I am a Celestial Master at full level, you want me to join the Rules and Ghost Story?

Chapter 109 As long as they are human beings, everyone is reasonable, right? (Please subscribe, plea

Miller, who was eating lunch from the Eagle Sauce Country expert team, saw this scene and spat out his rice.

He never expected that Guaitan World would still do this?

There is actually someone who can gain face in the world of ghost stories?

Now the only ones who want to go upstairs during this period are these two female tourists.

The other chosen ones are either hard at fishing, catching fish, or helping other tourists find rings lost on the deck.

It can be said that I am extremely busy.

Cardinal El Greco was able to go up purely based on his ability.

But Zhang Yangqing can go up, which makes people feel a bit incredible.

One detail Miller observed was that the two female tourists made their judgments after sizing up the Chosen One.

Although Miller didn't want to admit it, he had come to a terrifying conclusion.

In other words, the good looks of the chosen one from the Dragon Kingdom can actually work in the world of ghost stories.

Because women, most of them are good-looking.

As long as you are good-looking enough, it will indeed be a huge convenience to a certain extent.

Audiences around the world have a certain consensus on being handsome.

At first, everyone just thought Zhang Yangqing was too strong and ignored his appearance.

But at this level, Zhang Yangqing actually used his looks to pass?

He didn't do anything!

Not to mention the audiences around the world were shocked, even the audience in the Dragon Kingdom had their eyes widened.

: There was an agreed duel between masters, but Zhang Tianshi just went up to it?

: This is not a duel. Zhang Tianshi’s looks can crush that cardinal!

: I really didn’t expect that even the women in the strange world would be obsessed with good looks.

: If this is the case, I think I can play in the next game. After all, my appearance and Zhang Tianshi’s appearance combined are enough to shake the Dragon Kingdom.

: Actually, is there a possibility that I would be more shaken without you!

Not only the audience, but also the expert groups from various countries were surprised.

Because now many expert groups are staring at the screens of the chosen ones of the Dragon Kingdom.

I just hope to record some valuable information from him.

Because only Zhang Yangqing has been able to clear the level relatively completely.

It can be recorded in the late night wax museum: it can be resurrected within two minutes after death.

It can be recorded in the horror tour group: those who appear to be immortal can actually be killed by using rules.

It can be recorded in the weird rental house: the identity of the chosen one can be changed under certain conditions.

Is it necessary to record on this Marie cruise that good looks have a certain lethality to the opposite sex?

If you want to say that this is not a skill, then it seems like it is.

You have to say yes, it doesn’t feel like there’s much technical content.

After all, good looks are something that some people are born with.

If you don't have it, you won't be able to have it later.

In the world of ghost stories, the cardinal felt that his performance was very good, and he wondered if the Pope would praise him after seeing it.

He had not underestimated the extraordinary beings of Dragon Kingdom, but he felt that no one could compare to him in terms of fishing.

Once El Greco had to deal with a giant water monster, and he studied for a long time.

The perception of ripples when fish swim, as well as the resistance of water, can be said to be at your fingertips.

This competition is his specialty. After all, this strange story only has four stars. He came in and didn't even think about whether he could pass the level. He only thought about how to compete with the Dragon Kingdom's Chosen One.

What he probably didn't expect was that the person he wanted to compare to didn't fish at all.

But Greco didn't know that he was inexplicably defeated by Zhang Yangqing at a very strange point.

Even the Pope had to admit that in this scene, there really was no appearance that could compete with the Dragon Kingdom's extraordinary ones, not even one-tenth of the Dragon Kingdom's Chosen Ones.

But the real strong man doesn’t look at this.

The Pope believed that El Greco could defeat the extraordinary beings of the Dragon Kingdom in the subsequent competition.

In the world of ghost stories, there are no mobile phones here, so everyone can only judge the time by feeling and the clock on the ship.

Many chosen ones also came to the second level, where there was a very key location.

That's the movie screening room.

When Edson, the chosen one of football country, came here sweating profusely from exhaustion, he saw a few rules written on the cinema.

Movie viewing announcement:

[Rule 1: This theater will bring you an immersive movie-watching experience, please watch carefully! 】

[Rule 2: Be sure to keep quiet during the movie and don’t make any noise at any time! 】

[Rule 3: If a staff member offers you popcorn, please do not refuse and eat it in front of him, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences! 】

[Rule 4: After entering this theater, you must watch for two hours in total before leaving! 】

After reading the rules, Edson felt that there were a lot of pitfalls in this strange talk.

Originally, he was cleaning the deck and basking in the sun at noon.

Then I worked hard for a while, and I was so tired that I finally got a short rest.

Now, before he even entered the cinema, he felt a blast of cold air coming from the air conditioner.

Let him have the feeling of hurrying in, sitting down, and having a good rest.

But the more he thought about it, the more dangerous it was inside.

When the movie is showing, the theater must be dark.

It is full of all kinds of weirdness, and he has seen two rules for the arrival of weirdness.

Rules 2 and 3 of the cinema, if the chosen one is not satisfied, they will definitely be strangled in a weird way.

Rule 2 simply states that ‘you will die if you make a sound’, which anyone who is not too stupid can see.

As for rule 1, Edson doesn’t know what it means yet, but he still writes it down.

Rule 4 is easy to understand, as long as you don’t come out within two hours of entering.

It can be said that these two hours were torture for the chosen ones.

If the chosen ones are allowed to choose, they really don't want to enter this dragon's pit and tiger's den.

However, if you don't go in, it's no different than waiting to die.

So Ederson gritted his teeth and went in, really gritted his teeth.

It felt like I wanted to sew my mouth shut.

There are ten rows in the cinema, and each row has twenty seats.

There is no need to buy a ticket here, just go in and sit down somewhere where there is no one around.

Because Rules 1 and 4 both say that you must watch a movie. It is definitely not possible to spend time with your eyes closed. How to choose the location is also very important.

The front position allows you to see the big screen clearly.

The back position is better to observe the people at the scene.

There are two hundred seats here, forty or fifty are already seated.

It didn't look very crowded.

Most of the chosen ones choose to sit not next to other people, which feels safer.

Ederson sat farther outside in the fourth row because he felt it was dangerous to go inside.

Some of the chosen ones think that if they are inside, they won’t encounter staff delivering popcorn?

So I chose to sit inside and watch the movie.

Anyway, everyone has their own ideas, and everyone chooses different positions.

Some of the more careful Chosen Ones plan to go out and give it a try after entering.

But no matter what they did, the door seemed to have an invisible wall, preventing them from getting out.

As the rules say, you can’t go out after watching for two hours.

Edson's movements were very gentle, because the rule "Don't make sounds" does not necessarily mean that the mouth and nose make sounds.

Falling down, hitting a wall, and farting can even count.

After the chosen ones found their seats, they started watching the movie screen.

I don’t know what’s going on at the beginning of the movie, but for now,

It tells the story of a certain planet that is no longer suitable for human survival due to severe damage to the ecological environment.

Facing a desperate situation, human beings will start a plan to drift in the universe and find a new home.

Many spaceships have sailed out of this planet carrying the hope of mankind.

But a few years later, when their descendants returned to this planet once inhabited by humans, they found that there were still people here.

But the people here seem to be different from the people before. In order to find the reason, the male and female protagonists embark on a journey of exploration.

Because the new home they found seemed to be almost destroyed.

If you want to survive, you must find a new place to live or occupy.

The story and plot are both good, especially the part about wandering in space, which has many chosen ones immersed in it.

It feels like you are in a spaceship, exploring freely in space.

But the more this happens, the faster the danger comes.


The Chosen One of Sakura Kingdom was the first to make a sound.

Because his foot seemed to be bitten by something unexpected.

Even though he had been very careful not to focus on watching the movie and was thinking about the surrounding situation from time to time, he subconsciously shouted out in pain.

In an instant, dozens of pairs of red eyes appeared in front of him.

Not long after, the screen of Sakura Kingdom's Chosen One went black, and he was bitten to death in the cinema.

In this way, he became the first chosen one to be eliminated.

The Kaitan World also began to randomly descend on a city in Sakura Country.

If it weren't for Abe Hirohei's desperate effort to clear the level in the last game, ending his nine-game losing streak.

This time, Kaitan will probably cover Sakura Country completely.

This is the first time they have lost, and they can afford to lose.

However, few people can remember Hirohei Abe.

They were all scolding the Chosen One for his outrageous death and yelling about nothing else.

If this chosen one had not died, he would definitely say: How about you dare to feel the feeling of having your feet bitten off?

Seeing that the chosen one from Sakura Country was the first to be eliminated, the audience who was most moved was actually the audience from Ramen Country.

The audience of Ramen Country was finally about to cry. Their country's Chosen One had died in three consecutive games, and two consecutive deaths. Seeing that their powerful Chosen One was still there, they felt that they finally no longer needed to be embarrassed.

With a precedent set, various accidents began to occur in the world of ghost stories.

It seems that the chosen ones have been attacked in various ways.

Some fierce monsters appeared directly in front of the chosen ones, causing them to turn pale and flee in panic.

It was also because of this that they made a sound and were strangled by Menggui.

In a movie theater, the space is not big, but there are a lot of things to watch.

Ordinary chosen ones simply cannot resist.

The spectators outside could even notice that Menggui seemed to be deliberately trying to scare the chosen ones into making noises.

Of course, there was one person who died so outrageously that the entire country wanted to say they didn’t know him.

The Chosen One of the Ribbon Kingdom sits closer to the air conditioner.

It was hot outside just now, and now the air conditioner is cold. He didn't pay attention, and coughed because his throat was allergic, and then he found that all his eyes were red.

Everyone in this damn Ribbon Country wants to pull him out and beat him up.

They had been looking at the copy of the ghost story for so long, and this one died more casually.

As the length of the film increases, the deaths of the chosen ones occur one after another.

The attackers have an increasingly outrageous feeling that they will jump in front of the Chosen One, and even prepare to slap the Chosen One in the face to scare the Chosen One.

It seems that at this level, the chosen ones will definitely be attacked.

When attacked, the Chosen One will instinctively hide away. This is normal.

After you dodge, it will make a sound. When you make a sound, you will be attacked by all the fierce monsters.

Does it feel like this is a fatal situation?

Ederson, the chosen one of football country, almost ran out of his seat when faced with a fierce attack.

But at this moment, he suddenly understood Rule 1. The so-called Rule 1 is the rule of survival.

This theater will bring you an immersive movie-watching experience, please watch carefully!

It is important to watch this carefully.

As long as you watch the movie carefully and immersedly, there will be no monsters coming to attack you.

Only those who are not focused will be attacked by fierce enemies.

When Edson saw this fierce monster in front of him, he was still watching the movie while facing the attack.

This seems to trigger the rule of Menggui [cannot attack people watching movies].

So this fierce monster retreated.

As long as you take this into consideration, you can't be distracted. The difficulty of this level lies in rule 3. When the staff brings popcorn, he must eat it without making a sound.

In the first problem of this first level, 38 chosen ones died suddenly.

Because this environment is between tension and relaxation, and it comes so suddenly.

Sometimes it's like this, you're not afraid of being strong and cunning, but you're afraid that being cunning and cunning can scare people.

Those who can remain calm after being frightened will have no big problem passing this level.

There is a rather special detail here.

Because the two tall and beautiful female tourists are also here to watch movies. If the Chosen One helps one of them get fresh fish to eat and finds her to sit near her, she will help solve some troubles when necessary.

For example, those weird things that are going to scare the chosen ones will be blocked by her.

For difficult tasks, you will receive more help later on.

Ederson, the chosen one of football country, is in a semi-immersed experience. He also has to pay attention to whether there are staff bringing him popcorn at all times.

If he refuses without paying attention, something strange might happen.

When the film market arrived for an hour and a half, the staff arrived as scheduled and handed Edson a bucket of popcorn.

Edson took it carefully, and then he saw the staff member staring at him.

It seemed that if he didn't eat or made any noise while eating, the staff would strangle him on the spot.

Edson swallowed, and while watching the movie, he used his peripheral vision to find a popcorn that looked softer.

Then he gently put it into his mouth, and every movement seemed to have been done several times in his mind.

The movement is very slow and very careful. As long as it is scattered on the ground, it may still make a sound.

At this level, the experience of eating popcorn comes.

If you bite it directly, it is likely to make a sound. At this time, you need saliva to melt the crispy shell of the popcorn.

Then chew it slowly in your mouth.

This guy chewed a piece of popcorn for half an hour without swallowing it.

After all, he has become more and more familiar with the rules.

The rules require the chosen one to eat in front of the staff, but the rules do not say that they must finish the meal.

If I eat one, isn’t that what I’m eating?

And I’m chewing, you can’t say I didn’t eat, right?

Seeing the speechless look on the staff's face, Edson was very proud.

It turns out that this is how the world of rules works, and you can't break the rules.

This is called growth.

Only by truly entering the world of strange rules can you personally experience the [danger] and [safety] brought by those rules.

As long as you master the rules of absolute safety, even if Satan comes, you won't be able to deal with him!

After the two hours were over, Edson slowly walked out of the cinema, safely getting through this difficulty.

In this round, everyone focuses on two people.

That's right, it was the battle between Cardinal El Greco and Heavenly Master Zhang Yangqing.

El Greco performed well in this level. He came in and read scriptures directly.

It can be said that more than fifty fierce monsters in the cinema were directly suppressed, so that they could not interfere with him.

When El Greco recited scriptures, these monsters could not move at all, as if they were nailed in place.

Greco could say that it was easy to suppress for two full hours without much effort at all.

It gives people a strong sense of oppression, which the audience can feel through the screen.

But when it comes to outrageous things, Heavenly Master Zhang Yangqing is even more outrageous.

Everyone knows that Zhang Yangqing is a person who doesn't like to put in a lot of effort.

He felt that it was unnecessary to let him suppress these violent tricks for an hour.

After all, weirdos are sometimes human beings. As long as they are human beings, everyone is reasonable, right?

As the saying goes, treat people with soft hands and eat people with soft mouths.

Zhang Yangqing planned to give them some benefits so that they would not attack him.

Then, Zhang Yangqing invited everyone present to eat their favorite big pussy.

There's nothing he can't solve with a slap.

have? Do you believe it if I hit your head crookedly?

If you turn on the lights now, you can see more than fifty monsters in the cinema, and more than thirty of them have red slap marks on their faces.

I, Zhang Yangqing, have entered the cinema and I am the rule!

Not to mention these fierce monsters attacking him, if anyone dares to move and take a breath, he will be a big mouth.

Regardless of gender, age or child, Zhang Yangqing treats everyone equally.

Sometimes Zhang Yangqing got so addicted to slapping that he accidentally slapped the unmoving Menggui in the face.

Seeing that Menggui who was accidentally slapped was not convinced, Zhang Yangqing was also a reasonable person, and he would be convinced by another big mouth.

He must be convinced. Zhang Yangqing came here to convince people with his virtue.

If you are not convinced, Zhang Yangqing can continue, I guarantee your satisfaction!

After taking a round, basically the movie theater is much more honest.

Compared to El Greco who kept chanting sutras, the audience who watched Zhang Yangqing on the big screen gave him favorable reviews in this game.

Because the audience is really watching the movie.

In terms of this round of duel, both of them suppressed Weirdness, so it can be considered a draw.

But in terms of audience popularity votes, Zhang Yangqing is far ahead.

After all, only Zhang Yangqing can watch movies seriously.

After watching it for two hours, Zhang Yangqing seemed to still have some unfinished thoughts.

He complained about the movie: "What a bullshit ending. In order to save the heroine and regain the mother planet that once belonged to him, isn't it an invasion?"

Because at the end of the movie, the male protagonist brazenly launches a war in order to save the female protagonist who is trapped on her home planet!

Then the 'evil' natives were wiped out.

The hero and heroine of the movie rubbed off the spark of love in the battle.

When the male protagonist gained love, he also became a hero.

Zhang Yangqing sneered at this kind of plot of being both right and wrong.

He didn't mean that the weak should not be preyed on by the strong, at least you can fight whenever you want, why are you looking for so many high-sounding excuses?

Is it disgusting to always save your partner in someone else's territory!

Make it look like you are on the right side in the end.

The end of this kind of personal heroism is that many of the chosen ones cursed after they went out.

Only the Chosen One from Eagle Sauce Country didn't speak after they left.

When Zhang Yangqing walked out, a note fell in front of him.

When he picked it up, he saw several rules written on it.

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