Chapter 218 Shopping in Egypt

In desperation, Harry had to give up the idea of buying a flying carpet.

However, he was just curious about flying carpets, an alternative flying prop that was different from broomsticks, and he didn’t have to buy it.

However, Sirius didn’t think so.

He quietly landed at the end of the line and quickly made a deal with the vendor while no one was paying attention.

After getting the small deformed lizard skin bag containing the flying carpet, he ran all the way and secretly stuffed the bag into Harry’s hand.

“……This is?”Harry weighed the suddenly extra small bag in his hand in confusion, wondering what his godfather was up to.

Sirius leaned into his ear and whispered:”Flying carpet.”

Harry was surprised. Didn’t Mr. Weasley say that flying carpets are prohibited trade items?

“It’s okay,” Sirius said in a nonchalant tone,”As long as no one notices when you use it.”

As a former illegal Animagus, Sirius really doesn’t care much about the ban issued by the Ministry of Magic – as long as it’s not discovered, it means nothing was done!

Harry then thought about it, anyway, he only used it when playing here. Just throw away the flying carpet before going back. So he accepted the gift with joy.

Seeing his smiling face again, Sirius also felt very happy.

He spent ten years alone in Azkaban, The only good friend left at the time was Lupine. It can be said that Lupine and Harry were his only two remaining relatives. Of course, maybe Ives and Hermione, who had helped him many times, could also be counted.

Sirius is now I just want to hold the remaining happiness firmly in my hands.

A group of people wandered on this street.

As the largest gathering place for wizards in Egypt, the flow of people here is very large, and the bustling level is no less than that of Diagon Alley. As night falls, the streets The lights are on, making this exotic town look like a dreamlike world. From strange magic props to precious magic herbs, from various exotic delicacies to colorful magic costumes, this street has everything.

Most of the wizards who come here are tourists, so they can also see a lot of things that Ives and the others are familiar with.

Especially in the magic joke shop here, they are all sold in Zuko’s joke toy store. All of them are familiar to British little wizards, such as dung eggs, laborious fireworks, frog egg soap, and nose-biting teacups…

This made George and Fred want to find some inspiration for the development of the next prank prop. feel disappointed

“Don’t foreign little wizards like joke products? George asked his brother in confusion.

Fred was also puzzled,”Who doesn’t like pranks?” Mrs. Weasley suddenly interrupted:”

I really hope you two can calm down and focus on studying.” If you were half as serious as Percy, you wouldn’t get only one on your final exam.‘O’!”

“ok mom”

“Got it, mom.”The twins immediately stood up straight and replied”obediently”.

Seeing their good attitude, Mrs. Weasley nodded with satisfaction.

And Percy, who she said was very fond of studying, was currently stopping at a jewelry store. In front of the stall.

He squatted down and picked through the earrings on the stall. He kept mumbling:”I remember, Penello had her ears pierced some time ago.……”

After five or six minutes, he finally made his choice.

It was a pair of simple yet elegant earrings, with a light and elegant feather-shaped ornament hanging from the lower end, which seemed to be made of sterling silver. The workmanship is very good, the lines are smooth and natural, and the carving is meticulous.

“Boss, how much is it?”He asked.

The owner of the stall was a local wizard wearing a white turban. He grinned, stretched out his black palm and gestured:”Twenty gold galleons.”

“Twenty gold galleons!”Percy shouted in disbelief. How could a piece of jewelry that looked like silver be sold for twenty galleons?

What’s more…

He touched his shriveled wallet. He had saved all his pocket money for so long and it was just… It’s only a dozen Galleons.

The merchant kept pointing at the earring in his hand,”Twenty Galleons is not expensive at all. Let me tell you, I found this in an ancient ruins in the desert….Most of the people who went with me were lost on the road.……”

When he spoke, a few words of Arabic would pop up from time to time, which caused Percy to not hear it clearly, but he actually heard the word ruins.

Percy’s hand held the earring harder. He gritted his teeth and said,”Wait for me.”

After saying that, he put the earring back in its place and got up to look for George and Fred.

When he found the two of them, they were getting together with several people from the Mysterious Shop, shopping for them in a store called Hals’ Strange Magical Items.

When Percy approached, Cedric picked up an alchemy ring and asked the others,”Hey, what do you think of this ring?”

“What’s the effect? Qiu asked instead.

Cedric read the instructions posted on the shelf:”The ring of laughter, after injecting magic power, will shoot out a magic that can make people grin.””

“Forehead……”Neville always felt that this effect was very familiar.

“It’s just a rune with a grin on its face engraved on the ring.”Aves took the ring and looked through it, and figured out the principle of this gadget.

“I’m thinking……”

After a while, Cedric waited for him to organize his words before he said:”We can definitely imitate this ring to make some alchemy props. For example, we can make a ring engraved with a waterproof and moisture-proof charm or a warm-up charm. Think about it. , that will definitely sell well in Hogwarts.”

This idea seems to have great potential…

Avis rubbed his chin and thought about the possibility.

While the two of them were talking, others were not idle either.

Qiu took Neville and Hannah to look for some props that could help them take better care of magic plants. Hermione followed and reminded in a low voice:”You should be careful, some magic items may contain curses or black magic.””

“Oh, okay, we’ll pay attention.”

As for the twins, they have been pulled outside the store by Percy.

“George, Fred,” Percy said hesitantly,”can you lend me some money?”

George and Fred looked at each other in surprise, and then put on smiling expressions.

“what are you up to?”Fred asked curiously

“No, nothing.”Percy’s eyes evaded and did not respond directly to the question.

George immediately leaned out and looked towards the Weasleys. He shouted:”Mom, Percy……”

Before he could finish his words, Percy covered his mouth forcefully.

“What’s wrong? asked Mrs. Weasley

“No, it’s nothing.” Percy looked threateningly at Fred and replied for the twins,”We were just playing around.”

A joke? Mrs. Weasley was confused. In her impression, Percy was not a joking character.

But when she saw Percy holding George”intimately”, she didn’t c

are about it.

The relationship between their brothers is so good. Mrs. Weasley turned around and continued to choose souvenirs with Mr. Weasley.

Seeing that the Weasleys did not continue to pay attention to them, Percy let go of his hands and whispered:” I said it’s not okay yet. I, I want to buy a pair of earrings for……”

George and Fred’s eyes gradually became excited

“……To Penello.”Percy gritted his teeth and finally revealed the name of his sweetheart.

Hearing this name, George and Fred were bored.

“Um?”Looking at their reactions, it was not difficult for Percy to guess what was going on. He asked,”You already knew this?”

“Of course,” Fred nodded and said casually:”Last summer, we……”

After finishing speaking, he was shocked to realize what he had said, and quickly shook his head in denial:”No, it’s nothing.”

However, how could Percy not know what the two of them had done? With his understanding of the twins, these two mischievous people Either a ghost had sneaked into his room, or it was an owl that had stopped him from sending a letter.

Under their horrified gazes, Percy stretched out his hands, strangled Fred’s neck fiercely, and asked through gritted teeth:”What happened last summer?”

“We sneaked into your room and read your letter.”George replied hurriedly. He was afraid that Percy would destroy his family in a righteous way.

“so……”Percy let go of his hand and murmured with dull eyes:”You knew this last year.……”

He always thought that he hid it well and did not reveal that he was pursuing Penello.

Now, it’s all over. Percy thought absentmindedly that the whole world would know that he had made no progress in pursuing the girl for a whole year.

“Don’t be sad. George and Fred each put their arms around one of his shoulders and comforted him:”Perhaps, Penello received the earrings you bought and agreed as soon as she was happy.” Percy was still muttering:”

Everyone knows……”

Seeing this, George and Fred looked at each other and brought out their trump card.

“We will pay half of the price of the earrings you want to buy!”George said proactively.

Fred nodded affirmatively, and then said:”No need to pay it back!”

“real?”Percy finally recovered from his dazed state, and he confirmed again and again:”You really don’t have to pay it back?”

“real.”The twins affirmed again.

After taking ten galleons from them, Percy happily returned to the stall where he had just sold earrings, leaving only George and Fred who were completely weak.

“George, if ten galleons are exchanged for us not being spanked by our mother, we should have made a profit, right?” George asked


In the remaining time, everyone bought a lot of things and enjoyed this rare leisure time.

Neville and Hannah bought many plant seeds unique to Egypt. They exchanged the characteristics of these plants and expressed great joy.

Draco bought an alchemical dagger that was said to have been held by the Pharaoh. He hung the dagger on his waist with satisfaction, as if he was a warrior about to set out to beg for the dragon.

Hermione and Ivis were reading a book The book about Egyptian magic aroused a strong interest. The two squatted in front of the bookstall, flipping through it carefully, and exchanged a few words from time to time.

Cedric held a string of magic crystal bracelets that would glow when injected with magic, and smiled. Qiu put it on, and Qiu was so happy that a faint blush appeared on her face.

Fortunately, Harry didn’t see this scene, otherwise there would probably be one more heartbroken person today.

Sirius was always by Harry’s side, sitting in front of the Black family With all his assets, he shared some interesting stories from his youth with Harry while buying everything Harry liked.

Ron, who spent all his savings on the Hogwarts Express, also bought something ——It was Harry who paid for it. In order to take care of his self-esteem, Harry said this:”Just think of it as my birthday gift to you.”

Hearing what he said, Ron accepted it with confidence.

He bought a pointed wizard hat that was said to be magical. The vendor who sold it claimed that it could improve his wisdom.

After Harry paid the money, Hermione couldn’t help but Disguised to Ives:”I don’t think anything can improve someone else’s intelligence. However, Ron would actually believe this kind of talk……”, it seems that he really needs something to supplement his brain.

Hermione, whose emotional intelligence was getting higher and higher, did not say the second half of the sentence.

Ginny, the youngest child of the Weasley family, was always taken by the Weasleys for fear that she would get lost.

But she was also happy with it.

The Weasleys had been holding their eldest son Bill to reminisce about old times. They followed Sirius, and Ginny could secretly take a look at Harry.

After being tired from shopping, they returned to the lobby on the fourth floor of the hotel to rest.

Taking this opportunity, Bill would like to introduce to you tomorrow’s itinerary

“Among the Egyptian pyramids, only the three pyramids in Giza are currently open to the public as tourist attractions. What we are going to visit tomorrow is the inner tomb chamber of the Khafre Pyramid.”

Hermione immediately raised her hand and asked,”I saw in the Muggle travel brochure that not only the Pyramid of Khufu is allowed to visit inside, isn’t it? Bill smiled and said:”That’s for Muggles. You should know that my job here is to be the Curse Breaker of Gringotts, right?””

“Gringotts has been working with Egypt’s Ministry of Magic to conduct protective excavations of the pyramids. Because there is a lot of magic and curses in the pyramid, the existence of our curse breakers is needed at this time.”

“The Pyramid of Khufu is the earliest of the three pyramids to begin archaeological excavations. The magic and curses in it have been confirmed to be removed, so it can be opened to Muggles, while the pyramids of Khafre and Menkaura are different.”Bill continued:”Although we have removed all protective magic from the entrance to the main tomb chamber, there is still a lot of magic and curses inside the pyramid. But this is not a big trouble for wizards with wands, so the interior of these two pyramids is open to traveling wizards.”

“You may have also discovered that the Egyptian Ministry of Magic does not have strict control over wands.”

Avis nodded slightly. Indeed, they do not need to apply for a wand permit after entering the country.

“Although everyone is allowed to use magic, it does not mean that the pyramid is safe.” Bill put on a serious expression and looked at the little wizards sitting in a circle.”After entering the pyramid, I hope you can Follow closely behind us adults”

“Uh-huh.”The little wizards nodded one after another.


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