor handle..."

Before Ah Da's voice was over, Jiang Suisui heard the sound of several bullets bursting out of the air!

With more than a dozen loud bangs, Jiang Suisui speculated that Xiaodian Moli was equipped with a heavy-duty bullet with a diameter of 1.5 cm.

The dozen or so bullets fired should have penetrated the steel plate 10 cm behind in the warehouse.

The bullet shooting effect made Ah Da very satisfied, and he asked Jiang Suisui to get in the car.

"Little madam, now, you can ride a small electric motorcycle to Beijing to go to school with peace of mind! If you encounter bad guys again, you will suddenly turn those bad guys into a beehive!"

Jiang Suisui is still in shock.

The little electric motorcycle that Huo Linxi modified for her is a bit powerful!


Early in the morning, Jiang Suisui wore a black helmet and rode her little electric motorcycle on the busy road.

Her long black hair flew up like silk, golden sunlight leaped on her flawless skin, and the warm wind blew her face. She also smelled the scent of mud and grass on the side of the road.

Suddenly, a sulky golden Ferrari was walking side by side with her little electric motorcycle.

On the open-top Ferrari, Huo Lingye in a sports windbreaker sat.

"Jiang Suisui, what's the situation with your broken electric motorcycle? I want to report to the traffic police that there are blind people riding electric motorcycles on the road!"

Huo Ling yelled at her wildly.

Jiang Suisui snorted, "This is a small electric motorcycle modified by ProLen, with an autopilot system."


In an instant, Huo Lingye's body smelled of acetic acid.

"Even if there is an autopilot system, you can't ride an electric scooter on the road even if you are a blind person. This is a serious violation of traffic rules!!"

Jiang Suisui hadn't seen it, but Huo Lingye was particularly greedy when she saw the little electric scooter she was riding.

She pressed the accelerator key, and the small electric motorcycle surpassed Huo Lingye's Ferrari.

"Fuck?!" Huo Lingye was so shocked that he immediately stepped on the accelerator, and Ferrari quickly overtook the Jiang-year-old electric motorcycle.

Huo Lingye turned his head and made a face at Jiang Suisui.

At this moment, the traffic in front converged, and Huo Lingye's Ferrari was forced to slow down.

And the Jiang-year-old little electric motorcycle, passing through the narrow gap between the car and turning a few turns, left Huo Lingye's Ferrari far behind him.


Xiao Dian Motor carried Jiang Suisui into the campus of Jinghua University.

After she parked the car in the parking lot, she walked towards the teaching building.

"She is Jiang Suisui, and I heard that she is Jiang Xixi's younger sister."

"It's really incredible. On the first day of school, I set foot on two boats."

"She can't see her eyes, but she can hook up with men very well!"

On the road, I saw Jiang Suisui students whispering, their voices were very small, but they were still caught by Jiang Suisui's absolute sense of hearing.

Suddenly, she noticed three people on the opposite side, walking towards her.

When one of the people's shoulders was about to hit Jiang Suisui, she was gently avoided.

The weightlifting girl from the Physical Education Institute failed to knock Jiang Suisui out. She rolled her eyes and exhaled deeply.

Seeing that Jiang Suisui was about to pass by her, the girl spoke and stopped her.

"Jiang Suisui, although you replaced Jiang Xixi as a student representative at the opening ceremony, and showed the limelight, I urge you to settle down!

The impoverished students from the small village, on the first day of school, came to our two famous celebrities in Beijing, you'd better weigh them, you have a few catties and a few taels! "

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