Chapter 151 Lockhart’s Change

On Monday morning, in the auditorium, Lockhart took off the hat he had been wearing some time ago and openly exposed his entire head to everyone’s sight— his hair was actually It’s grown!

George and Fred originally thought he was wearing a wig, but when they repeated their trick, they failed to pull off the wig that should have been taken off. Instead, Lockhart covered his head and screamed on the spot. pain.

This scene happened to be seen by Professor McGonagall who rushed to the auditorium for breakfast. Gryffindor was deducted fifty points for this, and the Weasley twins were also given a month of confinement.

Elvis looked at Lockhart, who was smiling again. He was holding a pumpkin pie in one hand and silently counting the time for the Veritaserum to be brewed.

There’s about a month left, he thought in his mind, and before Christmas, the little wizards won’t have to see Lockhart’s face anymore.


The next morning,

Ivis and Hermione prepared to head to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom with three Lockhart novels in their arms.

Hermione said softly:”Avis, have you heard that Lockhart seems to have changed?””

“Well, what’s wrong? Ives asked doubtfully. He was immersed in learning a magic yesterday. He didn’t go to the auditorium at noon or evening. Even lunch and dinner were brought to him by Hermione.

“Lockhart brought a group of Cornish elves with him when he was teaching Gryffindor yesterday,” Hermione explained

“What’s wrong? Is he embarrassed again? still……”Elvis hesitated for a moment before continuing:”He took care of those elves.”

Hermione nodded and said in an unbelieving tone:”He controlled those elves in public.”

“How can this be! ?”A question mark slowly appeared on Ives’s head.

After such a long period of contact, he can be sure that Lockhart is just like the description in the original book. He is a liar who can’t use other magic except the Forgetting Curse..

Otherwise, it is impossible for him not to be able to identify whether the bottle of hair growth potion that Snape gave him was correct. It was a basic potion that even a second-year wizard could make. Could it be that the mixed bottle of failed potion made his brain go to the wrong place? Has it evolved in a good direction? Ives is a little confused.

Forget it, let’s see how Lockhart will perform in this lesson. He puts these doubts behind him. After this lesson, they will know how Lockhart will perform. Hart’s depth changed.

Entering the classroom, Elvis and Hermione chose a seat in the back row as usual.

After the bell rang, Lockhart walked into the classroom with his signature smile.

This smile, Ives had not seen it for a long time.

Ever since Lockhart lost his flowing blond hair, he seemed to have lost his soul and never showed this smile again. When his hair grew back, He regained his confidence

“Classmates, nice to see you!”Lockhart showed eight white teeth and flipped his hair coquettishly.

Padma, who was sitting in the front row, screamed like a nymphomaniac.

She had already lost her powder after Lockhart went bald. The number of members of the Lockhart fan club she formed at school has decreased a lot.

But when Lockhart’s hair grew back and she learned about his performance in the last class from the Gryffindor sophomores, Later, Padma became Lockhart’s ardent fan.

Lockhart was very satisfied with Padma’s performance and said,”One more po

int for the beautiful lady in the first row, Ravenclaw!””

He took out a cage from under the podium, and inside it was the Cornish elf that Ives and the others were familiar with.

“You must have learned how to deal with these annoying little things when Professor Snape was a substitute teacher,” Lockhart said arrogantly,”But I’m sure that the method he taught you is not as convenient as mine!”

Are you two at odds? Ives complained in his mind, because Snape’s first substitute lesson was the Cornish elf who taught everyone in the first lesson, so you have to teach it again. To prove that he was better than him?

Lockhart memorized the various habits of the Cornish elves that he had written down from the textbook, and then wrote the key points on the blackboard. At this moment, he really had the feeling of being a professor. Look.

When he finished speaking, what he turned around to see were the little wizards sitting in their seats.

“Why don’t you take notes? Lockhart frowned.

Lisa Dupin weakly raised her hand.

“Miss Dupin, please speak.”He called Lisa’s name

“Professor Lockhart, Professor Snape has already written this down for us.”

A trace of anger flashed undetectably in Lockhart’s eyes, but he grinned and said with a smile,”This is my oversight.”

“Next, I will demonstrate to you that I……”He paused and emphasized:”……How to deal with a Cornish elf.”

Before everyone could react, he opened the cage containing the elves.

Contrary to Ives’ expectations, those naughty elves did not rush out of the cage immediately, but huddled in a corner of the cage. Looking at Lockhart standing behind the podium with fearful eyes.

Are they afraid of Lockhart? Ives frowned, almost unable to believe his guess.

Lockhart struck hard with his wand. After knocking on the iron bars of the cage, the Cornish elves flew out one after another.

They were floating in the air, staring at Lockhart, as if waiting for him to give orders.

“Lockhart couldn’t have bought a group of domesticated Cornish elves from others to perform with him,” Hermione whispered in Ives’s ear.

Ives shook his head. He didn’t know what was going on now.

Lockhart raised his wand slowly, and a series of spells shot out as he whispered the spell.

“Quick imprisonment”


“All set”


He used more than a dozen different magics to knock down the elves in the air to the ground one by one.

All the little wizards in the audience were stunned. They never knew that Lockhart had such strength!

Padma and Mandy in the first row came to their senses and applauded enthusiastically. The other little wizards followed their lead and clapped.

Lockhart bowed and said with a smile,”Thank you, thank you all.”

“Am I reading that right? Lockhart actually killed those Cornish elves?”Hermione suppressed her voice so that it wouldn’t sound so abrupt.

“That’s right,” Ives nodded solemnly. He could confirm that those elves had indeed endured the effects of the spell and were not cooperating with Lockhart’s performance.

Then the question is, what if Lockhart If he had such strength from the beginning, then why did he perform so poorly at the beginning? If his strength improved during this period…

Ives thought of Voldemort’s diary, which had never been traced, and his eyes widened. Ning, it seems that the brewing of truth serum is going to be accelerated.


Thank you readers for your support, thank you(・ω・)ノ

(End of this chapter)

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