I am a Celestial Master at full level, you want me to join the Rules and Ghost Story?

Chapter 319 Once you choose, there is no turning back! (Please subscribe, please vote)

So the question is, where can we find information?

This problem gives the Chosen One a headache.

Even if you ask Mr. Kong Kong, he will say he doesn't know. He only met the boss once.

I didn’t even say hello, and I didn’t even know what the boss was.

This sentence can be analyzed. He doesn't even know whether the boss is a human being.

In this area, everyone knows that there is a grocery store that sells goods, but no one knows the owner of the grocery store.

In line with the mentality of doing less than doing more, no one was willing to inquire about this news.

After all, there is a grocery store here, which is good for their ghost cultivation.

If you anger the boss and he closes the grocery store, then the ghost cultivators nearby will be in trouble.

When Rahman heard this, he remembered a rule.

[Rule 9: Remember, cats are people with two legs, and people are cats with four legs. 】

"Black hat? Is the boss a black cat?"

Or if you find the black cat, you can find the boss?

Soon, Rahman rejected his idea.

Because his understanding of the rules just now was so superficial that he couldn't even be said to have understood it. It was simply a wild guess.

He thought about it carefully, maybe he wanted to find the cat that walked on two legs, or the person who walked on four legs.

Maybe this 'person' is the owner of the grocery store. Even if this person is not the owner, he still knows some news about the grocery store.

Rahman himself was trying to please Young Master Kong, and Young Master Kong didn’t eat people, so the two started chatting.

He asked Mr. Kong if he had seen any cats walking on two legs or people walking on four legs in this area.

Not to mention, Master Kong Kong provided a useful piece of information.

In this area, there are only [Ghost Cultivators], but there are [Demon Cultivators] in farther areas.

Demonic cultivators are basically carnivorous monsters, that is, monsters that transform into spirits of various animals.

If Rahman is looking for a two-legged cat, he can go to the demon cultivator area to look for it.

Here, if you have a high affinity with Mr. Kong Kong, you can get tips from him.

Many demon cultivators retain the characteristics of animals and like to eat carrion. Rahman has a slight smell of carrion, but not much.

Hearing this, Rahman was shocked.

Am I a dead person? Or that I have no heart and am dying?

No wonder Rule 1 reminds me to find my heart quickly.

Here, only a few chosen ones actually triggered this prompt.

Young Master Kong Kong doesn't have Zhang Yangqing, but Zhang Yangqing can smell it and distinguish it.

This is also a special advantage of home court.

Rahman was panicked and asked him if there was any way to get to the area where the demon cultivator was.

After all, the rules say so, you can’t just sit here and wait for death, right?

Young Master Kong shrugged and said he was helpless.

Ghost cultivators and demon cultivators generally don't have much contact, and they both reject each other's aura.

Young Master Kong doesn’t even know where that place is, let alone helping the Chosen One find the heart.

Then there is the important information. Mr. Kong Kong mentioned it by the way [There seems to be a ghost cultivator in our graveyard who has connections with the demon cultivator. If you want to get any clues, bring the gold-rimmed candle over tomorrow and I will introduce it to you. Run. I won’t give you less travel expenses either].

When Rahman heard this, he felt that he had done the right thing this time.

It seems that as long as you lick well, mission information is indispensable.

However, travel expenses are additional income, and Rahman naturally cannot ask for them.

He dare not violate the hard rules of the strange world.

In fact, Zhang Yangqing had a more thorough idea. Since Master Kong mentioned the travel expenses, it proved that the graveyard where he was located was very dangerous.

He may not harm the Chosen One, but that doesn't mean other weirdos out there won't.

In the grocery store, before Rahman agreed to deliver things to Master Kong, he instead said to him: "Can you give me your eyes? Otherwise, someone else will give them to you before I find you tomorrow."

This sentence was not finished, but it was already very tactful.

The place I want to go tomorrow is a cemetery.

People know you but not me.

Although most ghost cultivators don't eat humans, that's still the majority.

What if I memorize the idea and encounter those cannibals?

And this is what the rules tell me to say, you can’t hit me, right?

In fact, when he said this, Rahman was not sure. It was not easy to get Mr. Kong to have a good impression of him. It would not be good to waste all the good impression in just one sentence.

What's more, if Mr. Kong is not the key figure and feels that he has offended him, it will be troublesome.

Mr. Kong Kong has so many people that he doesn’t even dare to mess with the guest in red just now.

No matter who you pull out, Rahman can't beat him.

Just when Rahman was scared, Master Kong patted his head and said, "Oh, look at my memory, I almost forgot about this."

As he said this, a scary scene appeared.

I saw Young Master Kong pushing back his hair from the front bangs, and four eyes suddenly appeared on his forehead.

It looks like a multi-eyed ghost.

Because Mr. Kong Kong cares about his image, he usually covers it with his hair.

With that said, he took off one of the eyeballs and handed it to Rahman.

Think of it as a token for Rahman. If there is a weird one in that graveyard, he can use the token to make the weird one leave.

Here, Mr. Kong Kong reminded him that only the people in his graveyard would give him face, not necessarily in other places.

If Rahman shines his eyes to the enemy in the cemetery, it will lead to death.

Rahman promised that he would be able to remember it, and then opened his eyes with tears of gratitude, finally completing the task.

After all, this is the world of ghost stories, and the ghost stories he had been exposed to before also contained many terrifying things.

For Rahman, holding eyeballs in his hands is a common thing.

It just makes it slightly inapplicable to some of the chosen ones who enter for the first time.

After getting the eyeball, Master Kong is a person that the Chosen One can trust, and he has also completed the prompts on the rules.

While Rahman promised to send it to him, he asked about the mark on his hand.

Master Kong took one look and could tell that he had been marked.

Regardless of his lack of strength, he is only weaker in red clothes, much stronger than those in other clothes.

Master Kong confirmed that what the three guests said was not a lie, and Rahman was targeted by the ghost in green with cross scratches on his face.

Here, Master Kong has a very high status and will definitely not stay to help Rahman.

Moreover, the two of them have no friendship, they are just a clerk and a customer.

After explaining, Mr. Kong walked out of the grocery store and got on the sedan, and the group left here in a grand manner.

Anyway, the address and time have been agreed upon, and Rahman can just send it there in person.

In order to show his friendliness, Rahman even sent Mr. Kong into the sedan, then helped him close the door curtain, and finally watched Mr. Kong leave.

This approach really improved the favorability of the vain young master towards him.

Maybe extraordinary people don't bother to do this kind of thing, it's beneath their status.

But for the ordinary chosen ones, they wish they had more opportunities like this.

When he returned to his grocery store, Rahman's face began to darken.

"It seems that if I want to escape this disaster, I have to go to the place where the three guests are before four o'clock. Only by using them to kill the guest with the cross scratch can I survive."

Because the three guests said they would leave at four o'clock, the matter must be resolved before four o'clock.

According to the address given by Master Kong Kong, the graveyard where he is located is far away, and he might be beaten to death on the way to seek help.

The addresses given by the three guests were not far away. Since they would not harm me, I could only ask them.

And the next rules haven’t appeared yet, so I still need to stay in the grocery store.

During this period of time away from the store, the store will definitely close, and Rahman's sales will decrease.

If that guy is not eliminated, Rahman will be in endless trouble.

Thinking of this, Rahman felt that there was no need to delay, so he brought self-defense props with him, namely candles, bone knives and the like.

When he was ready, he closed the store door, took the keys and ran out.

Because there is a mark on his body, that guy will definitely come for him!

After three o'clock, the playing style of the chosen ones also began to change.

The Chosen One of Maple Leaf Kingdom offended many guests dressed in black, gray and white, but not the guest in green with cross scratches.

Because he didn't sell him the blood, bone, and jade at all, he couldn't repair the injury, so he wouldn't miss the Maple Leaf Kingdom's chosen one.

Of course, he also had a lot of trouble because he offended other customers when selling goods.

That is, those customers in black, gray and white clothes. These customers will come to the Maple Leaf Kingdom Chosen One's shop to cause trouble after Mr. Kong Kong leaves.

He would do some tricks near the door of the grocery store to make his business worse.

At this time, the Chosen One of Maple Leaf Kingdom can summon the strange woman in yellow to solve the problem.

The strange level of the woman in yellow just suppresses these three types of guests, so the difficulty of this level is actually easier than Rahman's.

Rahman was almost beaten to death and escaped the danger by running in the woods.

This surprised the expert groups outside.

I originally thought that Maple Leaf Kingdom's Chosen One would be killed by this one, but who knew that he would pass so easily.

Isn't he stupid? This was his plan all along?

It is better to offend a weak guest than a strong guest.

As long as you understand the rules of the grocery store and resolve conflicts skillfully, you can find a solution.

This way of passing the level made the expert team wonder whether he designed it this way or whether it was a coincidence.

In fact, it is normal for the expert group not to understand. After all, only the chosen ones who enter can see some special details.

In other words, you can feel some subtle atmosphere.

In the final analysis, before the 'delayed' danger breaks out, the world of ghost stories will give the chosen ones some opportunities to deal with it.

Whether the Chosen One can seize the plan and deal with it depends on the Chosen One's own ability.

Between three o'clock and four o'clock, the problems accumulated by the chosen ones began to explode.

The various wonderful operations of the Chosen Ones made the audience call them awesome.

Every time the chosen ones survived adversity, they often avoided the pursuit of strange guests through wit, and made the audience marvel at the tricks of the strange guests.

The good thing is that if these chosen ones go up, they will be in trouble if they go up.

However, there are also some chosen ones who made operational mistakes and left the field with resentment on the spot.

At this level, many of the Chosen Ones’ big screens were full of people, and the sky was filled with barrage.

Zhang Yangqing was the only one who was indifferent.

I want to ask how the Dragon Kingdom Heavenly Master solves this problem?

What's the point of solving it? He almost fell asleep.

No one dared to mess with him, and he didn't offend any guests.

Guests who were even slightly threatening have been saved in advance.

In other words, the most dangerous person in this area is Zhang Yangqing himself.

So at this stage from 3 o'clock to 4 o'clock.

The other chosen ones were closing their doors to deal with the problem, and Zhang Yangqing also had many customers coming to buy things.

His turnover has exceeded other chosen ones by a lot.

The time soon came to four o'clock in the night, just when the other chosen ones solved the trouble and reopened the business.

The sound of flapping wings of birds and animals could be heard outside the gate.

A pigeon flew into the grocery store with a piece of paper in its mouth.

The pigeon didn't care where the chosen one was. It just put the paper on the counter and left the grocery store with fluttering wings.

Zhang Yangqing was at the counter. He picked up the paper and looked at it, which was the next rule.

Grocery store rules:

[Rule 12: When you go out, do not expose your body to the sun for a long time. Sunlight can make you die quickly. 】

[Rule 13: The business hours of our store are from 10 pm to 6 am. Please do not open the door of the store to customers at other times, otherwise the boss will be very angry. 】

[Rule 14: If you encounter any trouble, you can go to the river to find an old blind man fishing. If he is in a good mood, he will answer some of your questions. 】

[Rule 15: Just because you don’t feel hungry, it doesn’t mean you don’t need to eat. 】

[Rule 16: Remember, the money you get from the grocery store can only be used in the ghost market and cannot be exposed to normal people, otherwise ‘they’ will find you. 】

[Rule 17: Never eat people. Once you eat people, you can't go back. 】

[Rule 18: When you cannot come back to visit the store at night, you can hang the black wooden sword in front of the door. Be careful not to hang it wrong. 】

Seeing these rules, the chosen ones swallowed subconsciously.

Rules 15 and 17 should not be too scary.

"What does this mean? I am a normal person, why would I want to eat people?"

The chosen ones who enter for the first time cannot understand this rule for the time being.

But all seasoned youdiao know that there are some weird things in the world that you can’t live without eating.

Rahman looked at the rules and pondered for a long time, and had a bad premonition, because Rule 17 only said that after eating people, there is no turning back, but it does not mean that after eating people, you will die.

This is Lachman’s deeper understanding.

Will anything happen after eating people?

However, as a normal human being, he was still unwilling to consider this outcome.

Unless absolutely necessary, which chosen one would do such a thing?

The World of Kaitan will definitely give the chosen ones a choice, it just depends on whether the chosen ones can find a better way to pass the level.

Rahman felt that the old blind man mentioned in Rule 14 must be the top priority.

It is also a special task that must be found tomorrow.

But there are several huge problems here. First, get the map of the area yourself.

Otherwise, how would Rahman know where the river was nearby?

And there may be more than one river. How to find the old blind man will definitely require information.

In this case, Rahman must go to the graveyard of Prince Kong.

Secondly, the prerequisite for finding the old blind man is to make him happy.

The second half of the rule is that if he is unhappy, he will not answer the questions of the Chosen One.

How to make him happy? You can't ask him in person, right?

Whether to bring him some gifts or help him complete the task, these are also unknown.

Next are the two keywords ghost market and black wooden sword.

Here Rahman clearly judged that turnover is linked to the ghost market.

Because the coins here are special coins that can only be used in the ghost market.

Then there must be something in the ghost market that can increase its 'combat power' or 'defense power'.

When the time comes, you will definitely have to spend money to buy it, so naturally the more money you get, the better.

After all, the information of Young Master Kong can be combined here. The chosen one needs to go to the area where the demon cultivator is to find the 'two-legged cat' or 'four-legged man' mentioned in Rule 9, so he must be prepared.

If you go without preparing anything, isn't that asking for death?

As long as these rules and information appear, Rahman will be able to connect them together to form a main line.

The settlement rules haven't been released yet, but the main line at this stage is already clear, which is to find the heart or the grocery store owner.

It's just that the main line passes through many dangerous areas. What kind of troubles you will encounter depends on how the chosen ones deal with them.

Knowing how to pass a level is two different things than being able to pass it.

This is why the people who come in are basically stronger in mind and body.

Even if your mind is full of tricks and you understand everything, your body can't keep up with your brain, and you won't be able to pass the level without that ability.

As for the black wooden sword, Rahman also found it in advance in the warehouse behind.

Rahman played with it for a while, but couldn't understand it and stopped playing with it.

After Zhang Yangqing saw it, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"It's strange. Although the peach wood sword is not pink, it won't become so black after being used for a long time."

Zhang Yangqing complained in his heart.

Because this sword is indeed made of peach wood, similar to the ones next to the jar.

But why it was so dark, Zhang Yangqing couldn't understand it.

Maybe the boss here uses some special method to make it?

It can't be that it's caused by too much sun.

After all, Zhang Yangqing only understands Taoist things, and he can't even understand the props of demon cultivators and ghost cultivators.

But the core of a prop is its usage. A normal peach wood sword is the nemesis of ghost cultivators, but it cannot deal with demon cultivators.

This black peach wood sword exudes an aura that warns ghost cultivators, but it does not make ghost cultivators afraid.

Hanging it at the door is indeed telling the ghost cultivators that they are not open today, and it will not offend the ghost cultivators.

Next, Zhang Yangqing continued to analyze the rules.

In fact, most of Rahman's guesses were correct, but Zhang Yangqing was able to judge some rules through awareness without having any information.

Zhang Yangqing can judge from Rules 12 and 17 that his body may be an incomplete zombie.

They belong to human beings who are not dead yet, the living dead who are in the process of becoming zombified.

In fact, cultivators from the Dragon Kingdom can tell if they look at the rules carefully.

Zombies cannot bask in the sun and will have the desire to eat people.

Isn't that what zombies do?

If you can't find your heart within the specified time, you will completely turn into a zombie.

This is the normal way of playing.

Thinking of this, another extreme style of play appeared in Zhang Yangqing's mind.

The so-called extreme is definitely abnormal. The rules don't say that you will die if you become a zombie, so you should find a way to change quickly.

Not only must we change, but we must also find ways to continuously evolve.

After turning into a zombie, as long as the injury is not fatal, you basically feel nothing, and your body will become extremely powerful.

But problems arise after the change. Zombies are very restrictive and cannot get out during the day. Moreover, for some demon cultivators, they are even more delicious.

Without energy replenishment, zombies will basically die.

Ordinary human bodies can eat food, but zombies can only eat food from humans.

This is also the reason why Rule 17 is so prompted.

Once you become a zombie, there is really no turning back.

The other chosen ones will collect intelligence to determine this in the following process.

In their eyes, all subsequent rules are a mystery.

But Zhang Yangqing didn't use information at all. These rules were placed directly in front of him like an open-book exam.

Just when the chosen ones walked to the warehouse to check the black wooden sword, there was a violent sound from the wind chime at the door.

If a guest comes, Rahman is naturally prepared to go out and receive them. After all, he lost a lot of business during the time he was closed.

But when he picked up the candlestick and showed up at the grocery store, he found that the candle on the counter had been extinguished.

The candlestick in his hand suddenly went out after a gust of wind.

And he didn't know when a male guest in red was already standing next to him.

The tongue of the man in red is very long and very cold.

Don’t ask Rahman why he knows, because the tongue is already on his face!

At this moment, Rahman was frightened and speechless.

If he can bear it if a female guest does this, why do you, a man, have to lick me?

What kind of strange physique did I awaken this time?

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