HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 157 This day, the world will shake.

?? Must get the fruits of surgery?

?? Seeing the three p0s who rushed into the office and threw out their demands in a condescending manner, the Warring States and the others had different reactions.

?? Warring States frowned, obviously displeased.

?? Karp is even more direct, bared.

?? Crane looked at p0 quietly, thoughtfully.

?? Akainu's face is expressionless, and the sitting posture from beginning to end has not changed.

?? Aokiji put down his hand and looked at p0, as if he was looking at a very troublesome thing.

?? The sudden intervention of p0 is obviously an unexpected situation.

?? Get the fruit of the surgery?

?? Warring States frowned at the leading p0 member, and said indifferently: Do you think the Morde Pirates will agree to such a request?

?? Why do you seek permission from pirates for such a trivial matter?

?? You're talking about trivial things...?

?? Warring States face sank.

??Is not it?

??p0 first asked a question, and then said indifferently: Or, do you want to clearly tell me that with your navy's ability, you can't complete the task of setting an ambush during the transaction and arresting those with the ability to operate the fruit on the spot?

?? Without waiting for any response from the Warring States period, p0 raised his head slightly and said as a matter of course:

?? But it's also true that you, who have failed once, are indeed not suitable for this important task. Then... when the transaction matters are negotiated, the follow-up tasks will be taken over by us p0.

?? You will only anger Maud by doing this.

?? Warring States looked at p0's eyes very cold.

?? So what? No matter what the price is, what God wants, you have to give with your hands.

??p0's tone was unquestionable, and he said coldly: And you, a dignified admiral, would actually care about whether a pirate is angry or not. Why don't you abdicate. Someone is more suitable to sit in this position than you.

??Don't underestimate Maud,

And don't make things more complicated.

?? The tone of the Warring States period is also unquestionable: As long as one hundred living hearts can be successfully obtained, with Dr. Bergapunk's ability, it will definitely be able to exert a value far superior to the fruit of surgery!

?? ...

??p0 The three quietly watched the Warring States who had been singing the opposite tune, and then thought of the tough stance that the Warring States showed in the advance city incident.

?? In the aura that permeates the body, it is inevitable that a layer of unpleasantness is infected.

?? Warring States did not care about p0's feelings, and said solemnly: In the current situation, it is unwise to have further bad relations with the Maud Pirates.

?? If it wasn't for the needs of Vega Punk, and it was a critical post-war recovery period, how could the Navy take the initiative to provoke an existence that was no weaker than Whitebeard?

?? Some decisions and actions must cater to the right timing.

?? Marshal of the Warring States Period, you seem to have misunderstood one thing.

?? The p0 member headed by the upper body leaned forward, stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the table in front of Sengoku and said indifferently: This is not a discussion, but an order from above.

?? After finishing speaking, the three of them simply turned around and left without waiting for Sengoku's reaction.

?? When he stepped out of the office threshold, he left a sentence for the man in charge.

?? We'll stay here until that pirate calls.

?? ...

?? Warring States looked at the open office door, the blue veins that appeared on the edge of the eyebrows trembled slightly.

The intervention of ??p0, and the orders from above, can be said to have directly stirred the crystal clear water into turbidity.

?? He sighed softly: The situation has become troublesome.

?? At an altitude of 10,000 meters, a three-masted ship of terror.

?? Maud readily tossed the phone bug to Lafayette.

?? The latter picked up the phone and pursed his lips and smiled silently.

?? Luo looked at Maud with relief and said: The navy only wants a hundred living hearts, it's not difficult, and there is no need to shoot at the Tianlong people.

?? Equally relieved, as well as Urky and Hawkins.

?? Strictly speaking, they have only recently attached themselves to Maud's command, and Maud is about to take action against the Tianlong people.

?? This kind of thing is really too exciting for them who have just joined.

?? Maud came down from the balcony and said seriously: Luo, do you believe in the navy so much?

?? No, just...

?? Luo shook his head and said: Since the exchange is made by us, as long as we make arrangements in advance, even if the navy wants to do something, we can kill the hidden danger in advance.

?? Even if the rescue of the crew is inevitable, Luo has always adhered to the attitude that he is still unwilling to let Maud and the others take the huge risk caused by the hostage of the Tianlong people.

?? can be trivial, naturally the best.

?? Besides, just one hundred living hearts, in Luo's view, is a trivial matter that couldn't be simpler.

?? Maud took off his coat, looked at Luo, and said calmly: Luo, you told me about the scramble for the fruit of surgery on Minion Island 11 years ago, then, do you really think the Navy, no, should Speaking of the world government...

?? In the case of taking the lead, will you turn a blind eye to the fruits of the surgery in your body?

?? This is... the fruit that the world government did not hesitate to offer 11 years ago at a sky-high price of 5 billion.

?? As soon as these words came out, the people who didn't know the details of the scene all showed their surprise at the same time.

?? 5 billion?

?? Urky and Hawkins looked at Luo, whose face became cloudy and uncertain.

?? Most people in this world do not know the true value of the fruits of surgery.

?? Personality transplantation involving the soul level goes without saying, being able to achieve the eternal dream of human beings since ancient times is the ultimate ability of the fruit of the operation.

?? And this ability is an important key to control the real power of the entire world...

?? Luo was silent.

?? As Maude said, it is indeed possible that the world government will intervene in this matter.

?? There is only one option that can 100% prevent accidents, so just wait here, Luo.

?? Maud threw the unbuttoned coat aside.

?? Perona's eyes are fast, and before the coat falls, she hurriedly catches it, and looks at Maud angrily.

?? This is the clothes that I finally washed clean!

?? Ah, sorry.

?? Maud waved his hand at will.

?? Too perfunctory!

?? Lafayette, Brooke, keep up, Sister Ya, please, please.

?? In the face of Perona's offensive eyes, Maud only left her the back of her head. After leaving a sentence, he stepped on the moon and left the balcony.

?? Yo hoo hoo!

?? Brooke did not hesitate to keep up with Maud, but also stepped on the moon step, and rose to the sky as light as a swallow.

?? Lafayette is spreading his wings and flying off the balcony gracefully.

?? It's just to hold the Tianlong people. If all members are dispatched, it will be too slow.

?? So Maud only brought Lafayette and Brook.

?? In fact, with the urine of the Tianlong people, as long as they stay patiently in the Chambord Islands, there will always be a day when the Tianlong people come to the Chambord Islands.

?? But this kind of squatting is too random.

?? Moreover, since Maud decided to take action on the Tianlong people, he had to create a shocking movement.

?? Maud, Brook, and Lafayette came to a small island on the side of the horror barque.

?? After they set foot on the small island.

?? The island, which had been hovering still, suddenly fell to the thick cloud layer below, turning the cloud layer upside down. The fastest update PC::/

?? Holy Land Mary Joa, Pan ancient city.

?? Towns dominated by minarets and domes are very prosperous.

?? on the street,

?? There are world aristocrats in luxurious costumes everywhere.

?? Between words and deeds, there is a lofty temperament from the bones.

?? Suddenly, a shadow covers a certain street in the ancient city of Pan.

?? The sudden shadow is magnifying at a very fast speed.

?? People who noticed the situation, raised their heads subconsciously, and saw a scene that they will never forget.

?? On this day, the world will shake.

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