I am a Celestial Master at full level, you want me to join the Rules and Ghost Story?

Chapter 257 If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would have believed it! (Please subscribe, pleas

When the one-eyed boy moved the statue's eyes, dark clouds gathered in the sky.

Because it was night, it was not very obvious, and not many people noticed it at first.

After the one-eyed boy walked out, he found that the stars were no longer visible and a cold wind blew from time to time.

At this time of day, there are actually very few people sleeping. Except for those who are preparing to be on duty, others are still busy with their own affairs.

A strong electric light flashed in the night sky, like a sharp blade piercing the air, instantly cutting through the silence of the night.

Then there was a loud thunder, like a huge drum shaking the sky and the earth, waking up all the people who were already a little sleepy.

After the huge thunder, the raindrops began to fall one after another. The raindrops fell on the dry land and were absorbed instantly. The smell of moist earth and the fresh breath of rain hit your face, refreshing your heart and mind.

The rain fell harder and harder, and the wind became more and more violent.

The rain hit the temple's rubble, making a "crackling" sound.

Many people in the temple were very surprised. Why was it raining so quickly without any warning?

Brother Lone Wolf woke up from his sleep, heard the movement outside the window, and sighed in his heart, "I didn't expect it to be as big as I expected," and then he fell asleep again.

The mere sound of rain did not affect his sleep quality.

The one-eyed boy who started all this has leaned aside to rest.

He was considering the 'information' that Zhang Yangqing told him.

"Isn't there an injured person in the green team? In this case, tomorrow I only need to contact the child and let him be infected with purple and green viruses at the same time. Then he will be infected with three viruses. If he does not die, it will prove that he is Bug Man, if he dies, then his sister will be very suspicious."

Being able to think of this proves that the one-eyed boy is already a qualified passer.

As for how to contract the virus, breathing is only one of the conditions.

Viral infections can also pass through the blood.

The one-eyed boy can find a way to deal with the wound of the injured member of the green team and get some blood.

Then mix it with water or food and let the boy eat it.

After all, what their team is responsible for today is food. He knows which foods 'weird insects' like to eat.

The other chosen ones don’t have mandarin oranges, so they can only use other foods instead.

The one-eyed boy has a lot of mandarin fruits here, so he can waste some.

Humans can't eat this stuff, but weird insects and bugmen should like to eat it.

The one-eyed boy told Zhang Yangqing this idea, and Zhang Yangqing nodded, saying it could indeed be done like this.

Well, since you know, you can play by yourself tomorrow, so I won’t get too involved in such a small matter!

Isn’t this cooperation?

Zhang Yangqing is responsible for the provision, and the one-eyed boy is responsible for the actual action.

The one-eyed boy still doesn't feel that he has suffered any loss.

He even thanked Zhang Yangqing for believing in him and giving him all the good things.

Only the audience knows that he was the best tool from the beginning.

Zhang Tianshi was too lazy to do it himself, so he asked you to do it!

It was a bit cool on a rainy day, but it was okay for the people sleeping in the room. After all, the room was relatively small and there were beds.

People sleeping on the cold floor of the temple felt a little cold.

Some people cursed a few words, spread some hay on the ground, and then lay down.

After all, this temple is relatively large and relatively empty, and even a fire cannot warm it up.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, this time the strange story was not like last time, where a wicked guy broke down the doors and windows to burn firewood.

Otherwise, the strong wind will blow the rain in, and you will definitely get sick from the cold.

At this stage, the lone wolves sleeping outside are indeed quite dissatisfied, and some of the chosen ones can actually rely on their emotions to incite hatred and pave the way for their future actions.

Zhang Yangqing didn't have that need. After discussing some details with the one-eyed boy, he fell asleep.

The next morning, the sky cleared after the rain.

The morning sun shines through the clouds onto the earth.

The air is filled with a moist and fresh smell, which is the unique smell after rain.

Water dripped from the eaves of the temple, forming small waterfalls.

While the other chosen ones were still sleeping, Zhang Yangqing had already gotten up to check the status of the well water.

It's not that Zhang Yangqing is more diligent today, it's because the other chosen ones were on duty last night and haven't woken up yet.

Zhang Yangqing was not on duty last night and went to bed early, so he could naturally get up early in the morning.

Today's tasks are: the green group goes to find food, the red group finds the passage to the city, and the purple group observes the surroundings and guards the camp.

Zhang Yangqing's current behavior is very consistent with the tasks he has been assigned.

When he looked down at the mouth of the well, he found that the well had been completely filled with rainwater.

But now in broad daylight, he did not see the so-called moon, just like an ordinary well.

The one-eyed boy followed him, also thinking about whether the well water was related to the blue and green potions.

So he picked up the bucket and rope from a nearby well and threw them down.

When he heard the bucket falling into the water, he continued to wait for the bucket to sink for a while, and then pulled the rope upwards with both hands.

A stream of well water with medicinal fragrance appeared in front of him.

But questions came one after another. It might indeed be a potion, but it didn't have the color Zhang Yangqing mentioned.

Do potions without color work?

This made the one-eyed boy fall into deep thought, and his mind kept searching for memories about blue.

It can be said that he is even more like the Chosen One than Zhang Yangqing.

Other chosen ones also woke up one after another and encountered the same trouble.

At this time, the extraordinary being from the country of Hans chose Hilde to lift his feet off the ground and climbed up a tree to think.

While he was thinking, from his position he could see some blue flowers blooming in the distance, which were not there yesterday.

It was because of the heavy rain last night that a lot of flowers bloomed around the temple.

"Is this a reminder of the rules?"

Thinking of this, Hilde jumped down from the tree and picked some flowers back.

Then they were all thrown into the well water, and the magical well water swallowed these blue flowers, showing a light blue color.

Seeing that it was working, in order to make the blue potion more effective, he searched for flowers all over the mountains and plains.

After searching for a full hour and a half, all the water in the well was dyed blue.

This made him ecstatic, as if he had solved some difficult problem.

Because it can be judged here that the blue potion and the green potion are props for 'clearing the level' and are not props for killing female insects, so if you don't get these and enter rashly, you may escape death.

After a bucket of water came up, Hilde found a bottle and put it in it.

After filling three bottles, he left with satisfaction.

Zhang Yangqing didn't spend much time and asked the one-eyed boy to find a few flowers and throw them into the bucket, and he got the blue potion.

In Zhang Yangqing's view, dyeing the entire well blue just to get a bucket, isn't that unhealthy?

Anyway, the rules just say to turn the potion blue, why don't I just throw it into the bucket.

Next is the green potion. The first well has been dyed blue, so the chosen ones can only go to the second well to see.

At the beginning, many of the Chosen Ones, like Hilde, threw some green weeds, even bamboos and green leaves, but nothing happened.

The well water is still transparent with a hint of gray.

"It's strange. I threw in everything that was green near this temple. Why didn't it react?"

At this level, many of the chosen ones were confused. Anyway, they were looking for green things to throw in.

After all, this is a reminder to go to a well. Is there anything green that I haven’t tried yet?

But here, Zhang Yangqing saw the one-eyed boy's puzzled look, and a smile appeared on his lips.

He said: "Don't forget, isn't there a green thing lying in the temple? You can throw it down and try it."

Hearing what Zhang Yangqing said, the one-eyed boy suddenly woke up.

ah? Is that what you mean?

Indeed, as Zhang Yangqing said, there was another patient in the temple with a green mark on his neck.

Because the blue flowers next to the last well are already prompting you to find things of the same color and throw them in.

If there is no response when you throw other green things, then you can basically be sure that you should throw it away.

At this stage, as long as the extraordinary person thinks about it, it is easy to handle, and he can kill him directly.

Ordinary chosen ones actually have their own methods, and there are many different ways of playing. The first is the traditional poisoning.

When in the rehabilitation center, ordinary chosen people have tried this without success.

Anyway, as long as you take the wrong medicine, it will be poison, and there are many ways to poison.

Secondly, according to the rules, when the moon appears in the well water, a person with a green mark is lured to the well. In this way, he violates the rules and will be killed by the strange well.

As for how to choose, it depends on the chosen one's own plans.

The one-eyed boy didn't hesitate after hearing this. Anyway, it was a matter of killing two birds with one stone.

This morning I still have to test whether the boy in the house is a bug-man, and I need some of his blood.

It's just right now, it's solved directly.

If he had to wait for the other teams to explain it after they came back, then let him say whatever he wanted, just say that the lone wolf left inexplicably, and they couldn't stop him. Anyway, they could just check the confession with his teammates in advance.

At this level, the one-eyed boy was the one who had the most trouble, and Zhang Yangqing was always nearby to look out for him.

It is also commonly known as paddling to fish, and he can even experience the joy of winning by lying down.

If the one-eyed boy makes a mistake, Zhang Yangqing will take some action.

But this kid did things neatly and neatly. He put some poison in the baked food.

Then he asked the female nurse to take the poisoned food to the lone wolf with the green mark. The lone wolf didn't raise any suspicions. After all, he was injured yesterday, and it was the nurse who helped him bandage and check the wound.

He didn't even think that these people would kill him, and he was still lying in the temple recovering from illness, so he ate the food directly.

In fact, at this stage, the female nurse didn't even know that the food she gave Lone Wolf was poisonous. In the end, Zhang Yangqing just explained.

The one-eyed boy himself took the mandarin fruit with double copies of the virus and knocked open the house where a family of four lived.

Even though the couple had told others not to get close, it was of no use.

Zhang Yangqing didn't know what he saw after entering.

But after the one-eyed boy came out, he said: "Not only does he like to eat black mandarin fruits, but some of his behaviors are not like normal people. The most important thing is that he ate a black mandarin fruit with a virus, and nothing happened."

Through the one-eyed boy's words, Zhang Yangqing knew clearly that this guy was a bug and didn't run away.

Then the problem tomorrow is to find a way to bring a family of four into the city. Once inside, the insect man will naturally look for the insect nest.

After the report, the one-eyed boy had other things to do, which was to carry the body of the lone wolf with the green mark and throw it into the well.

Counting the time, the lone wolf with the green mark should have become ill.

Not long after, the one-eyed boy came over with a green potion. It seemed that Zhang Yangqing's guess was correct. He needed a green mark on the patient's body to dye the well water green.

In this way, Zhang Yangqing has obtained everything mentioned in the rules.

This morning, the Chosen Ones had a lot to do, and they didn't want to be discovered by other teammates.

It can be said that after a busy morning, I barely managed to finish the work.

Just looking at Zhang Yangqing's big screen, you will find that he doesn't need to do anything himself. He just gives a few instructions occasionally, and the one-eyed boy will get the job done, even better than other chosen ones.

Apart from not being able to see the rules, there is no difference between this kid and the Chosen One.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon, other teams also came back one after another.

Originally, at each stage, the chosen ones had prepared their words, and Zhang Yangqing also told other teammates what to say in response to the middle-aged uncle's question about why his teammates disappeared.

But something happened to other teams. The team with the red mark, that is, the team with a family of four, today's mission is to find Zhao's way into the city.

They followed the sketch of clues provided by the middle-aged uncle's green team yesterday.

The reason why I came back so early was because something unexpected happened.

According to the couple, they were attacked and the lone wolf teammate died.

The middle-aged uncle expressed his regrets, and the couple also expressed their deep condolences and took the initiative to bear the blame.

Then they just said some scene words to each other and skipped this matter.

Here, Zhang Yangqing felt something was wrong. The couple acted so realistically that it was impossible to find any flaws.

But Zhang Yangqing observed a detail by chance. The girl seemed very happy and dancing when she came.

It was only when he was here, or because his parents told him, that he acted a little quiet. After all, this mask couldn't see his expression.

Does it look like you've been attacked?

A normal little girl has been attacked, shouldn't she hide behind her parents and be afraid?

At the very least, he wouldn't act cheerfully.

You know, girls usually look gloomy and don't speak.

I’m afraid this time it’s not. Did you enjoy your meal?

If you think so, then that couple is not normal?

Their identities are still unknown, at least Zhang Yangqing has begun to be wary of them.

As luck would have it, the team led by the middle-aged uncle was also attacked by strange insects.

A lone wolf teammate also died.

There is another small detail here. Zhang Yangqing discovered that the middle-aged uncle's son was squatting on the ground, his eyes seemed to be deliberately avoiding other people, and he no longer had the fierceness and arrogance from the beginning.

Zhang Yangqing had a bold guess that they must have been attacked.

After all, the clothes on his body were messy and there were scratches on his hands.

It was probably when he was escaping that he was scratched by a sharp branch.

But the problem is, the middle-aged uncle’s son.

If he lost a teammate to an attack, the middle-aged uncle's son would be very angry.

According to his character, he will definitely show resentment that he wants to kill strange insects.

Why do you act so guilty?

Could it be that this kid or his dad sneak-attacked his teammates in a desperate situation?

After all, there is a way to fight here. Anyway, the weird insect attacks people for food. As long as you give him food, he will not attack others.

The situation at that time was definitely not good, so in order to survive, the father and son sold their teammates.

A person with the mentality of a middle-aged uncle is naturally calm and calm. He just stabbed his teammates in the back. What's the big deal?

After all, the son of the middle-aged uncle is young and immature mentally. He feels guilty for doing such a thing and does not dare to face other people.

In order to verify his guess, Zhang Yangqing glanced at the position where the last green-marked lone wolf was standing. It was indeed far away from the father and son.

But he was also the beneficiary at the time, and he would definitely not tell the story.

Zhang Yangqing guessed that he would not go out with the father and son next time.

Who wouldn't be afraid of two people who are ready to betray their teammates?

He can't beat one against two.

But the next time their team's mission is to guard the camp, it shouldn't be a big problem and won't scare the lone wolf away.

In fact, the Chosen One killed someone, which was not easy to explain at first. But now it seems that everyone has something going on in their minds, and it is hard to question others, for fear that others will bite back.

So after the Chosen One casually said that his teammates left for no reason, no one else asked why.

On Zhang Yangqing's side, it was the nurse teammate who was the captain who was talking.

This made the audience feel that it was too clever, and it felt like a plot designed by Kaitan World to excuse the chosen ones.

At this stage, as long as you observe the Chosen One carefully, you can really find some clues.

The father and son had some problems, but not big ones. The biggest problem was the family of four.

I lost three people today, all lone wolves.

The atmosphere was rather dull, but in the end the middle-aged uncle still encouraged everyone not to give up, but to move forward together with the hope of the dead teammates!

Otherwise, you will be living up to the sacrifices of your teammates!

What he said was so righteous and awe-inspiring, making people feel that he was the light of dawn in the dark night, bringing hope to everyone!

Under the mask of the lone wolf with the green mark is a sneer, as if to say: If I hadn't seen your father and son attacking teammates with my own eyes, I would have believed it!

After the chicken soup, it’s the normal process.

The captains told each other their information.

The most important thing is naturally the exploration of the road into the city.

Although the Red Mark team suffered some losses, they also explored some paths.

The husband of the couple made some marks on the map drawn by the middle-aged uncle, and this is the route they explored today.

It can be said that both teams will be cunning and choose to retreat in the most dangerous places.

Tomorrow, the Purple Mark team will explore the way into the city, which is the team of the Chosen Ones.

The middle-aged uncle hinted in words that they didn't have enough time last night, and the team with the red mark had an accident today, allowing the team with the purple mark to explore from the place they marked.

That's what he said, as if there was no danger.

Don’t you just want other teams to be cannon fodder?

If you are not the chosen one who discovered these details, you will still have fun exploring them tomorrow.

So much for today.

We haven't found a way in yet, but this camp is still a place for everyone to stay.

But tonight, some people are destined to have difficulty falling asleep.

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