Chapter 208 Clues to the Secret Chamber

As a text used by ancient wizards, ancient runes have a wide range of uses. For example, the combination of runes can form countless different magic effects. Therefore, when making alchemy props, it is inevitable to Earth will use ancient runes.

At the same time, this kind of writing is also used when translating ancient documents and using some powerful ancient magic.

Therefore, Hogwarts has always offered courses in ancient runes.

However, studying ancient runes really requires talent. For hundreds of years, the wizarding world still has not completed the analysis of all ancient runes.

At the same time, because of the particularity of ancient runes—just like many English words, one ancient rune character can represent many meanings—scholars can often translate the same sentence written in ancient runes. Many different meanings.

A typical example that Ives knows is that there is a rune that represents fire, but depending on the word order, it can be translated into completely different meanings such as warmth, emitting flames, etc. At the same time, while this rune represents fire, it also symbolizes holiness and strength.

As Professor Dumbledore just said to Ives, Nico’s new interpretation of the sentence describing Slytherin’s appearance is very common in the wizarding world.

With the in-depth study of ancient runes, it is indeed possible that the ancient runes whose meanings are already known will have a new explanation.

“”Based on Nico’s attainments in alchemy and ancient runes,” Dumbledore adjusted his glasses and said,”I think his explanation is the right one, not to mention that this translation is more in line with what you are doing.” Slytherin himself seen in the vision”

“If you say so……”Ives pondered.

He put his two arms on the table, crossed his hands, and supported his head. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly had an idea:”The secret room with the basilisk is probably not the secret room left by Slytherin, but It was built by his descendants based on the words he wrote in his notes.”

Dumbledore smiled happily. He was very happy that Ives could think of this level,”Yes, it was just a construction. His people had no idea that the translation given by scholars at the time was incorrect.”

“What about the real secret room? asked Ives

“……I don’t know,” Dumbledore’s voice faltered,”but I have some guesses.”

As he spoke, he took out another thick book.

This was a book about the internal structure of Hogwarts. He opened one of the pages and said:”Before the eighteenth century, the interior of Hogwarts Castle was actually There aren’t that many restrooms.”

Two different castle structures are drawn on this page for comparison. Ives can clearly see that on the structural diagram on the left marked”Hogwarts Castle (Old)”, the second floor is The abandoned girls’ bathroom where Myrtle was staying didn’t really exist

“It was not until the 18th century that someone proposed to install a complex plumbing system in Hogwarts Castle. The person in charge of this project at that time was Corvinus Gaunt, a descendant of Slytherin and the Gaunt family. However, judging from the length of the basilisk, it is obvious that Corvinus Gaunt was not the builder of the secret room where the basilisk was located.”

Basilisks live very long.

While they live long, they grow extremely slowly.

Newly born basilisks can grow to about ten feet in a short time, but after that, they can grow to around ten feet every almost two hundred years. About ten feet longer.

Judging from the length of the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, which is more than forty feet long, it is about six or seven hundred years old. This is why Dumbledore judged that the Chamber of Secrets was not one left by Slytherin. important reason

“I think the person who built that secret room spontaneously built the secret room after hearing the legend that Slytherin left a secret room in the castle, but failed to find it. He also left a basilisk in it for convenience. Later members of the Gaunt family were able to control this dangerous monster using Parseltongue.”

“The builder likely left relevant records in the Gaunt family. Therefore, Corvinus Gaunt, who was responsible for building the Hogwarts pipeline system, could clearly know where the entrance to the secret room was and how to open it correctly. it.”Dumbledore pondered,”While he was building the pipeline for Hogwarts, he also reset the entrance to the secret room, and that’s how the secret room looks like today.”

I always feel that the principal has been talking for a long time without getting to the point. Where is the real secret room… Ives thought a little anxiously.

Dumbledore obviously understood his mood, but he also had his own difficulties, he reminded Said:”Avis, do you remember what Slytherin said to you at the end?”

“……The real secret room he left behind,” Ives recalled slowly,”Only I can open it.……”

“That’s right.”Dumbledore nodded,”Therefore, I can only do some auxiliary work for you. The only one who can really find the secret room… is you.”


After the night talk with Dumbledore, Ives’ life became even busier.

First, he was trying to learn the advanced magic called Huosheng Samadhi that Lu Yuan left for him.

There is a big difference between the magic system in the East and the magic system in the West. With his talent, he was still disappointed when he came into contact with this brand-new magic system.

Secondly, he had to search every corner of the castle to find where the real secret room left by Slytherin was.

At the same time, he had to learn Parseltongue from Harry, because Slytherin told him that the key to opening the Chamber of Secrets was Parseltongue.

In this busyness, February passed quickly, and spring also ushered in the peninsula of England.

The warming temperature caused countless green grasses to sprout from the soil in the courtyard. In this pleasant weather, Ives declined the proposal to go for a walk with Hermione and the others by the black lake, and walked toward the cold castle’s walls alone. Go underground.

With Dumbledore’s permission, he decided to go to the Slytherin common room to look for some clues.

Slytherin’s common room is located behind a stone wall in the castle dungeon. Today is Saturday, and with the comfortable temperature, most of the little snakes will not choose to stay in the common room. They will either run wild outside the castle, or Just do my homework quietly in the library.

Outside the common room, Snape stood there with a gloomy face. After seeing Ivis approaching, he said coldly:”Today’s password is: blood is thicker than blood.””

“I understand, professor.”Avis replied.

Snape couldn’t help but remind you:”I advise you not to cause trouble in the lounge of our college. If you are discovered by me,……”

Avis nodded to show that he understood, then pointed at the stone wall behind him and read out the command he just heard.

With a bang, a stone door appeared on the wall, and he quickly walked in.

The Slyther

in common room is a long, narrow dungeon with a round, glowing green lamp hanging from the ceiling on a chain.

Part of the room extended outwards to the bottom of the lake. Under the protection of magic, Slytherin students could directly see the interior of the Black Lake, but this also gave the entire room an eerie green tone.

The walls and ceiling of the lounge were made of rough stone, and a fire burned under an exquisitely carved mantel.

The flames were strong, but the rest room still looked dark and cold.

No wonder there was no one in the lounge, Avis muttered.

The comfortable weather outside the castle was in sharp contrast to the cold Slytherin common room. No wonder he didn’t see anyone in the common room after he entered.

Will you get rheumatism if you live in this damn place for a long time? He wondered, in comparison, the disadvantage of the Ravenclaw common room being too high was not a disadvantage at all.

While no one was around, Ives quickly rummaged through the common room.

Bookshelves, sofas, fireplaces… he searched all over for places where there might be traps. He even waved his wand to reveal himself while searching, which was very similar to his previous life playing”Hogwarts Legacy”. 》.

After searching for a long time, he couldn’t find any clues. Finally, he stopped in front of a portrait. This is a stained window with the Slytherin symbol printed on it. In the center of the dark green satin is a silver snake with its head raised.

“The original shape appears immediately.”

Avis waved his wand again, but nothing happened. He turned around and left in disappointment. Could it be that the Chamber of Secrets is not in the Slytherin common room?

When he was about to leave, a subtle hissing sound appeared. in his ear


It’s Parseltongue!

Ives’s eyes narrowed. He stopped and tried hard to distinguish the meaning of these sentences, but he still could only understand a few scattered words. Although he had learned Parseltongue from Harry for a period of time, he had no contact with Harry. The time is too short and I can only understand a few words.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, as long as you know the direction. After making up his mind, Ives listened carefully to identify the direction from which the sound came.

However, this voice kept surrounding his ears, as if coming from all directions, everywhere.

After many attempts, Ives gave up, but he was not depressed. At least he knew now that there were clues in the Slytherin common room.

He thought again of Harry and Dumbledore, who could understand Parseltongue. It didn’t matter if he didn’t understand Parseltongue, as long as someone could understand it.

After leaving the common room, Ives first climbed a long flight of stairs to the principal’s office on the eighth floor of the castle, but it turned out that the principal was not in the office.

So he headed to the Gryffindor common room.

After paying two signatures and learning from Parvati and Lavender that Harry and Ron were at the Black Lake, he hurried downstairs and ran out of the castle.

Unexpectedly, he would end up at the Black Lake, and Avis lamented that fate was a twist of fate.

He clearly rejected Hermione’s proposal to go for a walk by the Black Lake, but ended up going in circles to find someone at the Black Lake.

Walking on the path outside the castle, Ives really felt that spring had arrived.

The thick layer of ice originally on the surface of the black lake gradually melted as the temperature increased, and the snow on the pine trees on both sides also disappeared, revealing the tender green pine branches sprouting new buds.

Elvis could see many young wizards walking in groups by the Black Lake. He took a few steps along the Black Lake and saw Hermione and the others who were supposed to be here for a walk.

Why is it supposed to be a walk here?

Because now each of them actually had a fishing rod, sitting on the shore of the black lake and catching fish.

When Fred turned to chat with George, he sharply saw Ives approaching. He waved his hand,”Ives!”

George put down the fishing rod dissatisfied and muttered:”Fred, you are moving too much.” Yes, all my fish were scared away by you!”

“forget it. Fred pushed him and showed his bucket to everyone,”It’s been so long and your bucket is still empty. Where did the fish come from?””

“If you hadn’t made such a loud noise, I would have definitely hit the target.”George said angrily.

Ignoring the two people playing tricks, Ives sat down next to Hermione.

“Why do you want to come fishing?”He waved his hand, rejecting Hermione’s move to hand him the fishing rod.

“George suggested it,” she explained.”The two of them were betting on who could catch more fish, and the one with more fish would be his brother.”

After listening to her explanation, Ives was a little speechless. The two brothers were really stubborn about who should be the brother.

While the two were chatting, Hermione’s position where she threw the rod suddenly rippled, and the fish in her hand The pole shook, and a heavy feeling came from

“Hooked!”Hermione shouted in surprise. This sound made everyone look at her.

She held the fishing rod tightly and dragged it back hard. The fish that bit the hook struggled hard, and Avis had to hurry up.���Hold her arms and help pull her back.

The fish was dragged to the surface. It was a big black carp, weighing about five kilograms.

“That’s amazing.” Ives smacked his lips and put the struggling carp into Hermione’s bucket.

Neville, who was sitting not far away, scratched his hair and asked Hermione:”Hermione, how did you do it? Caught? I feel like there is nothing wrong with my method. Is it a problem with the fishing rod?”

Hermione choked on his question because she didn’t know how she caught it.

After a long time, she answered based on the knowledge she read in the book:”Neville, you have to remember , when throwing the rod, you must lift the fishing rod above your head, and be sure to lift it and place it directly above the center of your head.……”

She spoke eloquently, and George, Fred, Cedric, Qiu and Hannah, who were also unable to catch fish, gathered around her and learned from her together.

Elvis laughed, shook his head, stood up and continued to look for Harry.

Finally, he found him under the shade of a tree by the black lake.

When Avis found him, he was staying with Draco and Ron, telling some fresh French jokes published in the Daily Prophet.

After explaining his purpose, Harry said goodbye to Draco and Ron, who looked reluctant to leave, and followed Ivis to the Slytherin common room.

“Harry, did you hear anything? Ives asked, an indistinct hiss ringing in his ears.

To his disappointment, Harry shook his head in denial:”No.””

It seems that only I can hear those sounds, Ives thought with squinted eyes.


Thanks to the book friend Born to Be Different for the reward, thank you!(・ω・)ノ

Thank you readers for your support. I would like to express my gratitude to Orz.

(End of this chapter)

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