Hurrah! Top-Level Hot Mommy

Chapter 274: : Alert status

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Whether it is the leader of the night empire, Xuanyuan Lie! Still the woman named Mu Xiaoxiao, brother will kill both of them for you. just wait. younger sister……

Shuiyue's eyes were red. She and Jinghua are twins. They grew up in one stomach since they were young. They said that the twins will absorb the nutrition of another person. Since Jinghua's body is not so good from an early age, he can only double the mirror flowers. Well, it can make up for it. Although he often didn't show it, this sister was his most distressed person.

Jiu Lanyin held Jinghua and walked beside Shuiyue: "Let's go, it's time to go back."

"Yes." Shuiyue lowered his head, no matter how sad. In front of adults, he did not show the weak side, because, he is a soldier! Therefore, the soldiers are not allowed to make any mistakes in front of the leader.


Mu Xiaoxiao's left shoulder was bleeding more and more, and because she had a large movement in the muzzle, there was even a torn wound around the muzzle. Except here, the wound in the back of the head had stopped bleeding. The thick blood made the hair behind her head almost stick together.

At the beginning, her body was already supporting herself. But because of the shock in the later period, her head was in a state of excitement, and she had forgotten to care about the pain on her head and shoulders.

But now it calmed down, the pain, the tiredness swept up like a beast of floods, she sat on the chair, holding her head with one hand, biting her teeth in pain, shaking her feet a little, but struggling to pad her feet , Endure all this, the sweat on his forehead has been madly streaming down the cheek, dripping to the ground.

"Mainly, the jamming system has been turned on, and no traces of positioning missiles have been detected nearby," one of the men said respectfully.

Xuanyuan Lie said indifferently: "What about the rocket launcher? At any time on alert."

"Yes, we have been monitoring whether someone is using a rocket launcher, and there is no discovery at present. We have left the island now and expect to arrive at the Italian airport in a child." The man continued.

The so-called positioning missile is to let the missile locate a certain thing through a certain positioning system. After launching, the missile will directly blow up the fixed thing. To avoid this kind of thing, you must use a jammer. Interfering with all signals makes the positioning of the positioning missile unstable, allowing it to deviate from orbit and miss the positioning. However, the jammer also has a shortcoming. Fortunately, it can interfere with the outside world. In addition to being unable to communicate with the outside world in the sky, the aircraft may lose the road map. The biggest disadvantage is that after losing the road map, the aircraft may lose direction.

The bazooka is something like a long tube gun. It is a portable anti-tank weapon that launches rockets and is used to strike tanks, armored vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel transport vehicles, military equipment, and destroy fortifications and kill living targets at close range. Its attacking machine gun can be used for sneak attacks on the ground, and it can also be carried by powerful people to launch.

The bazooka does not have the ability to locate. If it is used to attack the aircraft, the prerequisite is that the aircraft must be seen with the naked eye, and then aimed and fired like a gun. It is extremely difficult. Generally, the aircraft needs to be able to fly at low and medium altitudes. use. Those who cannot fly too high, such as helicopters, as long as the aiming ability is stronger, it is likely to hit and crash the aircraft.

Therefore, the people on the plane did not dare to take it lightly. Forcibly entering the island with the plane is almost a method of breaking the boat. If you are not careful, you will be shot by the enemy with positioning missiles or rocket launchers and cause a crash. But... it seems that after flying for so long, no stranger is found. It seems that there is no problem.

This also reassured the men of the night empire on the plane.

"Bring the spare medical equipment." Xuanyuan Lie said indifferently.


After a while, a small cart pushed by a hand came over, and there were two unfolded medicine boxes, and some simple medical equipment.

Xuanyuan Lie looked at Xiaoxiao, and his eyes fell on the bullet wound on her shoulder.

Xiaoxiao bit her teeth, and she slowly lifted her head, knowing that the medicine chest that Xuanyuan Lie brought to her could not keep the body carrying bullets, which was only a burden on her body. The sooner it is taken out, the better. She frowns and bears the pain: "Can I get the scissors? I can take the bullets out."

"Oh, yes." The man standing next to him heard Mu Xiaoxiao say this, picked up the scissors inside, and wanted to hand it to Mu Xiaoxiao.

"No need to give her, give me." Xuan Yuanlie said coldly.

Xiaoxiao looked at him: "Huh?"

"I'm coming," he said quietly.

The man must not dare to disobey Xuanyuanli's order, after all, everyone knows who is the leader. I saw Xuan Yuanlie took the scissors and put it down again.

"Huh? What are you doing?" I don't understand why Xuanyuanli put down the scissors. How to remove the bullet without cutting the clothes on the shoulder.

Xuan Yuanlie just squinted gently and glanced at his hands: "Retreat."

The men immediately understood what it meant. Quickly lowered his head and led several other people in the cabin into the cab, although the location there was small, but who dare to stand there.

After the person left, Xuanyuan Lie picked up the scissors again, walked to Mu Xiaoxiao's side, bent down, and cut the clothes on her shoulder with scissors, exposing the deep hole on the right shoulder.

Xiaoxiao lowered her eyes, so that she looked at her, she was a little embarrassed. She frowned, and there was no way to hurt her. She continued to feel embarrassed. After the clothes were cut, she grasped the armrest of the chair and said, "I can take the bullet myself, I will do it myself."

Xuan Yuanlie had already put down the scissors, picked up the sterilized cotton, then poured alcohol, and turned around: "It will hurt, hold back."

He didn't answer her question, and Xiaoxiao couldn't help it. He came, he came, but when someone else came, he was more or less scared in his heart, biting his teeth, and his heart was terribly nervous: "Uh!"

Looking at her blood-stained shoulder, he took a light breath and touched the ground of her wound with alcohol-stained cotton wool.

"Uh..." Hold back! She bit her lip and the pain and hotness swept through the wound. This feeling was not the first time, nor was she the first time she was hit with a neutron bullet, and she clenched her teeth and stood up again.

Looking at her patient expression, Xuanyuan Lie frowned slightly, then turned around and took out the knife and tweezers. This is the most painful step, there is no anesthetic, the meat must be cut again, and then the bullet is removed.

"Xiaoxiao...bear it again." He held tweezers close to her right shoulder. The cold voice fluctuated.

This made Xiaoxiao seem to feel courage. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then vomited heavily. This injury was nothing. Just bear with it: "Come on."

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