HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 143 Shocked

The Tianlong people are the descendants of the 20 kings who established the world government 800 years ago, and the world nobles who reigned in the holy land of Mary Joa on the top of the red continent. They call themselves descendants of the creator and call themselves gods.

They are protected by the navy and CP0, enjoy all privileges, always act arrogantly, and treat people of other races as slaves.

Since the Chambord Islands are adjacent to the Red Continent, the Draco people who live in the Holy Land Mary Joa occasionally come to the Chambord Islands in the name of Nether.

The main purpose is to purchase interested slaves.

Every time the dragon people come to the Chambord Islands, those vicious pirates are afraid to avoid them.

They neither wanted to kneel down to the Tianlong people, nor to be hunted down by the admiral of the navy.

It can be said that the Tianlong people are absolutely one-sided in the Chambord Islands, and no one wants to provoke them.

Udyr's suggestion that Brook be disguised also makes sense.

You know, a skeleton man who can move and talk is simply the rarest commodity in the slave market.

If someone is interested in Tianlong people, in Udyr's view, even the rumored lawless, cruel and ruthless Morde can only obediently hand over the skeleton people.

This was not something Udyr wanted to see.

Not because of admiration for Maud or anything, but because Udyr was unwilling to take pointless risks.

In his capacity, even if he was seen by the Tianlong people, he felt very dangerous.

This is the deterrent power of the Tianlong people.

Maud knew the Tianlong people thoroughly, and also knew very well that if the Tianlong people were injured in the Chambord Islands, the naval headquarters would send a general at the speed of light.

That's not a good thing.

And it will also affect the plan to take over as Shichibukai.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, Maud will not provoke the Tianlong people for the time being.

After all, he's not Luffy, he doesn't have that kind of aura and background.

Let's lead the way to Shaqi's bar.

Maud did not accept Udyr's proposal,

He can not provoke the Tianlong people, but there is no need to compromise on this.

Udyr's eyes trembled and his lips moved slightly. He wanted to make another reasonable suggestion, but when Maud glanced over, he immediately closed his mouth and led the way honestly.

Lafayette glanced at Brook, then looked at Maud, who was walking in front, and hesitated.

At this juncture, it is necessary to nip potential risks in the cradle.

It's not a big deal just to get Brooke to disguise.

However, Maud directly exposed the matter.

This puzzled Lafayette.

Yohoo, if I disguise myself, will I become more dazzling than a star?

Brook walked behind Maud and said something vaguely.

Before going to sea, what he was most worried about was this striking skeleton body.

Originally, he was mentally prepared to bear the strange gaze, but he did not expect the existence of Tianlong people.

If he puts his companions in danger because of this, he will be blamed for his death.

Maud heard the words, looked back at Brook, and smiled: There is no need to disguise, but if you just dress up, you will definitely be more dazzling than the stars.


Brooke was stunned when he heard the words, and when he was about to say something, Maud had turned his head and looked forward.


Brook couldn't help being silent, vaguely aware of Maud's attitude towards this matter.

Despite his doubts, he chose to follow Maud's attitude and stopped talking about disguise.

This vague change was seen by Lafayette.

never mind.

Maud's decisions are more important than anything.

Lafayette thought silently.

Everyone walked all the way, and soon they saw a mangrove tree number 16 standing in front of them.

Lord Maud, Shaqi's ripping off bar is on the No. 13 Tree Island. Pass through here and walk two more tree islands. Udyr looked up at the No. 16 Alchiman Mangrove and explained.


Maud nodded, his eyes swept around.

Someone was watching them, and there were a lot of them.

Lafayette and Jaya quickly sensed the malice coming from all around.

Those malicious, some are not concealed, some can't hide their tails.

That person is Maud with a bounty of 500 million, Lafayette with 120 million and Jaya with 30 million, tsk tsk, the comprehensive bounty has reached more than 600 million...

Hey, what's up with that skeleton?

A moving skeleton man??

The Maud Pirates don't have this character, do they?

Don't worry, if you take it to the auction, it will definitely sell for a good price!

Everywhere in the corners, men with vicious spirits stared at the people of Maud who were walking on the avenue.

Some of these people are slave hunters, but more are bounty hunters.

To say which place in the world has the most bounty hunters, it can only be the Chambord Islands, there is no one.

Every time a pirate with a bounty of over 100 million comes to the Chambord Islands, they will be warmly welcomed by them.

Go ahead!

The bounty hunters who were seduced by the high bounty appeared one after another, came from all directions, and surrounded the people of Maud who were walking on the avenue.

At a glance, the heads of people are swaying, and there are thousands of people.

Udyr, who was leading the way, was dumbfounded.

He knew that on the way to Tree Island 13, he would inevitably meet some colleagues and bounty hunters who were not afraid of death.

But I never imagined that so many people would come at once.

This is the first time he has seen such a battle in the Chambord Archipelago for more than ten years. It is simply the highest level of courtesy...

But think about it.

Among the rookie pirates who have always arrived in the Chambord Islands, only Maud is the only one with a bounty of 500 million.

Even Fire Fist Ace, who also caused an uproar in the Chambord Islands last year, was not as rewarded as Maud at that time.

It is true to say so.

But this is too exaggerated, right?

Mo, Lord Maud...

Udyr's face froze, and his subordinates were already starting to lose their legs.

It's okay, it's just a bunch of scumbags.

Maud patted Udyr's stiff shoulder lightly and stepped forward, unhooking the snow-white twin spears that Bailey had turned into hanging from his waist.

Is it scum...

Udyr and his men didn't know what to say.

You must know that it is the scum that Maud said, how many pirate groups have been hated on the spot in the Chambord Archipelago.

Brook raised his crutches, and said excitedly: The long-lost battle has made my blood boil, although I have no blood, yohoho...

He just joined the group, eager to prove himself.

This can be considered a common pirate problem left over from the previous era.

Lafayette and Jaya felt Brook's eagerness to express their emotions, and they just stood there and didn't mean to fight.

Around, the unkind men who came, all looked at the surrounded Morde people with malicious intent, as if they were looking at a pile of money.

The people who came for the high bounty are basically here.

But there are also some people who still take a wait-and-see attitude, staying outside the battle circle and paying attention to the progress on the field.


Someone yelled.

Bounty requests are life and death.

And they obviously did not intend to capture Maud alive.

All the bounty hunters moved and charged towards Maud with excitement.

Maud held two guns and looked indifferently at the bounty hunter who rushed over.

Just then,

No sound was heard, no movement was seen.

The awe-inspiring bounty hunters suddenly fell to the ground like dominoes.

In less than three seconds, the thousands of bounty hunters present suddenly fell to the ground and lost consciousness, and countless weapons were scattered on the ground.

The sudden scene suddenly made Udyr and others, as well as those who stayed outside the battle circle, couldn't help showing shock.

what happened?

They first glanced at the thousands of bounty hunters lying motionless on the ground, and then looked at the indifferent Maud in shock.

Did he do it?

In the end what happened?

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