I am a Celestial Master at full level, you want me to join the Rules and Ghost Story?

Chapter 384 Weird floors, weird people! (Please subscribe, please vote)

In the world of ghost stories, Zhang Yangqing just threw a gold card and attracted many old athletes to become willing followers.

Active and forced are two different things. If you take the initiative to defect, these followers will be more attentive. If you are forced to defect, there is a possibility of betrayal at any time.

But it's useless to have too many followers. Just one obedient one is enough.

When he first arrived, Zhang Yangqing didn't know what the follower was for, so he was in no hurry to throw out the gold card.

At this point, followers are of great use, so Zhang Yangqing will provide some benefits and find an obedient wage earner.

Since Zhang Yangqing already knows what to do, he naturally won't do these little things by himself.

After all, he is a person who can control others and try not to do it himself.

In the locker room, the veteran athletes who had just received the gold card regarded Zhang Yangqing as the king of competition.

Zhang Yangqing ordered him to smash a lamp, then go to the first floor to find a maintenance man, ask the maintenance man to come up and repair the lamp, and also ask the maintenance man to lock his cabinet.

When the old gold card athletes heard about this little thing, they naturally volunteered to go.

The other veteran athletes were waiting near Zhang Yangqing, looking like they were waiting for his orders.

Zhang Yangqing didn't have so many gold cards to give them, so he just asked them to do whatever they had to do.

Other chosen ones also learned how to do this level through the tips of old athletes.

In other words, at the 10 o'clock level at night, you must have a cabinet that can be locked from the inside and cannot be opened from the outside.

In this way, the chosen ones will have an extra layer of protection in the face of the next danger.

Because these old athletes will leave after a while.

Ramirez has already judged that the core of getting through the strange conversations in the locker room is how to use these people.

He had just discovered that an old athlete's back was pierced by fragments of a sharp weapon that he could not reach.

So Ramirez went up and asked if he could help.

After helping the old athlete solve the problem, Ramirez asked him to accompany him to the first floor to find a maintenance man.

Before that, he quietly broke a lamp in the dressing room.

At this stage, the chosen ones should not be stubborn. There are many lights in the locker room. Just turn on one light. Don't turn off all of them.

Be flexible and just say you were careless, otherwise you will get beaten up by the old athletes.

After hearing such a simple request, the old athlete naturally agreed.

Ramirez also left with the old athletes.

The lounge they were in was on the third floor. According to old athletes, the passages connected to each floor were different.

Walking down the gloomy corridor, you can clearly hear your own footsteps.

While passing by the doors of some locker rooms, Ramirez could hear some cries coming from inside that were not like what a normal person would make.

Some yellow chandeliers, due to their age and disrepair, suddenly flickered and made a sizzling sound, which made people's hearts tremble.

Especially at the moment when the area was dark, Ramirez seemed to be able to feel it, and the marks on the surrounding walls opened his eyes.

When the dim yellow light turns on, the twisted marks on the surrounding walls seem to be sealed, like simple graffiti.

Ramirez has been observing the surroundings very carefully, trying his best to follow the old athlete and try not to encounter any unexpected situations.

But as expected, the surprise still came.

Around the corner, a tall old athlete suddenly appeared.

By chance, Ramirez was walking on the inside of the aisle and bumped into the old athlete.

There was severe pain in his chest, making him feel as if he had been hit by a truck. With such a huge impact, Ramirez felt that his body fell down uncontrollably.

He fell to the ground and slowly sat up with support from his hands.

And the tall old athlete who knocked him down walked away without staying here for a second longer.

Ramirez still remembered that he had just glanced at this man and felt that his face was very gloomy.

Let Ramirez and the veteran athlete leading the way swallow everything they wanted to say.

The person passing by felt that they were not easy to deal with. They still adhered to the principle of not looking for trouble and just tolerated it.

After all, in the world of ghost stories, where the jungle prevails, few can reason.

After the old athlete pulled Ramirez up, the two continued to move forward.

The other chosen ones were more or less stifled, being knocked back or blown away by this sudden big man.

And in the same place, Shapati, the super magician of the Yinni Kingdom, gave a sigh of relief to the other chosen ones.

He directly knocked the big old athlete to the ground, and then said with a smile: "Young man, look more carefully next time you walk, don't be so frizzy."

As people get older, they habitually like to preach to young people. This is a common problem.

This big old athlete looked a little surprised. The old guy in front of him was actually stronger than him?

Faced with this seemingly sarcastic preaching, he could only endure it. After all, he couldn't beat him if he really fought.

At this stage, the audience did not go to the Dragon Kingdom Celestial Master to watch, because they knew that the Celestial Master was really always bossing people around, and they could not go down.

In the world of ghost stories, Ramirez was actually a little confused as to why it took so long to walk to the first floor.

Are there no steps around here?

The reason given by the old athlete is simple. Each step leads to a different place. If you want to go to the first floor, you have to take the designated steps.

Ramirez also remembered this. After all, he did not break the rules, and there was no need for the old athlete to lie to him.

After a while, the two came to a step and then walked from the steps to the second floor.

Every time Ramirez's feet went down a step, he felt as if a cold wind was blowing from the second floor.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that his body was getting colder and colder.

"It shouldn't be. I'm walking around now, which can be considered a warm-up. Why does my body feel like this?"

While walking, Ramirez was still moving his body.

He walked on the corridor on the second floor, and the further he walked, the more frightened he became.

What should I say on the third floor? After passing through the door of some locker rooms, although I heard inhuman noises coming from inside, it still smelled like a living person.

But the second floor was weird. Some of the doors were not closed, and there were signs of damage to the doors. It was pitch dark inside, and there were no lights.

You can see through the faint light from the corridor outside that it seems to be very messy inside, with no breath of life at all.

Looking inside carefully, there seemed to be some white bones inside. No skin or flesh was found, which felt strange.

The more serious you are, the more you feel like it's like a dark abyss inside, with a pulling force that seems to be constantly pulling the chosen ones in.

There seemed to be dark blood flowing out in front of the door, but it had dried and condensed on the ground.

Ramirez quickly withdrew his gaze and curiosity. He felt that there must be something wrong with this floor.

While walking, Ramirez asked the old athlete, what happened to these rooms?

The old athletes seemed to be used to it, but they just said that these places were originally the locker rooms of some athletes, and the backs were abandoned.

The so-called desolation means that all the people inside died.

Sometimes, problems arise within the locker room and have irreversible consequences.

Or collectively participate in some very dangerous competitions. As long as the mission fails, the entire army will basically be annihilated.

Ramirez didn't know if this information was useful, so he wrote it down first.

When walking through a T-intersection, the old athlete led Ramirez to the right.

But just as Ramirez walked into the corridor on the right, not far from the corridor on the left, a black figure suddenly moved, and the sound of the chains shaking appeared, which frightened Ramirez.

He instinctively looked back, but it was better not to look. Seeing the scene in front of him, his pupils began to dilate and he swallowed subconsciously.

Because this figure seemed to be rushing towards him, like a mad dog.

However, there were iron chains locking his limbs, so he made bursts of noise.

This strange figure's hair was very long, so long that it completely covered his face, and it was very messy and looked like it had not been taken care of at all.

He was wearing a dirty, torn cotton-padded jacket, but his hands were very white.

Under the dim yellow light, in this cold corridor, this strange creature lying on the ground shook its body desperately, as if it was going crazy.

The sound of 'whimpering' coming from his throat didn't sound like something a human could make.

The gaze under the long hair is very scary, and I feel like I want to eat the chosen one.

Ramirez was a little scared and walked directly in front of the old athlete. After all, this was really commonplace.

He was pretty good. Some of the chosen ones were frightened to the spot by this terrifying scene. It was only after the old athletes pulled them back that they reacted.

Just seeing this scene, it is impossible for the chosen ones to be afraid, after all, they are all brave.

But this weird guy seems to be able to convey a kind of negative energy. Just seeing him can make people feel extremely fearful in their hearts. It seems that there are many terrible things appearing in front of them, making them feel the same emotion.

Seeing the Chosen Ones temporarily acting out of control also made the audience worried.

The audience did not doubt the courage of the chosen ones. After all, they were already very courageous to enter. However, seeing this strange scene seemed to give people an unpleasant feeling.

Not only the audience, but also the chosen ones seemed to realize that this place was really weird. If there were no old athletes to lead the way, they might encounter something strange.

Ramirez even added: "Brother, this place is too winding and winding. I'll have to trouble you to take me back later."

He was already saying euphemistically, brother, please don't run away. If you run away, I will never get back.

The old athlete laughed and said, "Don't worry, it's normal for newcomers not to be familiar with this place. I'll accompany you back later."

Not to mention, the old athlete actually had the idea of ​​taking him to the first floor and leaving.

After all, he had already been to the locker room and he could leave directly from the first floor.

But Ramirez said so, it was just one more step, and it was hard for him to refuse.

It took ten minutes just to walk from here to the first floor.

There is a place on the first floor that smells strongly of motor oil. The smell here is very familiar to Ramirez, who works as a car mechanic.

Many equipment are inspected and repaired in this place.

The old athlete knocked on a door in a familiar manner. This door looked a little dirty and full of dirt.

It’s even hard to see what the house number says. If the old athlete hadn’t led the way, even if Ramirez was asked to look for it on the first floor, he would have to rely on smell to find this place, let alone the other chosen ones.

Not long after, the door crack opened slightly, revealing a faint gap.

A creepy eye appeared from the crack in the door, and only one bulging eye was exposed.

The moment he met this gaze, Ramirez subconsciously took a step back, sending chills down his spine.

He could detect the message revealed by this look, which was viciousness and bloodthirsty.

This is what a purely murderous look looks like.

Ramirez is actually ready here.

Because everyone already knows Rule 8.

[Rule 8: When the lights in the locker room go out, please go to the first floor to find the maintenance man. The maintenance man has a bad temper. He will only not hurt you when he needs to repair the lights. 】

From the last sentence of this rule, it can be guessed that the maintenance will harm the Chosen One.

If the Chosen One didn't come to him to repair the lamp, he might take action against the Chosen One.

At this time, the old athlete was discussing with the maintenance man about repairing the lights. The two of them talked to each other.

Ramirez had sharp ears, and he could hear a faint cry for help from the interference of these conversations. It seemed that just making this cry for help had exhausted all his strength.

First of all, Ramirez is not a nosy person, so what if he hears it, he does not have the ability to save him.

Secondly, he came to ask the maintenance workers to repair things, so he had no other thoughts about saving people.

Besides, the rules tell the chosen ones to ignore anyone who asks for help.

Reasonably, Ramirez felt that he should not care about this kind of thing.

"That's what happened. This new guy, please come up."

The old athlete's posture was very low, and it could be seen that he did not dare to offend the maintenance man.

After listening to the old athlete's words, the maintenance man's eyes swayed in a strange way. After a strange twist, he looked at Ramirez. Ramirez felt like a small animal, being starved by the sky. The eagle was staring at it tightly, as if there were many invisible hands on its body, locking itself.

Feeling the gaze of the old athlete looking over him, Ramirez said bravely: "I'm sorry, I accidentally broke it. Could you please fix it?"


There was a heavy closing sound, and Ramirez was stunned. He looked at the old athlete, as if asking what he said wrong?

As a result, before the old athlete could answer, the door opened again, and the maintenance man came out with a big box in hand.

As soon as he appeared, the smell of engine oil hit his face.

The maintenance man's face was gloomy and terrifying, with many wrinkles on his skin and deep bags under his eyes.

The skin on my face and hands is very dark, and there are traces of being polluted by machine oil over the years. This has penetrated deep into the skin and cannot be washed away.

The gray work clothes on his body looked like they hadn't been washed for a long time. Not only were they scratched, but they also had small black spots on them. I didn't know if these black spots were oil stains or something else.

After all, the smell of oil on his body was very strong, and he couldn't smell anything else.

The maintenance man was also very cautious. He first locked the door, took away the key, pushed the door to make sure it was not open, and then left with the Chosen One.

It seemed like there was some ulterior secret hidden inside.

Moreover, this maintenance worker had a mysterious aura about him, and he didn't seem like a good person.

Ramirez felt that he had to have an old athlete with him, otherwise he would have been left alone with the maintenance man, and he felt as if his life was in danger.

Pass through the second floor and come to the place that makes the blood pressure of the chosen ones soar.

When passing by the T-junction ahead, a strange scene appeared.

The strange long-haired creature that was so terrifying just now is now huddled aside, not even daring to breathe.

But he never left the confines of the chains.

"Is this guy afraid of maintenance workers? So how scary are maintenance workers?"

Ramirez naturally thought of this.

After all, when he and the old athlete came, he showed his teeth and claws and was aggressive.

When the maintenance man came, the strange creature was more well-behaved than a dog.

Walking behind the maintenance man and the old athlete, Ramirez took a closer look.

This guy's hind limbs are relatively long, and he seems to be wearing shoes. He looks a bit like a human?

But this is normal. In the world of Kaitan, there are also many strange human figures.

When the maintenance man walked around the corner, the long-haired strange creature looked at Ramirez with that look again, which made him shudder and he couldn't help but speed up his pace.

On the way back, the more Ramirez thought about it, the more something seemed wrong, as if he had missed some details.

At this time, the maintenance man had already come to the dressing room where he was and started repairing the light bulb as usual.

I have to say that after he finished repairing it, the entire locker room became a lot brighter.

The bright Ramirez was not used to it, and the time had reached 10:34, and there were only two veteran athletes left in the locker room.

Before the two old athletes could leave, Ramirez asked and urged the maintenance man to help him repair his own cabinet and get a lock inside.

The maintenance man didn't say anything, he just worked silently, and he did it well for him.

Ramirez is afraid that when the old athletes leave, the maintenance workers will still be here.

After all, the feeling the maintenance man gave off made Ramirez think he was dangerous.

Fortunately, when the last old athlete was about to leave, the maintenance man had already finished the cabinet and left the place.

Even though Ramirez was thanking him, he didn't look back or even look at Ramirez.

After the maintenance man left, he checked his cabinet and found that it was indeed very strong and could only be locked when it was inside.

But Ramirez kept wondering if he had missed something. It seemed that there was an intelligence tip, but he didn't see it.

He kept recalling the scenery he saw along the way. When he really remembered what he had forgotten, it was too late.

At this stage, apart from Zhang Yangqing, the best performer was actually Sidney, the Paladin of Ramen Country.

He discovered hints that most of the Chosen Ones missed.

It can be said that there were all hints along the way. The other chosen ones were not as courageous as him, so they really didn't realize it.

Sidney had even solved the next stage of danger in advance at this time.

His highlight moments made many viewers worry about their chosen one.

In fact, the faint cry for help in the maintenance man's room is the best hint!

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