Chapter 187 Newt’s Home

Scamander’s home is not big, but it is full of various magic items.

An iron is working automatically in the corner, ironing the horned camel doll; the glass on the far partition is being wiped with a floral rag, making a creaking sound; in front of the fire is a clothes drying rack, which is in situ. Turn around and try to dry all kinds of clothes.

Tina led everyone to sit on the sofa in the living room, and Nicole snuggled next to her, staring at Avis with big eyes.

This made Ives full of doubts. He looked over and asked curiously:”Is there something on my face?”

Nicole seemed to be startled. She shook her head vigorously and said,”No.”

Tina touched her gently. Holding her long blond hair,”Niko, like her grandmother, is a natural legilimens.”

Hearing this, the three of them looked at her in surprise, which made the little girl shyly bury her head in Tina in the arms.

Natural Legilimency masters can automatically hear what the people around them are thinking, but this talent also brings them endless trouble. The relationship between Nicole’s grandfather and grandmother was full of twists and turns because of this ability. Fortunately, the two truly loved each other and finally came together.

As Queenie’s granddaughter, Nicole also inherited this talent

“Well, I kind of know why she was staring at me just now,” Ives shrugged,”Probably because she couldn’t read what I was thinking.”

This time it was Tina’s turn to be surprised,”You have actually mastered Occlumency?”

“No wonder Newt insists on saying how nice you are in front of Rove. It’s really……”Tina sighed with emotion. When she was young, as an elite Auror in Congress, she had never seen any battles.

But she has never seen a talented little wizard like Ives.

She stood up and poured everyone a cup of tea.

After thanking Avis, he asked:”Mrs. Scamander, where is Mr. Scamander?””

“He was called away by Dumbledore.”When Newt’s whereabouts were mentioned, Tina’s face was vaguely angry,”I don’t know when he will come back.”

Tina resented Dumbledore deeply. As long as he gave orders, Newt would run to help without hesitation. For the entire last year, Newt stayed in the Albanian forest under his orders, seemingly looking for Traces of a noseless wizard…

What was his name? Tina frowned. She has never cared about international events since she retired. Now she just wants to save her family and Newt. The group of magical animals were taken care of.

At this moment, the door was opened.

An old man came in with thick bangs covering half of his eyes. He was still holding a vegetable basket in his hand.

He put the vegetables first He put the basket in the kitchen and then said:”Tina, what are you talking about? I don’t think your expression looks good”

“Honey, we’re talking about Dumbledore.”Tina turned her head and said.

Little Nicole covered her mouth, and her eyes signaled the three Aviss sitting opposite her not to talk nonsense.

“Oh, Albus is a good, honest man, Tina. Newt pondered,”Don’t say things like ‘I was deceived by him’ to affect Rolf and Neeko’s impression of Albus.””

“By the way, I bought all the vegetables you asked me to buy.”

Tina sighed and muttered without saying anything else.

After seeing the famous Newt Scamander, they exchanged pleasantries for a while, and Hermione even boldly asked him if he could be in her”Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” Sign her name on the first page.

She was afraid that Newt didn’t dare to look directly into her eager eyes, but just said yes.

After that, Tina led the three little girls present to the kitchen to cook, leaving some space. Newt and Ives obviously have something to talk about.

“……Albus and I spent the whole morning trying to figure out how to save the little wizards.”After a moment of silence, Newt said in a serious tone.

“……”Ives didn’t interrupt, he was also in a low mood.

“As I judged before, Albus was also helpless.”

“Is there really nothing we can do?”

“Um.”The old man nodded slowly.

“So how does Professor Dumbledore plan to arrange them?”Avis asked, unlike several other young wizards who have disappeared recently. The children he found in the deepest secret room obviously came from all over the world, and how to deal with them will be a big problem.

“Albus is going to organize the manpower of the International United Wizards to help those children find their parents. If their parents haven’t given up yet, he will send them back to their original families,” Newt let out a long sigh.

“Although they were able to get along for less than a year, I’m not sure whether this was too cruel. But Albus insisted that children cannot live without the love of their parents.”

This is very similar to what Dumbledore could say. Opening and closing your mouth is love.

“What about the remaining children?”

“Albus would privately fund a school and try to ensure that those children had a happy life.”

Aves was silent. He knew very well that until there was no better way, this was the optimal solution.

“By the way, Mr. Scamander, I remember Professor Dumbledore mentioned that you are the first wizard in the world to successfully separate the Obscurus from its host.”

“That’s right,” Newt nodded.

Back then, a little girl he met in Sudan was an Obscurus, and he tried many methods to save her. Although he finally succeeded in separating the Obscurus from her body, he failed in the end. can save her

“Then do you remember that you gave this method of separation to others?”Ives asked.

Although Graves is dead, his accomplices have not been caught yet.

His grandfather Percival Graves and the Purifiers mentioned in Graves’s notes, they Why they mastered the method of artificially creating Obscurus is a huge mystery to them.

They don’t even know the identity of his accomplices. Ives tried to find a breakthrough from Newt.

“No,” Newt said after thinking about it for a long time. Decades have passed, and his memory has begun to become a little blurry.

“I handed it over to no one and returned to England”

“What about the obscurus you saved back then?”Aves asked

“It fell into the hands of the U.S. Congress, and I’m not sure what happened next. Newt thought for a moment and shook his head, then turned towards the kitchen and shouted:”Honey!””

“What’s wrong?”Tina immediately poked her head out of the kitchen and replied.

Newt relayed Ives’s question. After thinking about it, Tina said,”The Obscurus was confiscated by Grindelwald who was pretending to be Percival at the time.”

At that time, Newt came to New York for the first time, which happened to be the time when the Second Salem case occurred.

Because he and Jacob took each other’s suitcase by mistake, the magical animals in the suitcase escaped and were found in New York City. There was a big fuss. Newt was therefore identified as the murderer of the Second Salem case.

Especially when the Auror

s found the Silence he kept in his box.

Although it was later proven that he was not the real murderer. , but the Obscurus separated by Newt was still detained by the Auror Office of Congress.

“After Grindelwald was captured, although he kept insisting that he kept the Obscurus in the evidence room in the Auror office, we did not find it where he said he would.”Tina slowly said after recalling it carefully.

“……”Ives was shocked, how could this matter be related to Grindelwald again.

Newt saw what he was thinking and comforted:”With Grindelwald’s temperament, since he said he didn’t take it, he definitely didn’t take it.”

Having thwarted Grindelwald’s plot several times, Gellert Grindel Waugh’s lifelong enemy, Newt Scamander, who made him say the classic line”What makes Dumbledore like you so much?” said this.

Since Mr. Newt is so sure, Avis can only choose to believe it.

He tapped his right index finger on the armrest of the sofa a few times and frowned tightly. If Grindelwald really didn’t take Obscurus away, doesn’t this mean that the mole is actually someone from within the Congress?

He thought again about Percival Graves, who could not be traced and was officially declared dead.

“Since Graves mentioned that the information Percival left in the Purifiers provided him with great help. Is there a possibility that Percival is not actually dead? He secretly took the Obscurus away and has been concentrating on how to use its power.”

“Is the information he left behind related to Obscurus?”

Newt raised his head, exposed his eyes from his bangs, and looked at Ives in shock,”It’s very possible.”

Tina wore an apron and leaned against the kitchen door with a shovel for cooking, listening quietly. She interjected:”After getting the Silence, there was a voice within the Congress at that time: study the Obscurus. Strength, learn how to mass-produce, and then cultivate a group of super wizards.”

Good guy, this seems to be the consistent style of the United States.

If Ives’s guess is correct, Percival obviously thinks so too. As the Minister of Magical Security and the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, he can naturally easily Bypassing all the guards, he quietly took away the mass of silence from the evidence room.

“If Percival is really alive, the Graves family will have a big problem.”Aves pursed his lips and said seriously.

“That’s right.”Newt nodded. He stood up and was about to go out.

“Tina, I’ll ride Frank to find Dumbledore. I’ll be back soon.”Before leaving, he shouted to Tina

“……”Hey,” the wrinkles on Tina’s face knitted together and she said in a dissatisfied tone.

Every time Dumbledore was mentioned, Newt felt like he had been given a shot.”Alas~” she sighed,”So I I just hate Dumbledore, he is more difficult to deal with than Bundy.”

Mumbling a few words, she turned around and returned to the kitchen. Although Elizabeth and Hermione’s craftsmanship seemed to be very good, how could they let the guests do it all the time?

Tina was determined to show off her skills and let them have a taste of Scamander’s house. special dish.

Ives, who was waiting outside, had nothing to do and slipped into the kitchen to help. He was about to pick up a potato to wash, but Hermione snatched it away.

Hermione waved her hand with a look of disgust. Said:”Go, go, go! Housework magic will not even come to help.”

He watched Hermione skillfully wave her wand, and a large basket of potatoes in the frame flew up.

They automatically passed through the water and were peeled by the paring knife. Then the kitchen knife flew over and waved twice in the air, and the potatoes became They turned into potato pieces of the same size.

Ives looked at this scene with dumbfounded eyes. Although he knew that Hermione had learned a lot of household magic under the guidance of Mrs. Weasley during the few days she lived at the Burrow, he really didn’t Thinking of it, Hermione was actually so skilled.

One look showed that she had practiced in private.

Avis, who was disliked that staying here would only be a hindrance, had to leave the kitchen with Nicole, who was also a hindrance. He took Nicole’s When I returned to the living room, the little girl kept covering her mouth and snickering.

“What’s wrong?”Avis asked without knowing why.

Nicole thought for a while and finally decided not to tell him what she had read. She blinked her eyes mischievously twice before saying in a long tone:”It’s nothing.”

“?”Ives had a question mark on his face. The two sat on the sofa and looked at each other for a few minutes. Nicole finally couldn’t help but said

:”Brother, let me show you Grandpa Newt’s secret base!”

Pulled him up from the sofa and dragged him towards a small door in the living room. Of course, the little girl is not that strong, and Avis is carefully cooperating with her actions.

Pushing open the secret door, a staircase leading to the basement was revealed.

Nicole let go of Avis’s hand and jumped forward to lead the way.

Ives reminded:”Be careful not to fall.”

“Got it,” the little girl replied, but the movements of her feet did not change. Fortunately, she was very familiar with this journey, and there was nothing that Avis was worried about.

Along the end of the stairs was another door..

Opening the door, there was a vast forest behind it.

Nicole stood at the door proudly, raising her head proudly, as if she was waiting for Ives’s admiration.

But after waiting for a long time, Ives didn’t find anything big. After reacting, she dropped her face and continued walking forward with him.

Avis, who was two steps behind her, chuckled. He was no longer the Muggle who had just entered the magical world. This kind of scenery was in his box. I saw a lot.

Before I took two steps, there was a small black mouse-like thing on the ground running toward the door.

“Oh no!”Nicole was startled by it, and quickly turned to Ives and said,”Close the door quickly. If Sniff sneaks out, I will be in trouble.”

They forgot to close the door when they first came in. Xiu Xiu, who had seized the opportunity

, was about to escape from here. Xiu Xiu got down on all fours and ran past the two of them. Tears were already dripping from the corners of its eyes.

Goodbye. The cage, sniffing, full of excitement, shiny things, here I come!

But just when its head was about to step out of the scope of this room, there was a bang.

The door was slammed shut.

It had no time to brake, and bumped into the closed door. On the solid wooden door.

After being bumped into, Xiu Xiu came back to his senses and saw a young man’s finger pointing in the direction of the door. He immediately figured out who did this.

Xiu Xiu sat on the original He put his hands on his hips and yelled curses.


Two in one, four thousand words

Thank you for your support, thank you

(End of chapter)

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