I am a Celestial Master at full level, you want me to join the Rules and Ghost Story?

Chapter 444 Are you the chosen one, or me? (Please subscribe, please vote)

A strange breeding farm in the middle of the night, with murderous intent seemingly hidden in every corner.

Patrol the farm. If you encounter some strange noises, please put away your curiosity.

Because these sounds seem to be made to attract you to come and take a look.

No one knows how many weird creatures are hidden in this behemoth, and how many tricks each weird creature has.

El Greco moves through the night like a ghost.

But his every move is being monitored.

El Greco had just come out of the pig shed and was going to the sheep shed.

Now his goal is clear, which is to increase his helpers.

He alone can't deal with his werewolf colleagues and other dangers that are about to happen here.

Discovering the ‘secret’ of our werewolf colleagues is actually just the beginning.

If you want to survive tonight, you have to be prepared.

In the sheep shed, El Greco carefully woke up the black-horned sheep, and then took the initiative to communicate with the black-horned sheep.

The argument is similar to that of the five-fingered pigs, that is, you can find a way to help them transform back into human form and then release them.

But the premise is that they have to help themselves when necessary.

Greco was lying when he said Chun Chun, after all, he didn't even know how to turn back into a human being.

Don't even know if there is such a way.

But he knows the desires of these mutated domestic animals and uses their desires to do things reasonably.

This is the experience he summarized after observing Zhang Yangqing's playing style, which can be said to be very useful.

The black-horned sheep couldn't speak human language, but he nodded to show that he understood.

But no one noticed that when El Greco went out, the black-horned sheep seemed to be smiling.

Because El Greco actually regarded it as a villager, but it thought it could disguise itself as a villager and change back first.

It was almost 4 o'clock in the evening, and Greco returned to the lounge.

Even if the rules are incomplete, he must abide by them.

Rule 4 mentioned that when a colleague did not beat the gong, he went to patrol for him.

He didn't knock at 3 o'clock in the night, so El Greco came out.

According to Greco's understanding, the rules were to remind him that he could come out to look for clues at this time.

Because the werewolf colleagues are busy with their own affairs at this time and will not appear in the patrol area, the chosen ones can avoid bumping into the werewolf colleagues when they come out at this time, greatly reducing the risk.

It was almost 4 o'clock now, and he wanted to know whether his colleagues would knock on the phone so that he could make a decision.

After all, there is still a rule that has not been triggered.

[Rule 6: If someone knocks on the door of the lounge at night, if you are sure that he is a human, please find a way to make him disappear in the breeding farm. 】

Greco still doesn't quite understand who this rule refers to.

What his colleague said was obviously impossible. If he wanted to kill the Chosen One, there was no need to be so complicated.

It's unlikely to be a villager. Why would the villagers knock on his door if they have nothing to do?

If the villagers had such ability, why would they attack me secretly?

If that wasn't a villager, who could it be?

I have only been in this place for four hours. Although I have solved many mysteries, it seems that there are deeper mysteries behind them that need to be unearthed.

Perhaps only by contacting this person knocking on the door can we further unravel the mystery of the farm?

Of course, this is just a guess by Greco. Whether the person knocking on the door can communicate is a problem, and it may be dangerous.

Just now, the mysterious man seemed to be preparing to remind Greco to go back to the lounge, because the real danger was coming.

But El Greco was very smart. He had returned to the lounge before 4 o'clock and locked the door.

This made it very easy for the mysterious person who was ranked next to him, and did not need too many reminders at all.

On the other side, Zhang Yangqing's painting style became more and more outrageous. He went through "a lot of hardships" before arriving at the pig shed.

It seemed that after various hints along the way, he knew that tonight would be dangerous and he needed to find help.

In the darkness, the mysterious man saw Zhang Yangqing entering the pig shed, looking exhausted.

He was furious with Zhang Yangqing, the breeder of the Chosen One.

Brother, I beg you, can you use your brain and follow the normal process?

Don’t ask me to remind you of anything. Are you the chosen one or me?

I have a lot of work tonight, but if I don't pay attention, this guy will sleep in the lounge.

What the mysterious man found outrageous was that in this strange breeding farm, where he was not allowed to appear, the breeder seemed to have made no mistakes.

It happened to be a place where he could appear. The breeder seemed to have no brain. He had to remind himself to know what to do.

After a busy night, I finally got this difficult breeder back on track.

If you can survive tonight, this breeder is still useful. If you can't survive, then your work will be in vain.

At this moment, in the pig shed.

The five-fingered pig was sleeping soundly when Zhang Yangqing kicked it awake.

The force is not too strong, not too weak, just enough to make it feel.

This made the five-fingered pig very angry. It wanted to see who dared to disturb its sweet dream.

As a result, he opened his eyes menacingly and saw the enigmatic keeper. His aura was half lower than that of the other chosen ones. Instead of being arrogant like other chosen ones, he showed a submissive look.

When it saw Zhang Yangqing, or rather saw Zhang Yangqing's breeder's clothes, it was like meeting someone whose bloodline was suppressed.

As domestic animals, unless the breeder performs very poorly, they will be afraid of them.

For example, Sato Shu, the Chosen One of Sakura Kingdom, performed very poorly, and it was natural for the Five-Fingered Pig not to give him a good look.

Zhang Yangqing's behavior from the beginning made the Five-fingered Pig feel very powerful and not easy to mess with, so it pretended to be a pig and planned to observe Zhang Yangqing.

This is why Zhang Yangqing said it is smarter than the black-horned sheep.

The black-horned sheep are eager to show their differences in front of Zhang Yangqing, but in fact the danger is also great.

If you encounter a careless Chosen One like Sato Shu, report him directly and he will be quickly dealt with by his werewolf colleagues.

The five-fingered pig looked at Zhang Yangqing, as if asking him what happened and that he had to wake him up at night.

Because it is very smart, if Zhang Yangqing needs to do something to it, why do it now, and there is no need to go to such trouble.

"Actually, it's not that big of a deal. If I need your cooperation later, please remember to cooperate. If I'm in a good mood, I can let you go. Do you understand?"

Zhang Yangqing is too lazy to act like this pig. Anyway, it is very clear that your life is in the palm of my hand.

If you cooperate with me, I can let you go if I'm in a good mood. If you don't, you're dead.

And when I say this, I am just telling you what you should do, not asking for your opinion.

Compared to the chosen ones who took the initiative to ask for the five-fingered pig, Zhang Yangqing had the absolute initiative.

Facing such a powerful breeder and seeing the breeder's deep eyes, the five-fingered pig felt that all his thoughts had been seen through, so he nodded.

The mysterious man outside did not know the conversation between Zhang Yangqing and Five-Fingered Pig. He was just trying his best to 'guide' Zhang Yangqing to the 'right' path.

If Zhang Yangqing really wanted to die and was in danger, he wouldn't be able to help.

At this point, the chosen ones who were still alive returned to the lounge one after another and locked the door.

During the time period from 3 o'clock to 4 o'clock, the contents of the Chosen One's investigations were very different.

It's just that what the other chosen ones investigated is what the mysterious man wants them to know.

It can be said that everything is under the control of the mysterious man.

Audiences from other countries are looking forward to when their chosen one will be able to escape from this situation.

Zhang Yangqing is investigating the scope and regularity of the mysterious man's activities.

The mysterious man still doesn't know that he is being played.

Late at night, in this dull lounge, many Chosen Ones were pacing back and forth with somewhat nervous expressions.

They tried hard to recall what they had just experienced, and took out pieces of paper to read the rules.

Try not to miss any detail.

In fact, some people have noticed that there is a problem, but they can't say where it is.

Those who noticed something was wrong basically got a reminder from the mysterious person and were curious about the identity of the mysterious person.

Why would the mysterious man help him?

If they don't understand these things, their suspicions will increase.

Among them, Munch, the Chosen One of Danmark Kingdom, has great doubts.

According to the intelligence obtained by Monk, at least so far, the mysterious man seems to him to be friendly to him.

There were some problems that I didn't quite understand, but they were all given hints by mysterious people.

But here's where he doubted it, because there was no hint in the rules about who could be trusted.

The remaining rules obviously belong to the mysterious man. If he is really a friendly party, why doesn't he give me the remaining rules?

Even if he wants to use these rules as a condition to let me do things for him, at least he has to show up?

Munch was thinking that maybe there were some restrictions here that prevented him from showing up.

"There shouldn't be such a good person in the world of ghost stories, right?"

As the chosen one with home field advantage, Monk considered some issues that other chosen people did not consider.

For example, the difficulty of Kaitan World this time is seven stars, but there is no seven stars in this difficulty.

He will not feel like he has become stronger like El Greco did.

Instead, he felt that maybe the difficulty of Seven Stars lies in the mysterious man?

Because he already felt that he was being led around, how could Guaitan World be so kind as to arrange for someone to solve his problems?

The more Munch thought this way, the more he began to doubt the identity of the mysterious man.

But who can we look for to confirm the identity of the mysterious person? We can’t look for colleagues, right?

After all, he was thinking from a human perspective and had already determined that his colleagues were unfriendly.

Munch was thinking about these issues.

The problem Jones was thinking about was somewhat special. He was thinking whether there was something wrong with the door or the moon.

Because he didn't know what he would encounter when he opened the door.

As for what Zhang Yangqing was thinking about, of course he wasn't thinking about it. He would sleep whenever he could. Even if he had ten minutes to rest, he would rest.

In the lounge, the clock was ticking.

It was already 4 o'clock in the middle of the night, and there was a bang-dong-dong sound at the door.

Every beat seems to make the hearts of the chosen ones speed up.

As long as the gongs and drums at the door are pried, it proves that colleagues have arrived.

In other words, the colleague just now was standing outside.

"Is it possible that the danger tonight has passed and I can rest?"

Jones, the Chosen One of Kangaroo Country, began to analyze.

In fact, he didn't analyze it randomly, because he couldn't see the outside, so he could only think this way.

Since my colleagues are already on patrol and the rules say there is no need for me to come into contact with my colleagues, then I shouldn’t go out, right?

If you meet with your colleagues, there might be some problems, so it's better not to go out.

Thinking of this, Jones sat on the sofa and took a nap.

When the time came around 4:10, there was a knock on the door.

Jones was so frightened that he jumped up from the sofa.

He wasn't asleep to begin with, he was just resting his head with his eyes closed.

The sudden knock on the door woke him up.

Jones, who is also experienced, knows that the real test is coming.

The knocking on the door outside was neither urgent nor violent, but rather "polite".


Jones said bluntly, after all, this is his lounge, there is no need to be afraid of anything.

If there is really a danger of death, then there is no way to avoid it without speaking, so just let nature take its course.

And judging from the knock on the door, the other party didn't seem like someone who wanted to harm him.

Of course, this was just Jones's feeling. He felt that the way he knocked on the door was very formal.

The person on the other side heard Jones' words and quickly replied.

"We are members of the patrol team. We received a report that someone is missing here. Please cooperate with our investigation."

The person who spoke was very confident, and every word he spoke was very straight.

It was like someone coming to work on a case. Jones had been on the expert team for some time, and he was all too familiar with this feeling.

But this is normal. Villagers disappeared nearby, and I even caught one tonight.

As a result, he checked and found that this villager had been eliminated by his werewolf colleagues.

So other villagers reported the case?

No wonder I can't see any villagers during this time, it turns out that's the case.

Then the patrol team received a report and sent people over to investigate late at night.

But it’s so weird outside, why can’t the inspection team see that there’s something wrong here?

Or maybe, in the world of ghost stories, blood and debris are actually normal?

At this time, Jones was hesitant to open the door.

He is also afraid of fraud.

What if the person at the door tricked me into getting out and then killed me?

And isn’t my colleague supposed to be outside? Why don’t you look for him instead of me?

It felt like there was no movement inside the door, and the people outside continued to knock on the door urging him to open the door.

While most of the Chosen Ones and Jones were struggling, Greco already knew what to do and was even able to figure out what he had to do because the rules had reminded him.

[Rule 6: If someone knocks on the door of the lounge at night, if you are sure that he is a human, please find a way to make him disappear in the breeding farm. 】

Greco naturally connects rules and intelligence.

If the arrested villager is right, there have been disappearances in nearby villages in recent times.

But they stole things to make up for the loss, or wanted to take revenge on the breeding farm, so they did not choose to report the crime.

Two villagers infiltrated tonight and wanted to attack the breeder.

One was captured by El Greco, and as expected, was turned into a domestic animal by a werewolf colleague.

The other one naturally ran out. They were too weak, so they had no choice but to report the crime and let the patrol team come over to investigate.

Thinking of this, Greco smiled.

It turns out that the rules asked me to get rid of this investigation team to avoid future troubles.

In other words, the character I played in this ghost story is really not a good person?

As long as he figured this out, Greco knew what to do.

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