Chapter 192 The duel competition kicked off.

After Ives left the office, Fontana sat back on the chair, his face becoming calm again.

“You are very satisfied with him.”A voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

Fontana was slightly startled, and then smiled:”He is a good boy.”

“You just said that the wizarding world is like a pool of stagnant water,” the voice continued.

“Even if it is a pool of stagnant water now, no one can guarantee whether there will be new fluctuations in the future.” Fontana looked out the window and said slowly:”The magic world needs to change, and Mr. Evans will be a good opportunity.”

“……”The voice hesitated and asked,”Do you think that prophecy is true?”

“I don’t know,” Fontana shook his head,”It’s too early now, he’s still a child, we shouldn’t let him endure so much”

“So what are you going to do?” asked the voice

“do nothing. Fontana replied, still saying the same thing,”He is still a child and needs to grow up.””

After a moment of silence, the voice suddenly dropped a bombshell,”The Jazz Group has investigated clearly. The Obscurus attack in New York City is related to the Returners. They are eyeing the seal under the Woolworth Building.”

Fontana’s eyes narrowed, and then he showed a relaxed smile and said:”Fortunately, their actions were stopped in time by Mr. Evans. It seems that the prediction is true.”

“No matter what, you can’t place your hopes on illusory prophecies. Albert, the American branch of Sir Merlin will be led by you for the time being. Find out the Returner’s next move as soon as possible.”



Ilvermorny is a lot like Hogwarts in every sense of the word.

The four major colleges, the sorting ceremony before the start of school, similar course schedules…

Although the two schools still have many differences, they are generally too similar. For example, entering the common room requires a password.

The three of them climbed up the steps to the eighth floor of the Horned Water Snake Tower, and stopped in front of a bronze statue of the Horned Water Snake.

“mind.”Elizabeth read the password to the statue.

The gem on the statue’s forehead suddenly lit up, and the outline of the door frame slowly appeared on the wall behind it. A door handle suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

She turned the door handle skillfully, Invite Ives and Hermione to come in.

The common room of the Horned Water Snake House is enveloped in a quiet and elegant atmosphere.

Unlike Hogwarts, the school uniforms of Ilvermorny are uniform in color and do not follow the colors of the house. Different colors have different colors.

The main decoration of the common room of Longhorned Water Snake Academy is mainly bright and warm yellow, and the curtains of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows are embroidered with many different postures of Longhorned Water Snakes.

Various retro decorations are hung on the walls. Among them, the most eye-catching one is a huge oil painting in the center, which shows a majestic and mysterious long-horned water snake. The scales on its body are glowing with colorful lights, its eyes are shining with wisdom, and the gems embedded in its forehead are also the same. Glowing.

There is a passage on each side of the painting, leading to the boys’ and girls’ dormitories respectively.

In the center of the common room is a huge stone stove, with a roaring fire, bringing warmth to the entire room. Next to the stove , there are some bookshelves made of snake wood, and the magic books on the bookshelves are stacked together to form a small library. On both sides of the stove are rows of comfortable sofas, and some exquisite books are placed on the coffee table in front of the sofa. The tea set exudes a faint aroma of tea. There is always a peaceful atmosphere here, which can make people feel at ease and enjoy the comfort brought by this unique place.

“I’m going back to the dormitory to get some notes and books,” Elizabeth said,”Hermione, do you want to come with me?”

“Uh-huh.”Hermione nodded repeatedly. It would be great for her to be able to visit the student dormitory in Ilvermorny.

The two little witches looked apologetically at Ives. Like Hogwarts, Ilvermorny is a female dormitory. The place has been banned and boys are not allowed to enter.

“I’ll wait for you in the lounge,” Ives said with a wave of his hand.

After watching the two people leave, he looked through the books on the bookshelf boredly.

The Academy of the Horned Water Serpent prefers scholars, which is very similar to Ravenclaw’s style. If If it weren’t for the fact that the decoration color in the lounge was not mainly blue, Ives almost thought he was back in the Ravenclaw common room.

The books in the lounge all have the characteristics of Ilvermorny,”Ilvermorny” Moni, a century-old school history》、《Thunderbirds in Arizona》、《History of changes in the Congress Headquarters》、《bigfoot’s final battle》……

They are all books closely related to the American wizarding world.

Of course, perhaps because most American wizards are Irish immigrants, Ives had seen the books related to subjects such as spells and potions placed here in the Hogwarts library.

He picked up a book”History of the Changes of Congress Headquarters” and flipped through it.

It has only been 300 years since the Congress headquarters was established, and it has moved its headquarters location five times in total.

The last relocation was due to the Bigfoot Rebellion in 1892, when Irene Niedander, the leader of the Organization for the Protection of Humanoid Magical Species, abused her power by attacking Bigfoots judged to have misbehaved, leading to a rebellion by the Bigfoots. There was a rebellion.

This rebellion not only almost exposed the existence of magic, but also completely destroyed the White House, the headquarters of Congress in Washington at the time.

This incident resulted in a large number of forgetting spells having to be used afterwards, and the headquarters also spent considerable manpower on repairs. After that, Congress had to go ahead and move its headquarters.

Over the next few years, wizards infiltrate the construction crew of a new building in New York.

Once the Woolworth Building was built, it became a shared building for Muggles and wizards.

《”History of Changes in the Congressional Headquarters” also provides a detailed introduction to the structure of Congressional departments in each period.

When Ives was flipping through it, he discovered that there was a department that had always existed, and even its name had not changed—the

Department of Mysteries. This department was also established in the British Ministry of Magic.

During the five changes of the Congress headquarters, it has firmly occupied its position on the ninth floor underground and has never been moved. Coincidentally, the Department of Mysteries of the British Ministry of Magic is also located on the ninth floor underground.

Ives thought of the lonely stone arch he saw in the center of the circular room. Obviously, the American Department of Mysteries was mainly there to study or guard that arch.

So why did the Purifiers have to place the explosion site of the Obscurus? Questions that he had left behind gradually cam

e to mind.

If the purpose of the Purifiers is to expose magic, then they don’t need to carefully choose the location to blow up. If they choose any place, the power of the Obscurus explosion can destroy most of New York.

They must have their own reasons for choosing the Department of Mysteries. Ives knocked his right hand unconsciously on the coffee table a few times.

Did the purgers want to blow up the arch? A possibility occurred to him.

But as far as he knew, that arch was related to death, and it was most likely a door to the other side.

Ives scratched his head and couldn’t figure out why the Purifier destroyed this arch.

He flipped through the”History of the Changes of Congress Headquarters” again. According to what was written above, the Department of Mysteries has always been located on the ninth floor underground of the headquarters. Does this mean that the four previous headquarters of Congress also had this stone underground? Making an arch.

The previous problem has not been solved, and a new problem has arisen.

Forget it, I don’t want to anymore. Ives put down the book. Let’s leave these problems to the congressional officials and Dumbledore. This is not something he, a little wizard, should worry about.

He picked up another book,”Thunderbirds in Arizona,” and started reading. This book mainly introduced the Thunderbird Sanctuary in Arizona.

Ives watched with gusto.

After more than ten minutes, Elizabeth walked out of the girls’ dormitory carrying a small box and laughing with Hermione.

“What are you reading?”Hermione came over and looked at the book in Ives’ hand curiously.

Ives revealed the cover of the book and gave Hermione a look.

“Thunderbirds…in Arizona,” Hermione squinted her eyes and slowly read out the title of the book. The name reminded her of the two Thunderbirds in Newt’s house.

I don’t know if Carol was pregnant with the baby Thunderbirds. She My thoughts suddenly drifted away

“Let’s go visit Newt tomorrow.”She said suddenly.

This endless conversation made Avis look confused, but he still smiled and said:”Okay.”

“I’m going too, I’m going too.”Elizabeth raised her hands happily on the side, fearing that the two of them would leave her behind.

“Then together.”Hermione looked at Ives’ side face and showed a bright smile.


Elvis and Hermione’s trip to Ilvermorny was quickly over.

Because the school is still���Since school had started, the two of them didn’t have much curiosity other than walking around to see some scenery.

Of course, if school had started now, they would definitely stay for a few classes before going back.

The day before the duel competition was getting closer and closer, and the sequelae left by Avis’ use of [Elementary Mental Mastery] were completely gone. He had never felt that the magic power in his body was so full.

Two days later, he received a large box of things brought to him by Dumbledore.

Because they changed from a short-term trip to a long-term trip, Ivis and Hermione had many things that they didn’t have time to bring with them, so they had to ask the old principal to pick them up for them.

Dumbledore not only brought all the clothes, textbooks and other things they needed, but also brought letters written by their friends.

Because the two did not return to school on time, Cedric, the Weasley twins, and Autumn all wrote letters to express their concern.

There was one thing that was strange. When Hermione was sitting in Elvis’s room reading the letter from Qiu, her face was always red and she refused to tell him the content of the letter.

Harry also wrote a letter, along with Sirius’s greetings. One of the things he complained about in the letter attracted Ivis’s attention.

Harry wrote in the letter:

【Unfortunately, the entrance to platform nine and three-quarters broke down when Sirius and I were trying to enter. After the platform staff inspected it, they told us that it would take a few days to repair it.

I just missed the Hogwarts Express!

Fortunately, Sirius allowed us both to use the fireplace in his room after communicating with the staff. (PS: The Floo Network is really a convenient way to travel. It would be better if you don’t get dirty every time you use it.)

This is my first time to go to Hogsmeade Village. It’s amazing!

Although I missed the Hogwarts Express, I didn’t feel depressed at all. Sirius and I spent the afternoon walking around Hogsmeade. It wasn’t until the train pulled into the station that he sent me to join the main force. 】

Aves stared at his letter and didn’t look away for a long time. The platform malfunctioned… did he follow the original plot after all?

Voldemort’s diary was probably about to start moving. His eyes were solemn. At this time, he happened to be in the United States and couldn’t leave.

The veritaserum that Hermione was responsible for brewing had already been successful. Needless to say, she was really talented in potions.

If Ives’s guess is correct, Voldemort’s diary is in Lockhart’s hands at the moment, and he can go back and resolve the matter directly after he finishes participating in the duel competition.

Now he can only pray secretly that no students will be petrified in the next two weeks.


As the Woolworth Building is gradually repaired, the long-closed American wizarding community begins to accept foreign wizard tourists again.

The contestants of the duel competition also arrived one by one.

The first people Ives met were Viktor Krum from Durmstrang, and Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons, who had had a relationship with him.

Viktor Krum is a tall, slender wizard with a hooked nose and thick dark hair, but he does not look like he is only sixteen or seventeen years old at all, more like He is a middle-aged wizard who has already retired.

Fleur Delacour looked a little taller than she had been half a year ago.

Ives bet that she practiced her English secretly in private.

When the two communicated, they were finally able to chat a few words in English, instead of looking at each other awkwardly like they did at the Merlin Medal award ceremony.

What surprised Avis the most was that the person who came with them was actually the principal of their school.

This means that both of them are disciples of the principal of their school.

The principal of Durmstrang is named Igor Karkarov. He is tall and thin, with short white hair and a goatee with curls at the end on his thin chin.

When he introduced Klum to everyone, his face was filled with a warm smile, and he kept patting the latter’s shoulders, showing his yellow teeth.

When Karkaroff saw that the contestant at Hogwarts was a twelve-year-old wizard, there was a hint of disdain in his eyes.

Even though he knew clearly that the little wizard was Ivis Evans, the famous man who saved New York, he still did not change his opinion.

A little wizard who is only in second grade, can defeat his precious disciple in a duel, the genius Quidditch player who was elected as the seeker of the Bulgarian national Quidditch team in fifth grade, Viktor Krum?

Karkaroff has already begun to fantasize about the moment when Krum wins the youth championship of this duel competition.



(End of this chapter)

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