Chapter 168 Sparring (4K)

“Wagadu in Uganda is world-famous and is one of the oldest wizarding schools.”Professor Flitwick continued to introduce.

Wagadu stands on the Mountain of the Moon in Uganda. It was founded earlier than Hogwarts and has a history of at least a thousand years.

Unlike European wizards, Wagadu’s students are all He is very good at casting spells without a wand.

This is because the wand is an invention of the European wizarding community, and African wizards are not used to using this convenient prop. It was not until the beginning of the last century that they regarded the wand as a useful tool, so African wizards Wizards still perform many magics with their fingers or gestures.

“The school spirit of Wagadu attaches great importance to learning, and transfiguration is their specialty.”Professor Flitwick took a sip of water and said,”The next thing I want to talk about is the two wizarding schools in the East.”

The Magic Institute in Japan is a magnificent palace made of mutton-fat jade, located on the top of South Iwo Jima.

Unlike other wizarding schools, the Magic Institute starts at the age of seven.���Students are admitted, but they do not start boarding until they are eleven years old. During day school days, the little wizards would ride on the backs of giant petrels to and from home and school every day.

Students at the Magic House wear a special enchanted robe that changes size as the student grows older and changes color as the wearer’s knowledge increases.

At the beginning, the robe is a light pink, and by the end, it can turn into gold if the student gets the best grades in all magical subjects. If the robe turns white, it means that the student has betrayed the Japanese wizarding code, committed an illegal act, or violated the International Statute of Secrecy.》

“Finally, there is Kunlun in the Celestial Dynasty.” Professor Flitwick’s expression was a little serious.”The relationship between the wizarding world in this country and the Muggles…the No-Majs is more harmonious than imagined, but they are also very exclusive. For hundreds of years, they have been with the international community. The communication on the Internet is not very in-depth.”

“I don’t know much about Kunlun. I only know that their magic is very different from ours.” Professor Flitwick continued,”Like Wagadu, they don’t rely on wands, but use magic wands. Another prop to assist in casting spells”

“This duel competition is also the first international competition that the wizards of the Chinese Dynasty have participated in in a century. To stand out from the only wizard school in that mysterious country, the player named Lu Chaoyang should not be underestimated.”

I always felt that Professor Flitwick said it as well as he didn’t. Avis was a little depressed. After listening to his introduction for half an hour, except for Krum, he still knew nothing about the other players.

He only remembered The teaching focus of several magic schools, but other than that, there is no useful information at all.

But this is not to blame Professor Flitwick. These young wizards are participating in international competitions for the first time, so naturally they are not famous. So no information was revealed.

Then, Professor Flitwick looked at Ives and Elizabeth,”It’s still early, do you want to have a sparring session to get familiar with each other’s strength?””

Elizabeth spoke slowly:”I think it might be better to leave the outcome between the two of us to be announced in the duel competition.”

She wasn’t worried that she would lose to Ives, she just wanted to hide her skills. Otherwise, what if she really faced Ives in the duel competition and was targeted.

Ives waved his hand,”I can do it.

The girl was irritated by his indifferent attitude. She raised a nice eyebrow and said,”Then let’s have a fight. I also want to experience the power of the youngest Merlin Medal winner.””


In the courtyard, Professor Flitwick used several magic spells to clear away the snow.

Ivis and Elizabeth stood face to face on both sides of the yard. They drew out their wands at the same time and saluted each other.

“three – two – one——”Professor Flitwick stood in the middle and acted as referee.

As soon as the countdown ended, the two of them raised their wands over their shoulders at the same time.

A red light shot out from Ives’s wand, and before Elizabeth could fully recite her spell, the red light had already approached her.

“Quick ban……”Elizabeth decisively stopped reciting the curse and threw herself forward, avoiding the disarming curse.

Obviously, Avis’s spellcasting speed is much faster than Elizabeth’s.

Ives did not immediately make up for the next attack – after all, Elizabeth was a girl after all, so she had to save some face.

In the eyes of Avis, a duel with a young wizard is really meaningless, even if his opponent is four or five years older than him.

His current level of magic power and the spells he mastered far exceeded that of the little wizard. Coupled with the careful guidance of Professor Flitwick, who had defended the dueling competition seven times in a row, he dared to say that even most Aurors were not his. opponent.

Originally, he really didn’t want to spar with Elizabeth, and he didn’t know what was wrong with her, so he had to have a fight with him.

After getting up from the ground, Elizabeth ignored the layer of snowflakes on her body and used her best magic.

I saw a blue light shooting directly from the tip of her wand. There was no sound of incantation. It was an advanced technique like silent spell casting.

Avis watched the magic spell approaching him, and a burst of magic power randomly came out of the tip of the staff, flying the magic spell aside.

There was an explosion on the yard fence, and a small piece of the wooden fence was shattered.

In Elizabeth’s eyes, the contempt for Ives’ age completely disappeared, leaving only solemnity.

Is this the true strength of the little wizard who was awarded the Order of Merlin at the age of twelve? She was shocked by Avis’ strength.

Even though her magic had just been easily blocked, she did not choose to sit back and wait for death, but took the initiative to attack and fainted!

A bright light lit up from the tip of her wand.

Armor protection.

Ives muttered silently in his mind, and a magic barrier appeared around him at the right time, deflecting the coma spell from its original path.

This technique of rebounding magic is an advanced application of the Iron Armor Charm.

Elizabeth stumbled to avoid it, and at the same time, her hands kept moving, and one attack spell after another came out from the tip of her wand.

Perhaps her talent in magic is not as good as that of Ives, but she is still very talented, so she has also mastered many magic wandless casting skills.

Ives kept trying to deflect her spells, and if she occasionally missed them, he would add an armor spell to block them in time.

Elizabeth was a little helpless, although on the scene, she seemed to have formed a one-sided suppression of Ives. But she knew in her heart that all her magic seemed to cause trouble to Ives, but in fact it did not cause any harm to Ives.

And based on her judgment of the second-year wizard’s magic power, Avis’s magic power should

have been consumed a lot by now.

But looking at the young man’s leisurely look, it was obvious that the armor spells he had just used were nothing but water to him.

Is this really a twelve-year-old wizard? Elizabeth always felt like she was sparring with her own teacher.

She looked at the pile of snow in the corner of the yard, and her magic power slowly poured out, turning a large pile of snow into a tall snowman blocking her in front of her.

Her transformation is very smooth, almost in one go.

Under the gaze of Ives, the nearly three-meter-tall snowman slowly stepped forward, shaking the ground.

As the snowman charged forward, Ives also waved his magic wand.

“Thousands of bullets���”He read softly.

The needles of a pine tree on the hillside outside the yard shook a few times, then fell off, heading straight towards the snowman.

As the pine needles flew, Ives’ magic wrapped around them, turning them into small swords.

This is his improved salvo. It no longer fires the”entity projection” of the bird made of magic power, but directly fires the entity, and at the same time uses transformation to transform the launched entity into a sword.

Ives gave it a vivid name, called Ten Thousand Swords.

However, his magic is not perfect yet. His idea is to directly use magic power to form the physical projection of the sword, skipping the step of transformation, which can greatly increase the speed of spell casting.

At present, his knowledge reserve is not enough, it can only be said that the future is promising.

With a whistling sound in the air, the small sword passed through the snowman’s body, tearing out small holes for air leakage, and then nailed it to the ground.

Elizabeth cast an iron armor spell on the snowman early on, but this hardly stopped him at all, and he was immediately pierced by the tip of the sword.

She continued to inject magic into the snowman she transformed, slowly repairing the wounds on it.

Elvis didn’t understand this move. She didn’t think she could make a comeback with this snowman.

He was a little unmotivated. He originally thought that the disciple of the duel champion could give him some surprises, but in the end, this is it?

A ray of golden-red flame escaped from the tip of his staff, and then formed a basketball-sized fireball in front of Ives.

As soon as he waved his wand, the fireball shot forward rapidly.

After the fireball came into contact with the snowman, there was a sizzling sound in the yard.

Under Elizabeth’s gaze, the three-meter-high snowman instantly melted into a puddle of snow due to the terrifying temperature of the fireball.

After melting the snowman, the fireball was still not reduced at all.

Under the command of Ives, it accelerated and flew in front of Elizabeth.

Feeling the terrifying flames at close range, Elizabeth began to sweat continuously on her forehead. Even though the temperature outside was now more than ten degrees below zero, it still could not stop the heat rising on her body.

“I…I give up!”Elizabeth shouted hurriedly. After she finished shouting, the fireball gradually dissipated in front of her.

“Ives wins.”Professor Flitwick announced the result on the spot.

After the duel, Elizabeth came over and shook hands with Ives politely.

“Why are you so strong, and what is that flame?”She looked at the boy who was only 1.6 meters tall in front of her with inquiring eyes.

She was really curious about how a twelve-year-old wizard could be so powerful.

“You are also very strong.”Avis casually skipped the topic.

Elizabeth’s eyes were a little unwilling to admit defeat. Sooner or later, she would be stronger than Avis.

She thought of her teacher Mr. Cone, although he lost to Flivi Professor seven times, but in the end she also won the championship of a duel competition.

But she swore that she would not repeat the same mistakes as her teacher. Sooner or later, she would defeat Ives.

Returning to warm living room, Elizabeth led the two They went upstairs to choose a room for them.

Ives and Professor Flitwick were placed in two guest rooms on the second floor.

Although from the outside, this house shaped like a beret was a bit small, But its interior had undoubtedly been cast by a traceless stretching spell. Ives saw no less than five rooms on the second floor.

The decoration of the guest room was very simple, and a neat single bed looked very comfortable. He put his luggage on it. After getting ready, he walked downstairs.

In the living room,

Elizabeth was nestled on the sofa, covered with a blanket, and was carefully flipping through the book in her hand.

Ives paid attention and found that the book in her hand was no longer that Instead of several magazines, it was a magic book,”A Collection of Self-Defense Spells.”

It seemed that losing to him was a big blow to Elizabeth, and she began to work hard to get better.

After a few more minutes, Professor Flitwick came from Walked downstairs

“Professor, do you have any books with you? Ives asked,”I was afraid that the magic book would not pass the airport security check, so I didn’t dare to take the book out.””

Professor Flitwick thought for a while and asked Ives to wait for a while. Then he returned to the room and took out an old book of”Standard Spells, Level 6″.

This is the magic spell for sixth-grade students at Hogwarts. Curse textbook.

Ives flipped through it twice. Judging from the notes above, this was undoubtedly the textbook that Professor Flitwick used when he was in school.

He didn’t say much, but silently mentioned Professor Flitwick’s kindness to him. Keep it in mind.

Preaching and solving doubts, the kindness of teaching must be repaid by a spring. Similarly , he also remembered the kindness of Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout and Professor Dumbledore to him. As for Snape…

Forget it, it’s okay if he didn’t give him a death spell on the spot.

The rest of the afternoon was spent by the three of them reading books and chatting.

In the evening,

Elizabeth made a table of tempting food.

Shiny grilled steak, buffalo spicy chicken wings neatly stacked on crisp vegetables, golden Alaskan cod fillet, avocado salad mixed with tuna…

In exchange for tasting delicious food, Ives and Foley Professor Wei also took action under Elizabeth’s instruction.

Because the owner of the house had not come back yet, they had to wait patiently.

This was very painful for Ives and Professor Flitwick, who only had one meal on the plane at noon. However, the airplane meals provided by Muggles were not really delicious, and they were not even filling. It was not until Ives’s stomach growled in protest that there was a knock on the door, and Elizabeth hurriedly ran to the door to open the door.

Standing outside the door was indeed Mr. Cone who had finished his work.

When Cone sat down at the dining table, everyone started to enjoy the feast with their knives and forks. The delicious food made the atmosphere in the room more harmonious. The four of them casually chatted about interesting things, and their relationship gradually became closer.


There is a mistake. The magic school in Uganda should be called Ouagado instead of Ouagadougou. Ouagadougou is the name of a city. It has been changed and does not affect follow-up reading.


(End of this chapter)

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